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本文分析了新疆与中亚国家经济合作的基础、现状和前景,并阐明了新疆应采取的措施。  相似文献   

中国旅游产业集聚与产业效率的关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王凯  易静  肖燕  席建超 《人文地理》2016,31(2):120-127
基于中国31个省区的数据,测量与估算了2012年中国旅游产业六大要素部门的产业集聚现状;利用数据包络分析模型对各部门的技术效率进行评价,同时构建旅游产业集聚与技术效率的回归模型,探寻旅游产业集聚程度与产业效率之间的相互关系。结果表明:中国旅游产业整体集聚程度仍然偏低,且六大要素部门之间发展不均衡;当前我国各省区旅游业的产业规模普遍偏小,大部分省区旅游产业都处于规模报酬递增阶段;旅游产业的规模化集中度对产业技术效率有较强的积极影响,回归系数达到0.672;企业集中度、劳动力集中度对产业技术效率存在较小的消极影响。  相似文献   

程艺  刘慧  宋涛  张芳芳 《人文地理》2022,37(2):67-76
中亚地处欧亚大陆中心,是“一带一路”倡议建设的重要区域。本文基于GDELT新闻媒体数据库,构建了事件影响度和双边关系度,定量分析了中国与中亚国家之间的合作、冲突关系演变,采用时空热点分析识别了中国在中亚城市尺度的合作、冲突热点模式。结果表明:①中国与中亚国家的合作日趋紧密。“一带一路”倡议提出之后,中国与中亚国家的合作趋势显著上升,与哈萨克斯坦的合作关系最为紧密。②中国在中亚地区的合作区域集中在中亚国家首都、战略要地、重要能源基地等,在乌兹别克斯坦安集延地区和塔吉克斯坦哈特隆州形成集中连片的合作区域。冲突区域集中在中亚国家首都和战略要地,与合作区域在空间上高度重合,但影响力显著低于合作事件。③中国在中亚城市的影响力以合作关系占主导,冲突关系大于合作关系的城市主要分布在吉尔吉斯斯坦。64%的中亚城市为低合作—低冲突状态,中亚国家首都、阿拉木图、安集延属于显著的高合作—高冲突城市。④时间尺度上,中国与中亚地区的合作热点以持续型为主,冲突热点以振荡型为主,哈萨克斯坦纳伦市、阿特劳州为新增冲突热点,应引起重视。  相似文献   

The problem of the periodic character of the sod-festival, as with other aspects of this mysterious ceremony, has long been discussed and is still the subject of debate. This ritual was intended to be celebrated by the king, normally after a reign of thirty years had elapsed -- the so-called "thirty-year principle," --which is taken by general consent to be a significant feature of the sed-festival. Yet, there is disagreement as to how to use records relating to the sed-festival in chronological studies on account of the fact that a number of records of the sed-festival are dated prior to the thirtieth regnal year of the king. Due to our hunger and need for datable sources, none the less, historians cannot always resist the temptation to assess the length of a king's reign on the basis of the sed-festival records, sometimes even though only scant evidence is available.  相似文献   

中原文化与河南区域竞争力关系研究   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
赵淑玲  丁登山 《人文地理》2005,20(1):78-80,67
区域文化在影响区域竞争力诸要素中扮演着越来越重要的角色。中原文化博大精深,源远流长,历史上曾经对河南甚至整个中国的经济产生极大的影响,但在全球化迅猛发展的今天,其文化中一些消极因素所带来的惰性与锁定效应,对河南省区域竞争力产生不利的影响。文章分析了中原文化对河南省区域创新能力、产业竞争力和市场竞争力的影响,提出了振兴中原文化,提升河南区域竞争力的对策和建议。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT In explaining the uneven spatial distribution of economic activity, urban economics, and new economic geography (NEG) dominate recent research in economics. A main difference between these two approaches is that NEG stresses the role of spatial linkages whereas urban economics does not do so. We estimate simple versions of these two views on economic geography and also establish if the relevance of spatial linkages varies across aggregation levels or time. For our sample of 14 European countries and 213 corresponding regions, we find that spatial linkages are more important at the country level and that its relevance varies across time.  相似文献   

Iwrote for China's Tibet of the topicbefore, and many of our readerswrote us explaining their under-standing for efforts made by theCentral Government in issues concerningnegotiation with the 14th Dalai Lama.However, the 14th Dalai astonishedthe world by lecturing on October 24,2001 in Strasbourg that he would work on"the Chinese leaders"for"a channel to beexploited,through negotiation with theChinese Government,for the settlementof problems that exist between China andTibet."  相似文献   

什么是文化?书上的定义说文化是一切物质和精神产品的总和。我说文化就是你看到的一切,一草一木,一言一行。是的.凡是去过欧洲的人,想必都对他们的“死板”和“傻”留有印象。这就是他们的文化一爱认死理。  相似文献   

原嫄  孙欣彤 《人文地理》2021,36(4):134-142,167
基于投入产出表构建中国和欧盟细分产业的强关联网络,运用社会网络分析法从整体、子群及个体三个层级对中欧的产业网络进行比较分析,以探讨中国产业复杂网络发展趋势、规律以及阶段定位。研究发现:①产业强关联网络的发展具有显著规律性,欧盟产业强关联网络发展形态是中国的高级演化模式;②欧盟产业间的紧密度及群体聚集趋势均优于中国,但中国产业间的资源传输效率表现更好;③中国当前正处于分配性及生产性服务业与制造业换位的转型期,但尚未达到欧盟所处的以服务业高度集聚作为网络枢纽以带动全行业发展的成熟稳定期;④中国和欧盟的区块网络均呈现近似“核心-边缘”的等级层次结构,分块网络从“单核心”驱动向“双核心”共振驱动更迭,但欧盟比中国更早实现双核心驱动模式。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT We analyze the relationship between geographical residence and job mobility for Danish dual‐earner couples. We estimate the probability of moving residence and changing job, taking the interdependence between the events into account. The results point to the importance of addressing the interrelationship between residence and jobs. Furthermore, the change of residence matter more than change of job and women respond relatively more to changes in their husbands’ job region. The findings imply that mobility promoting initiatives must focus on families rather than individuals and recognize that for most families the choice of residence location dominates the choice of job location.  相似文献   

目 次 一 相关材料文化属性的几点说明 二 四平山积石墓出土材料的分组研究 三 其他遗址发现的小珠山上层文化遗存的分组研究 四 文化分期与年代判断 小珠山上层文化是一支分布于辽东南部地区的新石器时代晚期的考古学文化,因1978年发掘的小珠山遗址上层遗存而得名.二十世纪初,日本学者于辽东南部地区的调查中采集到部分该文化的遗物[1].二十世纪四十年代初又发掘了上马石、四平山、文家屯等遗址[2],出土了较丰富的遗物,由于这几批材料迟迟未能发表,影响了学术界对该文化的正确认识.新中国成立后,中国学者于二十世纪六十年代前后在大连市(原称旅大市)调查采集到部分该文化的遗物,并注意到其与山东龙山文化的紧密联系[3].直到二十世纪七十年代,随着大连郭家村和长海小珠山、上马石、蛎碴岗、南窑等遗址的发掘[4],对这类遗存才有了一定的了解,发掘者遂将以小珠山上层和郭家村上层为代表的遗存正式命名为"小珠山上层文化"[5],同时,也有学者称之为"郭家村上层遗存"[6].在发掘材料陆续发表之后,学者对该文化进行了广泛的讨论,但辽东南部地区出土的这类遗存的性质、年代等问题仍存在诸多分歧,关于其分期问题的研究也未深入展开.  相似文献   

The future of the nation and the Danish welfare state is one of the most important political issues today. The transition in neoliberal governance from welfare state to security state, the ongoing securitization of global and European mobility, the restructuring of public services and the re‐scaling of political and economic power has made the debate around the welfare state central. In this article I take an approach to the welfare nation state that is based on the practices and narratives of everyday life. The argument is that narrative practices in everyday life constitute a central sphere inviting studies of the struggle over the welfare community and meaning. The empirical material draws on two recent research projects that include narratives and perspectives from minority and majority population in Denmark. By analysing different perspectives on the nation the article intends to open up for both shared narratives on the welfare state but also differences in the ongoing struggle over the right to the nation.  相似文献   

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