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Book reviews     
Filippo Mazzonis (ed.) (1995) L'ltalia contemporanea e la storiografia internazionale (Venice: Marsilio), pp. 1‐315, 54,000 lire, ISBN 88‐317‐6207‐9.

Giuseppe Ricuperati (1994) Le avventure di uno stato ‘ben amministrato’. Rappre‐sentazioni e realtà nello spazio sabaudo tra Ancien Régime e Rivoluzione (Turin: Tirrenia Stampatori), pp. 1‐249.

Angela Groppi (ed.) (1996) Il lavoro delle donne (Rome‐Bari: Laterza), pp. i‐xvi, 1‐530,50,000 lire, ISBN 88‐420‐4868‐2 hardback.

Anna Bravo and Anna Maria Bruzzone (1995) In guerra senza ami: Stone di donne, 1940‐1945 (Rome/Bari: Laterza), pp. 1‐214, 25,000 lire, ISBN 88‐420‐4590‐X paperback.

Stefano Cavazza (1977) Piccole patrie: Feste popohri tra regione e nazione durante il fascismo (Bologna: II Mulino), pp. 1‐263,32,000 lire, ISBN 88‐15‐05762‐5 paperback.

Barbara Spackman (1996) Fascist Virilities: Rhetoric, Ideology, and Social Fantasy in Italy (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press), pp. 1 ‐187, US$ 18, ISBN 0‐8166‐2787‐8 paperback.

Jane C. Schneider and Peter T. Schneider (1996) Festival of the Poor. Fertility Decline and the Ideology of Class in Sicily, 1860‐1980 (Tucson: The University of Arizona Press), pp. 1‐322, ISBN 0‐8165‐1544‐1 hardback, ISBN 0‐8165‐1519‐0 paperback.

Franco Ferraresi (1996) Threats to Democracy, the Radical Right in Italy after the War (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press), pp. 1‐311, $35, ISBN 0‐691‐04499‐6 hardback.

Gianfranco Pasquino (1996) 1945‐1996: Profilo delta politica in Italia (Bari: Laterza), pp. 1‐117, plus CD‐ROM 1945‐1996: Archivio della politica in Italia, Gianfranco Pasquino with the collaboration of Marzia Zannini, ISBN 88‐420‐5139‐X.

Michela De Giorgio and Christiane Klapisch‐Zuber (eds) (1996) Storia del matrimonio (Bari and Rome: Laterza), pp. 1‐481, 50,000 lire, ISBN 88‐420‐5016‐4.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Emilio Franzina (1995) Gli italiani al nuovo mondo; L'emigrazione italiana in America 1492‐1942 (Milan: Arnoldo Mondadori Editore), pp. 1‐644. 65,000 lire, ISBN 88‐04‐35977‐3.

Marta Petrusewicz (1996) Latifundium. Moral Economy and Material Life in a European Periphery, translated by Judith C. Green (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press), pp. i‐xx, 1‐289, ISBN 047‐2103423 hardback.

H. James Burgwyn (1997) Italian Foreign Policy in the Interwar Period, 1918‐1940 (Westport, Conn.: Praeger), pp. i‐xx, 1‐246, ISBN 0‐275‐94877‐3 hardback.

Lutz Klinkhammer (1997) Stragi naziste in Italia. La guerra contro i civili (1943‐44), translated by Suzanne Meyer (Rome: Donzelli), pp. i‐xii, 1‐165, 18,000 lire; Paolo Pezzino (1997) Anatomia di un massacro. Controversia sopra una strage tedesca (Bologna: Il Mulino), pp. 1‐243, 26,000 lire, paperback.

Mabel Berezin (1997) Making the Fascist Self: the Political Culture of Interwar Italy (Ithaca, NY, and London: Cornell University Press), pp. 1‐267, ISBN 0‐8014‐8420‐9 paperback; Simonetta Falasca‐Zamponi (1997) Fascist Spectacle: the Aesthetics of Power in Mussolini's Italy (Berkeley and London: University of California Press), pp. 1‐314, $40.00, ISBN 0‐520‐20623‐1 hardback.

David Ward (1996) Antifascisms: Cultural Politics in Italy, 1943‐46. Benedetto Croce and the Liberals, Carlo Levi and the ‘Actionists’ (Madison, NJ: Farteigh‐Dickinson University Press), pp. 1‐244, ISBN 0‐8363‐3676‐4.

David Forgacs and Robert Lumley (eds) (1996) Italian Cultural Studies: an Introduction (Oxford: Oxford University Press), pp. 1‐368, $19.95, ISBN 0‐19‐871509‐9 paperback.

Maurizio Degl'lnnocenti (1995) La società unificata, Associazone, sindacato, partito sotto il fasdsmo (Manduria: Piero Lacaita Editore), pp. 1‐216, 25,000 lire, paperback.

Nello Ajello (1997) Illungo addio, intellettuali e PCI dal 1958 al 1991 (Rome‐Bari: Laterza), pp. 1‐425, 35,000 lire, ISBN 88‐420‐5323‐6.

Tom Behan (1997) The Camorra (London and New York: Routledge), pp. i‐vii, 1 ‐225, ISBN 0‐415‐09987‐0 hardback.

Sandro Setta (1995) La Destra ndl'Italia del dopoguerra (Bari: Laterza), pp. i‐xi, 1‐242, 35,000 lire, ISBN 88‐420‐4591‐8.

Manuela Gieri (1995) Contemporary Italian Filmmaking: Strategies of Subversion ‐Pirandello, Fellini, Scola and the Directors of the New Generation (Toronto: University of Toronto Press), pp. 1‐301, ISBN 0‐8020‐0556‐X hardback; ISBN 0‐8020‐6979‐7 paperback.  相似文献   

Pino Arlacchi (1983) La mafia imprenditrice (Bologna: II Mulino); translated by Martin Ryle as Mafia Business: The Mafia Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism (London: Verso, 1986), $13.95, ISBN 0‐86091‐892‐0.

Raimondo Catanzaro (1988) II delitto come impresa: storia sociale della mafia (Padua: Liviana Editrice); translated by Raymond Rosenthal as Men of Respecc: A Social History of the Sicilian Mafia (New York: Free Press, 1992), $22.95, hardback, ISBN 0‐02‐905325‐0.

Diego Gambetta (1992) La mafia siciliana: Una industria della protezione privata (Turin: Einaudi revised paperback edn, 1994); translated as The Sicilian Mafia: The Business of Private Protection (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1993), $39.95 hardback, ISBN 0‐674‐80741‐3.

Salvatore Lupo (1993) Storia della mafia dalle origini ai giorni nostri (Rome: Donzelli Editore).

Alexander Stille (1995) Excellent Cadavers: The Mafia and the Death of the First Italian Republic (New York: Pantheon), ISBN 0679425799.

Stephen Handelman (1995) Comrade Criminal: Russia's New Mafiya (New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press), $27.50, hardback, ISBN 0‐300‐06352‐0.

Robert Putnam (1993) Making Democracy Work: Civic Traditions in Modern Italy (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press), $39.95, hardback, $14.95, paperback, ISBN 0‐691‐03738‐8.  相似文献   

Sam Rohdie (1995) The Passion of Pier Paolo Pasolini (Bloomington and Indianapolis: British Film Institute and Indiana University Press), pp. i‐x, 1‐230, $15.95, ISBN 0‐85170‐518‐9 paperback; Patrick Rumble ( 1996) Allegories of Contamination: Pier Paolo Pasolini's ‘Trilogy of Life’ (Toronto, Buffalo and London: University of Toronto Press), pp. i‐ix, l‐207,$50,hardback, $ 17.95, paperback; Maurizio Viano (1993) A Certain Realism. Making Use of Pasolini's Film Theory and Practice (Berkeley, Los Angeles and London: University of California Press), pp. i‐xix, 1‐368, $40, hardback, $ 19.95, paperback.

Daniela Luigia Caglioti (1996) Associazionismo e sociabilità d'élite a Napoli nel XIX secolo (Naples: Liguori Editore), pp. 1‐169, 24,000 lire, ISBN 88‐207‐2637‐8 paperback.

Simone Neri Serneri (1995) Classe, partito, nazione. Alle origini della democrazia italiana, 1919‐1948 (Manduria: Piero Lacaita Editore), pp. 1‐298,25,000 lire, paperback.

Roberto Romani (1994) L'economia politica del Risorgimento italiano (Turin: Bollati Boringhieri), pp. 1‐248, ISBN 88‐339‐0856‐9 paperback.

Alberto M. Banti (1996) Storia della borghesia italiano: l'età liberait (Rome: Donzelli), pp. i‐xvii, 1‐395, 50,000 lire, ISBN 88‐7989‐170‐7 hardback.

Alexander J. De Grand ( 1995) Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany. The ‘Fascist’ Style of Rule (London and New York; Routledge), pp. 1‐102, $ 10.95, ISBN 0‐415‐10598‐6 paperback; Richard Bessel (ed.) (1996) Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany. Comparisons and Contrasts (Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press), pp. 1‐242, $54.95, ISBN 0‐521‐47129‐X hardback, $ 18.95, ISBN 0‐521‐47711‐5 paperback.

Enzo Collotti and Lutz Klinkhammer (1996) Il fascismo e l'Italia in guerra: Una conversazione fra storia e storiografia (Rome: Edizioni Ediesse), pp. 1‐202,20,000 lire, ISBN 88‐230‐0217‐6.

Michele Sarfatti ( 1994) Mussolini contro gli ebrei: Cronaca dell'elaborazione delle leggi del 1938 (Turin: Silvio Zamorani editore), pp. 1‐199,30,000 lire, ISBN 88‐7158‐033‐8 paperback.

Carl Ipsen (1996) Dictating Demography, the Problem of Population in Fascist Italy (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press), pp. i‐xvii, 1‐281, $54.95 ISBN 0‐521‐554527 hardback.

Stephen Gundle ( 1995) I comunisti italiani tra Hollywood e Mosco. La sfida della cultura di massa (1943‐1991) (Florence: Giunti), pp. i‐xii, 1‐572, ISBN 88‐09‐20642‐8 paperback.

Carl Levy (ed.) (1996) Italian Regionalism: History, Identity and Politics (Oxford and Dulles, Va.: Berg), pp. i‐xvi, 1‐197, $39, ISBN 1‐85973‐131‐7 hardback, $ 16.50, ISBN 1‐85973‐156‐2 paperback.

David I. Kertzer (1996) Politics and Symbols. The Italian Communist Party and the Fall of Communism (New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press), pp. 1‐224, $25, ISBN 0‐300‐06612‐0 hardback.

Pier Paolo Giglioli, Sandra Cavicchioli and Giolo Fele ( 1997) Rituali di degradazione: Anatomia del processo Cusani (Bologna: II Mulino), pp. 1‐243,28,000 lire, ISBN 88‐15‐05713‐7.

Mario Baldassarri and Franco Modigliani (eds) (1995) The Italian Economy. What Next? (New York: St Martin's Press), pp. 1‐200, $69.95, ISBN 0‐312‐12475‐9 hardback.

Piergiorgio Corbetta and Arturo M. L. Parisi (eds) (1997) Cavalieri e fanti: Proposte e proponenti nelle elezioni del 1994 e del 1996 (Bologna: Il Mulino), pp. 1‐421; Piergiorgio Corbetta and Arturo M. L Parisi (eds) (1997) A domanda risponde: Il cambiamento nel voto degli italiani nelle elezioni del 1994 e del 1996 (Bologna: Il Mulino), pp. 1‐410.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Books reviewed: Lynette Olson, ed., Religious Change, Conversion and Culture Tord Fornberg and David Hellholm, eds, Texts and Contexts: BiblicalTexts in Their Textual and Situational Contexts Judith Lieu, Image and Reality: The Jews in the World of theChristians in the Second Century Marjorie O’Rourke Boyle, Divine Domesticity: Augustine of Thagasteto Teresa of Avila W. David Myers, ‘Poor Sinning Folk’: Confession and Conscience in Counter‐Reformation Germany A. Lynn Martin, Plague? Jesuit Accounts of Epidemic Disease inthe 16th Century Francis Edwards, SJ, Robert Persons: The Biography of an ElizabethanJesuit, 1546‐1610 Peter Kaufman, Prayer, Despair, and Drama. ElizabethanIntrospection Nigel Aston, ed., Religious Change in Europe, 1650‐1914: Essaysfor John McManners Alan P. F. Sell, John Locke and the Eighteenth‐Century Divines B. W. Young: Religion and Enlightenment in Eighteenth‐Century England, Theological Debate from Locke to Burke Simon Ross Valentine, John Bennet and the Origins of Methodismand the Evangelical Revival in England Peter Nockles, The Oxford Movement in Context: Anglican HighChurchmanship, 1760‐1857 Susannah Heschel, Abraham Geiger and the Jewish Jesus Adrian Desmond, Huxley: Evolution’s High Priest M. Gauvreau and N. Christie, A Full‐Orbed Christianity: TheProtestant Churches and Social Welfare in Canada, 1900‐1940 M. R. MacGinley, A Dynamic of Hope: Institutes of Women Religiousin Australia Catherine Kovesi Killerby, Ursula Frayne: A biography Antony Copley, Religions in Conflict: Ideology, Cultural Contactand Conversion in Late‐Colonial India Donald S. Lopez, Jr., Religions of China in Practice  相似文献   

Muhammad as‐Sacid cAbd al‐Mu'min: Mas'ala ath‐Thawra al‐Iraniyya (The Case of the Iranian Revolution), Cairo, 1981.

Sami Dhabiyan: Iran wa al‐Khumayni: Muntalaqat ath‐Thawra wa Hudud at‐Taghyir (Iran and Khomeini: The Foundations of the Revolution and the Limits of Change), Beirut, 1979.

Ibrahim ad‐Dissuqi Shita: ath‐Thawra al‐Iraniyya: al‐Judhur‐ al‐Idilujiyya (The Iranian Revolution: The Roots‐the Ideology), Beirut, 1979.

Talal Majdhub: Iran: Min ath‐Thawra ad‐Dusturiyya hatta ath‐Thawra al‐Islamiyya (Iran: From the Constitutional Revolution to the Islamic Revolution), Beirut, 1980.

Mahmud an Najjar: ath‐Thawra al‐Iraniyya wa Ihtimalat al‐Khatar fi al‐Khalij (The Iranian Revolution and the Possibilities of Danger in the Gulf), Beirut, 1980.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Development and change》2006,37(3):649-670
Books Reviewed: Ange Wieberdink, Troubled Waters: The Ambivalence of South–North Partnerships in Research for Development — A Case Study. Nicholas Stern, Jean‐Jacques Dethier and F. Halsey Rogers, Growth and Empowerment: Making Development Happen. Alan Bicker, Paul Sillitoe and Johan Pottier (eds), Development and Local Knowledge. Michael Klein and Tim Harford, The Market for Aid. David Ellerman, Helping People Help Themselves. David Harvey, A Brief History of Neoliberalism. Deborah Leipziger, The Corporate Responsibility Code Book. Janet Roitman, Fiscal Disobedience: An Anthropology of Economic Regulation in Central Africa. Fay Chung, Re‐Living the Second Chimurenga: Memories from Zimbabwe's Liberation Struggle. Norma Kriger, Guerrilla Veterans in Post‐War Zimbabwe: Symbolic and Violent Politics 1980–1987. Donald S. Moore, Suffering for Territory: Race, Place, and Power in Zimbabwe. Craig Acerneaux and David Pion‐Berlin, Transforming Latin America: The International and Domestic Origins of Change. Rhoda E. Reddock (ed.), Interrogating Caribbean Masculinities: Theoretical and Empirical Analyses. Partha Nath Mukherji and Chandan Sengupta (eds), Indigeneity and Universality in Social Sciences: A South Asian Response. Tamar Horowitz, Bella Kotik‐Friedgut and Stefani Hoffman (eds), From Pacesetters to Dropouts: Post‐Soviet Youth in Comparative Perspective.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article Editorial Office : 400 Elliott Hall, Ohio Wesleyan University, Delaware, OH 43015 Telephone : 740‐368‐3642 Fax : 740‐368‐3643 E‐mail: brhistor@cc.owu.edu Web address: http://www.cc.owu.edu/~histor/ Imaginary Cartographies: Possession and Identity in Late Medieval Marseilles. By Daniel Lord Smail. Indians and English: Facing Off in Early America. By Karen Ordahl Kupperman. Cousins and Strangers: Spanish Immigrants in Buenos Aires, 1850‐1930. By Jose C. Moya. Rickey and Robinson: The Preacher, the Player, and America's Game. By John C. Chalberg. Past Time: Baseball as History. By Jules Tygiel. Imperialism: Decolonization and Africa. Edited by Roy Bridges. The Well‐Protected Domains: Ideology and the Legitimation of Power in the Ottoman Empire, 1876‐1909. By Selim Deringil. The Oxford History of Islam. Edited by John L. Esposito. State and Provincial Society in the Ottoman Empire: Mosul, 1540‐1834. By Dina Rizk Khoury. The War of 1812. By Henry B. Adams. Edited by Major H. A. DeWeerd, with an introduction by Colonel John R. Elting. Crucible of War: The Seven Years’War and the Fate of Empire in British North America, 1754‐1766. By Fred Anderson. Josh Gibson: A Life in the Negro Leagues. By William Brashler. The Other Founders: Anti‐Federalism and the Dissenting Tradition in America, 1788‐1828. By Saul Cornell. Memoirs of a Soldier, Nurse, and Spy: A Woman's Adventures in the Union Army. By Sarah Emma Edmonds. Edited, with an introduction, by Elizabeth Leonard. The New Deal: America's Response to the Great Depression. By Ronald Edsforth. Voices in the Storm: Confederate Rhetoric, 1861‐1865. By Karen E. Fritz. How We Got Here: The 1970s, the Decade that Brought You Modern Life (for Better or Worse). By David Frum. Monopolies in America: Empire Builders and Their Enemies from Jay Gould to Bill Gates. By Charles R. Geisst. The Second Century: U.S.‐Latin American Relations since 1889. By Mark T. Gilderhus. Taken at the Flood: Robert E. Lee and Confederate Strategy in the Maryland Campaign of 1862. By Joseph L. Harsh. In the Absence of Don Porfirio: Francisco Léon de la Barra and the Mexican Revolution. By Peter V. N. Henderson. Lincoln Seen & Heard. By Harold Holzer. Philanthropic Foundations in the Twentieth Century. By Joseph Kiger. Heirs Apparent: Solving the Vice Presidential Dilemma. By Vance R. Kincade Jr. Major General John Alexander McClernand: Politician in Uniform. By Richard L. Kiper. Between Authority and Liberty: State Constitution Making in Revolutionary America. By Marc W. Kruman. Divided Arsenal Race and the American State during World War II By Daniel Kryder. Carnival on the Page: Popular Print Media in Antebellum America. By Isabelle Lehuu. Founding Friendship: George Washington, James Madison, and the Creation of the American Republic. By Stuart Leibiger. Our Own Backyard: The United States in Central America, 1977‐1992. By William M. LeoGrande. Yellowstone: The Reaction and Selling of an American Landscape, 1870‐1903. By Chris J. Magoc. Lincoln: A Foreigner's Quest. By Jan Morris. Mexico in the 1940s: Modernity, Politics, and Corruption. By Stephen R. Niblo. The Warren Court and American Politics. By Lucas A. Powe Jr. Conflict in the South Cone: The Argentine Military and the Boundary Dispute with Chile, 1870‐1902. By George Rauch. Power Versus Liberty: Madison, Hamilton, Wilson, and Jefferson. By James H. Read. The Sacred and the Secular University. By Jon H. Roberts and James Turner. Bold Dragoon: The Life of J. E. B. Stuart. By Emory M. Thomas. The New Cambridge History of India. Volume III.5, Science, Technology and Medicine in Colonial India. By David Arnold. Women and Property in China, 960‐1949. By Kathryn Bernhardt. Defining Chu: Image and Reality in Ancient China. Edited by Constance A. Cook and John S. Major. Imperial China, 900‐1800. By F. W. Mote. The Last Emperors: A Social History of Qing Imperial Institutions. By Evelyn S. Rawski. Vietnam. By Spencer Tucker. The Social History of the Third Reich, 1933‐1945. By Pierre Ayçoberry. Translated by Janet Lloyd. The Greeks: Crucible of Civilization. By Paul Cartledge. Reflections on a Ravaged Century. By Robert Conquest. Travesties and Transgressions in Tudor and Stuart England: Tales of Discord and Dissension. By David Cressy. The Isles: A History. By Norman Davies. Communist Terror in Romania: Gheorghiu‐Dej and the Police State, 1948‐1965. By Dennis Deletant. Feminist Freikorps: The British Voluntary Women Police, 1914‐1940. By R. M. Douglas. Jansenism: Catholic Resistance to Authority from the Reformation to the French Revolution. By William Doyle. Aristocratic Women in Medieval France. Edited by Theodore Evergates. Curzon and British Imperialism in the Middle East, 1916‐1919. By John Fisher. Joan of Arc: The Early Debate. By Deborah A. Fraioli. The Other Prussia: Royal Prussia, Poland and Liberty, 1569–1772. By Karin Friedrich. The Road to Terror: Stalin and the Self‐Destruction of the Bolsheviks, 1932–1939. By J. Arch Getty and Oleg V. Naumov. The Persistence of Empire: British Political Culture in the Age of the American Revolution. By Eliga H. Gould. Phoenix: Fascism in Our Time. By A. James Gregor. Revolution and World Politics: The Rise and Fall of the Sixth Great Power. By Fred Halliday. The Garden and the Workshop: Essays on the Cultural History of Vienna and Budapest. By Péter Hanák. John Dee's Conversations with Angels: Cabala, Alchemy, and the End of Nature. By Deborah E. Harkness. Reading the French Enlightenment: System and Subversion. By Julie Candler Hayes. Requiem for a German Past: A Boyhood among the Nazis. By Jurgen Herbst. Nazi Terror: The Gestapo, Jews, and Ordinary Germans. By Eric A. Johnson. A Prologue to Revolution: The Political Career of George Grenville, 1712‐1770. By Allen S. From Monuments to Traces: Artifacts of German Memory, 1870–1990. By Rudy Koshar. The Tragedy of Childbed Fever. By Irvine Loudon. A Concise History of the Crusades. By Thomas F. Madden. Young Wilhelm: The Kaiser's Early Life, 1859‐1888. By John C. G. Rohl. Translated by Jeremy Gaines and Rebecca Wallach. European Culture in the Great War: The Arts, Entertainment, and Propaganda, 1914‐1918. Edited by Aviel Roshwald and Richard Stites. For Her Good Estate: The Life of Elizabeth de Burgh. By Frances A. Underhill. The Atlantic. By Paul Butel. Translated by Iain Hamilton Grant. She Captains: Heroines and Hellions of the Sea. By Joan Druett. Controlling the State: Constitutionalism from Ancient Athens to Today. By Scott Gordon. Empire. By Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Books reviewed in this article: Masahisa Fujita and Jacques‐François Thisse, Economics of Agglomeration: Cities, Industrial Location, and Regional Growth Timothy J. Bartik, Jobs for the Poor: Can Labor Policies Help? Miriam Solomon, Social Empiricism Nicole Pohl, Mobility in Space and Time: Challenges to the Theory of International Economics Steven Brakman, Harry Garretsen, and Charles van Marrewijk, An Introduction to Geographical Economics: Trade, Location and Growth Bruce A. Weber, Greg J. Duncan, and Leslie A. Whitener (eds.), Rural Dimensions of Welfare Reform Wallace E. Oates (ed.), Property Taxation and Local Government Finance: Essays in Honor of C. Lowell Harris Maryann P. Feldman and Nadine Massard (eds.), Institutions and Systems in the Geography of Innovation Dengjian Jim, The Dynamics of Knowledge Regimes: Technology, Culture and Competitiveness in the USA and Japan Harvey J. Miller and Jiawei Han (eds.), Geographic Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Anna Nagurney and June Dong, Supernetworks: Decision‐Making for the Information Age Stuart McCook, States of Nature: Science, Agriculture, and Environment in the Spanish Caribbean, 1760‐1940 Philip Scranton (ed.), The Second Wave: Southern Industrialization from the 1940's to the 1970's Stephen Haycox, Frigid Embrace: Politics, Economics, and Environment in Alaska Kathleen Ann Pickering, Lakota Culture, World Economy Organisation for Economic Co‐operation and Development (OECD), OECD Territorial Reviews: Hungary Organisation for Economic Co‐operation and Development (OECD), OECD Territorial Reviews: Italy Organisation for Economic Co‐operation and Development (OECD), OECD Territorial Reviews: Bergamo, Italy Organisation for Economic Co‐operation and Development (OECD), OECD Territorial Reviews: Teruel, Spain Organisation for Economic Co‐operation and Development (OECD), OECD Territorial Reviews: The Valencian Central Districts, Spain Jaakko Suvantola, Tourist's Experience of Place  相似文献   

Mokhaberat‐e Astarabad: Gozareshha‐ye Hosayn Qoli Maqsūdlū, vol. 2, 1335–43/1917–24, ed. I. Afshar and M. R. Daryagasht, (Tehran: Nashr‐e Tarikh‐e Iran, 1363 Sh./1984), pp. 1002.

Enqelab‐e Khorasan: Majmū'eh‐ye asnad va madarek, 1300, ed K. Bayat (Tehran: Mo'assaseh‐ye motale'at va pazhuheshha‐ye farhangi, 1370 Sh./1991), pp. 323.

Dawleh, 2 vols., ed. M. Ettehadieh (Nezam Mafi) and S. Sa'dvandian (Tehran: Nashr‐e Tarikh‐e Iran), volume one: Majales‐e chaharom va panjom‐e taqniniyeh (1369 Sh./1990), pp. 262; volume two: Khaferat‐e mahbas (1370 Sh./1991), pp. 496.

Do sal ravabet‐e mahramaneh‐ye Ahmad Shah va sefarat‐e Shūravi: Yaddashtha‐ye Reia Heravi, Basir al‐Dawleh, ed. M. Tafreshi (Tehran: Nashr‐e Tarikh‐e Iran, 1372 Sh./1993), pp. 177.

Asnad‐e matbū'at, 1286–1320 Sh., 2 vols., ed. K. Bayat and M. Kuhestani (1371 Sh./1993), pp. 630 and 567.

Khoshūnat va farhang: Asnad‐e mahramaneh‐ye kashf‐e hejab, 1312 Sh. (Tehran: Sazman‐e Asnad‐e Melli, 1371 Sh./1992), pp. 342.

Vaqe'eh‐ye kashf‐e hejab: Asnad‐e montasher nashodeh az vaqe'eh‐ye kashf‐e hejab dar ‘asr‐e Re?a Khan (Tehran: Sazman‐e Madarek‐e Farhangi‐e Enqelab‐e Eslami, 1371 Sh./1992), pp. 484.

Gozideh‐ye asnad‐e Khalij‐e Fars (Tehran: Daftar‐e Motale'at‐e Siyasi va Bayn al‐Melali, 1369 Sh./1990). Volume one: Jazayer‐e Khalij‐e Fars, 1320–60 (1901–1941), pp. 566; volume two: Ravabet‐e Iran ba keshvarha‐ye hawzeh‐ye Khalij‐e Fars va tahavvolat‐e dakheli‐e anha, pp. 885.

Gozideh‐ye asnad‐e marzi‐ye Iran va ‘Eraq (Tehran: Daftar‐e Motale'at‐e Siyasi va Bayn al‐Melali, 1368 Sh./1989), pp. 254.

Fa"aliyatha‐ye komunisti dar dawreh‐ye Reia Shah, ed. K. Bayat (Tehran: Sazman‐e Asnad‐e Melli‐ye Iran, 1370 Sh./1991), pp. 276.

Parvandeh‐ye panjah va seh nafar, ed. H. Farzaneh (Tehran: Mo'assaseh‐ye Negah, 1372 Sh./1993), pp. 595.

Asnad‐e nakhostin sepahbod‐e iran, Amir Ahmadi, ed. S. Sa'dvandian (Tehran: Mo'assaseh‐ye Motale'at va Pazhuhesh‐e Farhangi, 1373 Sh./1994), pp. 414.

Asnad‐e naq?‐e bifarafi‐e Iran dar Shahrivar 1320: Siyasat‐e khareji dar astaneh‐ye eshghal, ed. M. Torkaman (Tehran: Entesharat‐e Kavir, 1370 Sh./1991), pp. 278.

Re?a Shah: Khaterat‐e Solayman Behbūdi, Shams Pahlavi, ‘Ali Izadi, ed. G. H. Mirza Saleh (Tehran: Tarh‐e Now, 1372 Sh./1993), pp. 607.

Zendegani‐e tūfani, 2nd ed., ed. I. Afshar (Tehran: Entesharat‐e ‘Elmi, 1372 Sh./1993), pp. 925.

Nah?at‐e Jangali va ettehad‐e Eslam va asnad‐e mahramaneh va gozareshha, ed. F. Keshavarz (Tehran: Sazman‐e Asnad‐e Melli‐e Iran, 1371 Sh./1992), pp. 212.

Dar bareh‐ye qiyam‐e zhandarmeri‐e Khorasan be rahbari‐e Kolonel Mohammad Taqi Khan Pesiyan, ed. M. Bahar (Tehran: Entesharat‐e Mo'in, 1369 Sh./1990), pp. 101.

Jonbesh‐e Kolonel Mohammad Taqi Khan Pesiyan bana bar gozareshha‐ye konsūlgari‐e Engelis dar Mashhad, trans. G. H. Mirza Saleh (Tehran: Nashr‐e Tarikh‐e Iran, 1366 Sh./1987), pp. 166.

Khaterat‐e Sardar As'ad Bakhtiyari (Ja'far Qoli Khan Amir Bahador), ed. I. Afshar (Tehran: Entesharat‐e Asatir, 1372 Sh./1993), pp. 296.  相似文献   

Historical Works Relating to the Qajar Era Published in Iran, 1996–2001

Mabani‐yi nazari‐yi hukūmat‐i mashrūtah va mashrū'ah, bih inzimam‐i rasa'il‐i ‘ulama‐yi muvafig va mukhalif‐i mashrūtah, Husayn Abadian. Tehran: Nashr‐i nay, 1374/1995, no ISBN.

Majlis va intikhabat az mashrūtah ta payan‐i Qajariyah, Mansoureh Ettehadieh, (Nezam Mafi). Tehran: Nashr‐i tarikh‐i Iran, 1375/1996. ISBN 964–6082–02–5.

Rūznameh‐i khatirat‐i Ghulam ‘Ati Khan ‘Aziz al‐Sultan, (Malijak), 4 vols., ed. Muhsin Mirza'i, Tehran: Intisharat‐i zaiyab, 1376/1997. ISBN 964–6339–04–2.

Isti'mar‐i Britaniya va mas'ala‐i Arvand Rūd, Firuz Mansuri. Tehran: Mu'assasa‐i mutali'at‐i tarikh‐i mu'asir‐i Iran, 1376/1997, no ISBN.

Asnad‐iAbd al‐Mahhab Khan Asif al‐Dawla, 2 vols., ed. ‘Abd al‐Husayn Nava'i and Nilufar Kasri, Tehran: Mu'assasa‐i mutali'at‐i tarikh‐i mu'asir‐i Iran, 1377 /1998. ISBN 964–6357–13‐X.

Rūznameh'i khatirat‐i Sharaf al‐Dawla, Mirza Ebrahim Khan‐i kalantari‐yi Baghmisheh, ed. Yahya Zoka. Tehran: Intisharat‐i fikr‐i ruz, 1377/1998. ISBN 964–5838–80–0.

Inja Tihran ast: Majmū'a‐i maqalati dar‐bareh‐yi Tihran, 1269–1344 HQ (1852–1925), Mansoureh Ettehadieh (Nezam Mafi), Tehran: Nashr‐i tarikh‐i Iran, 1377/1998. ISBN 964–6082–07–6.

Az mashrūtah ta jumhūri: Nigahi bih advar‐i Majlis‐i qanūnguzari dar dawran‐i mashrūfiyat, Yunes Morvarid, 2 vols. Tehran: Nashr‐i ahadi, 1377/1998. ISBN 964–6376–08–8.

Hujūm‐i Rūs va iqdamat‐i ru'asa‐yi din bara‐yi hifz‐i Iran, Sayyid Hasan Nizam al‐Din, ed. Nasrallah Salihizadeh. Tehran: Shirazeh, 1377/1998. ISBN 964–6578–13‐X.

Asnad‐i Pūst va Telegraf va Telefun dar Dawra‐i Riza Shah, ed. Marziyeh Yazdani. Tehran: Sazman‐i asnad‐i milli, 1378/1999. ISBN 964–6189–27‐X.

Zindagani‐yi siyasi‐yi Nasir al‐Mulk, Ramin Yalfani. Tehran: Mu'assasa‐i mutala'at‐i tarikh‐i mu'asir‐i Iran, 1376/1998. ISBN 964–6357–02–4.

Nusrat al‐Dawla, Majmū'a‐i mukatabat, asnad, khatirat‐i Firūz Mirza Firūz, ed. Mansoureh Ettehadieh, (Nezam Mafi), and So'ad Pira. Tehran: Ketab‐i siyamak, Nashr‐i tarikh‐i Iran, 1378/1999. ISBN 964–6141–27–7.

Zindagani‐yi siyasi, sūrat‐i jalisat, mukatabat va murasalat, Riza Quli Khan Nizam al Saltana, ed. Mansoureh Ettehadieh, 3 vols. Tehran: Ketab‐i siyamak, Nashr‐i tarikh‐i Iran, 1379/2000. ISBN 964–6141–27–7(vol. 1), 964–6141–34‐X (vol. 2), 964–6141–35–8 (vol. 3).

Chalish‐i sunnat va moderniteh dar Iran, az mashrūtah ta 1320 S., Muhammad Salari Kasrai. Tehran: Nashr‐i markaz, 1379/ 2000. ISBN 964–305–543–4.

Nameh‐ha‐i az Tabriz az Siqat al‐Islam bih Mustashar al‐Dawla dar rūzegar‐i mashrūtiyat, ed. Iraj Afshar. Tehran: Nashr‐i pazhuhish‐i farzan‐i ruz, 1378/1999. ISBN 964–6138–47–0.

Asnadi az madaris‐i dukhtaran az mashrūtah ta Pahlavi, ed. Soheila Torabi Farsani. Tehran: Sazman‐i asnad‐i milli, 1378/1999. ISBN 964–6189–31–8.

Dar takapū‐yi taj va takht: Asnad‐i Abū'l‐Fath Mirza Salar al‐Dawla Qajar, ed. Riza Azari. Tehran: Sazman‐i asnad‐i milli, 1378/ 1999. ISBN 964–6189–34–2.

Tahavvulat‐i farhangi‐yi Iran dar dawra‐i Qajariya va madrasa‐i Dar al‐Funūn. Tehran: Mu'asassa‐i jughrafiya'i va kartugrafi'a‐yi Sahab, 1379/2000. ISBN 964–6556–29–9.

Mashahir‐i matbū'at‐i Iran: I'timad al‐Saltana, Sayyid Farid Qasimi, vol. 1. Tehran: Sazman‐i ‘hap va intisharat‐i Vizarat‐i Farhang va Irshad‐i Islami, 1379/2000. ISBN 964–422–195‐X.

Sūr‐i Israfil va ‘Ati Akbar‐i Dihkhuda: yak barrasi‐yi tarikhi va adabi, Kamyar ‘Abidi. Tehran: Kitab‐i nadir, 1379/ 2000. ISBN 964–92557–6–1.

Ravabit‐i siyasi‐i iqti?adi‐yi Iran va Alman bayn‐i dū jang, Fatemeh Pira, Tehran: Markaz‐i asnad‐i inqilab‐i Islami, 1379/2000. ISBN 964–6196–83–7.

Marja'iyat dar ‘arsah‐yi ijtima'i va siyasat: Asnad va guzarish‐ha'i az Ayat‐i A'zam Na'ini, Isfahani, Qumi, Ha'iri va Burūjirdi, 1292 S ‐1339 (1875–1920), ed. Sayyid Muhammad Husayn Manzur al‐Ajdad. Tehran: Shirazeh, 1379/2000. ISBN 964–6578–54–3

Yazd dar asnad‐i Amin al‐Zarb, ed. Dr Asghar Mahdavi and Iraj Afshar. Tehran: Farhang‐i Iran‐Zamin, 1380/ 2001. ISBN 964–5623–81–2.

Asnad‐i tijarat‐i Iran dar sal‐i 1287 gamari, ed. Asghar Mahdavi and Iraj Afshar. Tehran: Intisharat‐i ‘ilmi farhangi, 1380S/2001. ISBN 964–445–184–8.

Urumiyah dar muharaba‐i ‘alamsūz az muqaddima‐i Nisara ta Balva‐yi Isma'il Aqa, 1298–1300 Sh, Rahmatallah Mu'tamid al‐Vizara, ed. Kaveh Bayat. Tehran: Shirazeh, 1379S/ 2000. ISBN 964–6578–46–2.

Azarbayjan dar mawj khiz‐i tarikh: nigahi bih mabahis‐i milliyūn‐i Iran va jarayid‐i Bakū dar taghyir‐i nam‐i Aran bih Azarbayjan, 1296–1298 S, ed. Kaveh Bayat, Tehran: Shirazeh, 1379/2000. ISBN 964–6578–55–1.

Tarikh‐i rūznameh nigari‐yi Iranian va digar‐i parsi navisan, 2 vols. (Paydayish), (Buhran‐i azadi), Nasir al‐Din Parvin. Tehran: Markaz‐i nashr‐i danishgahi, 1377/1998, 1379/ 2000. ISBN 964–01–8156–0.

Nuzhat al‐akhbar: tarikh va jughrafiya‐yi Fars, Mirza Ja'far Khan Haqa'iq Nigar, ed. Sayyid ‘Ali Al‐i Davud. Tehran: Kitabkhaneh‐yi muzeh va markaz‐i asnad‐i Majlis‐i Shura‐yi Islami, 1380/ 2001. ISBN 964–422–218–0.

Khatirat va asnad‐i Muhammad ‘Ali Ghaffari: Tarikh‐i Ghaffari, volume 3, ed. Abbas Zare'i Mehrvarz. Tehran: Nashr‐i tarikh‐i Iran, 1380/ 2001. ISBN 964–6082–03–3.

Khatirat‐i Shaykh Ibrahim Zanjani: Sarguzasht‐i zindagani‐yi man, ed. Ghulam Husayn Mirza Salih. Tehran: Entesharat‐i kabir, 1380/ 2001. ISBN 964–6144–54–3.

Rūznameh‐yi khatirat‐i ‘Ayn al‐Saltana, Qahriman Mirza Salūr, ed. Mas'ud Salur and Iraj Afshar, 10 vols. Tehran: Asatir,1374–1380/ 1995–2001. ISBN 964–331–191–0.  相似文献   


Italy's capitalism has traditionally differed from that of its major trading partners: state‐owned enterprises have played a larger role, securities markets have been relatively less developed, while corporate power in the private sector has been concentrated to an unusual extent in the hands of a few family‐controlled business groups. Since the 1970s, Italian big business has seemed unable to steer a new course in an increasingly global economy. When belatedly and under tight budget constraints Italy finally started privatizations in 1992, many hoped that this would bring about a long‐delayed modernization of financial markets, an increase in competitive market pressues, and some ‘democratization’ of corporate power. This article reviews a book edited by Fabrizio Barca which puts these recent experiences into a much‐needed longer historical perspective, and other books offering non‐scholarly views on the present state of Italian capitalism.

Fabrizio Barca (ed.) (1997) Storia del capitalismo italiano (Rome: Donzelli), pp. 1‐634, 60,000 lire, ISBN 88‐7989‐252‐5 hardback.

Filippo Cavazzuti (1996) Privatizzazioni, imprenditori e mercati (Bologna: Il Mulino), pp. 1‐83, 10,000 lire, ISBN 88‐15‐05562‐2 paperback.

Alfredo Macchiati (1996) Privatizzazioni tra economia e politica (Rome: Donzelli), pp. 1‐160, 18,000 lire, ISBN 88‐7989‐254‐1 paperback.

Giuseppe Turani (1996) Isogni del grande nord (Bologna: II Mulino), pp. 1‐138, 15,000 lire, ISBN 88‐15‐05721‐8 paperback.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
《International affairs》2001,77(3):683-765
Books reviewed: Paul, Wapner and Lester Edwin J., Ruiz (eds) Principled world politics: the challenge of normative international relations Kimberly, Hutchings International political theory: rethinking ethics in a global era Daniel, Philpott Revolutions in sovereignty: how ideas shaped modern international relations Harald, Kleinschmidt The nemesis of power: a history of international relations theories Christine, Gray International law and the use of force Christine, Bell Peace agreements and human rights Asbjørn, Eide; Helge Ole, Bergesen and Pia Rudolfson, Goyer (eds) Human rights and the oil industry Dinah, Shelton (ed.) Commitment and compliance: the role of non‐binding norms in the international legal system Fred, Halliday The world at 2000 James P., Sewell (ed.) Multilateralism in multinational perspective: viewpoints from different languages and literatures Rosemary, Foot Rights beyond borders: the global community and the struggle over human rights in China Ivo H., Daalder Getting to Dayton: the making of America's Bosnia policy Robert G., Sutter Chinese policy priorities and their implications for the United States Paul, Rogers Losing control: global security in the twenty‐first century David, Mutimer The weapons state: proliferation and the framing of security T. V., Paul Power versus prudence: why nations forgo nuclear weapons Jerome M., Conley Indo‐Russian military and nuclear cooperation: lessons and options for US policy in South Asia Raju G. C., Thomas and Amit, Gupta (eds) India's nuclear security Marianne, van Leeuwen Crying wolf? Assessing unconventional terrorism Patrick, Mileham and Lee, Willett (eds) Military ethics for the expeditionary era Malcolm, Chalmers Sharing security: the political economy of burdensharing R. E., Utley The French defence debate: consensus and continuity in the Mitterrand era Shaun, Gregory French defence policy into the twenty‐first century Gwyn, Prins and Hylke, Tromp (eds) The future of war Richard, Holmes (ed.) The Oxford companion to military history Marina, Ottaway and Thomas, Carothers (eds) Funding virtue: civil society aid and democracy promotion Ann M., Florini (ed.) The third force: the rise of transnational civil society Robin, Cohen and Shirin M., Rai (eds). Global social movements T. Alexander, Aleinikoff and Douglas, Klusmeyer (eds) From migrants to citizens: membership in a changing world Kjell, Goldmann; Ulf, Hannerz and Charles, Westin (eds) Nationalism and internationalism in the post‐Cold War era L. R., Melvern A people betrayed: the role of the West in Rwanda's genocide Howard, Adelman and Astri, Suhrke (eds) The path of a genocide: the Rwanda crisis from Uganda to Zaire Adamantia, Pollis and Peter, Schwab (eds) Human rights: new perspectives, new realities W. Lance, Bennett and Robert M., Entman (eds) Mediated politics: communication in the future of democracy Thomas C., Lawton; James N., Rosenau and Amy C., Verdun (eds) Strange power: shaping the parameters of international relations and international political economy Kenichi, Ohmae The invisible continent: four strategic imperatives of the new economy Joseph S., Nye and John D., Donahue (eds) Governance in a globalizing world Nancy, Birdsall and Carol, Graham (eds) New markets, new opportunities? Economic and social mobility in a changing world Albert, Fishlow and Karen, Parker (eds) Growing apart: the causes and consequences of global wage inequality Linsu, Kim and Richard R., Nelson (eds) Technology, learning, and innovation: experiences of newly industrializing countries Tim, O'Riordan (ed.) Globalism, localism and identity: fresh perspectives on the transition to sustainability Tim, Jackson; Katie, Begg and Stuart, Parkinson Flexibility in climate policy: making the Kyoto mechanisms work Suke, Wolton Lord Hailey, the Colonial Office and the politics of race and empire in the Second World War: the loss of white prestige Michael E., Latham Modernization as ideology: American social science and ‘nation building’ in the Kennedy era Frédéric, Bozo (transl. by Susan Emanuel.) Two strategies for Europe: de Gaulle, the United States and the Atlantic Alliance Adrian, Hyde‐Price Germany and European order: enlarging NATO and the EU Lisbeth, Aggestam and Adrian, Hyde‐Price (eds) Security and identity in Europe: exploring the new agenda Christoph, Bluth Germany and the future of European security Robin, Niblett and William, Wallace (eds) Rethinking European order: West European responses, 1989–97 Ann L., Phillips Power and influence after the Cold War: Germany in east‐central Europe Simon, Bulmer; Charlie, Jeffery and William E., Paterson Germany's European diplomacy: shaping the regional milieu Philippe, Schmitter How to democratize the European Union and why bother? Alasdair R., Young and Helen, Wallace Regulatory politics in the enlarging European Union: weighing civic and producer interests C. Randall, Henning and Pier Carlo, Padoan Transatlantic perspectives on the euro Bodo, Hombach The politics of the new centre Christer, Jönsson; Sven, Tägil and Gunnar, Törnqvist Organizing European space Volker, Bornschier (ed.) State‐building in Europe: the revitalization of Western European integration Joanne, van Selm (ed.) Kosovo's refugees in the European Union Michael, Kraus and Allison, Stanger (eds) Irreconcilable differences? Explaining Czechoslovakia's dissolution Andrew C., Janos East‐central Europe in the modern world: the politics of the borderlands from pre‐ to post‐communism Jan Herman, Brinks Children of a new fatherland: Germany's post‐war right‐wing politics Regional surveys of the world: Eastern Europe, Russia and Central Asia Regional surveys of the world: Central and South‐Eastern Europe Roy, Medvedev (ed. and transl. by George Shriver) Post‐Soviet Russia: a journey through the Yeltsin era Pål, Kølsto Political construction sites: nation‐building in Russia and the post‐Soviet states Marcia A., Weigle Russia's liberal project: state–society relations in the transition from communism Sally N., Cummings Kazakhstan: centre–periphery relations Eugene L., Rogan and Avi, Shlaim (eds) The war for Palestine: rewriting the history of 1948 Bernard, Wasserstein Divided Jerusalem: the struggle for the holy city Jerome M., Segal; Shlomit, Levy; Nadar, Izzat Sa'id and Elihu, Katz Negotiating Jerusalem Shaul, Mishal and Avraham, Sela The Palestinian Hamas: vision, violence and coexistence Nur, Masalha Imperial Israel and the Palestinians: the politics of expansion Suad, Joseph (ed.) Gender and citizenship in the Middle East Rita, Abrahamsen Disciplining democracy: development discourse and good governance in Africa Hussein, Solomon and Ian, Liebenberg (eds) Consolidation of democracy in Africa: a view from the South Alex, Boraine A country unmasked: inside South Africa's Truth and Reconciliation Commission Tony, Hodges Angola from Afro‐Stalinism to petro‐diamond capitalism Tekeste, Negash and Kjetil, Tronvoll Brothers at war: making sense of the Eritrean–Ethiopian war Xiaobo, LüCadres and corruption: the organizational involution of the Chinese Communist Party Solomon M., Karmel China and the People's Liberation Army: great power or struggling developing state? Han, Sung‐Joo (ed.) Changing values in Asia: their impact on governance and development Kenneth, Christie and Denny, Roy The politics of human rights in East Asia Tat Yan, Kong The politics of economic reform in South Korea: a fragile miracle Larry, Diamond and Byung‐Kook, Kim (eds) Consolidating democracy in South Korea Sunhyuk, Kim The politics of democratization in Korea: the role of civil society Hasan‐Askari, Rizvi Military, state and society in Pakistan Association for Diplomatic Studies and Training, Frontline diplomacy: the US foreign affairs oral history collection Paul G., Harris (ed.) Climate change and American foreign policy Joaquín, Roy Cuba, the United States, and the Helms‐Burton doctrine: international reactions Leigh A., Payne Uncivil movements: the armed right wing and democracy in Latin America Kevin J., Middlebrook (ed.) Conservative parties, the right, and democracy in Latin America Roger, Burbach Globalization and postmodern politics: from Zapatistas to high‐tech robber barons Sidney, Weintraub Development and democracy in the Southern Cone: imperatives for US policy in South America Clint E., Smith Inevitable partnership: understanding Mexico–US relations  相似文献   

Book reviews     
《International affairs》2002,78(1):147-222
Books reviewed: G. John Ikenberry, After victory: institutions, strategic restraint, and the rebuilding of order after major wars James Mayall, World politics: progress and its limits Mathias Albert, David Jacobson, and Yosef Lapid (ed.), Identities, borders, orders: rethinking International Relations theory J. Ann Tickner, Gendering world politics: issues and approaches in the post‐Cold War era James L. Richardson, Contending liberalisms in world politics: ideology and power William A. Schabas, Genocide in international law Humanitarian Studies Unit, Transnational Institute (ed.), Reflections on humanitarian action: principles, ethics and contradictions Alan J. Kuperman, The limits of humanitarian intervention: genocide in Rwanda Indar Jit Rikhye, The politics and practice of United Nations peacekeeping: past, present and future Mark Webber (ed.), Russia and Europe: conflict or cooperation? Morton Abramowitz (ed.), Turkey’s transformation and American policy Wesley Clark, Waging modern war Richard Wyn Jones, Security, strategy, and critical theory Clive Jones and Caroline Kennedy‐Pipe ((ed.)), International security in a global age: securing the twenty‐first century Simon Chesterman (ed.), Civilians in war Mary Kaldor (ed.), Global insecurity Andrew Rigby, Justice and reconciliation: after the violence Colin Knox and Padraic Quirk, Peace building in Northern Ireland, Israel and South Africa: transition, transformation and reconciliation Gustav Schmidt (ed.), A history of NATO: the first fifty years Pierre Martin and Mark R. Brawley (ed.), Alliance politics, Kosovo, and NATO’s war: allied force or forced allies? Martin A. Smith, NATO in the first decade after the Cold War Anthony Seldon (ed.), The Blair effect: the Blair government, 1997‐2001 Christopher Pierson, Hard choices: social democracy in the twenty‐first century Craig Warkentin, Reshaping world politics: NGOs, the Internet, and global civil society Michael Th. Greven and Louis W. Pauly (ed.), Democracy beyond the state? The European dilemma and the emerging global order Jeremy Lester, The dialogue of negation: debates on hegemony in Russia and the West Richard Falk, Religion and humane global governance Mukulika Banerjee, The Pathan unarmed: opposition and memory in the North West Frontier Christopher Arup, The new World Trade Organization agreements: globalizing law through services and intellectual property Alan Russell and John Vogler (ed.), The international politics of biotechnology: investigating global futures Hernando de Soto, The mystery of capital: why capitalism triumphs in the West and fails everywhere else Susan Ariel Aaronson, Taking trade to the streets: the lost history of public efforts to shape globalization Peter Stalker, Workers without frontiers: the impact of globalization on international migration Wendy Dobson and Gary Clyde Hufbauer, World capital markets: challenge to the G‐10 Werner Bonefeld and Kosmas Psychopedis (ed.), The politics of change: globalization, ideology and critique Jon Barnett, The meaning of environmental security: ecological politics and policy in the new security era Paul F. Diehl and Nils Petter Gleditsch (ed.), Environmental conflict Wilfred Beckerman and Joanna Pasek, Justice, posterity and the environment Neil E. Harrison, Constructing sustainable development Charles S. Pearson, Economics and the global environment Stephen C. Young (ed.), The emergence of ecological modernisation: integrating the environment and the economy? Georges‐Henri Soutou, La guerre de cinquante ans: les relations Est‐Ouest 1943‐1900 Volker R. Berghahn, America and the intellectual cold wars in Europe Jonathan Hollowell (ed.), Twentieth‐century Anglo‐American relations Irwin M. Wall, France, the United States and the Algerian war Hubert Védrine with Dominique Moïsi. Translated by Philip H. Gordon, France in an age of globalization Wolf‐Dieter Eberwein and Karl Kaiser (ed.), Germany’s new foreign policy: decision‐making in an interdependent world Volker Rittberger (ed.), German foreign policy since unification: theories and case studies Sebastian Harnisch and Hans W. Maull (ed.), Germany as a civilian power? The foreign policy of the Berlin Republic Klaus Schubert and Gisela Müller‐Brandeck‐Bocquet (ed.), Die Europäische Union als Akteur der Weltpolitik Geoffrey Hosking, Russia and the Russians Anatoly S. Chernyaev, My six years with Gorbachev: notes from a diary Yaacov Ro’i, Islam in the CIS: a threat to stability? Barry Rubin and Kemal Kirisci (ed.), Turkey in world politics: an emerging multiregional power Daniel Brumberg, Reinventing Khomeini: the struggle for reform in Iran Joseph Kechichian, Succession in Saudi Arabia Paul Rivlin, Economic policy and performance in the Arab world Benjamin Stora, Algeria 1830‐2000: a short history Yoweri K. Museveni, What is Africa’s problem? Gilbert Khadiagala and Terrence Lyons (ed.), African foreign policies: power and process Robert Pinkney, The international politics of East Africa John L. Hirsch, Sierra Leone: diamonds and the struggle for democracy Merle L. Bowen, The state against the peasantry: rural struggles in colonial and postcolonial Mozambique Frances Christie and Joseph Hanlon, Mozambique and the great flood of 2000 Richard A. Wilson, The politics of truth and reconciliation in South Africa: legitimising the post‐apartheid state Wilmot James and Linda van de Vijver (ed.), After the TRC: reflections on truth and reconciliation in South Africa Peter Vale, Larry A. Satuk and Bertil Oden (ed.), Theory, change and Southern Africa’s future Robert B. Horwitz, Communication and democratic reform in South Africa Amitav Acharya, Constructing a security community in Southeast Asia: ASEAN and the problem of regional order Michael Leifer, Singapore’s foreign policy: coping with vulnerability Amita Shastri and A. Jeyaratnam Wilson (ed.), The post‐colonial states of South Asia: democracy, identity, development and security Cheng Li, China’s leaders: the new generation Joseph Fewsmith, Elite politics in contemporary China Shelley Rigger, From opposition to power:Taiwan’s Democratic Progressive Party David Martin Jones and Mike Lawrence Smith, Reinventing realism: Australia’s foreign and defence policy at the millennium Henry Kissinger, Does America need a foreign policy? Toward a diplomacy for the 21st century Paul R. Pillar, Terrorism and US foreign policy Daniel C. Levy and Kathleen Bruhn, with Emilio Zebadúa, Mexico: the struggle for democratic development Joseph S.Tulchin and Ralph H. Espach (ed.), Security in the Caribbean Basin: the challenge of regional cooperation Lincoln Gordon, Brazil’s second chance: en route towards the First World Barry Ames, The deadlock of democracy in Brazil  相似文献   

Mining Gender     
Books reviewed in this article: Sally Zanjani, A Mine of Her Own: Women Prospectors in the American West1850‐1950 Mary Murphy, Mining Cultures: Men, Women, and Leisure in Butte, 1914‐41 Thomas Miller Klubock, Contested Communities: Class, Gender, andPolitics in Chile’s El Teniente Copper Mine, 1904‐1951  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Gender & history》2000,12(2):487-527
Books reviewed: Lin Foxhall and John Salmon (eds), When Men Were Men: Masculinity, Power and Identity in Classical Antiquity Emily A. Hemelrijk, Matrona Docta: Educated Women in the Roman Elite from Cornelia to Julia Domna Bella Vivante (ed.), Women's Role in Ancient Civilisations Susan Kingsley Kent, Gender and Power in Britain, 1640–1990 Martha C. Howell, The Marriage Exchange: Property, Social Place and Gender in Cities of the Low Countries, 1300–1550 Julie Hardwick, The Practice of Patriarchy: Gender and the Politics of Household Authority in Early Modern France Tim Stretton, Women Waging Law in Elizabethan England Mary E. Giles (ed.), Women in the Inquisition: Spain and the New World Deborah Simonton, A History of European Women's Work: 1700 to the Present Pamela Sharpe (ed.), Women's Work: The English Experience, 1650–1914 Jane Long, Conversations in Cold Rooms: Women, Work and Poverty in Nineteenth‐Century Northumberland Carol Mattingly, Well‐Tempered Women: Nineteenth‐Century Temperance Rhetoric Faith Wigzell, Reading Russian Fortunes: Print Culture, Gender and Divination in Russia from 1765 Marjorie Theobald, Knowing Women: Origins of Women's Education in Nineteenth‐Century Australia Jane Martin, Women and the Politics of Schooling in Victorian and Edwardian England Paula M. Krebs, Gender, Race and the Writing of Empire: Public Discourse and the Boer War Natalia Pushkareva, Women in Russian History from the Tenth to the Twentieth Century Jane McDermid and Anna Hillyar, Midwives of the Revolution: Female Bolsheviks and Women Workers in 1917 Sue Bridger (ed.), Women and Political Change: Perspectives from East‐Central Europe Claudia Nelson and Ann Sumner Holmes (eds), Maternal Instincts: Visions of Motherhood and Sexuality in Britain 1875–1925 Kathleen Kiernan, Hilary Land and Jane Lewis, Lone Motherhood in Twentieth‐Century Britain: From Footnote to Front Page Judith Tydor Baumel, Double Jeopardy: Gender and the Holocaust Julia Hell, Post‐Fascist Fantasies: Psychoanalysis, History, and the Literature of East Germany Norbert Finzsch and Dietmar Schirmer (eds), Identity and Intolerance: Nationalism, Racism, and Xenophobia in Germany and the United States Emiko Ochiai, The Japanese Family System in Transition Ritu Menon and Kamla Bhasin, Borders and Boundaries: Women in India's Partition Becky Conekin, Frank Mort and Chris Waters (eds), Moments of Modernity: Reconstructing Britain 1945–1964 Celia Briar, Working for Women? Gendered Work and Welfare Policies in Twentieth‐Century Britain Victoria de Grazia (ed.) with Ellen Furlough, The Sex of Things: Gender and Consumption in Historical Perspective Christopher Breward, The Hidden Consumer: Masculinities, Fashion and City Life 1860–1914 Irene Cieraad (ed.), At Home: An Anthropology of Domestic Space  相似文献   

Book reviews     
《International affairs》2001,77(4):967-1032
Books reviewed: Bruce Russett and John R. Oneal, Triangulating peace: democracy, interdependence, and international organizations Robert M. A. Crawford and Darryl S. L. Jarvis, (eds.) International Relations: still an American social science? Toward diversity in international Thought Charlotte Hooper, Manly states: masculinities, International Relations, and gender politics Richard A. Falk, Human rights horizons: the pursuit of justice in a globalizing world Simon Caney and Peter Jones, (eds.) Human rights and global diversity Jean‐Marc Coicaud and Daniel Warner, (eds.) Ethics and international affairs: extent and limits Elazar Barkan, The guilt of nations: restitution and negotiating historical injustices Richard Little and Mark Wickham‐Jones, (eds.) New Labour's foreign policy: a new moral crusade? Robert L. Maddex, International encyclopedia of human rights: freedoms, abuses, and reform W. Andy Knight, (ed.) Adapting the United Nations to a post‐modern era: lessons learned Malcolm Dando, The new biological weapons: threat, proliferation, and control J. Cirincione, (ed.) Repairing the regime: preventing the spread of weapons of mass destruction Avery Goldstein, Deterrence and security in the twenty‐first century: China, Britain, France and the enduring legacy of the nuclear revolution I. William Zartman, (ed.) Preventive negotiation: avoiding conflict escalation Leon V. Sigal, Hang separately: cooperative security between the United States and Russia 1985‐1994 Cecilia Albin, Justice and fairness in international negotiation G. R. Berridge and Alan James, A dictionary of diplomacy Neal Lawson and Neil Sherlock, (eds.) The progressive century: the future of the centre‐left in Britain John Rentoul, Tony Blair: Prime Minister Bertrand Badie, The imported state: the Westernization of the political order Justin Lewis, Constructing public opinion: how political elites do what they like and why we seem to go along with it Catherine Eschle, Global democracy, social movements and feminism Catharin E. Dalpino, Deferring democracy: promoting openness in authoritarian regimes James G. McGann and R. Kent Weaver, Think‐tanks and civil societies Jim MacLaughlin, Reimagining the nation‐state: the contested terrains of nation‐building Justin Rosenberg, The follies of globalisation theory: polemical essays Allen J. Scott, Global city‐regions: trends, theory, policy Robert Gilpin, Global political economy: understanding the international economic order Rorden Wilkinson, Multilateralism and the World Trade Organization: the architecture and extension of international trade regulation Edward M. Graham., Fighting the wrong enemy: antiglobal activists and multinational enterprises John J. Kirton, Joseph P. Daniels and Andreas Freytag., (eds.) Guiding global order: Ggovernance in the twenty‐first century Mauro F. Guillén, The limits of convergence: globalization and organizational change in Argentina, South Korea, and Spain Neil Middleton and Phil O'Keefe, Redefining sustainable development Adrian Leftwich, States of development: on the primacy of politics in development Alex Danchev and Daniel Todman, (eds.) War diaries 1939‐1945: Field Marshall Lord Alanbrooke Herbert P. Bix, Hirohito and the making of modern Japan Lawrence Freedman, Kennedy's wars: Berlin, Cuba, Laos, and Vietnam Rolf Steininger, Der Mauberbau: die Westmåchte und Adenauer in der Berlinkrise 1958‐1963 Peter L. Hahn and Mary Ann Heiss, Empire and revolution: the United States and the Third World since 1945 Bo Stråth, (ed.) Europe and the other and Europe as the other Paul Gillespie, (ed.) Blair's Britain, England's Europe: a view from Ireland Rory O'Donnell, Europe: the Irish experience Gerald Schneider and Mark Aspinwall, (eds.) The rules of integration: institutionalist approaches to the study of Europe Marcus Höreth, Die Europäische Union im Legitimationstrilemma: Zur Rechtfertigung des Regierensjenseits der Staatlichkeit Robert J. Guttman, (ed.) Europe in the new century: visions of an emerging superpower Hans Arnold, Europa neu Denken:Warum und Wie Weiter Einigung? Miron Rezun, Europe's nightmare: the struggle for Kosovo Archie Brown, (ed.) Contemporary Russian politics: a reader Alena Ledeneva, Unwritten rules: how Russia really works Charles King, The Moldovans: Romania, Russia, and the politics of culture Roy Allison and Lena Jonson, (eds.) Central Asian security: the new international context Asher Cohen and Bernard Susser, Israel and the politics of Jewish identity: the secular‐religious impasse Eyal Zisser, Asad's legacy: Syria in transition Ali M.Ansari, Iran, Islam and democracy: the politics of managing change David Menashri, Post‐revolutionary politics in Iran: religion, society and power Tim Niblock, ‘Pariah states’ and sanctions in the Middle East: Iraq, Libya and Sudan Carl Brown, (ed.) Diplomacy in the Middle East: the international relations of regional and outside Powers Volker Perthes, Vom Krieg zur Konkurrenz: regionale Politik und die Suche nach einer neuen arabisch‐nahöstlichen Ordnung Jeffrey Herbst, States and power in Africa: comparative lessons in authority and control Nana Poku, (ed.) Security and development in Southern Africa Achille Mbembe, De la postcolonie: essai sur l'imagination politique dans l'Afrique contemporaine Michael Leifer, (ed.) Asian nationalism Marcus Noland, Avoiding the apocalypse: the future of the two Koreas Carl E.Walter and Fraser J. T. Howie, ‘To get rich is glorious!’ China's stock markets in the 1980s and 1990s Mayumi Itoh, Globalization of Japan: Japanese sakoku mentality and US efforts to open Japan Mya Than and Carolyn L. Gates, (eds.) ASEAN enlargement: impacts and implications Siobhán McEvoy‐Levy, American exceptionalism and US foreign policy: public diplomacy at the end of the Cold War H. Michael Erisman, Cuba's foreign relations in a post‐Soviet world Merilee S. Grindle, Audacious reforms: institutional invention and democracy in Latin Americ Gary H. Gossen, Telling Maya tales: Tzotzil identities in modern Mexico Howard J. Wiarda, The soul of Latin America: political and cultural tradition  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Development and change》2005,36(2):405-421
Books reviewed: Chang Ha‐Joon and Irene Grubel, Reclaiming Development: An Alternative Economic Policy Manual Simon Bromley, Maureen Mackintosh, William Brown and Marc Wuyts (eds), Making the International: Economic Interdependence and the Political Order Ann Zammit, Development at Risk: Rethinking UN–Business Partnerships Giovanni Andrea Cornia (ed.), Inequality, Growth, and Poverty in an Era of Liberalization and Globalization Dennis A. Rondinelli and G. Shabbir Cheema (eds), Reinventing Government for the Twenty‐First Century: State Capacity in a Globalizing Society Joel S. Migdal (ed.), Boundaries and Belongings: States and Societies in the Struggle to Shape Identities and Local Practices Vernon W. Ruttan, Social Science, Knowledge and Economic Development: An Institutional Design Perspective Greg Bankoff, Georg Frerks and Dorothea Hilhorst (eds), Mapping Vulnerability: Disasters, Development & People Ruedi Baumgartner and Ruedi Hogger (eds), In Search of Sustainable Livelihoods Systems: Managing Resources and Change William D. Sunderlin, Ideology, Social Theory, and the Environment Steven R. Brechin, Peter R. Wilshusen, Crystal L. Fortwangler and Patrick C. West (eds), Contested Nature: Promoting International Biodiversity with Social Justice in the Twenty‐first Century Diane Russell and Camilla Harshbarger, Groundwork for Community‐Based Conservation: Strategies for Social Research James K. Boyce and Barry K. Shelley (eds), Natural Assets: Democratizing Environmental Ownership Nick J. Freeman and Frank L. Bartels (eds), The Future of Foreign Investment in Southeast Asia Sharma, Kishor (ed.), Trade Policy, Growth and Poverty in Asian Developing Countries D. Bandyopadhyay and Amitava Mukherjee, New Issues in Panchayati Raj François Ruf and Frederic Lançon (eds), From Slash‐and‐Burn to Replanting: Green Revolutions in the Indonesian Uplands?  相似文献   

Colin Renfrew: Archaeology and Language. The Puzzle of Indo‐European Origins. Jonathan Cape, London, 1987.

J. P. Mallory: In Search of the Indo‐Europeans. Language, Archaeology and Myth. Thames and Hudson, London, 1989.

T. L. Markey and John A. C. Greppin: When Worlds Collide. Indo‐Europeans and Pre‐Indo‐Europeans. Karoma, Ann Arbor, 1990.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Gender & history》2004,16(1):213-230
Books reviewed in this article: Cristina La Rocca (ed.), Italy in the Early Middle Ages 476–1000 Mary Dockray‐Miller, Motherhood and Mothering in Anglo‐Saxon England Samantha J. E. Riches and Sarah Salih (eds), Gender and Holiness: Men, Women and Saints in Late Medieval Europe Anthony Goodman, Margery Kempe and her World Bettine Birge, Women, Property, and Confucian Reaction in Sung and Yüan China 960–1368 David Kuchta, The Three‐Piece Suit and Modern Masculinity: England, 1550–1850 Harry Cocks, Nameless Offences: Homosexual Desire in the 19th Century Wendy Rosslyn (ed.), Women and Gender in 18th‐Century Russia Irina Paert, Old Believers, Religious Dissent and Gender in Russia, 1760–1850 Shirley Wilson Logan, ‘We Are Coming’: The Persuasive Discourse of Nineteenth‐Century Black Women Adele Perry, On the Edge of Empire. Gender, Race and the Making of British Columbia 1849–1871 Myra Rutherdale, Women and the White Man's God. Gender and Race in the Canadian Mission Field Maina Chawla Singh, Gender, Religion and ‘Heathen Lands’: American Missionary Women in South Asia (1860s–1940s)  相似文献   

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