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《Iranian studies》2006,39(1):85-154

Australian Kin Classification.: By Harold W. Scheffler. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. 1978. Pp. xx + 569.  相似文献   

The Mardudjara Aborigines: Living the Dream in Australia's Desert. By Robert Tonkinson. Case Studies in Cultural Anthropology. Holt, Rinehart and Winson, New York, 1978. Pp. x+149. Rec. Price: $7.25.  相似文献   

《Geographical Research》1977,15(2):178-180
Book reviewed in this article: Man and Landscape in Australia. Towards an Ecological Vision , edited by George Seddon and Mari Davis. Centrality and Cities , by James Bird, Routledge & Kegan Paul, Henley.  相似文献   


《Iranian studies》2007,40(5):647-661

Book reviewed in this article:
Aspects of the history of wooden shipbuilding. Edited by J. S. M orrison ,. O le C rumlin -P edersen & G. VAN DER HEIDE
Science and civilisation in China. Vol. 4: Physics and physical technology. Part 3: Civil engineering and nautics. J oseph N eedham , with the collaboration Wang Ling and Lu Gwei-Djen
The number ones. R obert J. W ilson
Fenland barge traffic. J ohn K. W ilson
The RA expeditions. T hor H eyerdahl
Roar Linde 71—Hjortspringbåden som kulturaktivitet: (Roar Linde 71—The Hjortspring boat as a cultural activity). H arry K ahl ,. I ngelise N ielsen ,. F inn T erp & P eter V eje
The emergence of civilization. The Cyclades and the Aegean in the third millenium BC. C olin R enfrew
No star at the Pole. A history of navigation from the Stone Age to the 20th century. D avid & J oan H ay
The haven-finding art. A history of navigation from Odysseus to Captain Cook. E. G. R. T aylor
The Mortar wreck in Mellieha Bay. H onor F rost
Essai de classification des amphores décou-vertes lors de fouilles sous-marines. J.-P. J oncheray
Portus. Illustrazione dei porti di Claudio e Traiano e della citta, di porto a Fiumicino. O tello T estaguzza
The conservation of waterlogged wood in the National Museum of Denmark. B. B rorson C hristensen
Shipwrecks around Britain. A diver's guide. L eo Z anelli
More than skin deep. K endall M ac D onald  相似文献   

《Irish Studies Review》2002,10(2):205-247


Troels Fink, Estruptidens politiske historic 1875–1894, I‐II (The Political History of the Estrup Era 1875–1894, vol. 1: The Struggle Between the Two Chambers 1875–85; vol. 2: The Period of Decree Legislation 1885–94) (Odense, 1986), 621 pp., ISBN 87 7492 581 4.

Poul Thestrup, Nærbutik og Næringslov‐omgåelse. En unders?gelse of brugsforeningerne og deres placering i innovationsprocessen i Danmark mellem 1850 og 1919 (The Consumer Co‐operatives in the Innovation Process in Denmark 1850–1919), Odense University Studies in History and Social Sciences, vol. 95 (Odense Universitetsforlag), 549 pp., ISBN 87 7492 595 4, DKK 240+moms.

Tuomo Polvinen, Valtakunta ja raijamaa. N. I. Bobrikov Suomen kenraalikuvemöörind 1898–1904 (The Empire and a Borderland. N. I. Bobrikov as Governor General of Finland 1898–1904) (Helsinki, 1984), 432 pp., ISBN 951 0 12660 8.

Danske Handelskompagnier 1616–1843. Oktrojer og interne Ledelsesregler (Charters and By‐Laws of Danish Trading Companies, 1616–1843), edited by Ole Feldbæk, Selskabet for Udgivelse af Kilder til Dansk Historie (Copenhagen, 1986), 779 pp., ISBN 87 7500 159 4, DanKr 300.

Kalle Bäck, Harald Gustafsson, Jon Herstad, Jens Holmgaard, Markku Kuisma, Maud Molander, Illka Mäntylä, Øjstein Rian and Gustav Grunde Sætra. Skog och Brännvin. Studier i näringspolitiskt beslutsfattande i Norden på 1700‐talet (Wood and Spirits. Studies in Economic Policy‐Making in the Nordic Countries in the Eighteenth Century), Nordic Research Project on Central Power and Local Communities ‐ Decision‐making in the 1700s (Det nordiska forskningsprojektet Centralmakt och lokal‐samhalle ‐ beslutsprocess på 1700‐talet), publication 3 (Oslo University Press, 1984), ISBN 82 00 07053 0 (English summary).

Karl‐Gustaf Anderson, Inger Diibeck, Birgitta Ericsson, Gfsli Agust Gunnlaugsson, Per‐Arne Karlsson, Markku Kuisma, Anne‐Hilde Nagel, Oscar Nilula and Gustav Grunde Sa;tra, Industri og Bjergvarksdrift. Privilegering i Norden i det 18. arhundrede (Industry and Mining. Studies in the Granting of “Privilegia” to Industrial Enterprises in the Nordic Countries in the Eighteenth Century). Nordic Research Project on Central Power and Local Communities ‐ Decision‐making in the 1700s, publication 5 (Oslo University Press, 1985), ISBN 82 00 07694 6 (English summary).

Christian Wichmann Matthiesen, Danske Byers Vaekst (Urban Growth in Denmark). Det Kgl. Geografiske Selskab, Atlas over Denmark, Serie II, vol. 3 (C. A. Reitzels Forlag, K?benhavn, 1985), 142 pp., 245 Dkr. (English summary).

I?rn Pi?, Nye veje til Folkevisen (New Approaches to the Ballad) (Copenhagen, 1985), 344 pp., ISBN 87 00 93582 4 (English summary).  相似文献   

《History & Technology》2013,29(2):185-193

Artefacts from Wrecks: Dated assemblages from the Late Middle Ages to the Industrial Revolution, MARK REDKNAP (Ed.)
Scientific Diving: a General Code of Practice (2nd edition), N. C. FLEMMING and M. D. MAX (Eds)
The History of English Sea Ordnance: 1523–1875: Vol. II, The Age of the System, 1715–1815 ADRIAN B. CARUANA
Greek and Roman Technology: A Sourcebook ( Annotated translations of Greek and Latin texts and documents ), J. W. HUMPHREY, J. P. OLESON and A. N. SHERWOOD
Siedlungsarchäologie im Alpenvorland IV Die Spätbronzezeit am norwestlichen Bodensee, GUNTER SCHØBEL A. BILLAMBOZ, W. OSTENDORP, M. RØSCH
Die Schiffe im Alten Testament, ARVID GOETTLICHER
Dansk Sefarts Historie vol. 2: Skuder og Kompagnier 1588–1720, OLE DEGN, ERIK GØBEL
Waterschip ZN 421: a clenched-lap fishing vessel from Flevoland ( Excavation Report 17 ), RALPH K. PEDERSEN
Man & Sea in the Mesolithic, ANDERS FISCHER (Ed.)
Das neuzeitliche Wrack aus dem Hedwigenkoog, Kr. Dithmarschen, ANTON ENGLERT
Atti del Convegno Nazionale di Archeologia Subacquea (Anzio, 1996), AIASub (Ed.)  相似文献   



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