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One of the aims of Nixon's “New Federalism” reforms was to promote political decentralization in the federal system. An examination of the impact of revenue-sharing and block grant programs in El Paso, Texas, reveals that the New Federalism seems to have had the opposite effect in that city. El Paso is now more dependent, politically and economically, on federal grants than it was prior to the New Federalism and local autonomy is significantly reduced. The reasons for this paradoxical impact in El Paso and the applicability of these findings to other cities are discussed.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Recent empirical work suggests that (i) incomes are converging through time, and (ii) income and pollution levels are linked. This paper weds these two literatures by examining the spatial and temporal distribution of pollution. After establishing that theoretical predictions about whether pollution will converge are critically linked to certain structural parameters, we explore pollution convergence using state‐level data on two important pollutants—nitrogen oxides and sulfur oxides—from 1929 to 1999. We find stronger evidence of converging emission rates during the federal pollution control years (1970–1999) than during the local control years (1929–1969). These results suggest that income convergence alone may not be sufficient to induce convergence of pollutant emissions.  相似文献   

<正>因为一幅《故乡》,江南的小桥流水,华丽变身为所有人的梦里水乡。"风到这里就是粘,雨到了这里缠成线",无论在何种形式的艺术家眼里,江南,都是一份挥不去的缠绵。于是,当周庄已经成为喧闹的代名词,当西塘毫无疑  相似文献   

杨宇驰  宋涛 《世界》2012,(10):170-177
始终认为,“逍客”这名字取得太成功了,逍,逍遥、潇洒、畅享、无拘无束,逍客,其原意指“城市游牧民”,但我们也可以理解成逍遥洒脱之人。试问人生在世,谁不想摆脱一切,恣意欢歌,在远离烦扰之地闲云野鹤一番。  相似文献   

本文论及了旅游景观美观赏的重要性和复杂性、旅游景观美的观赏要求,进行了旅游景观美的观赏分类。  相似文献   

Intellectuals tend toward a negative view of the modern city, whereas literary works express more ambivalent feelings. The novelist Malcolm Lowry's vision of the North American city, however, is purely topophobic, and six levels of topophobia are evident. In ascending order of disquietude, cities are regarded as placeless, as sources of sensory overload, as fundamentally inorganic (the aesthetico-sensory dimension) and as symbols of evil, as predators, and ultimately as the agents of civilization, the creator of deathscapes (the symbolic dimension ).
Les intellectuels ont tendance à avoir une vision négative de la ville dans le monde moderne, tandis que les oeuvres littéraires démontrent des sentiments plus ambivalents. La vision des villes nord-américaines qu'entretient le romancier Malcolm Lowry est purement 'topophobique,' avec six niveaux de 'topophobie.' Par ordre ascendant de malaises, les villes resortent comme dépourvues de lieux, comme étant des sources de surcharge sensorielle, comme fondamentalement inorganiques (la dimension esthético-sensorielle), et comme étant des symboles de malheur, comme prédatrices, et finalement, comme agents de la civilisation créatrice de paysages de mort (la dimension symbolique).  相似文献   

The proceedings of a wide-ranging discussion at the Institute of Geography, Moscow on current political and territorial issues in the USSR are summarized by one of its participants. The key thrust of the discussion centered on the need to find ways of increasing the involvement of Soviet political and other geographers in the analysis of critical questions of Soviet federalism: the incongruence of political-administrative boundaries with ethnic and economic regions; the search for a viable division of authority among Moscow, the republics, and local soviets; mitigation of growing regional inequality engendered by perestroyka and regional khozraschet (translated by Jay K. Mitchell, PlanEcon, Inc., Washington, DC 20005).  相似文献   

全球视野下的价值链治理研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文嫮  张洁  王良健 《人文地理》2007,22(2):14-19,5
在全球化背景下,以地方产业集群为发展模式的区域经济,其竞争力的提升需要在全球价值链中与区域外的经济行为主体积极互动,并实现升级。而价值链治理分析是经济地理学理论研究地方产业集群升级的关键。在这种研究视角下,本文以价值链治理为研究对象,首先界定了价值链治理的概念;并从理论上讨论了全球价值链治理模式的主要类型和演化过程;然后,进一步分析了价值链治理产生的原因、价值链治理的应用,以及价值链治理对地方产业网络升级的影响;最后,本文对国际现有的价值链治理理论进行了比较深入的讨论,并提出进一步研究的展望。  相似文献   

翔子 《世界》2012,(9):146-151
游杭州、登黄山、赏宏村,盛夏的江南烟雨蒙蒙,婉约动人。一路走来我们感受到的不止是江南胜景,更有同伴们的协作和坚持,一日徒步黄山。队员们完成了一次自我超越。  相似文献   

从当前国内外主要旅游研究期刊中析出关于"认同"研究的文献,通过统计整理,归纳分析出旅游视域下认同研究的视角、内容、方法,反映旅游视域下认同的研究进展和学术动态,为后续研究提供学术线索。研究发现:旅游文献中关于认同的研究热度与其他学科研究具有一致性;旅游文献中关于认同的研究已形成了以心理社会认同理论为基础,文化认同为核心,沿着政治认同、族群(民族)认同、地方(场所)认同、自我认同和社会认同五大脉络延伸的研究思路和框架;通过国内外研究的比较,表明国内关于认同的研究与国外研究相比存在一定的差距。文章最后探讨了认同研究在旅游研究中的学术地位和国内关于认同研究的主要方向。  相似文献   

重申全球化时代的空间观:后现代地理学的理论与实践   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
"空间"是人文地理学研究的核心概念。全球化时代,空间概念的内涵与外延都发生了重要变化。本文通过重述后现代主义哲学、当代城市与区域空间重构的社会实践、当代人文地理学前沿理论三者之间相互印证的理念与事实,重申全球化时代的空间观为空间与社会辨证统一的后现代空间观,并阐述了其对当代人文地理学研究的重要意义。  相似文献   

During the severe crises which terminated in the violent deaths of Tiberius Gracchus, Gaius Gracchus and Satuminus with their companions in 133, 121,and 100 B.C. respectively, the Senate developed a drastic measure of crisis management, i.e. the senatus consultum ultimum. Its literal meaning was the supreme resolution of the Senate, but actually, it was an emergency measure issued by the Senate in the name of defending the commonwealth. Its effectiveness simply derived from the assertion that the commonwealth, or to be more accurate, the domestic political order, was in jeopardy. Though it was repeatedly used in domestic conflicts and played an important role in the political life of the late Roman Republic, its legality was none the less argued by the contemporaries.  相似文献   

新经济地理学一向被认为是实证主义的,荷兰经济哲学家证明新经济地理学与实在论哲学兼容,地理学家塞耶依据地理学批判实在论对新经济地理学进行了再批判。以上述争议为基础,本文对塞耶地理学批判实在论范畴提出质疑,认为地理学批判实在论偏离了其哲学先驱巴斯卡的批判实在论。以巴斯卡批判实在论为依据,新经济地理学从聚集生成机制角度揭示了真实的聚集规律,体现出批判实在论特征。  相似文献   

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