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徐倩倩 《南方文物》2022,(1):173-186
龙凤耳陶簋是春秋时期出现的仿铜陶礼器,沿用到战国时期。簋身为盆、盂或豆形,腹有对称的龙耳、凤耳,耳多形体较大、造型夸张,器身及耳有彩绘。山东地区出土较多,其他地区也有少量出土。本文在对此类陶器进行型式分析的基础上,总结其空间分布、器物组合等,发现此类仿铜陶礼器在滕国、鲁国、齐国都各有不同,透过不同区域的代表器型,可以窥及背后的文化属性。  相似文献   

固厢墓地位于河南省临颍县固厢村东,2012年~2013年共清理159座古代墓葬。其中Ⅱ区23座西汉早期墓葬,随葬品可分为仿铜陶礼器组合,仿铜陶礼器与陶俑组合,以罐为核心的日用陶器组合三种形式。仿铜陶礼器组合为鼎、盒、壶加杯、勺,基本成对出现,显示楚文化对漯河一带西汉早期葬俗具有重要影响。  相似文献   

本文对宜城跑马堤墓地三座战国中期的墓葬所出仿铜陶礼器的制作工艺进行了考察和分析,认为陶礼器简化工艺、降低制作难度的理念与青铜器是一致的,而具体成形方式则采用陶器的制作方法。正是在东周楚地礼制普遍化的背景之下,陶礼器作为墓中陈设礼器而非实用器的性质使得它能够采用铜器的制作理念来达到简化工艺的目的。同时,本文还就制作工艺所反映的楚墓等级问题进行了讨论,认为制作工艺的规范性也是楚墓等级差异的表征之一。  相似文献   

朝鲜半岛南部地区、日本和中国南方一样,都有发达的硬陶文化。本文从技术、资源、社会背景等方面对三个地区的硬陶文化作了比较研究,分析了与发达的硬陶文化密切相关的因素。土壤成分中硅铝含量高,成为这三个地区陶器高温烧成的有利条件,至少与其他地区相比,在硬陶的量产上更具优势。同时其他可用作礼器的高档容器相对不发达或欠缺,使得这些地区在经济、技术达到一定水准后,不得不将大量人力、物力投资于陶器生产。相反,商周时期的中原地区、楚时的长江中游、朝鲜半岛北部的乐浪,除土质条件以外,还因将资源和人力主要用于青铜铸造、砖瓦烧制等,而没有形成发达的硬陶文化。  相似文献   

本通过大量已发表的资料,运用考古类型学方法,对学界中存在争议的江陵地区东周墓葬出土的日用陶器进行了年代排序。由于该地区东周墓葬中铜礼器和仿铜陶礼器的年代序列较为清楚且多取得共识,章选取铜礼器、仿铜陶礼器和日用陶器共存的墓葬为典型墓例和讨论的基础。作为一项基础性工作,本的研究成果将有助于楚化的深入探索。  相似文献   

本文首先概述了大嘴子遗址第三期文化以及双砣子、大砣子遗址等同类考古学文化发现的陶簋.在此基础上,从陶簋的保存状况、形制、成套出现的礼仪特征等方面,与河南孟津妯娌遗址出土的礼器——铙形器进行对比研究,认为陶簋是大嘴子遗址第三期文化仅见的陶礼器——专用祭器.  相似文献   

公元前3500~3000年是崧泽文化向良渚文化的过渡阶段,也是太湖流域礼制发展演变的转型时期。转型时期出现的礼制遗迹有祭祀性质的土台,礼制遗物出现陶、玉并重的礼器组合现象,鼎、豆、壶成为陶礼器的固定组合,小玉璧、小玉镯可能为良渚文化玉璧、玉琮的雏形。崧泽—良渚转型期不仅孕育了良渚文化的礼仪制度,并且对良渚文化礼仪制度发展的趋势产生了深远影响。  相似文献   

齐家文化陶盉可分为二类四型。在分析共存或相关的陶器特征及所处的时间位置的基础上,发现早期的陶盉与中原及周边地区龙山晚期遗存的时间相当;而中晚期的则与中原地区龙山末期到二里头文化二期遗存时间相当。根据陶器特征因素分析,齐家文化早期斝形盉和袋足鬲形盉来自新华文化与客省庄文化;晚期瘦足鬲形盉、壶形盉来自中原地区二里头文化二期遗存;而罐形盉是齐家文化改制中原地区陶盉的产物,改制行为或可早到齐家文化中期。另外,陶盉不同类型的分布与齐家文化的不同类型有较大的相关性。齐家文化陶盉作为随葬品出现,在继承甘青地区传统丧葬观念的同时,可能也受到中原地区礼器制度的影响。  相似文献   

<正>彩绘陶,是指将陶胎烧成之后在其表面进行彩绘的陶器,又称烧后彩绘陶。新石器时代,以大溪、屈家岭和良渚文化为代表的朱绘黑陶最为突出。战国、秦、汉时是彩绘陶的鼎盛时期。一般在灰胎陶器上绘彩,因此也称灰陶加彩器。自战国早、中期起,各国丧葬制度相继发生变化,逐渐使用陶礼器代替铜礼器作为随葬品。因此,陶礼器的制作迅速发展起来。特别是仿铜器形式的鼎、豆、壶、簋等成套成组生产,其间磨光、暗花、  相似文献   

<正>湖南桂阳千家坪遗址出土礼器图像造型规律及信仰意义2011、2012年千家坪遗址两次考古发掘,发现了大量年代不晚于距今7000年的带有精美刻纹、戳印纹图案的白陶、白衣陶、红陶等器物,其造型和纹饰,与高庙文化有极大的相似性。但千家坪人与高庙人属于精神文化相近的两种不同的族群,后者可能蕴含了一些前者的后裔。高庙文化实际上只是对千家坪人所创造的图案加以传衍和些微改造。千家坪大部分礼器用白膏泥制造,礼器图像有严谨的规律,很多构图在不同的礼器上重复,构图之间的互映关系明显。  相似文献   

A long-standing assumption in archaeological theory is that pottery in the domestic context represents a form of passive style that does not enter into symbolic communication in the political domain. This paper presents ethnoarchaeological data to establish a link between women's active political behavior and pottery style in the domestic context in a small-scale, segmental society in the Ecuadorian Amazon. Analysis of individual variables of style shows that Achuar and Quichua women signify their political alliances in the painted decoration of their domestic pottery more strongly than they signify so-called passive processes of learning associated with early enculturation and ethnicity. Furthermore, analysis of women's judgments of pottery as Achuar or Quichua indicates that they decode cues to political alliances in the pottery of other women, including cues to political differences within and between groups. The theoretical implications of these findings are discussed in terms of the principles underlying women's stylistic behavior as part of the political processes involved in the construction and maintenance of social identity and social boundaries.  相似文献   

淮阳彩绘陶院落的年代问题   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
张勇 《中原文物》2001,(1):63-67
淮阳彩绘陶院落是目前我国汉代考古中极为少见的建筑明器精品.本文依据出土墓葬的形制、随葬品的组合、陶院落的装饰艺术和时代特征等几个方面,对其年代进行了重新判定.  相似文献   

宜昌路家河遗址夏商时期陶釜研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从宜昌路家河遗址最多最典型的炊器陶釜入手,主要运用统计学的方法,通过分析陶釜在数量、器形、容量、纹饰等方面的变化,总结本区夏商时期考古学文化的特点,进而探讨不同时期陶釜在发展、交流与演变,来源与去向等方面的一些问题。  相似文献   

Early Woodland Liverpool (Black Sand variant) pottery decorations consist of belts, rectilinear panels, and/or punctates encircling the vessel. Vertically arranged thematic motifs reflect the structure of the cosmos in its simplest form: Below realm, Earth’s disk, Above realm. This article postulates that the Early Woodland decorative tradition was an enduring symbolic system shared by women making pottery in the upper Midwest. Cosmograms in pottery motifs trace three universal metaphors of the Woodland era belief system: (1) Cooking vessels were feminine spirit-beings; (2) the Woodland culinary vessel shaped like the female form represented her biological destiny as the reproductive vessel for humankind and cooking was a ritual action (“prayer”), a metaphor for the creation of new members of society; (3) the cooking pot was a mandala of cosmograms expressing daily life, ritual practice, and cosmology. These themes carry through subsequent studies on Middle Woodland Havanoid and Late Woodland corded or trailed pottery in an upcoming book.  相似文献   

A series of prehistoric pottery samples excavated from Rahmatabad, south‐west Iran, were investigated using XRF and XRD analyses to determine their chemical and mineralogical compositions. The sample microstructures were also studied by SEM/EDX. The relative similarity of compositions, the fine, dense and homogeneous microstructures and the presence of high‐temperature phases such as diopside and mullite showed the use of high firing temperatures, in the range 950–1050°C. This, along with the homogeneity in shape, decoration and size ranges of the ware, all indicate the adoption of specialized pottery‐making techniques by the potters of Rahmatabad in the fifth to fourth millennia bc .  相似文献   

史前太湖流域,礼器出现在社会初步分化的崧泽文化时期;良渚文化时期已经是一个分层的复杂社会,社会成员分化成为不同的等级、阶层,与此相适应,太湖流域史前社会出现了陶质、石质和玉质三种不同质地的礼器,并有着比较严格的使用制度,太湖流域史前社会的礼仪制度初步形成。  相似文献   

Yangshao pottery sherds dated to c. 4200 bc from two archaeological sites in Henan province, China, were examined to determine the technological aspects of their decoration. The selected samples comprised plain and painted pottery, some of which have a white background slip and black or red decoration on the surface. Various analytical techniques including SEM/EDS, XRD and FTIR were applied in the study. Observations show that some pieces were wheel‐thrown. The refinement of the body fabric varies. Surface finishing includes simple burnishing, slipping and brushing. The black decoration on the surface is manganese black. The white background layer is kaolinitic clay slip. No organic binders or decorations were detected. The results of these analyses will help our understanding of the production steps involved in the craft production of Yangshao pottery.  相似文献   

A multidimensional approach to functional analysis was employed to examine pottery use, cooking, and subsistence in pre-European North American contexts. A variety of analytic techniques were applied to ceramic assemblages from two sites on the south shore of Lake Superior: the Middle Woodland Naomikong Point site and the Late Woodland Sand Point site. The analyses of both technical attributes and use-alteration traces suggest that a majority of pottery vessels from these sites were used for cooking throughout the Woodland period. Lipid residue analysis corroborates traditional subsistence information but specifies which foods were cooked in pottery vessels. Vessel size varies according to context rather than by time or by function, with larger vessels associated with ritual areas and smaller vessels originating from domestic spheres, a trend potentially related to feasting behavior. Interior carbonization patterns change in frequency between the Middle and Late Woodland periods, suggesting a shift in cooking and possibly subsistence practices.  相似文献   

For ceramics to be relevant in the Southern African Iron Age, archaeologists must broaden their theoretical base to include social and other contexts when interpreting material culture items such as pottery. Pottery remains critical in understanding cultural dynamics in the region for the past two millennia, but current usage is narrow in scope. Using ethnohistorical data and archaeological examples from South Africa and Zimbabwe, we argue that pottery provides valuable information on the region's Iron Age, if archaeologists address the social meaning of ceramic assemblages. Ceramic production among rural communities provides the basis on which a wide range of social issues are discussed and used to critique pottery recovered from archaeology. Ethnography suggests that ceramic assemblages are context specific, and archaeologists are cautioned against making generic statements on the basis of similarities of vessel shape and decoration motif.  相似文献   

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