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The following paper traces the crystallization of inheritance custom in England from 1086 to 1154. Inheritance of baronial estates has long been considered by historians to have been tenuous in the reigns of William the Conqueror and his sons, but by dating instances of forfeiture, escheat and other forms of disinheritance, and by comparing these dates with those of political turmoil, it can be shown that the custom became fairly secure and regular in the latter half of the reign of Henry I, only to be disrupted in the civil wars of Stephen's reign.  相似文献   

孝昌石板地明代墓葬包括石室墓和砖室墓两种,有单室和双室之分。双室砖墓设有壁龛及通窗。随葬器物一般为碗、罐组合,多置于龛内,石室墓另凿石块方座代龛置器。棺内尸体头、脚垫瓦。此次发掘为了解该地区明墓葬俗增添了新的资料。  相似文献   

Whetstone-as-funerary-object was a common practice seen in tombs at the Jinsha site. Commonly found in the tombs at the Jinsha site, whetstones could have been a signifier of professional soldiers or violence groups in the ancient Shu culture, thus a product of the stratified ancient Shu society. Whetstones have been largely discovered in boat-coffin burials. The practice took form no later than the early Western Zhou dynasty, went on the decline in the late Spring and Autumn period, and came to an end in the Warring States period. The burial custom in question reflects the rise and fall of Jinsha as the central settlement area, and is a likely result of the two major transitions the ancient Shu society underwent over the period from the Western Zhou Dynasty to the Spring and Autumn period. The ancient Shu society experienced regime changes and went under the reign of reshuffling rulers in the late Spring and Autumn period; as a result, the emerging ruling elite abandoned the old whetstone-as-funerary-object practice, and embraced the new world.  相似文献   

康熙时期的养心殿   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
养心殿作为宫内的一处重要建筑,在康熙时期的情况一直不甚清楚。本文通过零星的记载,尤其是当时西方传教士的著作,对康熙时期养心殿的建筑格局、内部陈设、使用情况等进行了考证,认为与雍正以后的状况有很大差异,其功用是多方面的,从而对养心殿历史沿革的认识更为全面。  相似文献   

With the Cambridge commentary by Rolando Ferri (2003) as point of departure, the article examines the claim that the Octavia is dependent on historians of the Flavian reign, but concludes that the case is unproven. As for the alleged allusions to the love poetry of Statius, the article argues that the similarities are coincidental and points instead to the striking parallels between the drama's depiction of the beautiful Poppaea as the darling of Venus and the short-lived Neronian cult of Poppaea as Diva Poppaea-Venus. Focusing on dramaturgy, the final section examines the commonly discarded links between the drama's implied scenography and the rich and varied resources of the imperial stage, concluding that the ignotus at each and every turn is laying out his plot ‘in accordance with the custom of those working for the stage’ (secundum consuetudinem scaenicorum).  相似文献   

Henry VII’s reign has been the subject of increased study in recent years, in particular his relationship with the nobility and his determination to ensure the loyalty of his subjects. Henry VII was adept at utilising the numerous methods at his disposal in order to keep his crown. This article makes a contribution to this broader understanding of Henry VII’s reign by focusing on one document, a letter to the city of Carlisle dated 15 February 1498, which ordered that the statutes relating to retaining and the distribution of liveries should be upheld. While the letter has been noted by previous historians, it has not been the subject of a detailed examination. This article explains the significance of the document for understanding the reign of Henry VII, his attitude towards retaining and the relationship between royal and urban governments in the late fifteenth century. This particular letter includes two novel features not found in other letters to towns about retaining. First, there is an explicit reference to the possibility of a Scottish invasion. Second, the city’s government were all required to swear oaths of fealty to Henry VII. Although the letter confirms the general picture that Henry VII was keen to remind his subjects of their duties and obligations to the Crown and that he built on and adapted Yorkist innovations, it highlights his specific concern in early 1498, in the aftermath of the Perkin Warbeck conspiracy, that James IV of Scotland might still invade.  相似文献   

关于清代帝后朝服与朝服像的几点看法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对故宫现藏帝后朝服与朝服像的系统排比,结合有关文献研究,作者认为:1、康熙的4幅半身肖像画分别为两幅朝服像的稿本;2、清代帝后朝服像可分为写生像和祭祀像,祭祀像的背景是程式化的,自康熙以后的皇帝服饰,乾隆以后的皇后服饰是写实的,与制度基本吻合,并表现出时代特征,而此前帝后朝服像中的服饰存在着虚构想象的成分;3、康熙《大清会典》记载的服饰形式是康熙青年时期的,雍正《大清会典》记载的则应是康熙晚年和雍正时期的服饰面貌。雍正元年颁布的服饰制度在康熙晚年已经付诸实施。  相似文献   

自曹魏以来,楼兰文书一直行用中原纪年,却于晋武帝泰始六年(270)中断。根据楼兰简纸文书、元康三年(293)苻信简等出土资料,结合传世文献,作者认为学界已有树机能叛乱使纪年中断的观点恐不能成立,苻信简透露出西部鲜卑南下滋扰,西晋为此采取了收缩政策。张轨刺凉后,彻底肃清了河西寇乱,重建了楼兰的屯戍,楼兰文书得以再现西晋正朔。  相似文献   

明代宫廷史是明代历史的重要组成部分,也是故宫学研究的重要内容之一。本文以宫廷中各种势力间的相互关系、帝王本人的执政方式、宦官、内阁与皇帝的关系、宫廷文化的发展变化、国家与宫廷的财政关系及其变化等内容为依据,将明代宫廷史划分为三个阶段,分别为洪武至宣德朝、正统至正德朝、嘉靖至崇祯朝。每一阶段都有各自不同的特点,这些特点的背后则是错综复杂的宫廷史内容。  相似文献   

While it is well known that many of Charlemagne's wars had a strong religious element, Frankish campaigns against the Muslims of Spain in his reign have generally been understood as secular exercises in power politics. This article presents evidence contemporary to Charlemagne's reign to argue against this, using a diverse range of sources to conclude that many observers of the Frankish invasions of the Iberian Peninsula understood them as religious wars aimed both at the defending of Christian communities in Francia and protecting and expanding the worship of Christianity in Spain. Further, although the prosecution of these wars was politically opportunistic, the sources suggest that Charlemagne and his court encouraged interpretations of these campaigns in religious terms and that they might be considered examples of religious war.  相似文献   

康熙早年虔信精诚格天,分别于十年、十七年、十八年、十九年、二十六年五次亲诣天坛祈雨,二十六年底为孝庄祈寿未果后,对"天道"认知发生显著变化,停止亲诣天坛祈雨,在荒政方面更侧重防灾备灾与人事赈救。《清圣祖实录》纂修者基于雍正的灾异观念,篡改康熙十七年、十九年降雨时间,删削康熙对停止亲诣天坛祈雨的解释,从而维护康熙敬天的"圣君"形象和上天的"灵验"形象。康熙不言祥瑞,对灾异持务实态度。雍正的灾异观念虽然有助于他加强君主集权,提升统治效能,但很大程度上也造成官僚系统灾情呈报的讳匿风习,对民生吏治与国家治理产生负面影响。  相似文献   

印度农民政治文化变迁和现代民族运动的兴起   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王立新 《史学月刊》2004,11(12):67-73,124
印度社会精英对英国统治态度的改变是20世纪上半期印度群众性民族运动兴起的一个关键性政治变量。但是,在印度这样的农民社会里,农民(包括农村手工业者)一直是主导的社会群体,他们的政治态度不能不影响整个印度政治社会的发展。传统上的印度农民是政治冷漠主义者,他们对村社之外的全国性政治过程并不关心,但是在英国的统治下,一系列的经济、社会和政治变迁却使印度农民和全国性政治过程有了密切的利害关系,他们和印度的社会政治精英在反对英国统治方面具有了共同利益。这正是使得他们积极响应以甘地为首的印度政治精英的号召,参加印度现代民族运动,为印度民族独立和解放做出巨大历史贡献的根本原因。  相似文献   

南京市江宁上坊新发现的一座孙吴大墓,墓主身份备受关注。发掘者确认墓主为孙皓时一位宗室之王。综合分析墓葬规模、随葬物品、相关遗迹现象及历史记载,可推定墓主是少帝孙亮时的权臣孙峻。  相似文献   

书院之名始于唐代,最初只是收藏、校刊书籍、辨明典章的地方。五代时,由于战争的影响,官学衰废,士子苦无就学之所,于是自动择地读书。一些学者在佛教禅林制度的影响下,选择风景优美的山林名胜之地,作为“群居讲学之所”,出现了具有学校性质的书院。书院的创办者或为私人,或为官府,不少有名学者讲学其间,采用个别钻研、相互问答、聚众讲教相结合的教学方法,  相似文献   

《清初人选清初诗汇考》六补   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
美籍华裔著名历史学家谢正光教授穷多年搜集宇内之力结撰问世的《清初人选清初诗汇考》,材料宏富,考析精要,被誉为清初诗学、史学研究的一部创举之著。然清初当代诗歌选本繁荣的盛况实非一人心力所能尽现。本文仅就所见善本文献,特为增考康熙间刻本5种,乾隆初稿本1种,另添列待访书多种,作为该书补充。  相似文献   

盠与穆公、师遽同时,从有关彝器及铭文可知,盠驹尊为共王初期器。而惠仲盠父仅事昭、穆二王,穆王享国既久,惠仲盠父不可能在共王时仍然用事,故与盠非一人。  相似文献   

试析汝窑的性质及相关问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
汝窑自1986年在宝丰清凉寺发现以来,经过八次考古发掘终于取得了中国陶瓷史上的重大突破,找到并确定了汝官窑瓷器的烧造区.本文根据考古发掘资料和文献史料记载,结合宝丰的历史沿革,认为汝窑的性质是官窑,其烧制宫廷用瓷时间约在宋哲宗元祐元年至徽宗宣和末年.张公巷窑址应为金元时期的仿汝窑址.  相似文献   


The extent of customary land in Samoa and the laws pertaining to its protection create a presumption of state dependence on the regulation of custom in effecting state policies within local contexts. The principal means of regulating custom in Samoa has been and continues to be through state court adjudication of conflicts over customary land and chiefly titles. The transitive nature of ‘custom’ and conceptions of ‘custom’ in Samoa created an opening for court influence in the construction of custom, if not custom's partial reinvention through the agency of the courts. This occurred principally through the courts’ privileging principles of English common law in confirming asserted land rights generally considered unenforceable at the time of Samoa's political partition. The courts re‐interpreted as customary, conceptions of land rights the colonial state's influence attempted to effect within Samoan society. But the source of the changes, and the courts’ role in promoting them, tended not to be equally reflected upon. To the extent such influence is ignored in analyses of Samoan land tenure and customary law, and reproduced within state policies and court adjudication of conflict, custom's social construction is left unexamined, assumed to be more general than it is, and likely to exacerbate tensions and conflict within Samoan society rather than reduce them.  相似文献   

To Tudor historians Richard III was a quintessence of tyranny. This belief was derived from the informed opinion of many who had experienced his brief reign. To them a tyrant was one who came to the throne without right or who governed against the interests of the political nation. There can be little doubt that Richard usurped the throne: it is also the case that in one important respect his government alienated a significant section of the nobility and gentry. Following the revolts of late 1483 Richard systematically placed trusted northern adherents in control of the unreliable and hostile southern counties. This action transgressed the unwritten law that the rule of the counties lay in the hands of their native élites. Its highhandedness was recognized by the author of the Croyland continuation and its pattern can be reconstructed from the record of grants from the Crown during the reign. Not only does the settlement of 1483-4 provide dramatic evidence in support of the Tudor tradition, but its circumstances also suggest an explanation for the continuing controversy surrounding Richard's reign. What was thereby tyranny in the south was good lordship to the loyal north. It is conceivable that the conflicting interpretations of the last Plantagenet spring from this regional division.  相似文献   

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