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The authors discuss the origin and background of the Soviet water-basin directorates. The legal rights and responsibilities of the inspectorates in water-pollution control are considered. Their methods of operation and the work record of some basin inspectorates are analyzed and recommended for general application. In particular, the experience in thr RSFSR, Ukraine and the Baltic republics is considered worthy of emulation. Problems of water protection and restoration are considered to be the most important in the field of environmental protection and are linked to further progress of the Soviet economy. (The article was contributed by Craig ZumBrunnen, University of Washington, Seattle.)  相似文献   

A Soviet economic geographer who participated in a 1929 conference of geography teachers describes the antecedents, the atmosphere and the proceedings of this crucial meeting in a stormy period of the discipline. It was a landmark in the history of Soviet economic geography in marking the beginning of the end of the old sectoral-statistical approach and inaugurating the new regional school led by N. N. Baranskiy.  相似文献   

《The Canadian geographer》1971,15(4):324-338
Book reviewed in this article:
The Soviet Wood-Processing Industry: A Linear Programming Analysis of the Role of Transportation Costs in Location and Flow Patterns, by BRENTON M. BARR
Cities of the Soviet Union, Studies in Their Functions, Size, Density, and Growth, by CHAUNCY D. HARRI
Economic Geography of the USSR, by A. LAVRISHCHEV (translated by DAVID MYSHNE)
Geography of the U.S.S.R. (2nd ed.), by PAUL E. LYDOLPH
Yakutia before Its Incorporation into the Russian State, by A. P. OKLADNIKOV (translated by Dr and Mrs STEPHEN P. DUNN and edited by HENRY N. MICHAEL)
Basic Industrial Resources of the U.S.S.R., by THEODORE SHABA.
Victorian Toronto, 1850 to 1900: Pattern and Process of Growth, by P eter G. G oheen
« l'électricité au Québec >>, par A lain M etton
Urban Water Supply Alternatives: Perception and Choice in the Grand Basin, Ontario, by I an MACI ver
Pioneer Settlement in Northeast Argentina, by R obert C. E idt
Spatial Organization, by R onald A bler , J ohn A dams , and P eter G ould
Geoforum, Journal of Physical, Human and Regional Geosciences (Executive Editor: W olf T ietze )  相似文献   

The construction of the Baykal-Amur Mainline, which began in 1974 and is scheduled to be completed in 1983, is expected to have a profound impact on the economy of the Soviet Far East, whose development has long lagged because of lack of transport access to regional resources. The BAM is expected to foster the development of new industries, such as coal and steel, oil and gas, hydropower, metal fabrication and chemicals, and stimulate the expansion of traditional activities, such as gold and tin mining, fisheries and forest products. The BAM is also expected to play a key role in expanding trade between the Soviet Far East and the countries of the Pacific basin and the Indian Ocean. In light of the complex aspects of the BAM project, it is suggested that integrated planning procedures encompass not only the transport aspects of the project, but all economic activities to be generated as a result of the construction of the new railroad. In view of the labor shortage, a high level of labor-saving technology is recommended. Concern for the local environment is expressed in view of the extensive construction activities in permafrost. (Previous articles on the BAM appeared in Soviet Geography, April and October 1975.)  相似文献   

The Guidelines for the 10th Five-Year Plan (1976–80) are assessed in terms of their suggestions and probable implications for Soviet regional development policy. The new plan is examined both for evidence of regional concerns in specific economic and social programs as well as for more general indications of regional development philosophy and strategy. The current plan is then compared with previous plans for evidence of shifts in regional development policy. Finally the regional dimensions of Soviet development are considered in light of more general ideas of regional development and modernization.  相似文献   

Leslie Dunbar. 1988. The Common Interest: How Our Social Welfare Policies Don't Work and What We Can Do About Them
Charles Lockhart. 1989. Gaining Ground: Tailoring Social Programs to American Values  相似文献   

The following preliminary overview of some spatial aspects of the 10th Five-Year Plan, originally prepared for oral delivery at the 1976 St. Louis meetings of the American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies, is published here in response to widespread requests for reprints. It comments briefly on what are perceived to be some new locational priorities in the context of the so-called East-West issue, the proposed shift to greater use of coal compared with oil, a pro-European bias in steel location, the impact of joint development projects with Comecon countries and with the West, and an apparent movement to seaboard locations in conjunction with increased foreign-trade interaction between the Soviet Union and the world economy.  相似文献   

EDITOR'S NOTE: Puncog Zhaxi was born in 1924 in Amao, Qinghai Province. in 1951, when he was 28,he was involved in the signing of the 17-Article Agreement, which later won the support of the 14thDalai Lama, and helped to accomplish the peaceful liberation of Tibet.When the People's Republic of China wasfounded on October 1, 1949, the CentralPeople's Government called for the localgovernment of Tibet (known in Tibetanas Gaxag) to send a delegation to peacetalks in Beijing. Encourage…  相似文献   

The increasing importance of the Soviet Arctic for navigation in connection with a northward shift of resource development and the strengthening of the Soviet icebreaker fleet with nuclear-powered icebreakers and modern conventional icebreakers has focused attention on the issue of freedom of navigation in the Soviet sector of the Arctic. The Soviet sector, defined in a 1926 decree as extending from the mainland to the North Pole, comprises the Northern Sea Route, which the Soviet Union regards as an internal shipping route, and seas of the Arctic Ocean that it views as historic waters. Because of differences in the interpretation of international law, there is ambiguity regarding the right of innocent passage through the Soviet Arctic by vessels of other nations. The growing significance of Arctic shipping operations raises the timeliness of the issue.  相似文献   

刘斌  杨钊  刘永婷  林嘉敏 《人文地理》2023,38(1):169-180
在新的流动范式认识下,“旅居”的出游方式因为更加自由和舒适的体验得到老年群体的青睐,当前研究主要关注偏“精英”色彩的老年人“旅居”现象,聚焦探讨这些现象背后的系列问题,但忽视了现象本身。目前一种更加大众化的老年人“旅居”现象得到蓬勃发展,但对其深层内涵与价值的探究鲜有见者。研究基于具身认知,聚焦现象本身,通过改良旅游者具身体验研究框架,采用既定程序的文本分析方法对样本深度访谈内容进行分析。研究发现,上述现象可参与群体广泛,舒适的异地休闲需求显著,活动具有高度的群体情感特性,承接空间接近过程相对轻松,舒适停留条件良好,老年人的日常休闲活动和社交群体能够更为便利和大众化的在异地实现有效延续与发展。研究将该现象命名为老年人休闲旅居,其能够成为老年人居家养老生活的有益补充,有重要现实意义。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Although a rich and extensive body of theoretical research on new economic geography has emerged, empirical research remains comparatively less well developed. This paper reviews the existing empirical literature on the predictions of new economic geography models for the distribution of income and production across space. The discussion highlights connections with other research in regional and urban economics, identification issues, potential alternative explanations, and possible areas for further research.  相似文献   

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