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19世纪英国妇女选举权运动与自由主义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
潘迎华 《世界历史》2002,1(6):30-39
自由平等是19世纪女权主义和自由主义共同的理想。女性主义借用自由主义的自由平等观念解释妇女选举权及其他权利,从女性的立场重构公共领域和私人领域、国与家等概念,丰富和发展了传统自由主义理论。实践上,她们走出私人领域的禁区,忘我地投入到政治生活中去,挑战传统社会与两性关系,逐步把局限于男性的政治、经济权利扩大到女性阶层,为建立以女性为中心的政治化作出贡献,为妇女政治平等权的实现打下基础。  相似文献   

从宗教看古罗马社会的性别关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从社会性别和阶级等不同的视角对古罗马宗教中的性别关系以及古罗马妇女的宗教地位作了探讨 ,指出在以家长制为重要文化特征的古罗马社会中 ,男性主宰着宗教世界。不过 ,由于女性在生育等方面的作用 ,她们仍然被包括在宗教领域之中 ,她们的祭祀活动也是古罗马宗教不可或缺的组成部分 ,维斯塔女祭司、朱庇特女祭司和西比尔女预言家等在古罗马宗教生活中起了重要作用。然而 ,女性的宗教活动主要与生育、贞洁相联系 ,这体现了在父权制社会中 ,男性对女性的角色期望。由于阶级、家庭等身份和婚姻状况的不同 ,古罗马女性不同群体的宗教地位也有较大差别。  相似文献   

西藏解放以后,藏族妇女没有沉静在传统社会中。在她们自己的不断努力和国家各项方针政策的支持下,藏族妇女树立了自尊、自强的价值观和实现自我价值的意识,走出了一直禁锢她们思想的围墙。她们走出了家庭,走向了社会,有了自己的事业和理想,她们的地位发生了巨大的转变,她们同男性一样,获得了相应的权利和地位。  相似文献   

宗教与妇女的关系是一个令人困惑的话题,在宗教中,“女性一方面被奉为圣洁的女神,另一方面又被贬为邪恶的女巫。……虔诚信徒中妇女居多,而她们中的大师和宗教思想家却寥若晨星。妇女长期处于宗教权力机构之外,而各教的创立及传播却又离不开妇女的功绩”①。研究妇女...  相似文献   

由于唐代妇女地位的相对提高 ,妇女们在起名的权利上也有较大的自由。她们不但拥有小字 ,也拥有大名和字号。本文从几个方面入手 ,详细分析了妇女命名的特点 ,其中包括幼年女子的小字 ,成年女性的名讳与字 ,及奉佛妇女的名讳和字号。文章指出 ,唐代妇女名字双全是种普遍现象 ,这种现象的出现与妇女的社会地位有直接关系。  相似文献   

这期杂志着重讲述数位女性的人生。她们的故事隽永且耐人寻味,她们的绽放如夏花般绚烂,却比花更美更动人。刘王立明。她早年赴美留学,归国后却放弃了科学救国的初衷和优厚的工作待遇,自愿从事妇女运动。因深谙在中国传统大家庭中女性生存之艰难,她下决心为中国女性的解放献身从此,她提倡节制生育、引导妇女参加工作、倡议成立中华妇女节制……成为我国妇女运动的先驱。  相似文献   

王文婧 《世界历史》2016,(4):80-90,158
纯洁派是欧洲中世纪中后期法国南部的一个"异端"派别,14世纪时已完全绝迹。然而,在16世纪法国宗教改革时期,纯洁派却被普遍视为法国新教的先驱。当时,天主教和新教在几乎所有问题上都壁垒分明,但在对这一"谱系"的认定和坚持上两者却有着惊人的一致性。之所以出现这种现象,与当时法国的政治宗教形势以及天主教和新教各自的论战策略密切相关。天主教学者从纯洁派被十字军镇压的历史中得到启示,更加坚定地要用武力清除新教这一"异端"。新教思想家则在罗马教会迫害纯洁派的历史中看到了自身的影子,并意外发现了在论辩中反败为胜的机会。于是,他们变被动为主动,将纯洁派和新教之间的谱系关系嵌入新教教会的历史中。  相似文献   

女性在婚姻关系中的地位是审视女性社会权利的重要视角之一。在中国封建社会,受传统的封建伦理文化的影响,女性在婚姻关系中处于被动和从属地位。本文考察了抗日战争时期晋察冀边区政府建立后,为发动妇女参加边区建设,将妇女从传统的封建伦理束缚中解放出来,通过颁布和广泛实施新的婚姻政策,改变了晋察冀边区旧的婚姻制度下男女不平等、无婚姻自由、买卖婚姻盛行等封建陋习,使妇女的各种婚姻权益受到法律保障,大大提升了妇女在婚姻关系中的地位,并由此促进了妇女融入边区社会政治、经济生活的步伐。  相似文献   

英国妇女选举权运动从19世纪60年代开始,到第一次世界大战爆发已经进行了半个多世纪.妇女争取选举权的方式也从温和的宪政方式发展到激烈的"战斗"方式.政府却对妇女的政治诉求充耳不闻,运动陷于僵局.第一次世界大战为斗争双方从全新的视角看待妇女选举权问题提供了契机.妇女们很快从和平反战转到支持和参与战争的立场上来,她们开始从舆论宣传到实际参与,从工厂到志愿工作,从办公室到战地服务,全面参与.她们的全面积极的参与战争,使英国男性不得不承认女性所起的重要作用,从而消除了阻碍妇女选举权的三大障碍,使英国部分女性在1918年获得了选举权.  相似文献   

妇女的身份地位与文化有密切关系。贵州少数民族如苗族、布依族、侗族、水族等传统文化中,都有女性始祖崇拜,妇女在家庭、社会中占有一定的地位。同时,也有一些限制妇女自由的民族传统文化。提高妇女地位,一方面应强化一些民族文化、习俗;另一面必须对不适现实需要的观念加以调整。民族贫困地区妇女权益的改善最为重要的是教育,大力发展少数民族贫困地区的经济和扩大教育投资才能真正从源头上解决现实的妇女不平等问题。  相似文献   

谢晶莹 《攀登》2007,26(6):156-158
公民文化权利与公民政治权利、经济权利一样,属于公民的基本权利。保障公民文化权益,不断满足人民群众日益增长的精神文化需求,对全面建设小康社会和构建和谐社会具有重大的意义。文化差距而产生的文化矛盾、公共文化服务资源短缺等是制约当前公民文化权益健康发展的主要因素。因此,我们必须从现阶段经济社会发展水平出发,以实现和保障公民基本文化权益、满足广大人民群众基本文化需求为目标,坚持公共服务普遍均等原则,兼顾城乡之间、地区之间的协调发展,最大限度地满足人民群众日益增长的精神文化需求。  相似文献   

This article argues for a new centrality of the right to asylum within the Mediterranean zone and the necessity to defend and implement this right beyond the “humanitarian regime”. The first section describes the ways in which humanitarianism's logic has weakened the right to asylum through the implementation of specific EU migration policies since 2013. The second section focuses on the distinction between such a humanitarian regime and the human rights system, assessing the possibility of and necessity for a renewed defense of human rights, starting with the right to asylum. The third section focuses on the Charter of Lampedusa, a radical, alternative normative instrument developed through a grassroots process which involved activists and migrant rights groups and which represents a concrete illustration of how the horizon of human rights might be redefined.  相似文献   

This article explores the potential and limits of contemporary economic rights‐based social activism by analysing an ongoing ‘Right to Food Campaign’ in India. While social movement theory often positions radical and reform strategies as alternatives, the RTF campaign has adopted a hybrid strategy: it has made a radical legal demand that the right to food be recognized as intrinsic to the right to life, while seeking implementation of this right through reform of existing government feeding programmes. The campaign's dual strategy reflects two distinct logics of human rights: a logic of non‐derogable rights that are immediately actionable (such as the right to life) and a logic of progressive implementation of rights that can only be realized fully over time (such as economic rights). This article draws on original data to demonstrate that the campaign's radical legal demands framed around the non‐derogable right to life have come closer to fulfilment than its reformist demands around progressive implementation. The RTF campaign's relative success in galvanizing legal action on hunger is tempered by ongoing challenges in sustaining grassroots‐level mobilization and influencing public policy implementation.  相似文献   

高嵩 《史学集刊》2022,(2):117-129
在某种意义上,20世纪的美国历史也是一部残疾人的民权运动史。如果说经济大萧条初步唤醒了残疾人的就业权利意识,两次世界大战开启了美国伤残军人康复与就业援助的机制建设,第三次科技革命则加速了残疾人就业权利保障的制度化进程。从公共就业计划、残疾人社会保障保险计划、补充收入保障计划,到《1973年残疾人康复法》,再到《1990年美国残疾人法》,残疾人的就业权利经历了被漠视、依附于福利救济、向实现平等权利转变等阶段,给美国的政治、经济、社会、思想领域留下了诸多挑战和值得思考的问题。由于法律在解决社会问题上存有局限、残疾人对各种福利保障资助的依赖、根深蒂固的偏见等因素,美国残疾人争取平等权利之路仍任重而道远。  相似文献   

This article explores the articulation and framing of unpaid care work and the mobilization around it at two spatial scales, the global and national. For the latter it focuses on three of the largest and most diverse countries in Asia — India, China and Indonesia. While the concept of unpaid care work has received considerable attention in international development discourse, it is rarely found in feminist mobilization and advocacy across these countries. The article asks why this issue remains largely excluded from women's political agendas. It also explores how it is framed when it is included. While most organizations recognize women's double burden and the importance of domestic labour, they do not consider ‘unpaid care work’ as a legitimate political issue around which to mobilize. Rather, it is framed, if at all, as part of other political agendas, such as the rights of the elderly (in China), the rights to social protection, especially childcare and maternity entitlements (in India), or the right to equal opportunities within marriage (in Indonesia). The study analyses the differences in framing, the conceptualization of gender equality embedded therein, and the implications for policy.  相似文献   

The question of access to drugs in developing countries is at present largely influenced by the TRIPS Agreement. TRIPS compliance in the field of health requires substantial changes to existing patent laws in some countries. These changes must be analysed in the context of the spread of epidemics like HIV/AIDS and in relation to other international obligations that states have, for instance, with regard to the human right to health.
Intellectual property rights treaties today have significant impacts on the realization of some human rights like the right to health. This article examines the extent to which TRIPS encompasses flexibility for developing countries to be able to foster better access to medicines. It also examines these issues from the point of view of human rights and considers, in particular, the ways in which the relationship between human rights and intellectual property can be improved in international law.  相似文献   

In this paper, I bring together ideas of ‘diaspora space’ and ‘the right to the city’ and empirically demonstrate how the formation of diasporas is frequently dependent on migrants attaining certain rights to the city. These rights, I argue, are conditioned and attained by the interplay of urban structural context with the place-making strategies of migrants. Drawing on 8 months of ethnographic fieldwork, I demonstrate that Moroccan migrants in Granada, Spain, have achieved a partial right to a neighbourhood of the city, producing a multi-sensory, self-orientalised diaspora space. First, I show that certain urban conditions in Granada provided a foothold for Moroccan migrants to begin to form a diaspora and transform urban space. Second, I demonstrate that through the mobilisation of a strategically self-orientalised cultural capital, the diaspora have partly appropriated the valuable history of Al-Andalus, a key component in the city’s tourist imagery. These factors and strategies have enabled Moroccan migrants to gain a right to have a visible presence in the city, a right to produce and transform urban space and a right to spatalise diverse identities – all key rights, I argue, in the formation of a diaspora.  相似文献   

许勇 《攀登》2009,28(5):107-112
刑事诉讼的目的是保护人权、惩罚犯罪。保护人权,既包括对被告人人权的保护,也包括对被害人人权的保护。但是,长期以来,人权保护的天平始终倾向于前者。加强对被害人的权利保护,并对被害人与被告人的权利加以合理与适当的平衡,已经成为各国刑事诉讼法普遍发展的趋势。因此,要加强对犯罪被害人的权利保护,使己经失衡了的犯罪被害人与犯罪人的权利关系回到平衡的状态上来。  相似文献   

This paper considers issues of sexual citizenship in light of new UK legislation that prosecutes the viewers of ‘extreme pornography’. Justified as an attempt to uphold public decency, government intervention seeks to prevent people seeing ‘extreme’ images not by limiting access to certain websites, but instead by intervening in the private consumption of these images. In this paper I draw on the discourses of those who have supported such intervention, and suggest that these arguments make a claim to space that defends the rights of some citizens over others. I examine the entwining of rights of expression, rights to identity and rights to safety. In conclusion, I argue that sexual citizenship is not just about the right to occupy actual physical places but also the right to inhabit the virtual—cyberspace. I hence argue that the internet plays a key role in transforming the sexual geographies of public and private.  相似文献   

While the rhetoric of human rights is now globally pervasive, the reality of rights implementation patently lags behind and violations continue to escalate worldwide. An examination of recent books demonstrates that rights talk occupies an increasingly central place in all subfields of anthropology. Problematically, anthropologists are excessively invoking “human rights” to imply a higher order of magnitude for the cases they study than if those cases were framed in terms of other rights and claims. Labeling everything a fundamental human right is detrimental to both ethics and accuracy, especially in the face of acknowledged differences in cultural and historical contexts.  相似文献   

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