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发展是现代整个社会的永恒主题。科学发展观深刻揭示了实现我国经济社会又好又快发展,奋力开拓中国特色社会主义更为广阔的发展前景。在当下,我国全面建设小康社会和构建和谐社会伟大事业中,面对区域经济发展的不平衡,面对少数民族地区发展滞后的状况,探究科学发展观的民族意义,可以从总体上为把握民族地区的发展方向提供全局性和时代性意义。本文从科学发展观的内涵、基本要求和基本方法、核心价值取向等方面出发,提出了科学发展观蕴含的民族意义。即,高度关注民族地区发展是科学发展观本质特性的集中反映:民族地区走经济、社会、文化、生态协调发展的道路是科学发展观基本要求的完整体现:关注公平和正义,重视少数民族发展权是科学发展观核心价值取向的终极要求:追求民族关系的和谐共生和民族问题的和谐运行是科学发展观内涵的实践映象。  相似文献   

苏多杰 《攀登》2006,25(2):83-86
环境政策是西部民族地区环境保护的基石。西部民族地区现行的环境政策对保护西部民族地区环境,促进社会经济的发展起到了一定的作用。但不论从政策覆盖面、政策的深度,还是政策的配合和执行政策后所产生的效应来看,均存在许多不足。为了能最充分地发挥环境政策效应,本文设计了环境政策的基本框架,并提出了分类环境政策设计的思路。  相似文献   

加快民族地区的经济发展,促进各民族共同富裕,是邓小平经济思想的重要组成部分,也是邓小平建设有中国特色社会主义理论的基本内容之一。全面理解和把握这一理论,对于我们加快民族地区经济的发展,缩小民族地区与沿海发达地区之间的差距,实现各民族共同富裕,具有十分重要的现实指导意义。 一 诚心诚意地帮助少数民族地区发展经济,促进各民族共同繁荣和进步,是我们党和国家的一贯原则,也是我们在解决民族问题上的根本立场。这正如邓小平所指出的:“我们帮助少数民族地区发展的政策是坚定不移。”“不仅西藏,其它少数民族地区也一样。我们的政策是着眼于把这些地区发展起来。”他还特别强调“观察少数民族地区主要是看那个地区能不能发展起来。”“社会主义最大的优越性就是共同富裕,这是体现社会主义本质的一个东西。如果搞两极分化,情况就不同了。民族矛盾、区域间矛盾、阶级矛盾都会发展,相应地中央和地方的矛盾也会发展,就可能出乱子。”邓小平的这些论述,集中地体现了我们党和国家在民族问题上的根本政策。同时也告诉我们,加快民族  相似文献   

辽宁省民族地区矿产贵源蕴藏面积超过全省矿产资源蕴藏面积总面积的46%,是辽宁省的资源富集区,其开发、保护和利用对于发展民族地区经济进而实现全省环境保护与经济形势的持续、稳定、协调发展,体现科学发展观,具有重要的现实意义.本文笔者多次赴辽宁省民族地区对相关情况调研,通过对调研结果的论证和分析,并结合国外与国内其他省、区的相关经验,提出在辽宁省民族地区提高矿产资源开发与利用水平等方面的政策建议.  相似文献   

陈凤林  余正梅 《攀登》2011,30(3):9-13
马克思主义民族观是马克思主义者及其政党解决民族问题、制定民族政策的理论基础和指导思想,要以科学的态度和创新的精神坚持马克思主义民族观。马克思主义民族观在中国化过程中经历了四个阶段,其中,在科学发展观统领下创建的以"各民族共同团结奋斗、共同繁荣发展"为核心的民族理论、政策体系,是马克思主义民族观中国化、当代化的最新成果。  相似文献   

本文对肃慎-女真族系形成发展研究的民族学价值意义进行探讨,主要从肃慎-女真族系研究对于中华民族多元一体构成、民族社会结构和社会性质、民族多元文化及交互影响、民族传统文化与现代化、民族学跨学科综合研究等问题研究的价值意义进行论述.通过对肃慎-女真族系各族的形成发展进行系统综合研究,丰富促进民族学人类学等相关学科的深入研究,对研究多元一体的中华民族历史文化、促进中国现代社会经济文化的快速发展、调整民族政策以及外交政策、促进人类文明进程、相互协调、和谐发展发挥重要的实效作用.  相似文献   

赵和忠 《攀登》2006,25(4):27-29
民族地区党的建设是中国共产党建设的重要组成部分。坚持把党的建设的统一性与民族地区的特殊性有机地结合起来,全面贯彻执行党的民族政策,巩固和发展民族区域自治制度,保证党在民族地区各项事业中的正确领导,不断开创民族地区党的建设和各项工作的新局面,对于促进民族地区政治、经济、文化和社会的全面发展有着极其重要的意义。  相似文献   

改革开放以来,民族地区的扶贫政策演进大致分为:体制变迁带动、项目开发推进、八七扶贫攻坚、重点扶持特困地区和脱贫攻坚决胜五个阶段。其特点表现在政策的演进始终与宏观经济发展形势相适应,体现出与时俱进的特征;政策的选择凸显出少数民族和民族地区的差异性,差别化政策展现了实事求是的精神;政策的发展趋向全方位、多维度的格局,充分体现了中国"共同团结奋斗、共同繁荣发展"的民族工作主题。改革开放以来民族地区扶贫政策的演进启示我们,必须始终从战略高度认识民族地区扶贫政策的意义,坚持政府主导、市场运作、社会参与的思路,贯彻外部扶持与自力更生相结合的原则。  相似文献   

本课题以东北地区的城市化进程中人口流动为视角,以民族关系为落脚点,对东北地区城市化进程中人口流动与民族关系发展进行研究.促进少数民族流动人口尽早融入城市社会,符合流动人口和流入地城市各自的利益.城市政府有责任通过制定发展战略和具体政策,大力构筑以交流、交融为中心的社会政策体系,帮助少数民族流动人口尽快适应城市生活,让广大少数民族流动人口共享城市社会改革发展的成果,共建和谐家园.  相似文献   

"民族交往交流交融"是衡量民族工作成效的重要标准之一,也是发展社会主义民族关系,促进民族团结进步事业的政策导向。高校在巩固和谐民族关系的社会系统工程中发挥着不可或缺的作用,应充分发挥教育功能,主动承担推动民族交往交流交融的社会责任,积极适应民族工作发展新趋势,在大学生民族观教育中践行社会主义核心价值观,开展多层次、全方位的民族交往交流交融实践,在维护国家安全稳定大局中发挥自身特有的作用。  相似文献   

Some basic propositions of a theory of economic regional development are proposed. Development is viewed as the complex historical process of the man-nature relationship in a particular territory through time. The result of that process at any given time would be the level of territorial development. The developmental process consists of several closely related components, such as agricultural, industrial, transport development and the formation of a system of places. At any given time, one of these components may predominate and govern the evolution of the others. The process is thus endowed with a certain structure that may vary in time and in space. No territory can be developed indefinitely. At any given socio-economic and technical level, there is a certain limiting capacity for development. The existence of territories with different levels of development accounts for the existence of geographical types of territorial development as a form of spatial differentiation. This differentiation results from a sequence of two processes: concentration and stratification. A concentration of population and productive capacity proceeds until the capacity for development is reached, and gives way to stratification into concentric zones. This cycle may be renewed when the process of development resumes.  相似文献   

Proximal development of the dichograptoid rhabdosome is re-examined in detail. Two major types are recognised: the artus type (= dichograptid type of Bulman) in which th 11 is dicalycal, and the isograptid type (= isograptid + leptograptid types of Bulman) in which theca 12 is dicalycal. In branching dichograptids, distal stipe division takes place by replication of the thecal budding sequence employed in the initial dichotomy of the rhabdosome and is always of isograptid type. Dichotomies beyond the first are unknown in species with initial development of other than isograptid type. The thecal budding pattern and stipe composition of dendroids can be interpreted in terms of the structure of, and thecal notation used for, graptoloids and it is thus possible to compare directly the mode of stipe division in the two groups. It is found that both distal and proximal dichotomy in dendroids are achieved by a pattern of thecal budding closely comparable with that of the isograptid type of division in graptoloids. The isograptid development type is therefore thought to have been directly derived from dendroids, and is the primitive type for Graptoloidea. The artus type was derived via three or more independent lineages, at least one of which (that leading to the artus group of pendent didymograptids) involved an ancestor with isograptid development. Proximal end characters of Phyllograptus suggest that this genus and biserial graptolites of the family Diplograptidae shared a common ancestor.  相似文献   

李勇 《攀登》2010,29(6):82-85
对青海省而言,要充分认识转变发展方式的长期性、艰巨性和复杂性,科学稳步地加以推进,不能急于求成。目前要着重加快经济结构、产业结构调整,加强自主创新;按照生态立省的总体部署和要求,倡导生态文明理念,实施生态保护和建设工程;保障和改善民生,继续深化改革和扩大开放,制定合理、有效的政策,推动发展方式的转变。  相似文献   

Sociological studies of organizational fashions tend to focus on commercial firms. This article looks at the Capacity Development concept that is globally applied as a model in governmentally supported development assistance organizations. The organizations themselves adopt the concept, asserting that an increase in ‘capacities’ in developing countries will contribute to a higher success rate for projects. This article argues that a primary function of concepts such as Capacity Development is to meet the legitimacy requirements of development assistance organizations. The more the effectiveness of these organizations is criticized or challenged, the more they feel the need to defend themselves by developing new — and hopefully more effective — concepts.  相似文献   

新中国成立以来发展观与发展模式的历史互动   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:17  
新中国成立以来,党和政府形成了三代各具特色而又相互联系的发展观。即:1949-1978年间的经济增长导向型发展观,1979-1994年间的经济发展导向型发展观,1995至今的经济社会进步导向型发展观。中共十六届三中全会提出的新发展观之所以是科学发展观,是因为它是在与发展模式的历史互动中形成的,是对建国以来经济发展模式进行科学思考的产物,是对建国以来中国几代领导人发展观进行辩证扬弃的结果。  相似文献   

The Tibet Autonomous Region in China's Far West, with an average elevation above 3,000 meters, suffers from oxygen deficiency and inferior natural conditions, which led to low life expectancy in the past. The population reported by the local former government of Tibet was 1 million according to the first census of New China in 1953. But in 2000, the figure is 2.615 million, including 2.41 million Tibetans accounting for 92.2 percent of the total population. Most of the remainder are Han people (150,530 or 5.9 percent of the total) and 59,000 people of other ethnic groups (1.9 percent).The population of Tibetans in Tibet  相似文献   

Microcredit is a concept that has gained widespread acceptance by international development agencies and major donors. It is viewed as a way to correct both governmental and market failure in Sub-Saharan Africa. Many view microcredit as a method for linking the formal and informal sectors of African economies to increase the reach of the formal sector. Extending the reach of the formal economy through microcredit is possible, and desirable, depending on macroeconomic reforms, respect for traditional financing relationships, and local control of institutions. However, very little has been done to determine the extent to which microcredit programs actually increase economic well-being. The model program, Grameen Bank of Bangladesh, has been studied and evaluated, but replications may not be inherently successful. The literature accepts that microcredit will increase economic well-being, if programs are correctly designed. Program design issues cannot be resolved, however, until economic well-being is measured and associated with specific designs.  相似文献   

宁德安 《攀登》2011,(2):51-54
马克思主义哲学的研究应从个人突破。深入贯彻落实科学发展观应以人为本,个人也应努力进行自我发展。个人的发展应遵循"四个统一"的原则,即潜能开发与社会需要相统一、发展程度与环境条件相统一、自我感受与社会评价相统一、发展目标与素质基础相统一的原则。  相似文献   

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