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长期以来,国内史学界在研究和探讨美国革命时,大多从政治、宪法、经济、贸易、黑奴和民族等视角阐述美国革命的渊源和意义,鲜有宗教因素方面的考量。北美殖民地与英国宗主国在两大宗教问题上存在着冲突,宗教在推动殖民地走上美国革命之路方面发挥了重要作用。法印战争结束后,随着英国在宗教和政治上加大对北美殖民地的干预和控制,宗教自由和政治自由成为一枚硬币的两面,两者不可须臾缺一。正是在这个意义上,殖民地争取宗教自由的斗争促进和推动了美国革命的爆发和发展。  相似文献   

美国宗教民族主义的历史省察   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
宗教民族主义是指一个国家的民族宗教与民族主义结合在一起并为民族利益服务。美国宗教民族主义是美国政治制度的力量源泉,它使美国的国际行为神圣化。在美国民族形成过程中,宗教曾起到民族整合的作用,美国依靠宗教皈依来自世界各地的移民,同时,也利用宗教捧除其他化对美国的冲击;在美国领土扩张过程中,宗教理念推动了美国的西进运动和海外扩张;在国际难民解救问题上,美国政府和宗教界人士以宗教关怀为手段体现美国政府在国际上的作用和地位;在20世纪的美国外交中,美国利用宗教积极参加反对共产主义运动,成为反共十字军中的重要成员。美国的历史就是宗教与民族主义相互融合、相互配合、相互作用的历史。  相似文献   

二战前美国私人基金会以慈善国际输出为参与文化外交的主要方式,并外溢出强烈的宗教使命感;冷战期间,通过向盟国输出美国文化、推动社会科学为现实政治服务等方式成为文化冷战的有力工具,彰显出强烈的国家使命意识。美国私人基金会对文化外交的热衷,一方面深受传统慈善思想以及自由主义和理想主义两种政治思想的影响;另一方面则是适应国内国际矛盾斗争的现实需要。美国私人基金会对国际文化交流客观上发挥了一定积极作用;同时作为美国社会机制的一部分,它始终服务于美国国家利益,不可避免地带有文化霸权的倾向。  相似文献   

18世纪的美国资产阶级革命有两个任务,第一是实现民族独立,第二是完成资产阶级民主革命。而民主革命的一个重要内容就是铲除在宗教方面存在的前资本主义残余,实现宗教自由和政教分离。宗教自由和政教分离是同一民主斗争的两个侧面,二者密切联系,同步进行。  相似文献   

托马斯·杰斐逊(1743—1826)是美国历史上最杰出的资产阶级民主思想家之一。他的民主思想内容十分丰富,几乎涉及到美国当时社会生活的各个主要方面。反对宗教压迫,提倡信仰自由,是他民主思想体系中的一个极其重要的组成部分。本文拟对他的宗教自由的主张与实践作一概要述评。  相似文献   

严泉 《安徽史学》2022,(1):47-55
在巴黎和会开幕之前,安福国会最重要的反应是提出外交议案,内容涵盖和会筹备与中国外交目标。巴黎和会召开之后,国会关注的内容包括和会应对策略、对日外交与山东问题等。从方式来看,分为立法与行政监督两种形式。前者主要是指国会议员提出与和会外交有关的提议案、建议案,提交委员会与院会议决后咨送政府。后者则是通过质询权、弹劾权与查办权的行使,监督政府的外交活动。国会在巴黎和会期间的表现,除外来舆论压力因素之外,还与其维护派系与自身利益有关,突出表现为处理与政府的关系。从实际成效来看,国会的作用还是有限的,不过在制度形式上,其表现可以视为近代中国议会外交的初试。  相似文献   

华洋杂处、中西文化交汇的香港,是个宗教开放、居民享有信仰宗教自由的城市.在这里,人们不仅信奉宗教,而且崇拜菩萨.现  相似文献   

陈月娥 《世界历史》2004,(6):100-106
从政治思想史的角度来看 ,日本近代的国际协调外交渊源于原敬的“对清政略即是对欧政略”的外交哲学原则。在长达半年的欧美实地考察中 ,原敬亲眼目睹了美国实力正在蒸蒸日上 ,预见到美国将在国际舞台上发挥重要的作用 ,指出在今后的国际问题上要格外注意美国的动向。一战爆发后 ,原敬在各种场合反复陈述日本与美国协调关系的重要性和迫切性 ,其国际协调外交思想得到了充分展开。从原敬的思想主张来看 ,其国际协调外交思想的终极目标在于 :日本在比较有利的和平的国际环境下 ,从中国获得最大的国家利益。  相似文献   

清末民初"国民外交"一词的形成及其含义述论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
清末民初"国民外交"一词的提出,既是中国人民在严重的民族危机下寻求自强独立的现实需要,在一定程度上也是受到了日本的影响,将本意为国家外交的"national diplomacy"译为"国民外交"。中国的"国民外交"概念的内涵主要表现为三个方面:一是将人民主权思想应用于外交领域,含有视外交为国民的外交,政府应尊重民意办理外交的意思;二是指国民可通过国会参与外交,以舆论监督外交,将自己的意志反映贯彻于外交事务;三是通过国际民间交往增进友谊,进而改善邦交,促进世界和平。虽然今天的"国民外交"概念主要是从国际民间交往的外交意义上来说的,但不容忽视其原来政府外交须尊重民意,而国民有权监督政府外交的含义所具有的现实借鉴作用。  相似文献   

基辛格的外交思想从道德和宗教的束缚中解脱出来,以经验事实审时度势,在深一层次上强化了外交思想中的现实主义。基辛格的外交思想从历史与哲学的理念出发,以现实主义实力论、地缘政治学和势力均衡观来通观审视,力求构建一种美国主导下稳定的世界秩序——“美国治下的和平”。基辛格的外交实践在某种程度上打破了时空的界限,反映出他作为一个外交家的机智与魄力。作为一个外交思想家,基辛格以宏阔的理论视野和丰富的个人阅历化合成为对历史和现实深邃的洞察和敏悟,具有很强的理论性和实践性。  相似文献   

Adam Gopnik once observed that "Paris is a struggle between its pompous official culture and its matchless … commonplace civilization." The aphorism applies even more clearly to the Supreme Court. It is an institution cloaked in formality, from the ceremonies of First Monday to the grand generalities it invokes in its ruling. It is also an institution that takes itself extremely seriously, with its strongest opinions penned when it thinks another institution—Congress in passing Commerce Clause legislation or the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, the Florida supreme court during  Bush v. Gore —is treading on the Court's privileges. The Court's pompous officious culture contributes to the studied cynicism lawyers exhibit whenever they talk about judges.  相似文献   

Kari Forbes-Boyte 《对极》1999,31(3):304-323
Historically, American Indian religions have been repressed in the United States out of the conviction that traditional indigenous beliefs would hinder the Indian's "progress toward civilization." While the First Amendment protects the freedom of religion, it has not done so for American Indian religions. In 1978, Congress passed the American Indian Religious Freedom Act (AIRFA), which was designed to protect and preserve for American Indians their inherent right to believe, express and exercise their traditional religions. This paper will analyze the effectiveness of AIRFA through an examination of one court case, Fools Crow v. Gullett, which involved a Cheyenne and Lakota sacred place, Bear Butte. It will conclude that AIRFA cannot prevent the desecration of a sacred place. It will also extend some arguments of legal scholar Ellen Sewell to the Fools Crow case, arguing that the courts misunderstand the unique nature of American Indian religions and disregard the trust relationship between American Indians and the federal government. It will conclude with further observations about liberalism, justice and property rights in the judicial system.  相似文献   

This article provides an introduction to a special issue of the Journal of Religious History on the theme religion and memory based on papers presented at the 20th International Congress of Historical Sciences held at the University of New South Wales, Sydney in July 2005. The special issue was prepared as a memorial tribute to the Australian historians Tony Cahill (1933–2004) and Patrick O’Farrell (1933–2003). Patrick O’Farrell made significant contributions to the histories of Ireland, Irish Australia, migration, place and memory. Tony Cahill was a former editor of the Journal of Religious History who published a number of biographical studies of the Irish‐born Archbishop of Sydney, Cardinal Francis Moran (1830–1911). The introduction provides a review summary of the published work of Patrick O’Farrell and brief notes about the seven articles which make up the special issue. The Appendix includes a full bibliography of the published writing of Patrick O’Farrell.  相似文献   

蔡运龙 《人文地理》2001,16(5):5-10
本文介绍了第29界国际地理大会的一般情况和主要论题,并从多种多样的论题中总结出当前国际地理学发展的主要动向。当前国际地理学界特别关注的领域有:人类对生态系统的影响及自然对人类社会的影响,全球化与本土化,地理学与公共管理,社会-经济-环境变化与区域发展,环境质量、食物安全与人类健康,地理信息科学与技术,可持续发展。国际地理学界多样化的关注领域、对理论思考的注重,以及对21世纪地理教育的重视,应该对我国地理学有所启示。  相似文献   

The International Congress of the Hellenic Anthropological Association (HAA), Athens, 21-23 November 2003  相似文献   

This article deals with the relations between perhaps Sweden's most influential publicist during the Cold War, the professor of political science and editor-in-chief of Sweden's largest daily newspaper Dagens Nyheter 1946–1959, Herbert Tingsten, and the Congress for Cultural Freedom (CCF), a CIA-sponsored organisation gathering the elite of the world's non-communist leftist intellectuals, Congress for Cultural Freedom and its Swedish sub-branch called ‘Svenska kommittén för kulturens frihet’ (SKfKF). Tingsten was a professor of political science at University of Stockholm from 1935 to 1946 and then editor-in-chief of Sweden's largest daily newspaper Dagens Nyheter from 1946 to 1959. It argues that parts of Tingsten's work both as an opinion maker and as a scholar was part of a symbiotic relationship with the CCF and the SKfKF. Tingsten was the foremost propagator for the ‘end of ideology’ thesis in Sweden and the article argues that this campaign was inspired by the CCF's advancement of this idea in the 1950s and 1960s. Tingsten was personally acquainted with several CCF intellectuals and he visited several of the CCF's conferences. The article also makes the case that Tingsten helped the CCF and the SKfKF's causes and furthered their agendas in a number of ways during his time as editor-in-chief of DN. For example, Tingsten allowed the SKfKF to use DN as a platform for presenting its ideas and programmes to a broader public. The article thus shows how the CCF network of intellectuals influenced opinion making in non-aligned Sweden.  相似文献   


The Venice Charter has been the benchmark for principles governing architectural conservation/restoration for over thirty years. We asked Jukka Jokilehto to comment on the context in which it was drawn up. Now often referred to simply as the ‘Venice Charter’, the correct full name of this document (of which we print the text in an appendix) is: ‘The International Charter for the Conservation and Restoration of Monuments and Sites’, adopted by the IInd International Congress of Architects and Technicians of Historic Monuments, Venice, 1964.  相似文献   

Following Christopher Lasch's early study, accounts of the ‘culturalcold war’ have become largely synonymous with the activitiesof the Congress for Cultural Freedom. The major accounts ofthe Congress have drawn on a comparatively narrow range of archivesources, personal papers, memoirs, and interviews Recent studiesof cold war broadcasting have broadened the scope of the ‘cultural’and made extensive use of previously inaccessible archive materialin Europe, North America, and the former Soviet Union This articlecontinues the process of broadening our understanding of thecultural dimensions of the cold war by focusing on the publishersSeeker & Warburg and highlighting, more generally, the opportunitiesthat publishers' archives afford for opening up new areas ofinvestigation and research on the cold war *I would like to thank John Berger, Mary Eagleton, Simon Gunn,Louise Jackson, and an anonymous referee for comments on anearlier version of this article I would also like to thank RandomHouse and Independent Labour Publications for permission toquote from material in the Seeker & Warburg Archive andthe ILP Archive Material from the Blair, E correspondence ispublished courtesy of the Lilly Library, Indiana University,Bloomington, IN Finally, I would like to thank Michael Bottand his colleagues at the University of Reading for their assistancein identifying relevant material in the Seeker & WarburgArchive  相似文献   

The author, in a field trip through the Western Pamir, was struck by the paradox of widespread well-preserved traces of Pleistocene glaciation and the relative absence of glacial drift. He advances a hypothesis of the paleogeographic development of the Pamir, assigning an important role to direct evaporation of the ice and firn of the glacial mantle. The paper was read by the author in the form of an illustrated lecture at the International Geographic Congress in London.  相似文献   

Abstract: French academic geography achieved remarkable success during the 1920s making Paris an appropriate location for the XIIIth International Geographical Congress to meet in 1931. These scholarly activities were counterpoised by expressions of an exotic 'popular geography' at the great Exposition Coloniale staged in the French capital at the same time. At the Congress, French academics displayed their research achievements in denudation chronology, rural settlement studies and cartography, extending their work from the Hexagon to parts of the Empire. Patronage by leading professors in Paris and Grenoble clearly played a vital role in shaping the discipline. The location and content of excursions for visiting scholars also highlighted French achievements and suggested what remained to be done. Scrutiny of activities at the XIIIth IGC reveals a profession whose official pronouncements appear isolated from the momentous economic and political changes triggered by global depression at that time.  相似文献   

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