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Scholars in Disability history and Disability studies have produced a substantive corpus of works in the last two decades. The range of topics represent the diverse nature of this field. This essay is intended as an introductory historiography, and thus presents only a narrow sampling of books. It includes general works in both Disability history and Disability studies, focusing primarily on three topics in Disability history: representation, science/technology/eugenics, and memoirs.  相似文献   

古代目录中史部故事类到政书类的演变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王菡 《文献》2002,(1):179-190
故事本意系指旧事,司马迁继承其父遗愿时曾表示:"请悉论先人所次旧闻,弗敢阙."以后又曰:"余所谓述故事,整齐其世传,非所谓作也."①从对旧事的引录叙述,渐指旧日事例及前朝的典章制度,《汉书·楚元王传附刘向传》:"是时,宣王循武帝故事,招名儒俊材置左右."又《汉书·苏武传》:"卫将军张安世荐(苏)武明习故事,奉使不辱使命."故事意指典章制度,史志中一直沿用至明代.  相似文献   


The World Upside Down: Cross‐Cultural Contact and Conflict in Sixteenth‐Century Peru by Susan Elizabeth Ramirez. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1996. Pp.xvi + 234, maps, figures and tables. £30.00 (hardback). ISBN 0–8047–2416–4.

The Career and Legend of Vasco da Gama by Sanjay Subrahmanyam. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997. Pp.xxi + 400, maps. £35 (hardback). ISBN 0–521–47072–2.

Empires of the Monsoon: A History of the Indian Ocean and its Invaders by Richard Hall. London: HarperCollins, 1996. Pp.xxv + 575, maps, illustrations. £20.00 (hardback). ISBN 0–00–215971–6.

John Stuart and the Struggle for Empire on the Southern Frontier by. Russell Snapp. Baton Rouge and London: Louisiana State University Press, 1996. Pp.238, eight halftone illustrations, maps. £40.00 (hardback). ISBN 0–8071–2024–3.

Political Partisanship in the American Middle Colonies, 1700–1776 by Benjamin H. Newcomb. Baton Route and London: Louisiana State University Press, 1995. Pp.xiv + 258, tables. $37.50 (hardback). ISBN 0–8071–1875–3.

Forming American Politics: Ideals. Interests, and Institutions in Colonial New York and Pennsylvania by Alan Tully. Baltimore, Maryland: The Johns Hopkins Press, 1994. Pp.xvi + 556. $45.00 (hardback). ISBN 0–8018–4831–8.

The Devious Dr Franklin, Colonial Agent: Benjamin Franklin's Years in London by David T. Morgan. Macon, Georgia: Mercer University Press, 1996. Pp.xi + 273. $34.95 (hardback). ISBN 0–86554–525–1.

Sir Charles Grey, First Earl Grey: Royal Soldier, Family Patriarch by Paul David Nelson. London: Associated University Presses, and Madison: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 1996. Pp.253. £29.50 (hardback). ISBN 0–8386–3673‐X.

Malta, Britain, and the European Powers, 1793–1815 by Desmond Gregory. London: Associated University Presses, and Madison: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 1996. Pp.353. £39.50 (hardback). ISBN 0–8386–3590–3.

The Business of Abolishing the Slave Trade 1783–1807 by Judith Jennings. London and Portland: Frank Cass, 1997. Pp.xii + 157. £29.50 (hardback); £15.00 (paperback). ISBN 0–7146–4697–0; 0–7146–4235–5.

Romanticism, Race and Imperial Culture, 1780–1834 edited by Alan Richardson and Sonia Hofkosh. Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, 1996. Pp.vii + 352. £33.50 (hardback). ISBN 0–253–33212–5.

Aryans and British India by Thomas R. Trautmann. Berkeley, Los Angeles, and London: University of California Press, 1997. Pp.xiv + 260, illustrations, maps. £24.95; $35.00 (hardback). ISBN 0–520–20546–4.

Mapping an Empire: The Geographical Construction of British India, 1765–1843 by Matthew H. Edney. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1997. Pp.xx + 458, illustrations, maps, tables. £27.95 (hardback). ISBN 0–226–18487–0.

Union in Peril: The Crisis over British Intervention in the Civil War by Howard Jones. Lincoln and London: University of Nebraska Press, 1997. Pp.xiii + 300. £14.95 (paperback). ISBN 0–8032–7597–8.

The Captive Republic: A History of Republicanism in Australia 1788–1996 by Mark McKenna. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997. Pp.xiv + 334. £40.00 (hardback). ISBN 0–521–57258–4.

Transformationen der europäischen Expansion vom16. bis zum 20. Jah hundert edited by Andreas Eckert and Jürgen Müller. Loccumer Protokolle 26/96. Loccum: Evangelische Akademie, 1997. Pp.iv + 212. DEM 12.00 (paperback). ISBN 3–8172–2696–9.

De Stille Macht: Het Europese Binnenlands Bestuur op Java en Madoera, 1808–1942 by H.W. van den Doel. Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Bert Bakker, 1995. Pp.578, photographs, illustrations. No price indicated. ISBN 90–351–1405–1.

The Afrikaners: An Historical Interpretation by G.H.L. Le May. Oxford: Blackwell, 1995. Pp.viii + 279. £20.00 (hardback). ISBN 0–631–18204–7.

The Jameson Raid: A Centennial Retrospective. Consultant academic editor: Jane Carruthers. Johannesburg: The Brenthurst Press, 1996. Pp.xvi + 264, 184 illustrations. No price indicated. Presentation De Luxe, ISBN 0–909079–54–4, and Standard, ISBN 0–909079–53–6.

Capital and Labour on the Rhodesian Railway System, 1888–1947 by Jon Lunn. London and Oxford: Macmillan in association with St Antony's College, 1997. Pp.xi + 194, maps. £35.00 (hardback). ISBN 0–333–653–173.

Imperialism, Academe and Nationalism: Britain and University Education for Africans 1860–1960 by Apollos O. Nwauwa. London and Portland: Frank Cass, 1997. Pp.xx + 245. £37.50 (hardback). ISBN 0–7146–4668–7.

The Victorian Music Hall: Culture, Class and Conflict by Dagmar Kift, translated by Roy Kift. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996. Pp.244. £35 00 (hardback). ISBN 0–521–47472–8.

Nationalism and Independence: Selected Irish Papers by Nicholas Mansergh, edited by Diana Mansergh. Cork: Cork University Press, 1997. Pp.xvii + 264. £45.00 (hardback); £14.95 (paperback). ISBN 1–85918–105–8; 1–85918–106–6.

British Documents on the End of Empire, Series A, Volume I: Imperial Policy and Colonial Practice 1925–1945 edited by S.R. Ashton and S.E. Stockwell. London: HMSO, 1996.

Part I, Metropolitan Reorganisation, Defence and International Relations, Political Change and Constitutional Reform. Pp.cvii + 403. £70.00 (hardback). ISBN 0–11–290 544–4.

Part II, Economic Policy, Social Policies and Colonial Research. Pp.xxi + 403. £70.00 (hardback). ISBN 0–11–290551‐X.

A Country of Limitations: Canada and the World in 1939 edited by Norman Hillmer, Robert Bothwell, Roger Sarty, and Claude Beauregard. Ottawa: Canadian Committee for the History of the Second World War, 1996. Pp.295. No price indicated (paperback). ISBN 0–660–59970–8.

Attlee by Robert Pearce. London and New York: Longman, 1997. Pp.vii + 206. £39.99 (hardback); £12.99 (paperback). ISBN 0–582–25691–7; 0–582–256690–9.

Business, Government, and the End of Empire: Malaya, 1942–1957 by Nicholas J. White. Kuala Lumpur: Oxford University Press, 1997. Pp.xxii + 331, tables, figures, maps, illustrations. £25.00 (hardback). ISBN 983–56–0008–2.

Hong Kong: The Road to 1997 by Roger Buckley. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997. Pp.xviii + 232, map. £35.00 (hardback); £12.95 (paperback). ISBN 0–521–47008–0; 0–521–46979–1.

Hong Kong: An Appointment with China by Steve Tsang. London: I.B. Tauris. Pp.xiii + 274. £10.95 (paperback). ISBN 1–86064–311–6.  相似文献   

The option of aliyah (Jewish immigration to Israel) poses a continuous challenge to any attempt to forge a diasporic version of Zionist ideology. This challenge grew twofold during the years immediately preceding and following the founding of the State of Israel. The article examines this challenge through the lens of Abba Hillel Silver, the leader of American Jewry during the period in question. While the Israeli leadership saw aliyah as a litmus test, indicating the degree to which Zionist leaders abroad were committed to the cause, for Silver the question was not one of dual loyalties between competing American and Israeli citizenships but a dilemma of inner American-Jewish identity. It is through this American-Jewish perspective that Silver's grappling with both the option of his own aliyah, and the importance of aliyah per se in American Zionism should be seen. An analysis of his views on the matter may illumine the evolving relations between diasporic transnationalism and homeland nationalism during the critical years when the homeland gains independence and sovereignty.  相似文献   

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