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白底黑花装饰风格的瓷器,始终是陶瓷、科技界和陶瓷爱好者关注的热点。临水窑(磁州窑)与介休窑白底黑花风格的瓷器之间有着密切的联系,但是对于两窑产品的科技分析甚少,至于两者的对比研究更是无从谈起。因此,本工作利用岩相分析、SEM-EDS等方法分析了临水窑(磁州窑)、介休窑样品的瓷胎、化妆土及瓷釉的化学成分和显微结构。比较分析显示,两窑样品的瓷胎均为低硅高铝配方,且介休窑瓷胎中的Al2O3含量更高;两窑瓷胎粗糙,Fe2O3、TiO2含量较高,致使其呈浅黄色。瓷胎表面均施有化妆土,所不同的是,介休窑的瓷胎表面施有两层化妆土,其靠近釉的一层化妆土(h2),Fe2O3、TiO2含量极低,靠近胎的一层化妆土(h1),Fe2O3、TiO2含量较高;临水窑样品的瓷胎表面仅施一层化妆土,其Fe2O3、TiO2含量较低,但高于介休窑近釉层化妆土中的相应含量。介休窑瓷釉为典型的高钙釉,而临水窑则为典型的碱钙釉和钙碱釉。不难认识到,介休窑似在临水窑白底黑花及化妆土工艺的基础上,因地制宜,勇于创新,形成了成本低廉、技术先进的两层化妆土工艺,在当地原料较为粗糙的条件下,生产出质量较好的白底釉下彩绘瓷器。  相似文献   

临水窑是磁州窑系中重要的窑口,在中国古代北方窑业发展和演变的历史上,有着举足轻重的地位。本文较为系统地分析了宋代、金代、元代时期临水窑白底黑(褐)花样品的物理性质、显微结构、化学成分等信息,探讨了临水窑宋、金、元白底黑花瓷器的工艺特点及其演变规律。结果表明:临水窑各年代白底釉下彩绘样品在胎与釉之间均施有化妆土;同时宋金时期样品化妆土的厚度整体略高于元代样品,且厚度相对均匀;成分分析表明,临水窑样品化妆土具有高K低Na特点,而不同年代的化妆土成分略有变化。总体说来,宋金时期的烧制工艺高于元代。  相似文献   

一 辽代的白釉器*,包括低温铅釉陶器和高温石灰釉瓷器两种.内蒙古自治区赤峰市阿鲁科尔沁旗宝山窑①、巴林左旗南山窑②,均以白釉陶器为主要产品.这些白釉陶器的胎,使用了含钙量高达26%以上的石灰质粘土,由于含铁量较高,烧成后普遍呈现砖红色,胎釉间施加的一层白色化妆土使透明釉呈现为白色③.两处窑址还见有以铜为着色剂的低温白釉绿彩.内蒙古自治区赤峰北部及辽宁省西部的辽代墓葬发现的白釉刻花填绿彩器,推测也是来自这两处窑场④. 辽代的窑场,深受河北省唐代以来以白瓷著称的邢、定二窑的影响⑤,普遍以高温石灰釉白瓷为主要产品.  相似文献   

为探讨我国北方著名窑场之一的耀州窑唐、五代时期青瓷胎釉化妆土与北宋时期之间白色中间层的区别,利用具有电子探针微区分析功能的能量色散X射线光谱仪测试。结果表明,北宋时期青瓷的中间层和唐、五代的化妆土在化学组成上存在着一些差异。白色中间层中不仅铁的含量比胎釉都低,CaO和K_2O的含量则高于胎,而靠近釉;而化妆土的化学组成除了Fe_2O_3含量较低外,其它化学组成十分接近瓷胎;中间层和化妆土相比,Fe_2O_3的含量更低一些。  相似文献   

通过对铜陵师姑墩遗址出土的29件原始瓷进行的检测分析表明,师姑墩原始瓷胎为高硅低铝型,部分器物胎体的Fe_2O_3和TiO_2含量较高;釉属高温钙釉,釉中Mn和P含量相对较高,其可能由草木灰引入,部分器物釉中含较高的Fe_2O_3,致使釉色较深。这一结果为皖南地区先秦时期原始瓷手工业发展研究提供了新的科学依据。  相似文献   

1988年3月,江苏泰州西郊西仓饭店工地出土了一件绞胎陶罐.罐直口微外翻,圆肩,鼓腹,腹下部略敛,圜底,口径9、腹径14.4、底径10、高13.2厘米,内壁施薄釉,口及下腹各有一圈胎接痕,外部釉不及底.其外部施釉面呈黄褐相间的木纹纹样,是一种较为少见的绞股釉陶罐.观察表明,泰州出土的绞胎釉陶罐,系用酱红色的陶土做胎,然后可能是用质地较细腻的同类酱红色胎土与白色化妆土  相似文献   

采用超景深三维显微镜、X射线荧光光谱(ED-XRF)、扫描电镜与能谱联用(SEMEDS)、激光剥蚀电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱(LA-ICP-AES)等方法对金上京出土的硅酸盐类文物(包括陶瓷、玻璃等)进行分析。结果显示,金上京出土陶瓷中除青白瓷为南方产品外,其余均为北方产品,低温釉陶中陶塑使用铅料和高硅质原料混合制釉,绿釉瓦则可能使用黏土加铅料制釉,并可能使用了石灰作化妆土;绞胎瓷釉为钙镁碱釉,白色胎体的原料为高岭土掺和大颗粒高岭石,褐色胎体的原料可能为高岭土掺铁矿石等高铁质原料;孔雀蓝釉是以铜为呈色剂的中温高碱釉,使用硝石为助熔剂,在化妆土上直接施釉。两件玻璃器均为铜呈色K_2O-PbO-SiO_2系统的国产玻璃。  相似文献   

在瓷器上使用化妆土,三国时期首先在南方出现,目的是为了改善器表的粗糙,后期成为改进青瓷釉色的重要方法。而北方地区许多著名的窑场在最初生产白瓷时都采用了化妆土。晚唐到北宋初,始形成以定窑为代表的不施化妆土的精细白瓷,以及以磁州窑为代表的化妆白瓷。二者发展了富有自身特点的装饰。化妆白瓷成为制作日用瓷的主要方法,开创了一系列富有特色的装饰手法,特别强调了黑白反差,成为宋元时期瓷器中特点鲜明的装饰风格。明代以后,精细白瓷基本都来自景德镇,北方窑址几乎全部生产化妆白瓷。宋代先后在北方和南方出现了在青瓷器的露胎部分施护胎釉的工艺,护胎釉成为化妆土的一种新的发展形态。  相似文献   

江南地区传统上称为高温釉陶的器物,从胎质、施釉以及高温烧成等方面来看,都可归入瓷器范围,可以称为秦汉原始瓷.秦汉原始瓷主要流行于秦至东汉早中期,以器物朝上无遮挡的部分有釉但釉层不均匀、没有清晰的施釉线为基本特征.相关技术在战国中期前后即已出现,是本地传统的延续,它上承夏商以来的先秦时期原始瓷,下启东汉成熟青瓷,在陶瓷史上具有重要的承上启下作用.  相似文献   

中国的陶瓷古老而又年轻,它既拥有浓彩重抹的历史沉淀,又具有时代的印记,集结传统与现代于一体的艺术珍品,宛如轻歌曼舞的少女,娇娆妩媚而又清新雅致。"白瓷瓯甚洁,红炉炭方炽。"白瓷又称白釉瓷,是在白色瓷胎(或化妆土)上涂一种含氧化铁极低的透明釉,在1000℃的高温下一次烧制而成。至今为止,白瓷的烧制历史已有2000多年,而传统的釉下青花、釉里红及各种釉上彩绘瓷器就是在优良白瓷的基础上产生的。  相似文献   

Fifteen fragments of glazed pottery were studied by scanning electron microscopy coupled with energy‐dispersive X‐ray analysis (SEM–EDS). The fragments, dated from between the 11th and the 12th centuries, are part of a group excavated at ancient Bust and Lashkar‐i Bazar (southern Afghanistan) and belonging to the International Museum of Ceramics in Faenza. All the samples are characterized by highly calcareous bodies, and all of them but one is coated with a transparent lead glaze; the last fragment is, instead, coated with a turquoise opaque lead–alkali glaze. With three exceptions, the studied fragments show underglaze decorations featuring white, red, green or black motifs applied on to a white, red or black engobe; one of the remaining glazes is applied on to a monochrome white slip and the other two directly on to the ceramic body. Optical microscopy and SEM images show that engobes and decorations were obtained by deposition of differently coloured clayey slips, the composition of which was characterized by EDS analyses. In particular, black engobes and decorative motifs were obtained by recourse to manganese and iron compounds or to chromium, magnesium and iron compounds; it appears that both possibilities could be exploited for obtaining different decorative motifs on the same object.  相似文献   

Early Chinese lime-rich glazes form an important step in the development of high-fired ceramics. This experimental study, based on the analysis of archaeological samples of proto-porcelain and replicated samples, explores the role of ash and glaze mixture preparation, firing temperature and duration, and cooling protocol for the quality and composition of the resulting glaze. It is demonstrated that the application of raw wood ash rich in potash produces low-potash glazes, that the melt formation follows a cotectic mechanism which needs extended firing times to reach equilibrium, and that the formation of a crystalline interaction layer depends more on the kiln cooling history and high-temperature soaking than on the glaze application method.  相似文献   

In order to discuss the exact provenance of the Qingbai wares discovered at Shabian archaeological site in Guangzhou, which had a similar appearance to Jingdezhen Qingbai ware, we analysed both the body and glaze of the Qingbai wares from the Shabian kiln site and those from other related kilns, including Hutian in Jingdezhen, Xicun in Guangzhou and Chaozhou of Guangdong, by using micro-X-ray fluorescence (μ-XRF) and laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS). Based on the analyses, we found that both bodies and glaze of the Qingbai wares in Shabian had the characteristics of a low abundance of rare earth elements (REE), strong negative Eu anomalies, and remarkably low Nb/Ta and Zr/Hf ratios, which was consistent with those from Hutian kiln in Jingdezhen, Jiangxi province. We also found that the glaze of Qingbai ware from different kilns also had its provenance characteristic in the concentration of the trace elements, and the change of the REE pattern between glaze and its corresponding bodies in Qingbai wares might provide some clue about the types and source of flux. In addition, the lower Nb/Ta and Zr/Hf ratios in both the bodies and glaze of Jingdezhen Qingbai wares were attributed to the chemical characteristics of the local granite.  相似文献   

历代龙泉青瓷釉的初步研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
龙泉窑是我国陶瓷生产业中最重要的窑场之一,其制瓷业有着一千多年的发展历史。现代仿古龙泉青瓷的生产水平也达到了一定高度。为研究不同时代龙泉青瓷产品的特征,特采集一组宋、元、明及现代龙泉青瓷样品,通过显微观察、色度测定及对瓷釉的主量、微量化学组成进行X荧光分析,实验数据分析表明龙泉青瓷釉的制作有一定的年代特征,宋早期青瓷釉中存在石灰釉产品,而南宋以后,龙泉青瓷釉逐渐成为石灰碱釉。现代仿古龙泉青瓷的主量化学组成与古龙泉青瓷有很大相似性,但微量组成的不同反映出在原料配方上还存在很大差异。分析结果将为龙泉青瓷的研究与鉴定提供部分借鉴和依据。  相似文献   

为系统了解历代上林湖地区越窑青瓷胎釉化学组成的特点,本研究采用能量色散X射线荧光光谱技术(EDXRF),对唐代、五代、北宋和南宋上林湖越窑青瓷作了分析。分析结果表明,越窑胎釉组成是低铝高硅的南方青瓷特征,有一定量的杂质,历代瓷釉均为高钙釉;从唐代到南宋,越窑青瓷胎的化学组成未发生明显的变化,但唐代青瓷、北宋透明釉青瓷、南宋乳浊釉青瓷釉的化学组成存在一些差异;南宋越窑部分青瓷的外观虽然发生了变化,但釉料仍延续了越窑独特的工艺配方,与北方青瓷和南方官窑青瓷等的釉料差异明显。分析同时表明:该技术的使用为解决薄釉的样品处理难题提供了一条途径。  相似文献   

Research on ancient Longquan wares and their imitations has attracted considerable attention. Using a series of experimental methods, including micro X‐ray fluorescence spectroscopy (μ‐XRF), X‐ray diffractometry (XRD), optical microscopy (OM), polarizing microscopy (PLM), dilatometry (DIL) and spectrophotometery, different samples of Longquan imitations from Dapu in Guangdong Province were collected and analysed. The study of different types of celadon from the Dapu kiln factories shows that the pale yellow body had a higher TFe2O3 content, and the body material must therefore have been treated differently or have come from a different source. The SiO2 and Al2O3 contents in the body can be used as auxiliary parameters to identify Longquan wares and its imitations. The study also found that both kinds of glaze recipe—including calcium–alkali glaze and alkali–calcium glaze—existed in the Dapu products, which suggested that while imitating Longquan ware, the potters in Dapu also showed innovation in the recipe for the glaze material. Moreover, there were some differences in the TFe2O3 content, as well as the size, number and distribution of bubbles in the different types of glaze. Finally, the study revealed that the material of both the saggars and separators were composed of another porcelain clay, different from that of the celadon body. In addition, the white and compact body of the celadon had a higher firing temperature, of 1140–1187 °C, compared with other types of wares, which had a lower firing temperature of 1050–1080 °C.  相似文献   

This study deals with the physical–chemical and mineralogical–petrographic investigations (OM, SEM–EDS, EPMA, ICP, XRpD, Mössbauer and IR) conducted on first‐ and second‐firing wasters belonging to two types of incised slipware (sgraffito), manufactured at Castelfiorentino between the late 15th and the early 17th centuries. Raw materials, colouring agents and firing products were analysed in order to establish the production technology of the ceramic coatings, by means of detailed microtextural and chemical investigations. The pottery underwent two firing processes: the firing of the white slip‐coated ceramic body and a further firing after application of the glaze. The homogeneity of the raw materials, white slip and glaze is remarkable, and demonstrates the use of well‐established recipes with a constant supply of raw materials from the same places. Highly efficient kiln management during both firings is revealed by body–glaze interface reactions.  相似文献   

江西纪年墓出土明代景德镇民窑青花瓷研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文在对江西各地出土的116件明代景德镇纪年青花瓷标本进行器物形制、胎质釉色、装饰纹样分析的基础上,提出民窑可按照其自身发展大致分为早、中、晚三期。  相似文献   

Five sherds of green glazed pottery excavated at Canosa (Apulia) in Italy have been analysed by scanning electron microscopy. The aim of the investigation was to determine the chemical composition of the glazes and thus obtain information on the methods used in their production. The glazes were all of the high‐lead type, coloured green by the addition of copper. Intermediate layers, observed at the interface between the glaze and body and giving the appearance of an applied white slip, were the result of the crystallization of lead feldspar from the molten glaze. Non‐calcareous clays were used in the production of the pottery bodies. Concentration profiles from the glaze exterior to the body suggested that the glazes were produced by applying a suspension consisting of lead oxide plus silica to the bodies. On the basis of the glaze and body compositions, it is suggested that the Canosa glazed pottery was produced locally.  相似文献   

甘肃马家塬墓地是战国晚期至秦初的西戎墓地,本研究以该墓地M4出土的料珠为研究对象,以期通过分析其成分和结构特征,讨论其工艺特征,以丰富对战国时期费昂斯的相关认识。研究使用扫描电子显微镜-能谱和激光拉曼光谱仪,分析结果显示料珠为费昂斯制品,其釉层玻璃化程度很高,经历腐蚀后熔剂流失严重,明显区别于西周时期的费昂斯制品。同时确定釉层中的一些高锡颗粒物为SnO_2,表明当时在釉层制作中加入锡石或锡粉末。该费昂斯制品应采取了直接施釉或包埋施釉工艺。研究结果可为我国费昂斯发展历程演变提供信息。  相似文献   

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