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5月19日,从莫斯科传出的一条消息震惊了整个俄罗斯。俄联邦安全局宣布,他们于3天前破获了一起针对俄罗斯政要的暗杀阴谋。当联邦安全局公布暗杀对象的名字时,不少俄罗斯人倒抽了一口冷气——杀手意欲行刺的竟然是俄“头号女强人”瓦莲京娜·马特维延科。消息迅速传遍了全世界。有媒体说,假如杀手的阴谋得逞,恐怕全世界都会感到震惊,因为马特维延科不仅是圣彼得堡市的市长,还是俄总统普京的铁杆  相似文献   

俄罗斯媒体认为,在5月中旬粉碎的暗杀阴谋中,马特维延科之所以成为行刺目标,原因之一是,暗杀她能够产生足够大的轰动效应。因为,她以强硬著称,被誉为“俄罗斯头号女强人”;她在叶利钦和普京两任总统任内,均平步青云,受到重用,成为能在俄政坛呼风唤雨的人物。那么,马特维延科是如何走到今天的呢?  相似文献   

失业保障制度是每一个国家在市场经济建设过程中的一道必不可少的防护网。在苏联,其所建立的社会保障机制几乎包括了国际劳工组织规定的所有社会保障内容,但惟独就没有失业保障,这主要是与其计划经济模式和拒不承认存在失业有关[1]。俄罗斯独立以后,失业人数不断增加,失业问题已经彰显为阻碍俄社会转型、市场经济体制建设和影响俄社会稳定的一个极其不利的因素。为了适应社会转型和市场经济建设的要求,打破长期的铁饭碗就业体制,推动国家经济结构的优化与重组,保障失业人员的基本生活权利,为社会的改革筑起一道有力的防护网,俄罗斯从一开始…  相似文献   

随着中东铁路的修建,大量的俄侨涌入哈尔滨。虽然在中东铁路管理局及所谓的哈尔滨自治公议会的庇护下,俄侨具有诸多的特权,但官方政权也有许多力不能及之处。受早期俄罗斯公民社会思想的影响,哈尔滨的俄侨成立了诸多的非营利组织(民间组织),这为其民间治理功能的发挥提供了空间。在哈俄侨非营利组织民间治理功能主要体现在社会协调、与政府沟通、社会服务以及稳定社会秩序等方面。这些民间治理经验对其后的哈尔滨解放区的经济发展和社会稳定也产生了深远的影响。  相似文献   

俄罗斯华侨历史概述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从19世纪中期开始, 华侨问题就引起了俄罗斯政府和学者的注意。俄罗斯华侨见证并参与了远东地区的开发和十月革命, 而后又经历了国内战争、新经济政策、工业化、农业集体化、卫国战争等剧烈的社会动荡和变革。无数华侨为苏维埃政权的诞生、苏联社会主义建设以及抗击德国法西斯入侵奉献了自己的力量和生命。与此同时, 复杂多变的俄(苏) 中两国关系以及远东地区政治和军事局势对俄罗斯华侨的命运产生了种种不利影响。本文分1917年二月革命和十月革命之前、革命和国内战争期间以及苏联时期三个时期, 对19 世纪中期至20 世纪中期的俄罗斯华侨历史进行考察,以加强两国学者对俄罗斯华侨问题的了解和交流。  相似文献   

哈尔滨的保护建筑中,绝大部分出自于俄罗斯侨民建筑师之手,他们以俄罗斯建筑文化为底蕴,成功地将俄罗斯"建筑精神文化"移植到哈尔滨,在哈尔滨这块富饶的土地上,建造了数量众多、风格迥异、极富艺术价值的精美建筑。本文主要介绍五位具有代表性的俄侨建筑师,铭记和传承俄侨建筑文化,感谢他们为这座城市的建设所做出的突出贡献。  相似文献   

俄罗斯对中国的研究起源于18世纪初,经历了俄国早期、苏联时期和俄罗斯时期三个历史阶段,学者们对新中国历史发展的主要阶段从不同侧面展开了研究。1999年以来,俄罗斯学术界对当代中国的研究产生了更加浓厚的兴趣,主要原因是由于中国在经济发展、改革和对外开放等方面都取得了举世瞩目的成就。俄罗斯学者的研究成果主要集中在中国的经济问题,中国的对外政策和俄中双边关系,社会政治史和中共党史,以及对当代中国的某一位具体人物的研究四个方面。  相似文献   

论文通过对俄罗斯统计局、俄罗斯联邦移民局、中国驻俄罗斯联邦大使馆商参处等官方网站数据资料以及人民网、俄罗斯新闻网等重要媒体相关信息的收集和整理,以入境俄罗斯的中国公民为主要研究对象,梳理了2015年俄罗斯经济社会的基本状况、当年中俄经济合作的进展情况、俄罗斯移民政策的新变化以及在俄罗斯中国公民的工作、生活和学习状况.总结出2015年在俄罗斯的中国公民情况有以下特点:中国公民在俄投资形式有新突破,赴俄旅游人数增长迅速,留学生群体非常活跃,中俄共庆反法西斯胜利70周年是民间友好的亮点.除此之外,中国公民违反当地法律的行为时有发生,也应当引起重视.  相似文献   

胡瑞华 《人文地理》2010,25(5):108-111
冷战结束以来,美俄间以主权国家利益为核心的地缘政治竞争一直在进行着。美俄间的地缘政治空间之争主要表现在美国主导下的北约东扩和在独联体地区的渗透。而俄罗斯为了防止其在欧亚大陆战略生存空间被挤压和近邻地区被分化,采取了一系列的反对、抵制措施,以防地缘政治空间被进一步削弱并力图为俄罗斯未来重新崛起保留一定的地缘政治空间。作为战略博弈优势方的美国的地缘政治政策主导着美俄关系演进的进程和张力。  相似文献   

俄罗斯远东“中国移民问题”论析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
在俄罗斯远东乃至全俄罗斯,“中国移民问题”是一个被有关势力上升到政治层面加以夸大、炒作的敏感问题。其主要肇因既有历史基因的复萌,也有现实利益的驱动。在其影响下,中俄两国开展劳务合作的潜力远未得到应有的发挥。近年来,俄虽有部分学者和政界人士能较为客观地分析中国移民问题,阐述利用中国劳务的必要性,且积极探讨利用中国劳务的有效途径,但俄罗斯社会对中国人持有的戒备和排斥心理仍相当浓厚。对此,我们应多从自身方面找原因,改进做法,积极应对,促使俄罗斯社会改变对中国人的偏见,从而将远东变成中俄合作真正的窗口和桥梁。  相似文献   

In view of the negative connotations associated with conspiracy theories, what have been the effects of the term's entry into popular vocabulary in the second half of the twentieth century? Has the ascendancy of the term “conspiracy theory” been correlated with a reluctance to allege conspiracy? In this article, the authors use Hansard, the record of British parliamentary debates, as a source of empirical data in demonstrating a significant and steady reduction in the number of conspiracy claims advanced in parliament; a pattern consistent with the broader marginalization of conspiracy rhetoric. This trend was reinforced by a trope that established itself in the 1980s and juxtaposed “conspiracies” with “cock-ups.” The British expression “cock-up” denotes a blunder or act of incompetence. In the second part of this article, the authors argue that the preference for “cock-up theories” over “conspiracy theories” reflects how a policy geared towards privatization and deregulation tended to characterize government action in terms of incompetence, and not of malfeasance.  相似文献   

In the late 1980s and 1990s, American popular culture has been increasingly rife with conspiracy narratives of recent historical events. Among cultural producers, filmmaker Oliver Stone has had a significant impact on popular understanding of American culture in the late twentieth century through a series of docudramas which reread American history through the lens of conspiracy theory and paranoia. This paper examines the films of Oliver Stone—in particular Platoon , Born on the Fourth of July , JFK , and Nixon —asking why they have achieved popularity and brought about catharsis, why they are the subject of attack, and why it is useful to look beyond the debate about truth and falsehood that has surrounded them. It analyzes the ways in which Stone's status as a Vietnam veteran allowed Platoon to be accorded the authenticity of survivor discourse, whereas JFK and Nixon were subject to almost hysterical attack, not only because of Stone's assertions of conspiracy, but also because of his cinematic style of tampering with famous images. Taking these films as its point of departure, this paper examines the role of images in the construction of history, the form of the docudrama, the reenactment of historical images, fantasies of history, and ways in which paranoia part of the practice of citizenship.  相似文献   

在朝鲜战争起源的问题上,学术界一直存在着争论.一些西方学者认为,朝鲜战争是在苏联、中国和朝鲜周密的共谋下发动的,这种说法后来被称为"三国同谋论".但这种说法与最近公开的资料并不相符.本文以中国、苏联的新资料为依据对以往的"三国共谋论"进行了反驳,并得出结论:中国不仅没有参加策划朝鲜战争,而且在一定程度上对发动这场战争持不赞成的态度.  相似文献   

At the end of World War II, European residents of Shanghai included Jewish displaced persons and ‘White’ émigrés. While the Jewish refugees were initially viewed by Australia as a humanitarian crisis, they then became a controversial sideshow to a planned mass resettlement of displaced persons from Europe. This article contextualises the actual and proposed Jewish and Russian migration from Shanghai with regard to Australian attitudes towards postwar European migrations from the East. This argument traces the anti-Semitic and anti-Russian sentiments that pressured Calwell into ultimately blocking Russian migration from Shanghai as well as placing a tight curb on the migration of Jewish displaced persons from both Asia and Europe.  相似文献   


Over the years, a certain mantra has arisen in academic circles involving the post-World War II war crimes trials. Nuremberg, it is said, was a needed display of 'allied justice' and 'democratic fair play'. The Tokyo and Pacific region trials were exercises in 'victor's justice' and 'racism'. Accenting the determined, precedent-setting work of the Pacific Islands war crimes trials on Guam, 'Away from Tokyo' argues that justice was served well there. Evil should never go unpunished. Based on archival research at the Micronesian Area Research Center the US Territory of Guam, Stanford University and the Douglas MacArthur Memorial Archives, this paper examines the good work of both the prosecution and defence teams on Guam. Few trial participants viewed their efforts as part of a larger conspiracy of revenge and racism. In fact, that conspiracy never existed. 'Away from Tokyo' attempts to set the record straight, and re-examines some dramatic cases at the same time.  相似文献   

During the parliamentary election of 1868, Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli sent a ‘gentleman spy’ to Ireland to seek evidence showing that William Gladstone had agreed to disestablish the Church of Ireland in return for the Vatican's promise of Irish catholic votes. Proof of this conspiracy, Disraeli hoped, would prompt an anti‐catholic backlash and tip the election to the Conservatives. Disraeli's spy spent four weeks interviewing various Liberal politicians and Irish catholic prelates and claimed to have discovered not only a secret agreement between Gladstone and the bishops, but also a vast Vatican conspiracy to use Irish nationalist agitation to undermine the English constitution. Unfortunately, he never found written proof of any either scheme. The Liberals won the election by a large margin and soon passed an act disestablishing the Church of Ireland. Although out of office, Disraeli remained in contact with his secret agent, using him for further missions in England and on the continent. Despite its failure, the spy's mission offers fresh insight into Disraeli's character and policies. Disraeli combined opportunistic political scheming with a weakness for conspiracy theories. His agent's mission to Ireland was certainly an intrigue meant to turn the political tables on the Liberals but was based on Disraeli's belief that Rome actually had conspired with Gladstone. Recognition of Disraeli's faith in the existence of papal conspiracies helps to make his public statements about disestablishment more comprehensible and suggests a new explanation for his ongoing inflexibility in regard to Irish grievances and reforms.  相似文献   

在二战结束后的东京A级战犯审判中,裕仁天皇虽然没有成为被告,但其战争责任问题却留在法庭的视野中。随着庭审的推进,作为东京审判庭长的威廉·韦伯对这一问题的立场从最初的“天皇不应受审”转变为“天皇应责而未责”。但韦伯将天皇归为和平主义者,未将他与28名A级被告视作一个阴谋团体,进而影响了韦伯对被告在“共同谋议”侵略问题上的判断。从韦伯庭长在天皇责任问题上的立场及其形成过程来看,一方面体现了东京审判法官在司法上的独立性,另一方面也体现出东京审判作为一场国际性的大型司法实践的复杂性。  相似文献   

Over the decades that followed the overthrow of Mosaddeq in August 1953 a narrative attributing the fall exclusively to foreign conspiracy has taken hold and become institutionalized. In this narrative the internal factors are reduced to the simplest level of abstraction. They do not exist outside foreign conspiracy! This narrative is premised on an Anglo-American coup plot code-named TP-AJAX that was attempted in the late hours of 15 August but failed. The ensuing flight of the Shah generated dynamics which led to the fall of Mosaddeq four days later. The CIA chief operative in Tehran Kermit Roosevelt was quick to take credit claiming that these dynamics were inseminated by his ingenious and spontaneous planning. For abiding internal reasons both the CIA and the MI6 headquarters preferred to claim victory rather than admit failure. Evidence that emerged following the declassification of the State Department papers in 1989 and the leak of a secret CIA internal history in 2000 produced glaring evidence that the fall of Mosaddeq on 19 August 1953 had taken Washington, even its embassy in Tehran, by complete surprise and that post facto claims by Roosevelt were inconsistent both with Washington's explicit policy directives and Roosevelt's own situation reports filed with the CIA Washington during the interval between the two events. Roosevelt later published a phantasmagorical account of the event which, together with reminiscences of a few unnamed former operatives, was given credence by Professor Gasiorowski and associates, who curiously chose to ignore archival evidence.  相似文献   

On the eve of the royal wedding, two anthropologists and an actor – members of a street theatre troupe known as ‘The Government of the Dead’– were arrested for conspiracy to stage a performance. We adopt a Bakhtinian perspective of carnival laughter as essential to the scientific investigation of officialdom and ceremonial power.  相似文献   

Journalism as we know it is said to be under existential threat brought about by a combination of corporatisation and technological change. This has led some scholars to ask whether it can survive. The dominant account is one of under-resourced newsrooms that are at best incapable of adapting and at worst guilty of cynically abandoning professional standards. This article challenges these empirical claims, but at the same time affirms the normative concern underpinning them. In our case – a conspiracy of high politics – journalists do not just report political news but they conspire in its outcome. So, by changing the mode of inquiry we also change the question; not can journalism survive, but how do journalists cope.  相似文献   

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