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在既有的老舍文化背景与思想资源的研究中,清末民初京旗文学这一直接连接到老舍创作的层面,尚未被研究者太多涉及到,本文拟在对以往研究的继承、借鉴和发展的基础之上,着手考察清末民初京旗小说与老舍的关系的群体、道德、白话三个层面,透视其与老舍创作的关联,以小观人.对于今日我们重新省思晚清以来直至当下的文化文学观念转型也不无裨益.作为一种文化传统,群体观念从京旗作家的自为的制度性体验和心理回避机制,到老舍那里融合了现代民族危机意识,升格为国家主义;京旗小说的平民道德极端主义包含着时代的断裂性感受以及回归传统的欲望,老舍接受了道德关注的视角,佐之以公民道德的内涵;在新旧文学的交战和递嬗之中,白话作为民间的言说方式,有着巨人而坚韧的生命力,老舍的文学从域外文化的视角径自铆接本土京旗小说的风绪,弥补了新文学革命在白话上天然的缺陷.京旗小说作为时代转型中方生速朽的文学现象,今日看来,不唯可做历史学、社会学、民俗学的佐证,同样在近现代文学自身发展的内在理路中也有其一定的意义.  相似文献   

张雯 《神州》2012,(28):31-31
经过对历史发展脉络的深入研究,可以较为容易看出21世纪西方文学的走向与特征。经研究大致可以发现20世纪西方文学呈现纵向发展的两条主线:一条是由现代主义发展到后现代主义的文学;另一条是处在发展变化中的现实主义文学。对于21世纪而言,西方文学会逐渐地从“文学终结”、“作者死亡”、“小说终结”这样一片噪杂声中走向多元化融合的道路,显示出其基本的时代特征即:走向多元性、回归现实主义、图像转向、重返道德关怀。  相似文献   

中国当代小说经历了新中国成立后17年的快速发展,又经受了十年内乱的严重挫折,到了1976年,随社会生活的历史性转折,小说回归到中国文学启蒙的传统,出现了现实主义创作潮,接着又回归到文学的本体,形成了现代主义创作潮,最后回归到小说的文本,产生了新写实主义创作潮。  相似文献   

自从《老残游记》自评提出“有揭清官之恶者,自《老残游记》始”的观点后,学人们纷纷探讨到底是哪本小说始“揭清官之恶”。实际上,“揭清官之恶”、对清官的反思从来不是哪本小说突然产生的,它是一个前有萌芽后有繁衍的发展过程。在此过程中,话本小说扮演了非常重要的角色,提出了两个命题:一是为民作主的官员不一定是清官;二是清官不一定为民作主。前者从侧面反思了清官思维的狭隘性,后者从正面反思了清官思维的荒谬性,共同使反思走向深化。当其它文学热情地塑造清官神话时,话本小说对清官的反思具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

赵小舟 《神州》2013,(33):13-13
在文学接受过程中,我们带着期待视野走近七月派小说,在接受过程中,与作品不断进行填空、对话和兴味的同时也与文本不断还原、变异,最后在接受七月派小说后产生共鸣和余味;另一方面,从读者对七月派作品进行文学接受的过程中,不断与文本的相互搏斗和理解,让读者进一步了解七月派小说的特点与局限。一.执守现实主义"文学接受的发生,虽然集中体现为读者对于文本的阅读,但这种发生,也是读者在特定阅读经验期待视野的基础上,在特定接受动机的支配下,在特定接受心经的影响下展开的。”①对于七月派小说的文学接受,时间段应该集中在四十年代到五十年代,以及九十年代以后。  相似文献   

王冬 《神州》2011,(6X):53-54
道德之崇高在于其无私奉献,当把道德与回报两者联系在一起会不会是道德的一种倒退呢?“道德回报”是否符合社会主义时期公民道德建设的精神?本文试图通过对“道德回报”的分析和论述,探索公民道德建设的新路径。  相似文献   

在清末“新小说”崛起之时,出现了名噪一时的“政治小说”。“政治小说”在清末小说中所占数量虽不多,但是它却成为清末“新小说”的主流,对我国近代小说的发展起了重要的推动作用。“政治小说,欲借以吐露其所怀抱之政治思想也,其立论皆以中国为主,事实全由于幻想。”在当时,政治小说是“理想小说”之一种。这种“政治小说”在我国古代小说中是没有的,它主要是受欧洲、日本“政治小说”的影响。  相似文献   

马伟业 《满族研究》2005,4(3):99-105
满族作家端木蕻良的小说具有强烈的浪漫主义色彩,艾青称其为“科尔沁草原的诗人”,巴人称其为“拜伦式的诗人”。他的小说具有强烈的主观性和自我表现的因素,把外在的写实与内在的抒情结合起来.常常是对情感的表达大于对时间的叙说。他的小说浪漫主义特征还表现在自我形象走进作品方面、刻画神秘气氛及传奇式浪漫英雄方面、对自然的超越现实的崇拜方面等等。他的小说在形式上追求独特性,其结构更为自由与大胆。小说语言也奔放而恣肆,这使得他的小说浪漫主义气息更加浓重。不过,端木蕻良小说的浪漫主义是以现实主义为底色的,这正是他的小说具有独特风格的根本原因。  相似文献   

20世纪以来,世界文坛上现实主义创作观和现代主义创作观发生了激烈的碰撞。然而,经过一番摩擦、碰撞之后,人们不无惊喜地发现,二者呈交融渗透的态势。20世纪的现实主义文学吸取了现代主义文学中有益于自身发展的因素,从而焕发了勃勃生机,成为20世纪特有的,更加复杂的现实主义。将近半年以来的美国文学发展历程,充分说明了这一事实。如美国文学评论家基恩·奥普达尔所说:“在战后美国文学作用中,现实主义占重要地位,不过这是一种复杂的,当代形式的现实主义”。 美国当代享有国际声誉的黑人女作家托妮·毛里森的长篇小说《…  相似文献   

刘成 《世界历史》2006,(1):23-30
自1900年英国工党成立以来,它一方面强调外交问题上的道德内容,但其轻视国家利益的观点常常被看成是一种鸟托邦,内部在此问题上也一直存在着分歧。另一方面,工党在执政时期所奉行的外交思想和政策又与保守党基本一致,而将所谓道德内客放置一边。工党外交思想上存在着理想主义和现实主义的矛盾。布莱尔上台后,在工党历史上第一次明确将“道德标准”纳入英国政府的外交思想之中,并打着“道德标准”的旗号参与了多次军事行动,重新构建了道德标准和国家利益的关系。  相似文献   

This article seeks to test the assumption that realism is completely hostile to the ethical and political notions of humanitarian intervention. The popular understanding of realism states that the national interest and international order will always trump the moral impulse to assist those suffering gross human-rights abuses at the hands of their government. The article makes the argument that this understanding of realism emerged from a particular period of history and under the pens of specific individuals reacting to these conditions. By affording a much deeper historical scope to the term ‘realism’, this article shows how realism cannot be damned uniformly by those writing and thinking about humanitarian intervention in the present period, and the role it holds in contemporary debates on humanitarian intervention.  相似文献   

Moral reasoning is the most common approach to secession in political philosophy. Just‐cause, choice and liberal‐cultural theories rely on moral conceptions of political authority. This article examines an alternative view through an exploration of moral theories of secession from a realist perspective. Realism has recently seen a revival as a form of normative political philosophy and focuses on political disagreement and legitimacy rather than rights and moral analysis. I claim that realism would reject utopianism and moralism present in theories of secession. Instead of regarding secession as a right, realism would frame secession as a political option. According to this view, this article explores a realist theory of secession that would be based on the priority of politics and disagreement among other concepts. This would be a middle‐ground theory, compatible with liberal values and existing moral theories.  相似文献   

The author's primary aim in what follows is to fully articulate Chantal Delsol's critique of late modern universalism as an attempt to depoliticize the individual for the sake of replacing politics with morality. The result of this depoliticization is a quasi-pantheistic cosmopolitanism that not only effectively denies the significance of individuality, despite rhetorically lionizing it, but also undercuts the freedom of individual conscience that makes moral choice possible. Genuine political prudence and moral judgment are subsequently replaced by the rigid exactitude of a technocratic analysis that reintroduces the "clandestine ideology" it was, despite protestations to the contrary, intended to eliminate. The unhappy paradox produced by the attempt to replace the necessary limitations of political judgment with the universality of a priori moral decree is that a new set of culturally and historically idiosyncratic political attachments are surreptitiously introduced beyond the pale of reasonable debate and disagreement. Delsol's measured response is not a precipitous rejection of universalism as such but a rehabilitation of it that recaptures the Christian moral realism at its core.  相似文献   

This essay examines the late Ming-dynasty Chan master Yunqi Zhuhong’s commentary on the Brahma Net Sutra (Fanwangjing), which it takes up in order to explore his discourse concerning both Chan realism and his ensuing rejection of mainstream Chan gongan rhetoric. The Brahma Net Sutra contains a list of major and minor precepts governing proper morality for monastic and lay Buddhists. Zhuhong’s interpretation of the Twenty-First Minor Precept, which prohibits revenge, offers insight into his sense of political realism regarding the relationship between gradual teachings, provisional truths, and ultimate truth. His interpretation of the Tenth Minor Precept, which prohibits storing weapons, demonstrates his moral realism in contrast to Chan’s traditional use of pedagogical violence. Zhuhong’s realist discourse, influenced by the teachings of the Buddhist Vinaya as well as by engagement with Confucian ethics, presents an overlooked counter-narrative shift that contrasts with the emphasis on sudden enlightenment and antinomianism in Chan gongan discourse typical of the Tang and Song dynasties.  相似文献   

《Political Theology》2013,14(6):699-720

This paper proposes an analysis of The Responsibility to Protect that is rooted in the Christian realism of Reinhold Niebuhr. R2P rests on three central claims: sovereignty ought to be understood in terms of responsibility rather than control, the just cause criterion for war should include humanitarian protection, and rightful authority ought to be relocated to multilateral institutions. In turn, Niebuhr’s Christian realism proposes a dialectic of responsibility and humility that shapes our understanding of justice and coercion. While examining R2P through a Niebuhrian lens shows some compatibility between the two moral frameworks, it also reveals the insufficient understanding of humility with respect to human motivations and limitations that underlies R2P’s criteria.  相似文献   

This article examines how the novel El cojo bueno (1996) by Guatemalan writer Rodrigo Rey Rosa posits an ethics that reconstellates the motifs and assumptions that have informed the revolutionary and transition-to-peace efforts of Central America. Through a careful reading of the text, I demonstrate how the novel pushes against the limits of the neoliberal ‘culture of peace’ and gives expression to an ethics that is attuned to the complex sociopolitical conditions of the postwar period. More specifically, I show how the novel develops a moral vision that registers but also resists the impunity, violence, and social disaffection that have devastated the region. The novel dramatizes what the moral life has come to mean in postwar Central America, namely, that it is a matter of grappling with the antinomies of freedom and unfreedom, of compassion and cold survivalism, and refusing to rest easy with either option. Ultimately, El cojo bueno marks a key moment when a new conception of ethics begins to take shape in postwar Central American literature.  相似文献   

With this essay I suggest a move towards poetic realism in the representation of children in Scottish movies. After a brief discussion of the landscape context of film geographies I turn to the roots of Scottish film realism in British Free Cinema, with specific reference to filmmakers’ use of landscape and place‐characters. I then argue that Scottish filmmaker Lynne Ramsay moves most fully towards the context of poetic child realism. Ramsay frames and foments a quirky poetic realism with non‐professional child actors placed in carefully crafted landscapes to create important moral and social stories that evolve from a series of shocks and an emotive collision of ideas.  相似文献   

This essay uses Schmitt's work to cast new light on the relevance of the American legal tradition known as ‘legal realism’ for the history and analysis of human rights. It does so by exploring several of Schmitt's most famous criticisms of international law and human rights, and then suggests how they might correspond with a widespread critical legal tradition in the 1920s and 1930s. This essay describes in detail two fundamental features of this tradition: historicism and realism. It concludes by suggesting that a return to some of these earlier law writers and texts might be a more substantive way to develop a constructive critical position in the fields of human rights and international law than an overreliance on the politically provocative (and problematic) rhetorical flourishes of Carl Schmitt.  相似文献   

韩云霞 《攀登》2009,28(3):131-132
“广播电视村村通”工程是农牧区广播电视事业发展的载体,是解决边远山区农牧民群众看不到电视、听不到广播难题的“民心工程”。要因地制宜,探索建立农牧区广播电视公共服务体系,搞好“广播电视村村通”工程建设。  相似文献   

浅析孔子“为己之学”的道德蕴意   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵常丽 《攀登》2008,27(4):28-30
“为己之学”是孔子德育思想中的重要组成部分。文章通过对“为己之学”思想精神内涵及其价值导向的分析,探讨了这一命题在中国传统道德教育体系中的价值及其对当今道德教育的启示和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

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