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丰富而悠久的前城邦时代的宗教文化遗存,前城邦时代向城邦时代社会转型期的历史契机,以及公元前8世纪伯罗奔尼撒半岛的政治形势,共同构成了古希腊奥林匹亚公祭竞技会勃兴的最重要的历史背景。从本质上讲,古竞技会的勃兴,体育竞技联袂于泛希腊节庆,反映了长时段的古希腊宗教文化积淀的成果,顺应了古希腊世界一体化的社会发展趋势,昭示着城邦公民政治崛起的新的历史转向。  相似文献   

张德志  王巨 《旅游纵览》2008,(11):36-39
在一个城市的发展道路上,总有一些影响深远的重大事件,会成为人们的集体记忆,即使时过境迁,也会泛起涟漪……  相似文献   

王巨  恒伟 《旅游纵览》2008,(6):30-33
奥运来了!奥运随着2008年的和煦春风早早地来到了协办城市秦皇岛,世界各地、五湖四海接踵而至的体坛奥运明星,人心所向、多姿多彩此起彼伏的迎奥活动……跟我们畅游吧,图文并茂地感受这里的奥运情、中国心!  相似文献   

Abstract. This article analyses the impact of the Barcelona 1992 Olympic Games on national integration and national identity in Spain with respect to the conflict of interests that developed around the Games between the centre and Catalonia. We argue that polarisation along nationalist lines was limited in large part because national identity in Spain today is not predominantly a unitary and exclusive entity. Dual identity, loyalty to both Spain, on the one hand, and to one's region, or nation as in the case of Catalonia, on the other, and inclusive nationalism that does not aim at complete national independence, increasingly have tended to predominate in the last decade and a half. The Olympics, then, not only polarised relations between Catalonia and Spain, they also served to accommodate antagonisms between them and thus to maintain a delicate, fragile balance of power in the new España de las autonomías.  相似文献   

第90届古希腊奥林匹克赛会举办于公元前420年。其间发生了两件不同寻常的事件,一是斯巴达城邦被禁止参赛,二是雅典贵族阿尔基比阿德斯在赛场上大肆炫耀他个人的财富。本文通过对这两个事件及其背景的解读分析,将古代奥林匹克赛会与当时希腊的城邦社会背景结合起来,分别论述了赛会中的希腊城邦关系以及城邦贵族这两个层面的内容,证明古代奥林匹克赛会不仅在宗教和体育史范畴内具有意义,其中更蕴含着多方面的城邦社会因素,与古代希腊城邦的大背景密切相关。  相似文献   

杜江 《旅游科学》2007,21(3):6-6
本文认为,奥运与旅游应该是一种互动与共赢的关系,即"奥运为旅游的快速发展提供难得的机遇,旅游为奥运的成功举办提供切实的保障".  相似文献   

2001年,奥林匹克运动选择了中国,世界为之瞩目。历尽艰辛申奥成功的背后,凸现的是中国综合国力的不断提升和中华民族的再一次崛起。高兴之余,国人不仅要问,我们应该以什么样的理念来举办这场盛会?怎样通过这个平台来展示我们五千年的民族文明,让世界进一步了解中国?  相似文献   

格格  王巨 《旅游纵览》2008,(7):34-37
进入7月,一个让全中国人民都不能忘怀的日子来到了,那就是2001年7月13日北京奥运申办成功——来自莫斯科国际奥组委选票现场的喜讯穿破夜空,祖国大地因此沸腾,成了欢庆中国百年奥运梦想成真的不眠之夜。7年时光过去了,当中国北京即将举行第29届奥林匹克运动会的时候,人们又是怎样为其预热的呢?本刊记者来到了北京天安门;来到了首都后花园城市,也就是北京奥运协办城市秦皇岛。  相似文献   

The 1960 Rome Olympic Games were held at a pivotal moment in the history of modern Italy and its capital. At the height of the ‘economic miracle’, tourists, international movie stars and entertainers, in addition to a record number of international athletes, flocked to the city to participate in the Games and the dolce vita. As a great ‘national’ project within a global and European context, Rome 1960 offered the organizers and ruling Christian Democratic Party (DC) the opportunity to rebrand Italy and show how far the country had come since the fall of Fascism and the end of the Second World War. While Rome 1960 was a marketing success – Italy’s international reputation was significantly enhanced – close examination of the preparations for the tournament, as well as the Games itself, reveals significant continuities, deep and unresolved political and social tensions, evidence of corruption, and a failure to come to terms with Italy’s recent past and the memory of Fascism. Questioning the extent to which the 1960 Olympics was a turning point in Italian sport and society, it exposes the Italy that existed beneath the sheen: one of stagnation, minimal change, political division and corruption.  相似文献   

平等的观念是古希腊人创办奥林匹亚赛会的基本理念之一,同时,奥林匹亚赛会也是这种观念在希腊社会生活中最集中的实现和展示。然而,我们发现,在奥林匹亚赛会的举办过程中,既表现出平等的一面,也存在着十分明显的不平等的一面。那么,这两个相互矛盾的方面之间是一种什么关系?二者为什么能够有机地结合在一起?本文以奥林匹亚赛会为主要参照系,结合希腊哲学家柏拉图和亚里士多德关于两种平等的思想,对其平等观念的内部结构做了一些尝试性的分析和思考。  相似文献   

Two American geographers comment on the preceding analysis of restructuring of Beijing's social space (Feng et al., 2007) by presenting observations on the city's Olympic Games, forthcoming in the summer of 2008. The authors focus on some of the more salient geographical impacts stemming from construction, relocation, and related measures undertaken by the authorities to accommodate the event. Included in the paper are sections on environmental concerns (particularly air pollution), infrastructure (water supply, automobile traffic, and mass transit), and relocation and displacement of residents (particularly of migrants and other disadvantaged segments of the population). Journal of Economic Literature, Classification Numbers: I31, O15, O18, P20. 2 figures, 2 tables, 44 references.  相似文献   

2008年8月8日,曾多次在险国农民运动会和民族运动会上进行过表演的土族传统民族体育表演项目——轮子秋,登上了北京奥运会开幕式前表演节目的舞台。  相似文献   

肖扬 《收藏家》2011,(2):87-88
在出席2010年由上海市政府大力支持的上海世界华人收藏家大会间隙,笔者对大会组委会聘请的顾问年逾八旬的中国玉学泰斗杨伯达先生及大会的特邀代表北京市古玉标本研究中心主任、著名的文物鉴藏家王震先生进行了有关中国玉文化理论的形成、  相似文献   

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