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<正>2015年,欧洲在短短几周之内多了两个新"国家"。4月13日,捷克男子Vit Jedlicka占据塞尔维亚与克罗地亚间一块面积约为7平方公里的无主之地,宣布成立"自由土地自由共和国"(Free Republic of Liberland),拥有自己的国旗、国徽,并设立了官方网站,据称目前已有2万人提出国籍申请。5月,一些波兰人在斯洛文尼亚与克罗地亚之间一块约92.9平方米的无主之地上建立"恩克拉瓦王国"(Kingdom of Enclava),希望打造一处"不分国籍、肤色、宗  相似文献   

王喆  袁莹 《中华遗产》2010,(10):60-69
有一年,曾经帮助北京语言大学的留学生排演过一出舞蹈,让我至今记忆犹新。舞蹈内容是用五个汉字——“狄”、“戎”、“夷”、“蛮”、“中(中原)”,表现上古中国的情状。  相似文献   

公交车从远处缓缓驶来,夕阳滑过车窗,留下银色的划痕,验了车票,踏上车。车上的人不多也不算少,座位都已坐满,我只有站着的份,在一个座位旁立定,眼神却定在坐在座位上的人脸上…… 那张脸竟是如此的熟悉,记忆随之泄了闸,那是  相似文献   

正"冬天来了,春天还会远吗?"春姑娘如期而至,舞步轻盈美妙,遍及之处莺歌燕舞。与娇艳怒放的春相比,我更喜欢恬静优雅却带着生命萌发的初春。玄武湖是南京的一块宝地,当那丝丝毫毫春的迹象在大地上星星点点的时候,我便与爱好健身的妈妈一起来到了这里。穿过鸡鸣寺路,散发着久远气息的城墙映入眼帘。"初春细雨",正对我的胃口。眼前一切都是湿漉漉的。潮湿的  相似文献   

Akasha 《世界》2009,(5):60-62
黄昏,城堡下面身着阿拉伯长衫的人影翩翩而过,附近清真寺那蓝色镶黄金的圆顶泛着落日倾洒的金色光辉,挺拔的尖塔上传来召唤礼拜的悠长呼唤,让眼前的一切陡然变成了阿拉伯神话世界中的经典画面。但传说和历史是完全不同的两个世界,金戈铁马的历史才是阿曼人一笔一笔真实书写过来的。  相似文献   

在南美洲各领风骚的国家中,厄瓜多尔只是挤在秘鲁和哥伦比亚之间的一小块。但是这里的魅力并不贫乏,火山、遗址、亚马逊雨林、古堡等在这里都出尽风头,就连见多识广的达尔文也被该国的加拉帕戈斯群岛所震撼,在此得到灵感,写出了传世佳作《物种的起源》。  相似文献   

翻开欧洲地图,在亚平宁半岛东北部,有一个完全被意大利紧紧包围着的内陆国家,这就是闻名世界的“国中之国”圣马力诺。尽管圣马力诺是世界人口最少的国家之一,但却是欧洲最古老国家之一,已有1700多年历史。到这里游览,无论是古老的教堂,还是在新建的学校,都能见到一幅构图精美的油画“圣徒马力诺”。画中主人公马力诺,目光犀利,意志坚定,豪情满怀,充满自信,其巨手托起全国最富盛名的三座绿色山峰瓜伊塔、切斯塔和蒙塔莱。  相似文献   

陈淀国 《丝绸之路》2006,(12):68-69
凡是到法国、西班牙的旅游,大多都会挤出点时间,向南或向北多迈一步,就到了世界名的袖珍之国,被紧紧夹在两国中间的安道尔。在地图上,如果不注意,很难发现这个掩藏在比利牛斯山东段南麓峡谷之中的内陆小国。它的面积仅是465平方公里,人口6万多,以安道尔人和西班牙人居多,其次是葡萄牙人和法国人,密度不算小,每平方公里138人。  相似文献   

四西里嘎和南罕亮婚后十分恩爱,对父母尊敬又孝顺。沙铁夫妇也疼爱儿子和媳妇。一家人过得欢欢喜喜。婚后七个月,西里嘎要随父亲出远门做生意,便对南罕亮说:“心爱的妻子啊,为了增加家里的财富,我要跟随父亲去做生意,你留在家里照料母亲吧。”南罕亮回答:“亲爱的丈夫,你和父亲出门找金银,我不阻拦你。我在家里会服侍好母亲,你放心去吧。”出门那天,西里嘎对母亲说:“我的母亲啊,我跟父亲出门后,请你照应好媳妇和那几个汉族姑娘。她们离开昆明到勐藏巴的日子不长,还不熟悉我们傣家的风俗习惯,如  相似文献   

一在美丽的勐藏巴,有个很富有的沙铁,他家有一个儿子,名叫西里戛。西里戛生得聪明英俊,象森林里的孔雀。沙铁夫妇只有这个独儿子,对他爱如珍宝,视如明珠。西里戛长到十六岁时,一天换三次衣服。姑娘们见了他都产生了爱慕的情思,暗地里向天神祈祷,希望能够做西里戛的妻子。西里戛的表妹苏婉娜,也爱上了西里戛,但她更爱慕的是沙铁家数不清的财产。苏婉娜一天三趟到沙铁家来,在姨爹姨妈面  相似文献   

杨明 《旅游纵览》2016,(1):36-41
正儿时,我对野生动物抱有极大的热情,并下定决心有朝一日能接近并与它们交朋友。我想了解动物都想些什么,怎么和它们对话,这是儿时的好奇。好奇是我拿起相机进行自然生态摄影的主要原因。有了相机,我就有了观察自然,发现、探索世界的工具。我想不出比这更好的生活方式了。原3年前,我带着相机走进非洲,我去了10多个国家公园和野生动物保护里区,包括一些只有在探险片中出现中的地方:我在世界上最贫穷的地方住饥  相似文献   

This paper examines the formation of a colonial identity among settlers from the British Isles who were relocated to the eastern frontier of the Cape Colony in 1820. It suggests that material aspirations united certain of the settlers in a political programme, and thus began the erosion of imported class (and other) divisions. However, it argues that their establishment as a capitalist colonial class is an insufficient explanation for their construction of a shared and emotive British settler identity. The settlers modified their inherited discourses of class, race, gender and nationality in order to forge solidarity, and the imperative for solidarity derived not so much from their mutual desire for accumulation, but from a corresponding collective insecurity. Not only were settlers afraid of Khoikhoi labour rebellion and Xhosa reprisals for land loss; they also feared abandonment by a seemingly unsympathetic metropole. Their aggressive capitalist endeavour, and collective fear of its destabilizing consequences, were two sides of the same coin, informing the development of a unifying social identity. The paper goes on to consider the mechanisms through which that identity was sustained, including acts of landscape representation, the textual generation of collective memory and the practice of communally binding, quotidian, gendered routines.  相似文献   

论南非早期华人与印度移民之异同   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
南非的华人和印度人之间既有相同点,又有不同点。一方面,他们生活在一块相对陌生的土地上,遇到了相同的困难,主要表现在种族歧视、经济困境、社会地位和政治权利等方面。作为“亚洲威胁者”,他们被非洲人视为到南非获取当地低工资的入侵者,而被白人当作贫穷的未开化的苦力。在面临生存危机时,他们总是团结起来与当地政府的种族歧视政策作斗争。另一方面,两个社群之间存在诸多差异。作为大英帝国的子民,印度人移民南非比中国人容易,因此比华人多得多;印度人在南非诸种族集团中处于一个比华人更明确的位置;印度人的宗教传统在社会生活中占有重要的地位。更为重要的是,印度早期移民中的不少知识分子极大地促进了印度人社区的整合,同时有利于印度人为获得自身权利而斗争。  相似文献   


This article is about the attempts by pre- and post-Union (1910) South African governments to create effective sedition laws, partly directly to curb specific political opponents, but also to license and focus state intelligence-gathering activities. Supreme Court judges' adherence to a rule-of-law formalism in a succession of court cases both hindered and encouraged these attempts. I am particularly interested in how the courts' imposition of more rigorous standards of performance in the production of evidence eventually exceeded the state's bureaucratic capability and undermined officials' confidence in the instrumental value of the rule of law, leading administrators to enact legislation to suppress their political adversaries without reference to the courts. The judges' stance in this history was not one of progressive or sudden capitulation to the lawmakers' and executive's will, as is sometimes argued, but notably consistent throughout.  相似文献   

著名作家冯骥才在一篇文章里说:“有位画家说,四季中有两个最富有诗意的节气,一是早春,一是晚秋。据说从晚秋的天地间可以找到深沉又丰富的调子;早春的景物总好像飘忽不定,把握不住它的色调与形影……”在画家眼里,也许早春不如晚秋那样,有着丰富的物象和缤纷的色彩,更能激发其艺术灵感和创作的激情。然而,早春毕竟是一年的肇始,是新春的开端,也毕竟是一段最能萌发和滋生诗意的时光。  相似文献   

Drawing on evidence from South Central Africa, this paper explores two methods for linking the linguistic and archaeological records. Since the 1960s, scholars have correlated the hypothesized spatial and temporal overlaps of linguistic speech communities and pottery traditions, with varying success in the face of revisions to linguistic classifications and debates over pottery typologies. This paper assesses similar correlations between speech communities within the Bantu-Botatwe family and ceramic traditions of South Central Africa. Then, it proposes direct associations for specific activities and tools attested in both the linguistic and archaeological records in order to test correlations between pottery traditions and speech communities as well as the reliability of glottochronology. The development of a dense cluster of direct associations between the two records converging on the “when and where” of historical processes allows for the incorporation of theoretical and historical interpretations founded on one body of evidence into narratives developed from another type of data and, therefore, facilitates a “peer” engagement between the disciplines.  相似文献   

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