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Book Reviewed in This Article:
Expulsion of the Palestinians: The Concept of "Transfer" in Zionist Political Thought, 1882–1948.
State, Power, and Politics in the Making of the Modern Middle East.
Postmodernism, Reason and Religion
Postmodernism and Islam: Predicament and Promise.
Political Aspects of Islamic Philosophy. Edited by Charles Butterworth.
The Encyclopædia of Islam.
The Hadj: An American's Pilgrimage to Mecca.
Islamic Spirituality: Manifestations.
Comparing Muslim Societies: Knowledge and the State in a World Civilization.
Christians and Muslims in Ottoman Cyprus and the Mediterranean World, 1571–1640.
Domains of Fear and Desire.
Islam, Democracy, the State and the West: A Round Table with Dr.     asan Turābī.
The Arab World: Society, Culture and State.
Islamic Resurgence: Challenges, Directions and Future Perspectives. A Round Table with Kurshid Ahmad.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Ibn Taymīya's Struggle against Popular Religion, with an Annotated Translation of his Kitāb iqti     ā a     -     irā     al-mustaqīm mukhālafat a         āb al-ja     īm. By Muhammad Umar Memon
The Islamic View of Women and the Family . By Muhammad Abdul-Rauf
Middle Eastern Muslim Women Speak . Edited by Elizabeth W. Fernea and Basima Qattan Bezirgan
Images and Self-Images: Male and Female in Morocco . By Daisy Hilse Dwyer
Moroccan Islam: Tradition and Society in a Pilgrimage Center . By Dale F. Eickelman
Prelude to Protectorate in Morocco: Precolonial Protest and Resistance, 1860–1912 . By Edmund Burke, III
Arab Nationalism: An Anthology . 2nd edn. Ed. by Sylvia G. Haim
Saladin . By Geoffrey Hindley
Islam et Jeunesse en Turquie d'aujourd'hui . By Sabine Dirks
Selections from the Poetry of Bassār. Edited with an introduction, translation, and commentary by A. F. L. Beeston.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Accommodating Protest: Working Women, the New Veiling, and Change in Cairo. By Arlene Elowe Macleod.
The Patriarchal Paradox. Women Politicians in Turkey. By Yesim Arat.
The Ottoman Empire and the World Economy: The Nineteenth Century. By Resat Kasaba
Culture and Counterculture in Moroccan Politics. By John P. Entelis
Pakistan: Transition from Military to Civilian Rule. By Golam W. Choudhury.
Religion and Property in Northern Nigeria. By Lissi Rasmussen.
Domestic Life in Palestine. By Mary Eliza Rogers.
Speak, Bird, Speak Again: Palestinian Arab Folktales. By Ibrahim Muhawi and Sharif Kanaana.
Islam: The Way of Submission. By Solomon Nigosian.
The Essential Teachings of Islam: Daily Readings from the Sacred Texts. Edited by Kerry Brown and Martin Palmer.
Islam: State and Society. Edited by Klaus Ferdinand and Mehdi Mozaffari.
Islam and World Peace: explanations of a Sufi. By M. R. Bawa Muhaiyaddeen.
Our Philosophy. By Allama Muhammed Baqir As-Sadr. Trans, by Shams C.
A Muslim Philosopher on the Soul and Its Fate: Al-'Āmirīs Kitāb al-Amad. 'lā l-abad. Introduction, translation, and notes by Everett K. Rowson.
Islam, Guerilla War, And Revolution-A Study in Comparative Social History. By Haim Gerber.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
The Mystical Teachings of al-Shādhill: Including His Life Prayers, Letters, and Followers. A Translation from the Arabic of Ibn al-Sabbagh's Durrat al-Asrar wa Tuhfat al-Abrar by Elmer H. Douglas. Edited with an Introduction and a Bibliography by Ibrahim M. Abu-Rabī.
Nizam Ad-Din Awliya: Morals of the Heart. Translated and Annotated by Bruce B.
Traditional Islam in the Modern World. By Seyyed Hossein Nasr.
Islam: An Introduction. By Annemarie Schimmel.
Al-Damurdāshl's Chronicle of Egypt. 1685–1755: al-Durra al-musana fī akhbār al-kināna. Translated and annotated by Daniel Crecelius and 'bd al-Wahhāb Bakr.
The Islamic Movement of Iraqi Shi ' as. By Joyce N. Wiley.
Iranian Politics and Religious Modernism: The Liberation Movement of Iran under the Shah and Khomeini. By H. E. Chehabi.
Iran's First Revolution: Shi ' ism and the Constitutional Revolution of 1905–1906. By Mangol Bayat.
Iran: A Decade of War and Revolution. By David Menashri.
The Modern Uzbeks from the Fourteenth Century to the Present: A Cultural History. By Edward A.
Religion, Learning and Science in the ' Abbasid Period. Edited by M. J. L. Young, J. D. Latham and R. B. Serjeant.
The Ismā ' ilīs: Their history and doctrines. By Farhad Daftary.
' Abū Tammām and the Poetics of the ' bbāsid Age. By Suzanne Pinckney Stetkevych.
Images of Paradise in Islamic Art. Sheila S. Blair and Jonathan M. Bloom
Displaying the Orient: Architecture of Islam at Nineteenth-Century World's Fairs. By Zeynep çelik.
Islamic Art. By Barbara Brend.
Turkish Nationalism in the Young Turk Era. By Masam Arai.
The Emergence of Kurdish Nationalism and the Sheikh Said Rebellion, 1880–1925. By Robert Olson.
Islam and the Economic Challenge. By Muhammad Umer Chapra.
Palestinian Universities Under Occupation. By Anthony Thrall Sullivan.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
International Congress for the Study of the Qur'ān , revised ed. Edited by A. H. Johns
Ibn Khaldān: An Essay in Reinterpretation. By Aziz Al-Azmeh
The Islamic Understanding of Death and Resurrection. By Jane I. Smith and Yvonne Y. Haddad
Die Vorstellung vom Schicksal und die Darstellung der Wirklichkeit in der zeitgenossischen Literatur islamischer Länder. Edited by J. C. Bürgel and H. Fähndrich
Rings of Burnished Brass. Yūsuf Idrīs
The Sufi Path of Love: The Spiritual Teachings of Rumi. By William C. Chittick
The Ahmadiyya doctrine of God. By Henry J. Otten
Issues in the Islamic Movement, 1981–1982 (1401–1402). Edited by Kalim Siddiqui
Mouvements populaires à Bagdad a l'epoque abbasside IXe-XIe siècles. By Simha Sabari
Saladin: The Politics of the Holy War. By Malcolm Cameron Lyons and D. E. P. Jackson.
The Middle East: Fourteen Islamic Centuries. By Glenn E. Perry
Islam in Tribal Societies From the Atlas to the Indus. By Akbar S. Ahmed and David M. Hart
Rebellion under the Banner of Islam. The Darul Islam in Indonesia. By C. van Dijk
Senegal: An African Nation between Islam and the West. By Sheldon Gellar  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
The Land of Promise: A Critique of Political Zionism . By Abedelwahab M. Elmessiri
The Islamic Dynasties: A Chronolological and Genealogical Handbook . By Clifford Edmund Bosworth
Marxism and Other Western Fallacies: An Islamic Critique . By Ali Shari'ati. Trans. by R. Campbell
The Hijaz Railroad . By William Ochsenwald
The History of Egypt . By P. J. Vatikiotis
Islamic and Western Concepts of Civilization . By Muhammad Abdul Jabbar Beg
Wisdom of Islamic Civilization: A Miscellany of Islamic quotations . Compiled and translated by Muhammad Abdul Jabbar Beg
Women in Contemporary Muslim Societies . Edited by Jane I. Smith
Electoral Politics in the Middle East: Issues, Voters and Elites . Edited by Jacob M. Landau
Islam and Development: Religion and Sociopolitical Change . Edited by John L. Esposito
To Ride a Magic Carpet . By George W. Braswell
urī Zaidāk. His Lire and Thought . By Thomas Philipp
The Calligraphy of Islam: Reflections on the State of the Art . By Mohamed U. Zakariya
Egypt's Uncertain Revolution Under Nasser and Sadat . By Raymond William Baker
Weber and Islam: a critical study . By Bryan S. Turner
Karim Khan Zand: A History of Iran, 1747–1779 . By John R. Perry
Arabic Loan-Words in Malay: A Comparative Study. 2nd edition . By Dr. Muhammad Abdul Jabbar Beg
Islam . By Fazlur Rahman
Faith and Belief . By Wilfred Cantwell Smith
The History of the Sudan from the Coming of Islam to the Present Day. 3rd edition . By P. M. Holt and M. W. Daly
The Recitation and Interpretation of the Qur'an: Al-Ghazālī's Theory . By Muhammad Abul Quàsem
Al-Ghazālīon Islamic Guidance . By Muhammad Abul Quasem
The Clouded Lens: Persian Gulf Security and US. Policy . By James H. Noyes  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Geschichte der Perser und Araber zur Zeit der Sasaniden .
The Life of Saladin from the Works of 'Imād ad-Din and Bahā' ad-Dīn . By Sir Hamilton Gibb
The Seljuk Vezirate. A Study of Civil Administration 1055–1194 . By Carla L. Klausner.
Family Laws of Iran . By Sayyid Ali Reza Naqavi.
Saint and Sufi in Modern Egypt, An Essay in the Sociology of Religion . By Michael Gilsenan
W. Robertson Smith and the Sociological Study of Religion . By T. O. Beidelman
Kelantan: Religion, Society and Politics in a Malay State . Edited by William R. Roff
La Géographie humaine du monde Musulman jusqu'au milieu du 11e siécle: Géographie et géographie humaine dans la littérature arabe des origines à 1050 . By André Miquel
Atlas of the Biblical World . By Denis Baly and A. D. Tushingham.
An Historical Geography of the Ottoman Empire from Earliest Times to the End of the Sixteenth Century . By Donald Edgar Pitcher. Leiden: E. J. Brill
Concise Encyclopedia of the Middle East . Ed. Mehdi Heravi  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Les Hommes de l'Islam: Approche des Mentalités . By Louis Gardet.
Arabische Nation und islamische Geschichte. Die Umayyaden im Urteil arabischer Autoren des 20. Jahrhunderts . By Werner Ende
Chadian and Sudanese Arabic in the Light of Comparative Dialectology . By Alan S. Kaye
My Life: The Autobiography of M Egyptian Scholar, Writer, and Cultural Leader [A     mad Amīn]. Translated from the Arabic with an introduction by Issa J. Boullata
Arab Politics: The Search for Legitimacy . By Michael C. Hudson
Nationalism in a Non-National State. The Dissolution of the Ottoman Empire . William W. Haddad and William L. Ochsenwald
Die Kultur der Bosniaken. Supplement I: Inventar des bosnischen literariscben Erbes in orientalischen Sprachen . By Smail Bali. Wien
Turkey's Foreign Policy in Transition 1950–1974 . By Kemal H. Karpat and Contributors. Leiden
Landlord and Peasant in Early Islam . By Ziaul Haque
Island of the Blest: Islam in a Libyan Oasis Community . By John P. Mason
Population and Revenue in the Towns of Palestine in the Sixteenth Century . By Ammon Cohen and Bernard Lewis  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Economic Life in Ottoman Jarusalem. By Amnon cohen.
Sultanes Oubliées: Femmes chefs d'Etat en Islam. By Fatima Mernisst.
Greater Syria: The History of an Ambition. By Daniel Pipes.
Islam and human Rights: Tradition and politics. By Ann Elizabeth Mayer.
Studies in Near Eastern Culture and History. Edited by James A. Bellamy.
Trends and issues in Contemporary Arab Thought. By Issa J. Boullata.
Disorienting Encounters: Travels of a Moroccan Scholar in France in 1845–1846. The voyage of Mu     ammad as-Saffar. Translated and Edited with introduction and notes by Susan Gilson Miller.
Islamic Fundamentalism And Modernity. By William Montgomery Watt.
A Catalog of the Islamic Documents from al-     aram ash-Sharīf in Jerusalem. By Donald P. Little.
Interreligious Documents I: Guidelines for Dialogue Between Christians and Muslims. (revised ed.). Prepared by Maurice Borrmans. Translated from the French by R. Marston Speight.
Between Qu'ān and Crown: The Challenge of Political Legitimacy in the Arab World. By Tamara Sonn.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
The Qu'ānic Sufism. By Dr. Mir Valiuddin. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 1977. Second Revised Edition, vi plus 216 pp. Rs. 45
Sufi Essays. By Seyyed Hossein Nasr. New York: Schocken Books, 1977. 184 pp., Index. $3.75. pa.
Al-Qā     ī Abn Yal'ā Ibn al-Farrā', Kitāb al-Mu'amad fī u     ūl al-īn. Par Wadī'     addād. Beyrouth: DS El-Machreq éd., 1974. Coll. "Recherches" No. 8, Nouvelle série, A. Langue arabe et pensée islamologique. Intr. anglaise 28 pp.; Intr. arabe 16 pp.; 4 facsimilés de manuscrits; texte arabe pp. 19–301.
Études d'Islamologie. By Robert Brunschvig. Paris: Éditions G.-P. Maisonneuve et Larose, 1976. 2 vols. Vol. I: xv plus 398 pp. 65 F. pa. Vol. II: 406 pp. 65 F. pa.
The Doctrine of Ijmā' in Islam. By Ahmad Hasan. Islamabad, Pakistan: Islamic Research Institute, n. d. vi + 274 pp. Rs. 65.00.
Social Justice in Islam. By H. Mintjes. Amsterdam: Institute for the Study of Religion, Free University, 1977. 92 pp. n. p. paper.
Middle Turkic Glosses of the Rylmds Interlinear Koran Translation. By János Eckmann. Bibliotheca Orientalis Hungarica XXI. Budapest: Akadémjiaa Kiadó, 1976. 359 pp. $25.00.
The British in India, A Study in Imperialism. By K. K. Aziz. Historical Studies (Muslim India) Series, 1. Islamabad: National Commission on Historical and Cultural Research, 1976. xi plus 389 pp. Appendices, Notes, Bibliography, Index. Rs. 100. US $15.00.
Law Reform in the Muslim World. By Norman Anderson. University of London Legal Series, 11. London: The Athlone Press, 1976. xi plus 235 pp. $13.50.
The Ba'th Party: A History from Its Origins to 1966. By John T. Devlin. Stanford, Calif.: The Hoover Institution Publications, 1976. 372 pp. $11.95.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Zwischen Hadīt und Theologie: Studien zum Entstehen prādestinatianicher Überlieferung . By Joaef van Ess.
Lettres de direction spirituelle, Ar-Rasā'il a     -     uġrā. Ibn 'Abbād de Ronda
Islamic Jurisprudence and the Rule of Necessity and Need . By Mohammad Muslehuddin
Popular Art in Afghanistan. Paintings on Trucks, Mosques and Tea-Houses . By Micheline Centlivres-Demont.
The Reign of al -     ākim bi amr Allāh (386/996/411/1021): A Political Study . By Sadik A. Assaad.
Separatism among Indian Muslims: The Politics of the United Provinces' Muslims 1860–1923 . By Francin Robinson.
Life and Times of Mohamed Ali . By Afzel Iqbal.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Islam: A Survey of the Muslim Faith. By C. George Fry and James R. King. Islam and the West: The Moriscos. A Cultural and Social History. By Anwar G. Chejne. The Muslim Community in North America. Edited by Earle H. Waugh, Baha Abu-Laban, and Regula B. Qureshi. Islam in India: Studies and Commentaries. Edited by Christian W. Troll. The Afghan Connection: The Extraordinary Adventures of Major Eldred Pottinger. By George Pottinger. Modern Arab Thought: Channels of the French Revolution to the Arab East. By Ra'?f Khūr?, translated by I?sān 'Abbās, edited by Charles Issawi. The Palestinian Liberation Organisation: People, Power and Politics. By Helena Cobban. The Zionist Connection II: What Price Peace? By Alfred M. Lilienthal. Faith and Power: The Politics of Islam. By Edward Mortimer. Sex and Society in Islam: Birth Control Before the Nineteenth Century. By B. F. Musallam. Studies on Byzantium, Seljuks, and Ottomans: Reprinted Studies. Byzantina kai Metabyzantina, Vol. 2. By Speros Vryonis, Jr. Malibu Society and Religion in Early Ottoman Egypt: Studies in the Writings of 'Abd al-Wahhab al-Sha'ran?. By Michael Winter. Chants Musulmans en Peul. By J. Haafkens. Love, Madness, and Poetry: An Interpretation of the Maǧnūn Legend. By As'ad E. Khairallah. The Churches and Islam in Europe (II). By Jan Slomp and others. The Republic of Lebanon: Nation in Jeopardy. By David C. Gordon. I Speak for Lebanon. Kamal Joumblatt. Translated by Michael Pallis. Issues in Islamic Banking: Selected Papers. By Muhammad Nejatullah Siddiqi. The Memoirs of a Syrian Prince: Abu'l-Fidā', Sultan of Hamāh (672–732/1273–1331). Translated with an introduction by P. M. Holt. Une Herméneutique de la Tradition Islamique: Le Commentaire des Arba'ūn al-Nawaw?ya de Mu?y? al-D?n Ya?y? al-Nawaw? (m. 676/1277): Introduction, texte arabe, traduction, notes et index du vocabulaire. By Louis Pouzet.  相似文献   

Shorter Reviews     
1) Nadje Al-Ali, Secularism, Gender and the State in the Middle East: The Euptian Women's Movement (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000)
2) Geoff Simons, Saudi Arabia: The Shape of a Client Feudalism (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1338)
3) Parker T. Hart, Saudi Arabia and the United States: Birth of a Security Partnership (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1998)
4) Marion Boulby, The Muslim Brotherhood and the Kings of Jordan, 1945–1993 (Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1999)
5) Ahmad S. Moussalli, Historical Dictionary of Islamic Fundamentalist Movements in the Arab World, Iran, and Turkey (Lanham: The Scarecrow Press, 1999)
6) Noam Chomsky, 9–11 (New York: Seven Stories Press, 2002)
7) Eqbal Ahmad, Terrorism: Theirs and Ours (New York: Seven Stories Press, 2002)
8) As'ad AbuKhalil, Bin Laden, Islam and America's 'New War on Terrorism '(New York: Seven Stories Press, 2002)
9) David Gilmartin and Bruce B. Lawrence, eds., Beyond Turk and Hindu: Rethinking Religious Identity in Islamicate South Asia (Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 2000)
10) Mark Tessler, ed., Area Studies and Social Science Strategies for Understanding Middle East Politics (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1999)
11) Zafar Ishaq Ansari, ed., Islamic Studies. Special Issue on Jerusalem (Islamabad: Pakistan, 2001)  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Succession in the Muslim Family. By N. J. Coulson.
The Legacy of Islam , Second Edition. Edited by the late Joseph Schacht with C. E. Bosworth.
Saladin: Studies in Islamic Hittory. By Hamilton A. R. Gibb. Edited by Ynsuf Ibish.
Islam under the Crusaders: Colonial Survival in the Thirteenth-Century Kingdom of Valencia. By Robert Ignatius Burns.
Society and Political Structure in the Arab World. Edited by Menahem Mileon.
The Middle East: A Political and Economic Survey , 4th edition. Ed. by Peter Mansfield.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
The Influence of Islam on Medieval Europe . By W. Montgomery Watt
Humanities in the Arabic-Islamic World . By Wilson B. Bishai
Islamic Civilisation: 950–1150 . Ed. D. S. Richards
Studies in Arabic Literary Papyri, III. Language and Literature . By Nabia Abbott
An Anthology of Modern Arabic Poetry . Selected and edited by Mounah A. Khouri and Hamid Algar
Muslim Spain: Its History and Culture. By Anwar G. Chejne
Morocco Under Colonial Rule: French Administration of Tribal Areas, 1912–1956. By Robin Bidwell
La Personnalité et le Devenir Arabo-Islamiques. By Hichem Djalt
Islam and the Confluence of Religions in Uganda, 1840–1966. By Noel King, Abdu Kasozi, Arye Oded
Islam and Social Order in Mauritania; A Case Study from the Nineteenth Century. By C. C. Stewart with E. K. Stewart
Nubians in Egypt: Peaceful People. By Robert A. Fernea and Georg Gerster
Arab Contemporaries: The Role of Personalities in Politics. By Majid Khadduri
The Fall of Jerusalem. By Abdullah Schleifer
Historical and Political Gazetteer of Afghanistan. Vol. 2: Farah and South-western Afghanistan. Edited by Ludwig W. Adamec  相似文献   

Book Reviews in This Article:
Scholars, Sufis and Saints: Muslim Religious Institutions Since 1500. Edited by Nikki R. Keddie.
Sayyid Jam ad-D"al-Afghānī": A Political Biography. By Nikki R. Keddie.
Kit lkhtil Us-Madhib of Qzāī Nuā b. Muāmmad. Edited with a critical introduction by S.T. Lokhand walla.
Islam in Uganda :Islamisation Through a Centralised State in Pre-Colonial Africa. By Arye Oded.
The Politics of Palestinian Nationalism. By William B. Quandt, Fuad Jaber, Ann Mosely Lesch.
Arab Politics in the Soviet Mirror. By Aryeh Yodfat.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
De Medieval Islamic Controversy Between Philosophy and Orthodoxy: Ijmā and Ta'wīl in The Conflict Between Al-Ghazālī and Ibn Rushd in Islamic Philosophy and Theology, Texts and Studies, Volume 3: Iysa A. Bello
Beauty in Arabic Culture by Doris Behrens-Abouseif
The Making of an Egyptian Arab Nationalist: The Early Years of Azzam Pasha, 1893–1936 by Ralph Coury
Civil Islam: Muslims and Democratization in Indonesia by Robert W. Hefner  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Modern Arabic Drama Egypt. By M. M. Badawi
Sher Shah Sur, "Ustad-i Badshahan" Humayun, alias Sher Shah Suri. By Hussain Khan
Revolt in Palestine in the Eighteenth Century: the Era of Shaykh zahir al-(Umar. By Ahmad Hasan Joudah
Authority in Islam: from the rise of Muhammad to the establishment of the Umayyads. By Hamid Dabashi
The Middle East In Crime Fiction: Mysteries, Spy Novels and Thrillers from 1916 to the 1980's. By Reeva S. Simon
Early Arabic Drama. By M. M. Badawi
Discovering Islam: Making Sense of Muslim History and Society. By Akbar S. Ahmed
Language and change in the Arab Middle East: The Evolution of Modern Arabic Political Discourse. By Ami Ayalon  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
The Cultural Barrier: Problems in the Exchange of Ideas . By Norman Daniel
The Islamic Pious Foundations in Jerusalem: Origins, History and Usurpation by Israel . By A. L. Tibawi
The Mystical Philosophy of Ibn Masarra and His Followers . By Miguel Asin Palacios, translated by Elmer H. Douglas and Howard W. Yoder
The Old Social Classes and the Revolutionary Movements of Iraq . By Hanna Batatu
Kitāb Ādāb al-Murīdīn . By Abū al-Najīb 'Abd al-Qāhir al-Suhrawardī
ŠUŠ'Ī, Šams ad-DĪn aš-. Die Chronik aš-Šuā'īs. Ed. and transl . By Barbara Schäfer.
Deliverance From The Cross . By Muhammad Zafrulla Khan
Al-Ghadir fi 'l-Kitāb wa' l-Sunna wa 'l-Adab . By 'Abd al-husayn Ahmad al-Amnī al-Najafī
A Mediterranean Society: The Jewish Communities of the Arab World as Portrayed in the Documents of the Cairo Geniza. Volume III: The Family . By S. D. Goitein
An-Nawnwī's Forty hadith . Translated by Ezzeddin Ibrahim and Denys Johnson-Davies  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Quranic Studies: Sources and Methods of Scriptural Interpretation. By J. Wansbrough.
The Qur'ān and its Exegesis: Selected Texts with Classical and Modern Muslim Interpretations. By Helmut Gātje, translated from German and edited by Alford T. Welch
Modern Arab Poets 1950–1975. By Issa J. Boullata
The Persian Metres. By L. P. Elwell-Sutton
A Christian's Response to Islam. By William Y. Miller
The Great Moghuls. By Bamber Gascoigne
The Thirteenth Tribe: The Khazar Empire and its Heritage. By Arthur Koestler
The Arabs in Israel. By Sabri Jiryis
Proceedings of the first meeting of the French Colonial Historical Society, Athens, Georgia, April 3–5, 1975. Edited by Alf Andrew Heggoy
Turkish Grammar. By Robert Underhill  相似文献   

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