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Ilkka Mäntylä, Suomalaisen juoppouden kasvu, Kustavilaisen kanden alkokolipolitiïkka [The Growth of Finnish Drunkenness, the Alcohol Policy of the Gustavian Era]. (Jyväskylä, 1995.)

Eeva‐Iüsa Lehtonen, Säätyläishuveista kansanhuveiksi, Kansanhuveista kansalaishuveiksi. Maaseudun yleishyödyllinen huvitoiminta 1800‐luvun alusta 1870‐luvun loppuun [From Upper‐Class to Popular Entertainments. From Popular to Public Entertainments. Fund‐raising Entertainments in Rural Finland During the 19th Century]. (Helsinki: Societas Historica Finlandiae, 1994).

Ilkka Liikanen, Fennomania ja kansa, Jonkkojärjestäytymisen läpimurto ja Suomalaisen puolueen synty [Fennomania and the People: The Breakthrough of Mass Organization and the Birth of the Finnish Party]. (Helsinki: SHS, 1995) Diss.

Mervi Kaarninen, Nykyajan tytöt, Koulutus, luokka ja sukupuoli 1920‐ja 1930‐ luvun Suomessa [Modern Girls. Education, Class and Gender in Finland in die 1920s and 1930s]. Bibliotheca historica 5 (Helsinki: Finnish Historical Society, 1995). 297 pp. ISBN 951–710–019–1.

Kerstin Smeds, Helsingfors‐Paris. Finländarna på vårldsutstallningama 1851–1900 [Helsinki‐Paris. Finland at die Universal Expositions 1851–1900]. Vammala. Skrifter utgivna av Svenska litteratursällskapet i Finland, nr. 598. 397 pp. ISBN 951–583–024–9.

Pekka Mervola, Kttja, kirjavampi, saanomalehti. Ulkoasukierre ja suamalaisten sanomalehtien ulkoasu 1771–1994 [The Appearance Spiral and die Outward Appearance of Newspapers in Finland 1771–1994]. Suomen historiallinen seura, Biblioteca Historica 1 (Vammala, 1995). 429 pp. ISBN 951–710–013–2.

Antti Kujala, Venäjän hallitus ja Suomen tvöväenliike 1899–1905 [The Russian Government and the Finnish Workers’ Movement 1899–1905]. Hist, tutk, 94 (Helsinki: Societas Historica Finlandiae, 1996). 459 pp. ISBN 951–710–024–8.

Jussi M. Hanhimäki, Rinnakkaiseloa patomassa. Yhdysvallat ja Paasikiven linja 1948–1956 [Containing Coexistence]. Bibliotheca historica 10 (Helsinki: Suomen Historiallinen Seura, 1996). 191 pp. [English summary].

Else Roesdahl and Preben Meulengracht S?renson, eds. The Waking of Angantyr. The Scandinavian past in European culture. Den nordiske fortid i europæisk kultur, Acta Jutlandica LXXI:l, Humanities Series 70 (Aarhus, 1996). 229 pp. ISBN 87–7288–435–5.

Nils Arne S?renson, ed. European Identities. Cultural Diversity and Integration in Europe Since 1700, (Odense University Press, 1995). 269 pp. ISBN 87–7492–976–3.

Atle Thowsen, Handelsflåten i krig 1939–1945. Nortraship: Profitt og patriotisme, vol. 1 (Gröndahl og Dreyers Forlag, Oslo, 1992). 494 pp., ISBN 82–404–1895–6.  相似文献   

Ingar Kaldahl, Arbeid og miljø ved Follafoss tresliperi og Ranheim papirfabrikk 1920–1970 [Work and work environment at Follafoss pulp‐mill and Ranheim paper mill 1920–1970]. (Trondheim, Norway: Department of History, University of Trondheim, 1994). 525 pp. ISBN 82–7765–002–7.

Britta Lövgren, Hemarbete som politik [Housework as politics. Discussions on housework in Sweden in the 1930s and the 1940s and the establishing of The Home Research Institute (Hemmenes Forskningsinstitut)]. (Stockholm: Almqvist &; Wiksell International, 1993). 232 pp. ISBN 91–22–01556–6.

Sidsel Eriksen, Sester Silfverbergs sorger [Sister Silfverberg's sorrows. A story about how a Sunday‐school teacher became a temperance agitator and a feminist]. (Copenhagen: Spektrum, 1993). ISBN 87–7763–088–2.

Alexandra Ramsay, Huvudstadens hjärta. Filantropi och social förändring i Helsingfors: två fruentimmers föreninger 1848–1865 [The heart of the capital. Philanthropy and social change in Helsingfors ‐ two ladies’ societies 1848–1865]. (Helsingfors: Finska Vetenskaps‐Societeten‐Suomen Tiedeseura, 1993.) 183 pp. ISBN 951–653–248–9.

Elina Katainen (ed.), Kotomaan koko kuva. Kirjoituksia elokuvasta ja 1930‐luvun sosiaalikistoriasta [Full Portrait of the Homeland. Studies in Cinema and the Social History of the 1930s]. (Helsinki: Suomen Historiallinen Seura. Historiallinen Arkisto 100. Helsingin yliopiston talous‐ ja sosiaalihistorian laitos. Talous‐ ja sosiaalihistoriallisia tutkimuksia 2, 1993. 232 pp. ISBN 951–8915–68–7, ISSN 0073–2540.

Erik Tudeer, Det åländska folkets historia V:1 1920–1990 [The History of the Åland Islanders]. (Ekenäs:Ekenäs Tryckeri Aktiebolag, 1993). 287 pp. ISBN 952–9848–02–1.  相似文献   

This essay reads Munro’s 2001 story collection as embodiment of her artistic accomplishment. Beginning with a 1952 internal Canadian Broadcasting Corporation reader noting “evocative and luminous phrases” in two of Munro’s earliest stories, it argues that such phrases have informed Munro’s fiction throughout her career. In Hateship, these phrasings are key to “Family Furnishings,” “Hateship, Friendship, Courtship, Loveship, Marriage,” “Post and Beam,” “The Bear Came Over the Mountain,” and especially “Nettles.” There Munro structures her stories around “real facts in the making,” combining autobiographical facts and situations with her imaginative renderings of them. This collection reveals Munro at the height of her accomplished art.  相似文献   

Damsholt, Nanna, Kvindebilledet i dansk höjmiddelalder (København, 1985). ISBN 87–418–7425–0. 339 pp.

Kouri, E. I., Saksalaisen käyttökirjallisuuden vaikutus Suomessa 1600‐luvulla. Ericus Ericin postillan lähteet. (The influences of German Gebrauchsliteratur in 17th century Finland. The sources of the Book of Homilies by Ericus Erici). Suomen kirkkohistorial‐lisen seuran toimituksia 129. (Helsinki, 1984). ISBN 951–9021–52–4. 325 pp. German summary and appendix.

Hovi, Kalervo, Alliance de revers. Stabilization of Frances's Alliance Policies in East Central Europe 1919–1921 (Annales Universitatis Turkuensis, Ser. B, tom. 163, Turku, 1984) ISBN 951–642–437–6. 135 pp.

Hovi, Kalervo, Interssensphären im Baltikum. Finland im Rahmen der Ostpolitik Polens 1919–1922 (Spheres of interest in the Baltic. Finland's role in the Polish eastern policy 1919–1922). Studio historica 13. (Helsinki, 1984). ISBN 951–9254–51‐X. 180 pp.  相似文献   

By comparing Frances Hodgson Burnett’s A Little Princess (1905) with contemporaneous psychology and canonical literature, this article suggests that children’s literature complicates our understanding of nineteenth-century discourse about precocity. In much canonical literature of the Victorian period, the precocious child is an agent in a narrative of adult redemption. In Victorian child psychology, childhood storytelling was associated with lying and with moral insanity; adult stories are, implicitly, true by contrast. Both discourses thus reduce the precocious child to the role of agent in the tacit truth of adult stories; many such nineteenth-century scientific and literary studies of precocity are therefore, more essentially, studies of the adult reflected in the precocious child. A Little Princess, in contrast, is concerned with the experiences and perspective of its precocious child protagonist, Sara Crewe. Through this focus on the child herself, A Little Princess suggests that the position of the precocious child in contemporary discourse is a result of the threat she represents to the adult, and to the supposed truth of adult stories. Sara Crewe obviates the moral difference between adults’ stories and children’s stories, and between truth and deceit, upheld in contemporary psychology. She therefore undermines the difference between adult and child which informed debate about precocity in canonical fiction and psychology of the Victorian period. In A Little Princess, this transgression of boundaries is a productive, enabling, and even moral act.  相似文献   

One of the founding texts within the history of Nordic conservation is ‘Förslag till inrättandet af Riksparker i de nordiska länderna’ (A Proposal for Establishing Nation’s Parks in the Nordic Countries), written by the Finnish-Swedish scientist and explorer Adolf Erik Nordenskiöld (1832–1901) in 1880. It is comparable to influential texts of US environmental history, such as George Catlin’s Illustrations of the Manners, Customs, and Condition of the North American Indians (1845–1848) and George Perkins Marsh’s Man and Nature (1864). The ideas developed in the essay are expressions of an environmentally literate person. Nordenskiöld perceived destructive developments taking place in the environment and set down proposals to prevent or remedy this undesirable situation. This article will discuss the historical roots of Nordenskiöld’s conservational philosophy, such as the modernization process, patriotic ideas from the Romantic era, and, above all, the influence of US thinkers, most notably George Catlin, who proposed the opening of ‘nation’s Parks […] on the great plains of the West’. The influence of Nordenskiöld on the subsequent conservation movement in Finland and in Sweden will be examined in detail. The first national parks in Europe were established in Sweden in 1909.  相似文献   


Den s k skandinaviska kulturgränsen i norra Sverige under vikingatid ‐ var den en etnisk eller socio‐ekonomisk gräns? En studie utifrån det arkeologiska materialet.

Till Ångermanlands kustland och Storsjöbygden i Jämtland i norr finns nordiska ortnamn som går tilbaka till järnåldern. Man talar här om “den skandinaviska kulturgränsen”. Men den har också av vissa forskare uppfattats som en statisk, etnisk sydgräns för den samiska kulturen.

Forskningen har länge dominerats av den norske etnografen Yngvar Nielsens “immigrationsteori” av år 1889, att samema först under nyare tid skulle ha vandrat söder ut från Nordtrøndelag i Norge och Lappland i Sverige. Den då gängse uppfattningen bland såväl norska som svenska arkeologer var istället den att samema var urbefolkningen i norra och mellersta Skandinavien.

Nya undersökningar stödjer detta. Forntida samiska gravar (och boplatser) finns i inlandet betydligt längre söderut, tydligast på Vivallen i nordvästra Härjedalen med hittils 21 skelettgravar under flat mark, från åtminstone 1000‐ og 1100‐talen. Andra gravar söder om kulturgränsen tolkade som samiska eller tillhöriga fångstkulturen är de s k insjögravarna, brandgravar från första årtusendet e Kr.

Vad innebar då den s k kulturgränsen under vikingatid? För att söka underlag för en hypotes härom har jag gått igenom tydligt skandinaviska eller östliga brons‐och silverföremål från 8‐, 9‐ och 1000‐(1100‐) talen, och deras fyndomständigheter, allt från Sverige norr om den tänkta gränsen.

Många av de aktuella föremålen härrör från gravar, som genomgående tycks vara samiska. Nära kontakter med såväl öst‐ som västskandinavisk kultur liksom finsk kan förklara att ett område utmärks av brandgravar under rosen, ett annat av brandgravar under hög, övergående till skelettgravar, medan ett tredje har givit skelettgravar under flat mark. Att större delen av området saknar kända gravar kan bero på inhemska, ej närmare kända gravseder.

De aktuella gravgåvorna är dräktprydnader. Sådana tycks i sig inte vara etniskt betingade. En annorlunda användning av utifrån införda ting, jämfört med bruket i deras tillverkningsländer, förefaller däremot att kunna nyttjas som en indikation på samisk etnisk tillhörighet. Inte heller gravformer och gravskick visar sig bundna till en etnisk grupp. Ett undantag tycks vara (sydda) näversvepningar som utmärkt samiska gravar. Gravlägena förefaller däremot att vara indikator på samisk tillhörighet; de antagna samiska gravarna ligger i regel på näs, öar och holmar.

Den s k skandinaviska kulturgränsen i norra Sverige tycks därmed under vikingatid vara en gräns åt norr för dels nordisk bygd, dels ett mera påtagligt inflytande från östra Skandinavien (Sverige) på den samiska befolkningen i fångstmarken. Den var alltså delvis en socio‐ekonomisk gräns och en gräns inom samisk område, inte en sydgräns för den samiska kulturen.  相似文献   

Brccngaard, Carsten, Muren om Israels hus. Regnum og sacerdotium i Danmark 1050—1170 (The wall round the house of Israel. Regnum and sacerdotium in Denmark 1050‐1170). (København, 1982). ISBN 87‐12‐09300‐9.341 pp. English summary.

Næss, Hans Eyvind, Trolldomsprosessene i Norge pa 1500‐, 1600‐tallet (Trials of witches in Norway in the 16th and 17th centuries). (Oslo, 1982). ISBN 82‐00‐06386‐0 IX, 582 pp.

Seppo, Juha, Uskovien yhteisö vai valtionkirkko. Uskonnolliset vähemmistöyhteisöt ja evank‐elis‐luterilaisesta kirkosta eroaminen Suomessa vuosina 1923—1930 (A community of the faithful or the State Church. Religious minority communities and withdrawals from the Lutheran Church in Finland in 1923—1930). (Suomen kirkkohistoriallisen seuran toimituksia, vol. 127, Helsinki, 1983). ISBN 951‐9021‐50‐7. 492 pp. German summary.

Seppinen, Ilkka, Suomen ulkomaankaupan ehdot 1939—1944 (The terms of Finnish foreign trade in 1939—1944). (Societas Historica Fennica. Historiallisia tutkimuksia, vol. 14, Helsinki, 1983). ISBN 951‐9254‐49‐8. 268 pp. German summary.  相似文献   


Drawing on ethnographic fieldwork with feminist grassroots groups and women’s organizations in a Nordic context, this article aims to explore how feminist enactments shape multiple layers of spatiality and belonging. I analyse autoethnographic reflections from two feminist events, both taking place in Malmö in June 2014. Rather than understanding Nordic feminisms as a stable object, I follow in this article the initiative of decolonial scholars to analyze how feminist communities are shaped by affects, enactments and inhabitations which both ‘speak back’ to located conditions and transgress beyond them. I use phenomenology in my engagement with the material and employ a palimpsestic reading mode to trace the multi-layered constructions of spatiality and belonging in feminist performances, identifications and affiliations. As affective value shaped the effects of surfaces or borders of bodies and spaces, theorizations on affect helped me to grasp how complex forms of belonging became entwined with particular performances of geography and history.  相似文献   

Guy Vanderhaeghe’s historical novels starting with The Englishman’s Boy (1996) have been widely discussed and celebrated in academic books and journals, but his first collection of stories, Man Descending (1982), has been largely neglected by the academic critics. An examination of sociopolitical references, with a special focus on gender and masculinity, in a coherent group of these stories (“The Watcher,” “Drummer,” Cages,” “Man Descending,” and “Sam, Soren and Ed”), reveals a writerly personality that, while acutely sensitive to contemporary social and political developments, and itself deeply implicated in these trends, nevertheless stands uncomfortably apart from and assumes a critical attitude toward the prevailing, generally progressive, sociopolitical trends of the 1960s and 1970s. In the last story of Man Descending, the protagonist-narrator Ed emerges as an aspiring thirty-year-old author who has attempted, but could not finish, two novels of his society and times, and these early stories constitute Vanderhaeghe’s own notes toward a never fully realized “Big Book” of his generation of Saskatchewan men, born in the early 1950s, coming to young adulthood in the socially and politically transformative 1960s and 1970s, and surviving into an embattled early manhood in the late 1970s and early 1980s, a time, as it is depicted in these stories, in which the aspirations of 1960s progressivism were hardening into a conformist sociopolitical orthodoxy.  相似文献   

This article will examine the representation of Irish women servants in Maeve Brennan's short stories, first published in The New Yorker in the 1950s, and collected in The Rose Garden (2001). The Irish ‘Bridget’, the most publicly visible, if troubling, image of Irish womanhood in late nineteenth- and early twentieth-century America, has received much-needed attention from historians and social scientists in the last decade, and is a central figure in discussions of Irish women and diasporic identity in the American context. Drawing on this body of work, and focusing in detail on key stories from the collection, including ‘The Bride’, ‘The View from the Kitchen’, ‘The Anachronism’, ‘The Divine Fireplace’, and ‘The Servants’ Dance', I argue that Brennan's reimagining of the Irish Bridget can be approached as a form of feminist revisionism, as Brennan's stories enter into a charged dialogue with the history of imagining the Irish woman servant as an undesirable but necessary presence in middle-class American domestic culture. Brennan's self-reflexive reworking of this paradigm is informed by her work as a satirist for The New Yorker, and proves an effective means of writing back to this problematic history, as she takes up recognisable tropes and motifs from earlier representations of Bridget in popular and literary culture, and alters them in knowing and subversive ways.  相似文献   

This essay examines the importance of the notion of infinity to the work of Flann O'Brien and Jorge Luis Borges. Using as a starting point their shared interest in the Irish-born popular scientist J.W. Dunne's highly eccentric theories about the ‘multidimensional’ nature of time, the essay goes on, through a close analysis of a number of Borges' stories and of O'Brien's novel The Third Policeman, to call attention to a fundamental affinity between these two ostensibly quite different authors. A case is ultimately made for a consideration of Borges and O'Brien as writers with remarkably similar views on fiction and the universe.  相似文献   

Writing The History of the Sevarambians in the 1670s, the Huguenot Denis Veiras borrowed many ideas from Garcilaso de la Vega, also known as El Inca, whose Royal Commentaries of the Incas was published in 1609. Both works describe the history of an empire and justify it on the ground that it brought peace and unity. While Garcilaso’s book purported to be a history, his selection of facts reflected his goal of improving the treatment of the Incas by the Spanish. Veiras’s story also claimed to be a history, but it was transparently a fiction, even to the point of lifting many elements from Garcilaso’s book. What both works equally emphasized was that empires could aim at, and could be justified by, the benefits they provided their subjects. Both tell stories of benevolent and paternalistic rulers who founded nearly ideal societies in the countries they conquered. These were models of empire for peace and unity rather than merely promoting toleration of differences or concord among differing parties. Veiras’s utopia thus offers an instructive case study of the effects of cross-cultural borrowings of literary and political ideas.  相似文献   

Wissenschaft mit Unterschieden: Parodie und Paradies in Margaret Cavendishs The Blazing World (1666) . Mit ihrer utopischen Erzählung The Blazing World (1666) ist Margaret Cavendish, Duchess of Newcastle, eine der wenigen Autorinnen der Frühen Neuzeit, die sich sowohl im Feld der Literatur als auch der Naturphilosophie betätigten. Auf den ersten Blick scheint die Welt jenseits des Nordpols, in die die Protagonistin nach gewaltsamer Entführung und Schiffbruch gerät, ein weibliches Wissenschaftsparadies: Nach eilig erfolgter Vermählung mit dem Kaiser regiert sie eigenverantwortlich über die wissenschaftlichen Institutionen ihres Reichs und debattiert mit Bären-, Vogel-, Wurmmännern und ähnlichen Hybridwesen über die neuesten wissenschaftlichen Errungenschaften. Bald schon stellt sich jedoch heraus, dass ihre „Wissenschaftler“ denjenigen der englischen Realität sowohl in ihrer blinden Begeisterung für neue Forschungsinstrumente wie in ihrem ermüdenden Austausch von Meinungen und Glaubenssätzen durchaus ähnlich sind. Unterstützung für ihre Kritik und für eigene Forschungs- und Schreibprojekte findet die Protagonistin in der Autorin selbst, der Duchess of Newcastle, in deren Welten sich die beiden gemeinsam begeben. Parodie und Satire, die auf zeitgenössische Modetorheiten im Umfeld der Royal Society abzielen, stehen im Fokus des vorliegenden Aufsatzes ebenso wie utopische Perspektiven, die durch die Eröffnung neuer Denkräume entstehen. Auf dem von ironisch kommentierten Fetischen und Hybriderscheinungen gepflasterten Weg dorthin bewegt sich die Erzählung zwischen Realität und Virtualität, Fakten und Fiktionen, kritisiert epistemologische und institutionelle Vorgaben und testet die Grenzen der Geschlechter im neu entstehenden Feld von Wissenschaft und Literatur. Summary : Science With a Difference: Parody and Paradise in Margaret Cavendish's The Blazing World (1666) . Margaret Cavendish's The Blazing World (1666) is one of the very few utopian accounts by women in the early modern period. At first sight, the world beyond the North Pole that Cavendish's beautiful heroine enters after surviving abduction and shipwreck seems to offer the utmost in terms of early modern feminine scientific utopias: after the shortest love story in history, the heroine becomes Empress and is given a whole Empire to govern at her pleasure. But soon it turns out that the hybrid creatures of her newly founded scientific communities, bear-men, bird-men, worm-men, and the like are far from utopian truth-seeking, but, like their earthly counterparts, all too often revel in tedious meaning and believing. The paper will focus on such parodic moments as well as on alternative modes of dealing with science more adequate to the term Paradise. Only with the support of her this-worldly friend, the Duchess of Newcastle, who also happens to be the author of the story, the Empress can not only improve her utopian state, but also the state of affairs in the real world. On the way, the boundaries between fact and fiction, real and virtual, masculine and feminine, sense and nonsense are continuously tested – reflecting and commenting on early modern fear and fascination of the unknown and the promises of science and technology.  相似文献   

Dansk socialhistorie 1‐7 (A social history of Denmark 1—7). København, (1979–82). ISBN 87–01–82331–0. Vol. 1: Jørgen Jensen, Oldtidens samfund. Tiden indtil år 800 (Prehistoric society, before 800 AD) 271 pp. Vol. 2: Niels Lund and Kai Hørby, Samfundet i vikingetid og middelalder 800–1500 (Society in the viking and middle ages 800–1500) 322 pp. Vol. 3: Ladewig Petersen, Fra standssamfund til rangssamfund 1500–1700 (From classes to ranks, 1500–1700). 447 pp. Vol. 4: Hans Chr. Johansen, En samfundsorganisation i opbrud 1700–1870 (A society on the move 1700–1780) 333 pp. Vol. 5: Vagn Dybdahl, Det nye samfund på vej 1871–1913 (The new society in the making 1871–1913) 310 pp. Vol. 6: Svend Aage Hansen and Ingrid Henriksen, Sociale brydninger 1914–39 (Social conflicts 1914–39) 424 pp. Vol. 7: Svend Aage Hansen and Ingrid Henriksen, Velfærdsstaten 1940–78 (The welfare state 1940–78) 399 pp. Register, ved Annegrete Dybdahl (Indices) 106 pp.

Fenger, Ole, Gammeldansk ret. Dansk rets historie i oldtid og middelalder (Old Danish law. The history of prehistoric and medieval Danish law). Århus, (1983). ISBN 87–583–0172–0. 156 pp.

Petersson, Birgit, Den farliga underklassen. Studier i fattigdom och brottslighet i 1800‐tale ts Sverige (The dangerous classes. Studies in poverty and crime in 19th century Sweden). Acta Universitatis Umensis. Umeå Studies in the Humanities 53. Umeå, (1983). ISBN 91–7174–133‐X. 306 pp. English summary.

Brändström, Anders, "De kärlekslösa mödrarna.” Spädbamsdödligheten i Sverige under 1800‐talet med särskild hänsyn till Nedertornea ("The loveless mothers.” Infant mortality in Sweden during the 19th century with special attention to the parish of Nedertorneå). Acta Universitatis Umensis. Umeå Studies in the Humanities 62. Umeå, (1984). ISBN 91–7174–162–3. ix+271 pp. English summary.

Hinkkanen‐Lievoncn, Merja‐Liisa, Britisk Trade and Enterprise in the Baltic States 1919–1925. Studia Historka, 14. Helsinki, (1984). ISBN 951–9254–54–4. 312 pp.

Kero, Reino, Neuvosto‐Karjalaa rakentamassa. Pohjois‐Amerikan suomalaiset tekniikan tuojina 1930‐luvun Neuuosto‐Karjalassa (Building Soviet Karelia. North American Finns as the introducers of new techniques to Soviet Karelia during the 1930's). Historiallisia tutkimuksia 122. (Helsinki, 1983). ISBN 951–92544–44–7. 231 pp. English summary.

Ekholm, Curt, Balt‐ och tyskutlämningen 1945–46. Omståndigheter kring interneringen i läger i Sverige och utlämningen till Sovjetunionen av f.d. tyska krigsdeltagare (The deportation of Baltic and German military internees in 1945–46. Circumstances concerning the internment in camps in Sweden and the deportation of former German soldiers to the Soviet Union).

Part 1. Ankomsten och interneringen (The arrival and the internment). Studia historica upsaliensia 136. (Uppsala, 1984). ISBN 91–554–1533–4. 220 pp. English summary.

Part 2. Utlämningen och efterspelet (The deportation and the sequel). Studia historica Upsaliensia 137. (Uppsala, 1984). ISBN 91–554–1534–2. 440 pp. English summary.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Robert Rinehart (ed.), Finland and the United States. Diplomatic Relations Through Seventy Years (Washington DC: 1993). Institute for the Study of Diplomacy, Georgetown University, 141 pp. ISBN 0–934742–63–4. USD 12.00.

Karl Molin, Omstridd neutralitet. Experternas kritik av svensk utrikespolitik 1948–1950 (Disputed neutrality. The experts’ criticism of Swedish foreign policy, 1948— 1950). (Stockholm: Tiden, 1991). 109 pp. ISBN 91–550–3808–5. SKR 150.00

Anders Berge, Flyktingpolitik i stormakts skugga. Sverige og de sovjetryska flyktingarna under andra världskriget (Refugee policies in the shadow of a great power. Sweden and the Soviet Russian refugees during World War II). Uppsala Multiethnic Papers 26. (Centre for Multiethnic Research, Uppsala University, Uppsala, 1992). III pp. ISBN 91–86624–07–5.

Már Jónsson, Blóoskömm á Íslandi 1270–1870 (Incest in Iceland, 1270–1870). (Reykjavík: Háskóli Íslands, Háskólaútgáfan, 1993). 311 pp. ISBN 9979–54–048–6.

Michael Bregnsbo, Gejstlighedens syn på sam fund og ?vrigked 1775–1800, belyst ved trykte pradikener og taler (The attitudes of the clergy to society and authorities 1775–1800, revealed by printed sermons and speeches). (Copenhagen: Den danske historiske Forening, 1992). 160+124 pp. ISBN 87–87462–31–1.

Pentti Laasonen &; Johannes Wallmann (eds), Der Pietismus in seiner europäischen und aussereuropäischen Ausstrahlung (Pietism in its European and extra‐european radiation) Suomen kirkkohistoriallisen seuran, toimituksia 157/ Veröffentlichungen der finnischen Gesellschaft für Kirchengeschichte, 157 (Helsinki, 1992). 240 pp. ISBN 951–9021–87–6.

Ole Feldbaek (ed.), Dansk Identitetshistorie (History of the Danish national identity), vols 1–4. (Copenhagen: C.A. Reitzel, 1991–92) 424 pp., 468 pp., 673 pp., 589 pp. ISBN 87–7421–696–1, DKR 1400 (all volumes). Summaries in English in vol. 4.

Conny Blom, Tiggare, tidstjuvar, lättingar och landstiykare. Studier αν attityder och vär‐deringar i skrån, stadgar,, ordningar och lagförslag gällande den of fentlia vården 1533–1664. (Lund: Lund University Press, 1992.) 271 pp.  相似文献   

This paper discusses Mary Lavin's place within the Irish literary tradition by means of an analysis of her representations of female characters. It argues, first, that Lavin's short stories depart from the short story tradition in general and the Irish short story tradition in particular by failing to subscribe to the cultivation of the romantic outsider and focusing instead on family relations and social responsibilities. Second, Mary Lavin's marginal position in a feminist or female literary tradition is explained through her unwillingness to portray women as victims and through the absence of a clear critique of patriarchy in her work. The paper then tries to characterise the relationship between individual and society in Lavin's short fiction in a more positive way, by focusing on the notions of individual fate and personal responsibility, which turn out to be crucial to Mary Lavin's philosophy. This philosophy is first discussed explicitly in a reading of the story ‘Happiness’ and ‘The Widow's Son’ and subsequently shown to lie behind the oppositions and dilemmas in several other stories. Finally, the article demonstrates how Lavin manages to realise her Nietzschean belief in an Amor Fati in some of her most positive female characters through a clever use of imagery and point of view, without thereby succumbing to sentimentality or cliché.  相似文献   

The years 1888–89 saw the production of two influential collections of Irish folklore: Fairy and Folk Tales of the Irish Peasantry by William Butler Yeats and Leabhar Sgeulaigheachta by Douglas Hyde. These works broke strongly with the unscientific and patronising tone of the Buchmärchen tradition in Ireland and established a new theory of folklore. In this theory, Yeats and Hyde distanced peasant narrators in an attempt to secure literary and, ultimately, aristocratic origins for their tales. As a result, Hyde and Yeats, despite their Ascendancy upbringings, could view themselves (and not the peasant narrators) as the legitimate inheritors of folklore narratives. The very stories collected, however, challenge this power dynamic. Stories such as ‘Monachar agus Manachar’ directly critique the perceived unjust division of labour and profit in rural Ireland in a way that parallels the act of folklore collection. The tales themselves resist the rhetorical frameworks of their Ascendancy collectors.  相似文献   


Lack of secure employment mobilized many young people into Nepal’s civil war and a decade of political opposition (1996–2006). As a result, both the post-war government and foreign donors invested in policies aimed to harness the productive capacities of young people in restructuring the nation. This article explores the theme of aspiration on the national and personal level and their convergence through a micro-finance program in post-war Nepal, the Youth, Small Enterprise, and Self-Employment Fund (YSEF). The national-level aspiration to make ‘new Nepal’ hinged on young people fulfilling their personal aspirations. I consider whether post-conflict pacification measures like YSEF can foster the sense of national belonging necessary by analyzing the challenges faced in instituting this loan scheme nationally and locally along Nepal’s open border with India. Analyzing YSEF’s institution from a borderland optic reveals assumptions inherent in peacebuilding intervention and limits YSEF’s ability to wholly accommodate its recipients. I suggest that the government’s attempt to bring marginalized youth into the ‘official’ economic fold through YSEF falls short in accommodating young people’s livelihood aspirations within their lived reality. Instead young people are creating pathways beyond state dependence.  相似文献   

The Florentine Francesco Berlinghieri (1440–1501) published his Geographia, a version of Ptolemy's Cosmographia in Italian terza rima, comprising 123 folios of text and 31 engraved maps, in 1482. As early as 1938 Arthur M. Hind, Keeper of Prints and Drawings at the British Museum, hinted that the engravings might have been made by Francesco Rosselli (1448–before 1527), the principal engraver in Florence in the 1480s and 1490s. Subsequently, this possibility was rejected by Roberto Almagià, R. A. Skelton and Tony Campbell. In the author's view, however, both stylistic and circumstantial evidence argues that Francesco was indeed the engraver, and that this first major commission launched the career that eventually made him known to his contemporaries as ‘Franciscus rosellus florentinus Cosmographus’.

Le Florentin Francesco Berlinghieri (1440–1501) publia en 1482 sa Geographia, une version de la Cosmographia de Ptolémée en terza rima italienne, comprenant 123 feuillets de texte et 31 cartes gravées. Dès 1938, Arthur M. Hind, conservateur des estampes et dessins au British Museum, suggéra que les gravures pouvaient être l'?uvre de Francesco Rosselli (1448–avant 1527), le principal graveur florentin dans les années 1480 et 1490. Ultérieurement, cette éventualité fut rejetée par Roberto Almagià, R. A. Skelton, et Tony Campbell. De l'avis de l'auteur, cependant, des preuves stylistiques et circonstancielles démontrent clairement que Francesco Rosselli était en effet le graveur, et que cette première commande importante lança la carrière qui allait finalement le faire connaître par ses contemporains comme ‘Franciscus rosellus florentinus Cosmographus’.

1482 veröffentlichte der Florentiner Francesco Berlinghieri (1440–1501) seine Geographia, eine Version der Cosmographia des Ptolemäus, in italienischen terza rima. Sie umfasst 123 Folioseiten Text und 31 gestochene Karten. Schon 1938 deutete Arthur M. Hind, Direktor der Grafikabteilung am British Museum, an, dass der Stich von Francesco Rosselli (1448–vor 1527) besorgt worden sein könnte. Während den Jahren 1480s und 1490s, war Rosselli der hauptsächliche Florentinische Stecher. Diese Möglichkeit wurde in weiterer Folge jedoch von Roberto Almagià, R. A. Skelton und Tony Campbell verworfen. Nach der Meinung der Autorin sprechen aber sowohl der stilistische Befund als auch die näheren Entstehungszusammenhänge sehr für Francesco Rosselli als Stecher und auch dafür, dass dieser erste größere Auftrag ihm eine Karriere eröffnete, die ihn letztendlich bei seinen Zeitgenossen als ‘Franciscus rosellus florentinus Cosmographus’ bekannt machte.

El florentino Francesco Berlinghieri (1440–1501) publicó en 1482 su Geographia, una version de la Cosmographia de Ptolomeo en terza rima italiana, que comprendía 123 folios de texto y 31 mapas grabados. En 1938 Arthur M. Hind, conservador de Impresos y Grabados del British Museum sugirió que los grabados podían haber sido hechos por Francesco Rosselli (1448–antes de 1527), el principal grabador de Florencia en los años de 1480 a 1490. Posteriormente esta posibilidad fue rechazada por Roberto Almagià, R. A. Skelton y Tony Campbell. Sin embargo, en opinión de la autora del artículo, las evidencias estilísticas y cincunstanciales indican con seguridad que Francesco Rosselli fue en efecto el grabador, y que este importante encargo dio comienzo a una carrera que finalmente le hizo ser conocido por sus contemporáneos como “Franciscus rosellus florentinus Cosmographus”.  相似文献   

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