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ABSTRACT For more than a century, from the 1870s to the 1980s, stockmen were important intermediaries and figures of power and influence in the construction, maintenance and renewal of the colonial order in New Caledonia. Social relations between Kanak and settlers working in the cattle ‘runs’ permitted a unique form of mobility spanning the frontier. The relations developed between chiefs and cattle farmers are central to the processes by which certain administrative chieftaincies emerged in the late‐nineteenth century, and by which Kanak entered the ‘political’ sphere in the second half of the twentieth century. With reference to the locality of Koné, this article traces the political alliances fashioned between Kanak stockmen and their employers in the context of colonisation, rebellion, evangelisation, post‐war political emancipation, local development and, finally, the struggle between supporters and opponents of independence in the 1980s.  相似文献   

This article assesses the impact of ‘rebalancing’ (ré-équilibrage) policies implemented in New Caledonia following the Noumea Accord in 1998. These policies were designed to redress the disadvantages of the Indigenous Kanak population (both at the political and at the socio-economic level) and to foster Kanak support for a post-Noumea Accord deal with the non-Indigenous population. It outlines the institutional framework of the Noumea Accord and its impact on development policy, exploring the structural dynamics of the New Caledonian economy and the extent of achievements in reducing inequalities. Conventional indicators demonstrate some accomplishments as regards reducing provincial inequalities but this article argues that the goals of rebalancing remain far from achieved and it explores the reasons for those shortcomings. I argue that most difficulties stem from the lack of structural reforms and absence of a shared vision of development. Nevertheless, scope does exist in New Caledonia for fostering balanced development that is environmentally and socially sustainable and better adapted to local specificities.  相似文献   

In his novel The Adventures of Telemachus, François de la Mothe-Fénelon (1651–1715) presents a utopian society, Boetica, in which the role of luxury, war and trade is extremely limited. In unreformed Salentum, on the other hand, Fénelon shows the opposite image, one in which the three elements reinforce each other in a fatal feedback-loop. I analyse the relationship between luxury, war and trade in the Telemachus and I sketch the background to Fénelon's views, with special attention to the military expansion and the mercantilism of Louis XIV, Fénelon's quietist spirituality, and the development of the concept of self-interest in seventeenth-century philosophy by mechanicist philosophers and economic thinkers.  相似文献   

Kernphysiker in einer neuen Welt: Die Emigranten der dreißiger Jahre in Amerika. - Unter der großen Anzahl derjenigen, die durch Nationalsozialismus zur Emigration gezwungen wurden und zwischen 1933 und 1941 in die Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika einwanderten, befanden sich auch mehr als hundert Physiker, und unter ihnen einige der genialsten Kernphysiker der Welt. Die Physik in Amerika hatte damals den Status einer voll ausgereiften Wissenschaft erreicht, und so kam es zu einem bedeutsamen und facettenreichen Zusammenwirken zwischen den emigrierten und den einheimischen Kernphysikern, zumal sie die verschiedenen Forschungsgebiete vertraten, die sich durch die Entdeckungen und Erfindungen des Jahres 1932 (Neutron, Deuterium, Positron, Cockcroft-Walton-Beschleuniger, Zyklotron) aufgetan hatten. Von besonderer Bedeutung Für die Konsolidierung und Entwicklung der gesamten Kernphysik war dabei die Veröffentlichung von drei Artikeln in den Reviews of Modern Physics von 1936 und 1937, bekannt als die ?Bethe-Bibel”?. Nach der Entdeckung der Kernspaltung von 1938 und dem Ausbruch des Krieges 1939 in Europa wirkte die Befürchtung, daß Hitler eine Atomwaffe erhalten könnte, als mächtige, Emigranten und Nicht-Emigranten gleichermaßen erfassende einigende Kraft unter den Atomphysikern in Amerika, und die meisten von ihnen stellten ihre Fähigkeiten in den Dienst der US-Regierung und arbeiteten am Manhatten-Projekt und an anderen militärischen Forschungsvorhaben mit. Bei Kriegsende waren die in den dreißiger Jahren emigrierten Kernphysiker wie so viele Flüchtlinge vor ihnen Amerikaner geworden, und keiner von ihnen kehrte in sein Geburtsland zurück. Among the large number of refugees from Nazism and Fascism entering the United States between 1933 and 1941 were more than 100 physicists, including some of the most gifted nuclear physicists in the world. By that time physics in America had come of age, and a remarkable and multifaceted symbiosis occurred between the émigré and native-born nuclear physicists as they pursued the many avenues of research opened up by the discoveries and inventions of 1932 (neutron, deuterium, positron, Cockcroft-Walton accelerator, cyclotron). Of particular importance for the consolidation and development of the entire field of nuclear physics was the publication in 1936–37 of the three articles in the Revieus of Modern Physics known as the ?Bethe Bible”?. With the discovery of nuclear fission in 1938 and the outbreak of war in Europe in 1939, the fear that a nuclear weapon might fall into Hitler's hands served as a powerful unifying force among nuclear physicists in Amerika, émigrés and non-émigrés alike, and most placed their talents in the service of the United States Government working on the Manhattan Project and other wartime research. By the end of the war, like so many refugees before them, the émigré nuclear physicists of the 1930s had become Americans, and not one of them returned to the country of his birth.  相似文献   

The historic independence referendum that took place on 4 November 2018 in New Caledonia marks the beginning of a potentially four-year self-determination process that is, like the French territory itself, unique. It is the final stage of a series of agreements that ended civil war over independence, and that have overseen peace in New Caledonia for 30 years. The referendum has highlighted the real achievements under the peace agreements, but also areas of deep difference, creating new uncertainties and risks to stability. While the November vote saw majority support for staying with France, it exposed continued ethnic division, with a sizeable Indigenous Kanak vote for independence, despite years of Accord compromises. The referendum is only the first of potentially two more divisive votes by 2022, to be preceded by local provincial elections in May 2019. Whatever the voting outcomes, the majority loyalists must take into account Indigenous independence aspirations in considering the major issues left over after the Noumea Accord's completion, if peaceful governance is to continue. UN decolonization principles present three options: independence, independence in some kind of partnership with France, or continued integration with France. So long as the answer remains ‘no’ to independence, this final process will demand serious dialogue between bitterly opposed parties, at the least about expanded local powers, re-defining governance in New Caledonia beyond the Noumea Accord.  相似文献   

Till the mid-19th century, in Kanak institutions in north central Grande Terre (New Caledonia), chiefs received their titles from the ‘masters of the land’. To add material and symbolic power to their preeminent position, they received human sacrifices, as one of their kinspeople offered his/her body; and they waged warfare outside the chiefdom. Their fame was proportional to control over human bodies. Based on historical sources and ethnographic information gathered in the field, the effort is made to see how these precolonial cannibalistic practices fit into political systems. A comparison is made between Kanak chiefs and Melanesian big men and great men.  相似文献   

Unlike L'Illustration, with which it competed under the Second Empire, the weekly Le Monde illustré, which first appeared in 1857 and which was protected by the imperial government, did not count among the political newspapers overtaxed under Napoléon the Third's repressive regime. For this reason, it made great strides thanks to its blind allegiance to a French imperialism that had asserted its authority during the Crimean war, but which spent itself during the war against Juárez and his republican partisans in Mexico. While the French liberal press criticized the Second Empire foreign policy, Le Monde illustré persisted in turning the Mexican war into an antijuarist pacification favorable to a new Latin colonial empire, as well as to an application of the Saint-Simonian doctrine on Mexican industry and economy. In order to achieve this, the illustrated reports on the expeditionary force, military operations, and French victories were a warmongering that aimed to place this campaign in the afterglow of the conquistadors' era, as well as to idealize the imperial army as a symbol of the French nation.  相似文献   


Dina Porat, The Blue and the Yellow Stars of David. The Zionist Leadership in Palestine and the Holocaust, 1939–1945, Cambridge, MA Harvard University Press, 1990, 334 pp., $27.95.

Hagit Lavsky, Before Catastrophe, The Distinctive Path of German Zionism (Hebrew), Jerusalem, Magnes and Hassifriyah Hazionit, 1990, 292 pp.

Uri Bialer, Between East and West: Israel's Foreign Policy Orientation 1948–1956. (LSE Monographs in International Studies), Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1990, 292 pp., $35.00.

Amitzur Ilan, Bernadotte in Palestine, 1948, London, Macmillan Press, 1989, 308 pp.

Yoav Gelber, “Massada”The Defense of Palestine during World War II (Hebrew), Ramat‐Gan: Bar‐Ilan University Press, 1990, 180 pp.

Vivian D. Lipman, Americans and the Holy Land through British Eyes, 1820–1917: A Documentary History, London, V.D. Lipman in association with The Self Publishing Association, 1989, 320 pp.

Michael J. Cohen, Truman and Israel, Berkeley, California, University of California Press, 1990, 342 pp., $24.95.

Un grand rabbin sépharade en politique 1892–1923, Textes présentés par Esther Benbassa, Paris, Presses du CNRS, 1990, 261 pp., 130 F.

David Schaary, From Plain Zionism to Unity and Split in the Early History of General Zionism, 1929–1939 (Hebrew), Jerusalem, R. Mass, 1990, 294 pp.

Mission to the Diaspora, 1945–1948 (Hebrew), [Efal], Yad Tabenkin, Ghetto Fighters House and Hakibbutz Hameuchad, 1989, 635 pp.  相似文献   

This article examines the role of facially wounded soldiers and prosthetic masks in the post‐First World War reconstruction of a gendered French nation. In contextualising the work of Anna Coleman Ladd, who sculpted facial prosthetics to ‘re‐humanise’ disfigured French veterans, I aim to shed light on larger post‐war tensions between the accommodation and rejection of social and cultural change. By submitting to Ladd's efforts and donning her devices, the French mutilés who sought her help articulated, through their bodies, a conservative vision for the French nation – highlighting the resonance of the traditional masculine ideal in post‐war France and a desire to reconstruct an idealised past. The exposure of the ‘surreal’ face, conversely, signalled the futility of a return to the status quo ante and the creation of the Union des Blessés de la face et de la tête allowed veterans to renegotiate the bounds of acceptable masculinity. Collectively, the facially wounded suggest the ways in which the face serves as a site of gender work, a means by which to challenge or reify masculine norms of behaviour and appearance.  相似文献   

This article analyses how the National Conference of Congolese Catholic Bishops (CENCO) identified its public mission in society as veilleurs et éveilleurs des consciences (custodians and awakeners of consciences). This perception emerged because of external pressures, namely the phenomenon of war in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) in the late twentieth and early twenty-first century. The argument is developed in four steps. First, I offer a succinct account of the period of war since 1996 and the magnitude of the havoc wreaked on the people of the DRC. Next, I consider the historical background of CENCO. Third, I discuss the organisation and some most important modern bishops of CENCO. Fourth, I analyse how CENCO perceived the role of the Catholic Church in this troubled society and how this acute consciousness emboldened the Congolese Catholic Church to tackle the woes of the deadliest war in recent history. Finally, I draw some implications and address challenges that CENCO faces when it intersects with politics.  相似文献   

The human geography of the Canadian Maritime provinces was transformed in the late eighteenth century; before 1775, the transformation proceeded largely under the sway of New England; after 1783 it was overwhelmingly the product of Loyalist settlement; by 1800 the region had 8 or 9 times the population of 1756, four colonial jurisdictions had been carved from the original Nova Scotia, and'its landscape, economy, and society revealed patterns that would persist into the twentieth century. This essay considers the evolving geography of the region during the first two, formative, decades of this period (1755–75). Focusing, in turn, on patterns of migration, the process of settlement, the structure of the regional economy, and the character of the landscape, it concludes that in the mid-1770s Nova Scotia was an economically marginal, commercially dependent, and politically vulnerable satellite of New England, heavily reliant on regular transfusions of British capital. A companion article - to appear in Volume 31 (no 4) of this journal — treats the last quarter of the century from a similar geographical perspective. A la fin du dix-huitième siècle la geographic humaine des provinces maritimes canadiennes fut I'objet de transformations, d'abord largement sous l'influence de la Nouvelle-Angleterre avant 1775; puis, aprés 1783, de facon prépondérante grâce à I'établissement des Loyalistes. Vers 1800, la population de la région s'était multipliée 8 ou 9 fois depuis 1756, I'ancienne Nouvelle-Ecosse avail été découpée en quatre terri-toires coloniaux et le paysage, I'économie et la société montraient les signes précurseurs de formes qui al-laient persister jusqu'au vingtième siècle. L'auteur de cet essai étudie cette évolution géographique de la region au cours des vingt premieres années (1755–75) de cette période qui iurent des années de formations.  相似文献   

The Florentine Francesco Berlinghieri (1440–1501) published his Geographia, a version of Ptolemy's Cosmographia in Italian terza rima, comprising 123 folios of text and 31 engraved maps, in 1482. As early as 1938 Arthur M. Hind, Keeper of Prints and Drawings at the British Museum, hinted that the engravings might have been made by Francesco Rosselli (1448–before 1527), the principal engraver in Florence in the 1480s and 1490s. Subsequently, this possibility was rejected by Roberto Almagià, R. A. Skelton and Tony Campbell. In the author's view, however, both stylistic and circumstantial evidence argues that Francesco was indeed the engraver, and that this first major commission launched the career that eventually made him known to his contemporaries as ‘Franciscus rosellus florentinus Cosmographus’.

Le Florentin Francesco Berlinghieri (1440–1501) publia en 1482 sa Geographia, une version de la Cosmographia de Ptolémée en terza rima italienne, comprenant 123 feuillets de texte et 31 cartes gravées. Dès 1938, Arthur M. Hind, conservateur des estampes et dessins au British Museum, suggéra que les gravures pouvaient être l'?uvre de Francesco Rosselli (1448–avant 1527), le principal graveur florentin dans les années 1480 et 1490. Ultérieurement, cette éventualité fut rejetée par Roberto Almagià, R. A. Skelton, et Tony Campbell. De l'avis de l'auteur, cependant, des preuves stylistiques et circonstancielles démontrent clairement que Francesco Rosselli était en effet le graveur, et que cette première commande importante lança la carrière qui allait finalement le faire connaître par ses contemporains comme ‘Franciscus rosellus florentinus Cosmographus’.

1482 veröffentlichte der Florentiner Francesco Berlinghieri (1440–1501) seine Geographia, eine Version der Cosmographia des Ptolemäus, in italienischen terza rima. Sie umfasst 123 Folioseiten Text und 31 gestochene Karten. Schon 1938 deutete Arthur M. Hind, Direktor der Grafikabteilung am British Museum, an, dass der Stich von Francesco Rosselli (1448–vor 1527) besorgt worden sein könnte. Während den Jahren 1480s und 1490s, war Rosselli der hauptsächliche Florentinische Stecher. Diese Möglichkeit wurde in weiterer Folge jedoch von Roberto Almagià, R. A. Skelton und Tony Campbell verworfen. Nach der Meinung der Autorin sprechen aber sowohl der stilistische Befund als auch die näheren Entstehungszusammenhänge sehr für Francesco Rosselli als Stecher und auch dafür, dass dieser erste größere Auftrag ihm eine Karriere eröffnete, die ihn letztendlich bei seinen Zeitgenossen als ‘Franciscus rosellus florentinus Cosmographus’ bekannt machte.

El florentino Francesco Berlinghieri (1440–1501) publicó en 1482 su Geographia, una version de la Cosmographia de Ptolomeo en terza rima italiana, que comprendía 123 folios de texto y 31 mapas grabados. En 1938 Arthur M. Hind, conservador de Impresos y Grabados del British Museum sugirió que los grabados podían haber sido hechos por Francesco Rosselli (1448–antes de 1527), el principal grabador de Florencia en los años de 1480 a 1490. Posteriormente esta posibilidad fue rechazada por Roberto Almagià, R. A. Skelton y Tony Campbell. Sin embargo, en opinión de la autora del artículo, las evidencias estilísticas y cincunstanciales indican con seguridad que Francesco Rosselli fue en efecto el grabador, y que este importante encargo dio comienzo a una carrera que finalmente le hizo ser conocido por sus contemporáneos como “Franciscus rosellus florentinus Cosmographus”.  相似文献   

Ben Anderson 《对极》2011,43(2):205-236
Abstract: This paper analyses the biopolitical logics of current US counterinsurgency doctrine in the context of the multiple forms of biopower that make up the “war on terror”. It argues that counterinsurgency doctrine aims to prevent spectral networked insurgencies by intervening on the “environment” of insurgent formation—the relations between three different enactments of “population” (species being, logistical life and ways of life) and a fourth—affectively imbued perception. Counterinsurgency is best characterised, then, as an “environmentality” (Foucault M 2008 The Birth of Biopolitics: Lectures at the Collége De France, 1978–1979. Translated by G Burchell. London: Palgrave Macmillan) that redeploys elements from other forms of biopolitics alongside an emphasis on network topologies, future‐orientated action and affective perception.  相似文献   

Prefiguring twentieth-century experiments, the French revolutionaries represented the war in which they were engaged after 1792 by staging military spectacles in the theatre and in civic festivals. Both plays and festivals were highly allegorical in nature, representing the war as a conflict between rival ideologies and providing stereotypical caricatures of enemy villains. Military plays won little acclaim from theatre critics, who objected to their implausibility and lack of originality. Audiences limited their enthusiasm to plays that brought romance and patriotism together. Allegorical representations spoke neither to the realities of war nor to the psychological needs of spectators. The involvement of soldiers in staging and witnessing military spectacles, however, underlines their significance in representing and helping to produce the nation-in-arms.

résumé:?Tout comme le font certains mouvements au vingtième siècle, les révolutionnaires français représentent la guerre dans laquelle ils se trouvent engagés au moyen de pièces de théâtre et de fêtes civiques. Dans ces spectacles allégoriques, avec leurs symboles et leurs personnages stéréotypés, la guerre prend l'aspect d'un conflit idéologique. Ces spectacles ne plaisent guère aux critiques dramatiques qui y désapprouvent le manque de vraisemblance et d'originalité. Quant aux spectateurs, eux, ils applaudissent seules les pièces où se trouvent à la fois la sentimentalité et le patriotisme. Les représentations allégoriques, divorcées des réalités de la guerre et sans rapport avec les conflits personnels occasionnés par le patriotisme, ne répondent pas à leurs besoins psychologiques. C'est surtout le fait que les soldats ont participé aux spectacles militaires qui fait que ces derniers doivent être reconnus comme ayant non seulement représenté mais aussi inspiré la nation en armes.  相似文献   

This article considers the relevance of the notion of ‘generation’ for the study of cultural shifts in the production and critical reception of singer-songwriters in contemporary France, in the period 2005–12. Defining a ‘generation’ as an age cohort sharing socio-cultural characteristics and patterns of socialisation, it focuses on Camille, Benjamin Biolay, La Grande Sophie, Barbara Carlotti and other singer-songwriters who were all born in ‘the long 1970s’, and who achieved notoriety and success in the period in question. It demonstrates that the traditional discourse of chanson, dominant since the 1950s, defined by literariness and embodied by Georges Brassens, is being replaced by an emphasis on seduction, Anglophilia and multi-instrumental sophistication. Although these features have been central to the compositions of a number of ‘older’ singer-songwriters, including Serge Gainsbourg, Françoise Hardy and Alain Souchon, the deployment by today's critics of the notion of ‘generation’ helps to give superficial coherence and symbolic originality to the younger artists who uphold these values and techniques. As a result, and because the music reviews referenced in this article are extracted from ‘high-brow’ magazines (including Télérama), this article also considers the changing place of chanson in the elite discourse of contemporary France.  相似文献   

Gustave Hervé's political emergence occurred amidst the Dreyfus Affair. This accelerated his radicalisation. By 1901 he attained notoriety for an apparent image of the tricolour on a dungpile. Soon, his antimilitarist movement called Hervéism attempted to unite the revolutionary Left. After socialist unification, Hervé led the most extreme faction and created a weekly newspaper, La Guerre sociale. In 1905 he joined the Association Internationale Antimilitariste (AIA) which issued a poster based on his ideas. His experience with the AIA presaged several transformations on the French Left. Before 1914 Hervé was a strident voice within European socialism, advocating revolutionary means to prevent war. Years of incendiary campaigns failed to implement his ideas. Despite his dedication, the quixotic Hervé grew frustrated with leftist divisions. His disillusionment arose from a naive reading of an anachronistic revolutionary tradition. Hervé's sincere, yet romantic and eclectic, socialism exhibited atavistic features. Before the war Hervé rallied to ’la patrie en danger’; in 1919 he created a French national socialist party. Such shifts have been tied to Fascism. Though some recent scholars have stressed the dangers posed by antimilitarism, this article documents a more ambiguous picture of Hervé's experience with the AIA and his later antimilitarist activities.  相似文献   

G. Bosinski and G. Fischer. Die Menschendarstellungen von Gönnersdorf der Ausgrabung von 1968. Gönnersdorf, Vol. 1. Wiesbaden: 1974. 131 pp.

B. Bosinski and J. Hahn. Der Magdalénienfundplatz Andernach (Martinsberg). Rheinische Ausgrabungen, Vol. 11, pp. 81–257. 1972.

R. Feustel, ed. Die Kniegrotte. Eine Magdalénien‐Station in Thüringen. Veröffentlichungen des Museums für Ur‐und Frühgeschichte. Thüringens, Vol. 5. Weimar. 1974. 213 pp. 74 DM.

H. Hanitzsch. Groitzsch bei Eilenburg. Schlag‐ und Siedlungsplätze der späten Altsteinzeit. Veröffentlichungen des Landesmuseums für Vorgeschichte Dresden. Vol. 12. Berlin: 1972. 123 pp. 40 DM.

P. F. Mauser. Die jungpaläolithische Höhlenstation Petersfels im Hegau (Germarkung Bittelbrunn, Ldkrs. Konstanz). Badische Fundberichte, Sonderheft 13, Freiburg: 1970. 127 pp.

F. Poplin. Les grands vertébrés de Gönnersdorf, fouilles 1968. Gönnersdorf, Vol. 2. Wiesbaden: 1976. 212 pp.

D. A. Sturdee. “Some Reindeer Economies in Prehistoric Europe.” In: E. S. Higgs, ed. Palaeoeconomy, pp. 55–95. Cambridge: 1975.  相似文献   


This article describes the impunity embedded in the Guatemalan peace process after the genocide that shapes how Ixiles approach the debts (incurred by complicity, death and kinship) of war, as illustrated by their response to the 2013 trial of Efraín Ríos Montt. The trial preceded a precipitous 2015 political crisis over corruption within the government of Otto Pérez Molina, a former army general and intelligence chief for Ríos Montt. The question that haunts the trial and these more recent marches for justice, in a country where citizens have long been subject to a life of democratic dictatorship, is how men like Pérez Molina and Ríos Montt maintain and grow their power even while their names are synonymous with murder, torture and clandestine graves. By examining the assumptions made by those in authority as they determine forgiveness, punishment, amnesty and reparations, I show how wartime debts act through generations. In the mixed reaction, popularly called pensamientos divididos, ‘divided thoughts’ or aq’olaj iyol yansa’m, of young Ixiles to the Ríos Montt trial, I illustrate a disjuncture that occurs when radically different forms of care intersect in the area most impacted by the genocide. Through fifteen years of ethnographic engagement, I trace the story of one Ixil family and their reactions to the trial to show how humanitarian efforts to confront war crimes are not simply restorative. While the trial opens the possibility for a collective remembering of violence and the (re)ordering of social ethos, in the Ixil area it also produces a moral economy of violence.  相似文献   

Caledogonia globosa gen. et sp. nov. is considered to be a member of the Myophoriidae following the classification of Newell & Boyd (1975). It is a more evolved genus than Agonisca Fleming from the Ladinian of New Zealand. Both are probably the descendants of Neoschizodus of the Andean-West Antarctic region, a dispersal route on the southern Gondwanaland coastline. Caledogonia was probably a rapid burrower in a high energy paleoenvironment. It occurs in a rhythmic sequence of greywackes and conglomeratic shell beds that lie on pre-Triassic basement. Like the associated bivalves, Maoritrigonia and Manticula, Caledogonia is an endemic genus of the Late Triassic Maorian Province.

Caledogonia globosa gen. et sp. nov. est a rapporter aux Myophoriidae, d'après la classification de Newell & Boyd (1975). Plus évolué que le genre Agonisca Fleming du Ladinien de Nouvelle Zélande, il descend probablement, comme celuici de Neoschizodus représenté dans la region Andine et West Antarctique, zone de dispersion faunique de la cote Sud des Terres de Gondwana. Caledogonia, était un fouisseur actif dans un paléoenvironnement de haute énergie et de sédimentation rapide. On le trouve aujourdhui dans une séquence rythmique de grauwackes alternant avec des lumachelles et conglomérats, transgressive sur le substratum antétriasique. Comme les bivalves associés Maoritrigonia et Manticula, Caledogonia est un genre endémique de la province máorie du Trias supérieur.  相似文献   

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