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The historiography of the United States in the xviiith and beginning of the xixth centuries stresses the key role of market development in the economic growth of the area. Various historical schools argue over the role of moral or household economic attitudes, and over the rhythm and extent of market integration. But because of the peculiar chronology of the economic development of the United States, compared to Great-Britain, it has long been assumed that this market integration, more than any technological progress, has been at the root of the industrial revolution and of industrial capitalism. The concept of market, however, has never been itself criticized and historicized. This paper offers a historically relevant modelization of merchant activity, and offers some hypotheses on the transition from this model to industrial capitalism.  相似文献   

In the eleventh and twelfth centuries the salmon was abundant in the rivers of Normandy and there are numerous documentary references to rents from the salmon fisheries. But in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries the salmon became a delicacy much in demand, and the multiplication of watermills increased the number of fisheries to such an extent that over-exploitation occured. Because of this, as well as for other reasons, salmon stocks in the fifteenth century were seriously depleted and the species became virtually extinct in much of Normandy.  相似文献   

The History of scepticism from Erasmus to Spinoza by Richard H. Popkin is not just an account of various sceptical doctrines of the 16th and 17th centuries: a thread gives the whole a coherence. In fact, a general conception of modern philosophy underlies his analyses. According to Popkin, philosophy, from the Renaissance to the Englightenment, was faced with the difficulty of overcoming the sceptical crisis which was born in the context of a religious quarrel and which quickly spread to all other intellectual fields. Thus, Popkins gives an original interpretation of modernity, an interpretation that can be questionned nevertheless in so far as he does not make a clear enough distinction between modern and ancient scepticism and does not take into account the specificity of fideism.  相似文献   

The phenomenological tradition stands opposed to contemp orary cognitive science in this, that so far from being a mere thing in the physical world, a thing whose mind would contain some mental representation, the lived body is constituted in its sense of being for the subject by being used and actively appropriated by this self-same subject, as agent. Though not already generally acknowledged, there are important similarities between this conception and one, which emerges from the literature of brain cartography over the last twenty years, that of a functional morphogenetic neurodynamics, induced and modulated by experience in a relatively autonomous way, in relation both to the anatomic structures of the body, as well as the cytoarchitectonic frontiers of brain tissue. Taking advantage of the latter similarities, neuroscientific data can be employed to confirm the Husserlian theory of constitution against the attempts on the part of cognitive science to discredit it, and this whether we are talking about its later modification at the hands of Merleau-Ponty or the original version, which is that of a subjective (transcendental) auto-constitution of the lived body on the basis of the practico-kinoesthetic experience of «I move my body».  相似文献   

Is it possible to apprehend man from a medical standpoint without offering a purely materialistic definition ? Such was the question raised by Italian physicians at the end of the Middle Ages when they developed a full scale theory of the idea of complexion, which they saw as a “substantial quality” specific to man, but one that also depended on hereditary traits, food, age, or even climate and mores. Practicing their art, some of these physicians could thus contemplate improving not simply the health, but also the well being of each individual.  相似文献   

Résumé  La Sociologie de la musique de Max Weber est un ouvrage techniquement complexe. Il est également le résultat d’une démarche difficile à retracer et qui se prête au malentendu. Weber vise à reconstituer les forces indissociables — recherche d’expression, rationalisation et, marginalement, luttes pour le prestige — qui ont conduit à l’élaboration des matériaux dont la musique se compose. Les lectures musicologiques du texte, pourtant les mieux armées pour en comprendre les subtilités, en ont simplifié l’argumentation pour ne voir dans la rationalisation qu’un simple processus fonctionnel. Elles ont échoué à saisir la démarche analytique de Weber qui garde aujourd’hui toute sa pertinence. Emmanuel Pedler, né en 1956, est directeur d’études à l’école des hautes études en sciences sociales. Ses travaux ont d’abord porté sur la sociologie de la réception des œuvres visuelles, musicales ou théatrales, puis sur l’analyse critique des premières sociologies de la musique. Il a notamment réalisé avec Jean Molino, l’édition (traduction et annotations) de la Sociologie de la musique de Max Weber (Paris, Métailié, 1998). Sa direction d’études porte sur les dynamiques de la culture (processus d’institutionnalisation de la musique savante et mésosociologie de la relation esthétique).  相似文献   

This article explores the paths through which percentage imposed itself in the political sciences. At first used in the financial domain, percentage is incorporated in 1662 by Graunt in the field of studies of mortality; in the beginning of the 19th century it migrates towards studies in population growth, then it migrates to other territories to become a tool of general application. Each migration enters the framework of a new problematic: “the birth of mortality” in one case; “the birth of population” in the other. The recourse to percentages thus appears as one of the elements in the foundation of statistical objectivism.  相似文献   

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