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内蒙古敖汉旗小河西遗址简述   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
1987年中国社会科学院考古研究所内蒙古工作队发掘了小河西遗址,共发掘了3座半地穴式房址,房址内出土遗物不多,有陶、石、蚌、骨器.小河西遗存代表了早于兴隆洼一期文化的类型,其年代早于距今8200年.  相似文献   

陈山  徐韶钢  张桂霞 《北方文物》2011,(1):3-8,113,115
2003年春,辽宁省文物考古研究所抢救发掘了大连庄河平顶山青铜时代遗址,共发掘近3000平方米,清理出半地穴式房址11座、灰坑9个、墓葬2座。出土陶器、石器等遗物。从陶器特征看,此遗址属于双砣子三期文化范畴。  相似文献   

细鳞河遗址为一处渤海国时期的聚落遗存,位于黑龙江省海林市北约67.5千米。1995年和1996年进行考古发掘,发现的主要遗迹是房址和灰坑,在东西55、南北32米的范围内,发现半地穴式房址8座、灰坑及窖穴45个、灶址8个、水井1口、输水沟渠1条,出土陶器、铁器、铜器、骨角器、石器、动物骨骼和炭化植物种子等遗物,两座房址内出土了唐"开元通宝"铜钱。  相似文献   

一、居址 小河沿文化发掘的居址数量较少,居址中有房址、窖穴和灰坑.在敖汉旗南台地遗址①发现了4座房址,为圆形或椭圆形半地穴式建筑,有单室和双室之分.F4为平面近圆形,在居住面东部上有一道隔墙,房屋形成东西两间,西室东西长3.1米,南北宽2.7米,面积约7平方米.  相似文献   

2015—2016年,扬州市文物考古研究所对江苏扬州邗江岗庄遗址进行抢救性考古发掘,发掘出陶窑4座、房址4座以及灰坑等配套设施,出土一批陶瓷器等遗物。陶窑形制为半地穴式馒头窑,根据出土物等推测其为北宋中晚期至南宋时期扬州城郊烧造陶盆、罐、灯等日常用品及瓦当、套兽等建筑构件的陶窑遗址。该窑址系扬州地区首次发现并发掘的宋代窑址,为研究宋代扬州城功能分布与城内出土陶器来源提供了重要信息。  相似文献   

内蒙古敖汉旗榆树山、西梁遗址房址和墓葬综述   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
1988年中国社会科学院考古研究所内蒙古工作队发掘了敖汉旗孟克河右岸的榆树山和西梁(千斤营子)两个遗址.其房址结构、出土遗物与小河西遗址比较相似,房址均为半地穴式,平面形状有方形、长方形、梯形、不规则形四种,无门道,部分房址有外凸的"小窨"[1].个别房址有居室葬.榆树山、西梁遗址所测年代晚于兴隆洼一期文化.  相似文献   

2006年,对内蒙古赤峰市康家湾遗址进行发掘。该遗址以夏家店下层文化遗存为主体,遗迹有房址、墓葬、灰沟、灰坑、灶等,出土较多陶器、石器、蚌器、骨器等。该遗址不属于石城址,房址均为土坑半地穴式。它的发现,为研究阴河中下游地区夏家店下层文化的聚落形态及建筑形式提供了重要资料。  相似文献   

一、遗址简介及陶器特征概述风水山遗址位于吉林省梨树县,处于东辽河下游左岸二级台地上,为一处新发现的青铜时代遗址。2010年进行了抢救性发掘①,发掘面积约150平方米,清理长方形半地穴式房址3处,灰坑2个,出土石器、陶器、骨器等60余件。  相似文献   

山西偏关楼沟遗址地处晋西北、陕北及内蒙古中南部交接地带,2011年为配合基建工程进行了考古发掘,共发掘房址5座,灰坑3座。该房址是目前在该区域内发现的室内面积最大的房址之一,为研究该区域新石器时代文化遗存提供了新的资料。  相似文献   

陕西白水县下河遗址仰韶文化房址发掘简报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2010年,陕西省考古研究院对白水县下河遗址进行了发掘,主要收获为三座大型房址。三座房址均为五边形,有内、外两层墙体,使用料礓石烧制的白灰铺设地面。房址内出土遗物以陶器为主,另有石器、骨器和蚌器。这三座房址的发掘,对研究仰韶时期的建筑技术以及该遗址的聚落、经济等具有重要意义。  相似文献   

王炜林  张鹏程  袁明 《考古》2012,(1):54-62,1
下河遗址大型房址F1、F2、F3均为半地穴式五边形建筑,年代为庙底沟文化时期。这种大型建筑是我国宫殿建筑的滥觞。房屋的营建大致包括六道程序,房内的地面均为料姜石制成的白灰铺设。F1为目前所见同期房址中最大者,对认识下河遗址庙底沟文化时期聚落的组织管理和资源调度等具有重要意义。  相似文献   

山东高青县陈庄西周遗存发掘简报   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2008~2010年在山东高青陈庄发现一座西周城址,并在城址内揭露了房基、祭坛、灰坑、窖穴、道路、水井、贵族墓葬、马坑、车马坑等遗迹。其中贵族墓葬内出土多件铜器,有2件铜簋的铭文各达70余字,并首次发现带齐公字样的金文材料。城址始建于西周早期,至中期废弃,墓葬年代多属西周中期。该遗存的发掘,填补了早期齐文化的空白。  相似文献   

1982年年初,陕西省长安县沣西新旺村的村民在村南土壕取土时,挖出西周窖藏铜鼎2件[1]。当年春季,我队即在新旺村村南约150米处出土的铜鼎土壕边布方发掘,共开探方6个,编号为SCXT1~T6,发掘面积216平方米。秋季继续发掘,布探方8个,编号为SCXT151~T158,发掘面积200平方米。全年发掘面积共计416平方米,发现的遗迹有房址、窖穴、烧坑、井、灰坑、墓  相似文献   


In 1986 excavations for house foundations at Polesworth in northern Warwickshire (SK 263 980) uncovered a pottery waster dump. Fine wares, lead glazed and unglazed coarsewares, including a number a horticultural vessels, were recovered, together with kiln furniture. An archaeological excavation adjacent to the construction site revealed stratigraphy relating to the backfilling of a clay pit with potting waste early in the 18th century. Documentary and other evidence shows that the pottery was in production from the late 17th to early 19th centuries.  相似文献   

梁柱 《考古学报》2012,(1):83-130,137,146
楚王城遗址位于湖北省云梦县城东侧,是一处省级重点文物保护单位。为配合当地的城建工程,于1988年10至11月和1988年12月至1989年1月先后两次对楚王城遗址的西城区进行了发掘,总面积445平方米。发现战国至唐宋的灰坑、灰沟、水井、房址、墓葬,出土了大批陶、铜、瓷、釉陶、铁、石器等,文化遗存丰富,其中以战国两汉的各类器物为主。本报告全面报道  相似文献   

利戴遗址为省级文物保护单位利城遗址的一部分,整个遗址面积约60万平方米.利戴遗址以龙山文化遗存为主,此次清理的5座灰坑及1座半地穴式房址均为龙山文化遗迹,其中出土陶、石、蚌器38件.从出土的器物看,该遗址龙山文化遗存的文化面貌与潍坊姚官庄、鲁家口和青州凤凰台相类似,其年代约为龙山文化早期偏晚阶段并一直延续到龙山文化晚期.  相似文献   

本文通过对安阳殷墟孝民屯遗址半地穴式建筑群整体特征的分析,对比殷墟遗址的房基建筑,指出,这种房屋建筑形式在殷墟遗址已不是当时的主要建筑形式。半地穴式房基生活遗迹与遗物表现出与殷墟文化的不同,说明其房屋的主人与殷人有所不同。虽然这种建筑方式可能是殷商自身的传统,但在殷墟遗址内,大量聚集出现这种形式建筑群,结合分析出土陶器特征,认为其主人最大可能是来自于西北方或西方的不同族群。  相似文献   


The semi-subterranean whale bone house is one of the most distinctive features of Thule Inuit culture in the Canadian Arctic (A.D. 1000–1600). An understanding of how these remarkable dwellings were designed and built has been hindered by measurement and recording techniques restricted to two dimensions. Determining how the unusual shapes and sizes of whale bone elements would have influenced the strength of the roof frame and the volume of the house's interior requires a three-dimensional point of view. We constructed a three-dimensional computer model of such a house by first employing laser scanning technology to create a digital model of a North Atlantic Right Whale skeleton on display at the New England Aquarium in Boston, Massachusetts. Individual elements from the digital model were used in combination with archaeological data to construct an accurate representation of a Thule whale bone dwelling. Constructing a model in a virtual world is analogous to building one in the real world. Consequently, we gained a deeper understanding of the design principles used by Thule builders, and conclude that the development of an architectural tradition based upon whale bone may be among the greatest technological achievements in Arctic prehistory.  相似文献   

Limited excavations were undertaken between 1975 and 1982 in two areas: south of the upper ward gatehouse and in the area of the lower ward eastern entrance. The excavations revealed traces of four bridges, one of which had left clear evidence of the design of its timber piers. Archaeological evidence suggests that all four bridges date from no later than the middle years of the twelfth century. The eastern gatehouse was shown to be a comparatively insubstantial structure, in spite of a major rebuild, suggesting that the main defence in this area was concentrated forward on the great barbican. The latter awaits future investigation. Limited re-examination of the structure of the lower ward Westgate and finds from this area enabled a sequence of gatehouse development and use to be suggested. South of the upper ward gatehouse excavations uncovered two substantial pits; the southern one was a lime kiln, sealed by construction of the successive bridges to the upper ward, and probably associated with the building of the ‘country house’ in the 1070S. The second pit, on the northern side of the upper ward ditch to the south-west of the upper ward gatehouse, could not be fully excavated and its purpose is rather more enigmatic; it was most likely another lime kiln. Investigation of the original topsoil on the northern lip of the upper ward ditch has identified early occupation levels apparently preceeding construction of the country house.  相似文献   

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