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马征 《中国土族》2008,(4):30-31
有这样一位美国人,他曾行走于世界各地,可仍苦苦眷恋着中国的湟源。视她为第二故乡;他能说一口地道的湟源话,怕离开湟源久了说不准语音,据载,他将自己说的湟源话录下来,一有空,打开录音机,边听边复习湟源话,够执着的吧?  相似文献   

Combining an analysis of the compliance incentives faced by firms in an emissions trading program, a comprehensive review of the enforcement strategies employed in Sulfur Dioxide Allowance and the Regional Clean Air Incentives Market (RECLAIM) programs, and a review of the compliance performance of these programs thus far, we are able to propose several practical guidelines for enforcing emissions trading programs. We stress the importance of prevailing market prices for emissions permits in determining compliance incentives, the importance of accurately measuring firms' emissions, and the importance of implementing enforcement strategies that remove the incentives firms may have to falsify emissions reports.  相似文献   

In any list of Carolingian emporia, Quentovic and Dorestad feature prominently, yet the numismatic evidence reveals a complete contrast between the two. In the late eighth and early ninth centuries, contrary to popular belief, Quentovic was of very little economic significance. At the same time, Dorestad was booming, reaching the peak of its prosperity around 820. Only thirty years later, the situation was dramatically reversed: Dorestad rapidly declined and disappeared, while Quentovic enjoyed a remarkable renaissance. This challenges the current theory that the emporia disappeared in the mid-ninth century, to be replaced by the emerging towns.  相似文献   

北宋中期,尤其是宋神宗熙宁年间,各种社会危机日益尖锐,社会矛盾不断激化,王安石秉承蚤意,实施变法。吕嘉问积极支持,并率先推行市易法,他对新法的推广,特别是市易法的实施发挥了重要作用。  相似文献   

ISTORYOFZHONGDIAN/JIANTANGZhongdianisanareawithalonghistory.Intheseventhcentury,whentheTuboroseintheQinghaiTibetPlateau,Son...  相似文献   

The paper presents an overview of state trading activities in Russia in light of that country's prospective accession to the World Trade Organization. The authors cover the origins of Russian state trading, developments after the collapse of the USSR, state involvement in barter trade, and its control of the organizational structure and remaining monopolies; they also attempt to estimate the government's share in Russia's foreign trade turnover in 1996 and mid-1997. A discussion of implications embraces issues relating to the inefficiencies of state trading and Russia's designation as a nonmarket economy by the United States and the countries of the European Union. Journal of Economic Literature, Classification Numbers: F13, F14, K33, N20, P33. 1 table, 20 references.  相似文献   

This paper reports the findings of an ESRC funded study of innovation in five European cities. It is argued that the contemporary emphasis on local production clusters as the basis of economic growth provides only a limited explanation, in certain types of cities, of what drives growth. The argument developed here is that export base theory should be revisited as a more likely explanation of virtuous circles of growth. The evidence presented suggests that such circles are composed of innovation and trade in the context of the types of externalities found in core metropolitan international gateway cities.  相似文献   

西周金文所见交易辞例大致可以分为两大系统——动作系统与货币系统,贝类为货币系统中的一种。主要通过考释、疏通比盨、中甗铭文中的若干难点,研究了行为系交易辞例中的予、友、畀、余、日、取、舍、觅、付、出、宾,贝类交易辞例中的贝、买。  相似文献   

Allen J. Matusow 《外交史》2003,27(5):767-772
Books reviewed:
Foreign Relations of the United States , 1969 – 1976, vol. 3: Foreign Economic Policy , 1969 – 1972; International Monetary Policy , 1969 – 1972.  相似文献   

李鑫 《东南文化》2008,(1):30-36
运用赛维斯理论中的一个酋邦兴起模式,详细解剖了位于澧阳平原的城头山城址及其所属聚落群,认为城头山城址作为当地的经济交换中心,其形成标志着中国早期雏形城市的产生。这种由经济交换中心进而发展成为早期城市的模式是中国早期城市起源的典型模式之一。  相似文献   

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