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张三 《风景名胜》2016,(11):100-104
查莫洛人是生活在马里亚纳群岛上的土著人.他们喜欢文身,崇尚染黑牙齿,以贝壳等作为服饰,烹饪方式原始.17世纪后,因为血腥的殖民战争,纯种的查莫洛人所剩无几,其中最为人们所了解的便是关岛的查莫洛人. 走近关岛原住民的生活 查莫洛民俗村位于关岛南部4号公路上,是关岛政府规划的原住民文化展示村.村内的房屋保留了原住民传统房屋的建筑样式,由于关岛只剩下这样一处传统村落,加上这里又有包括做提拉石(LatteStone,查莫洛人盖房子时用来当基柱的柱石)、编织、煮盐、编绳等当地原住民—查莫洛人的工艺表演,因此更值得人们来此一探究竟.当年查莫洛人救了麦哲伦,换来的却是西班牙人的大开杀戒和驯服同化,造成了土著文化的断层,如今,要想猎奇关岛原住民的原始生活,就只能到查莫洛文化村里来寻找了.  相似文献   

邢峥  Annie 《世界》2014,(9):96-97
16世纪,葡萄牙航海家麦哲伦发现了这片梦幻桃源,二战后,美国宣布该岛为美国“未合并的领土”。在这片美国最西边的领土上,有神秘的查莫罗文化、有亚太最大的免税购物中心、有丰富的极限运动,还有美国的第一缕阳光…… 查莫罗文化 查莫罗人(西班牙语:Chamorro)是对马里亚纳群岛上土著人的称呼。其中最为人们所熟知的就是关岛查莫罗人。得益于关岛观光局对查莫罗文化的保护,在查莫罗民俗村,查莫罗人还保持着他们多年以来的生活状态。查莫罗的传统服饰相当有特点:男士是块遮羞布;女士服饰则用贝壳制成,既遮羞又装饰。在发型方面,至今仍有男士留着长发,保持传统的习俗。  相似文献   

美食是旅行不可或缺的重要元素,也是最容易引起共鸣的分享主题。如今,美食当前,多数人的第一反应不是拿起筷子,而是抄起相机或者手机。好吧,就让我们—起看看这些诱惑眼球的“好菜”是如何新鲜出炉、华丽再生的。  相似文献   

明秦王府北门堪查记   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

<正>如果你看过电影《像素大战》,一定会对关岛有一个粗略的、模糊的,却标签化十足的印象。犹如像素块滑落一样的唯美星空,笼罩在青蓝色的太平洋之上,也笼罩着戒备森严的美国军事基地。除此之外,关岛还是一座适合环游的岛屿,购物天堂、浪漫圣地、土著文化这些关键词都可以在环岛路线上找到。  相似文献   

大黄鸭的精彩寻宝 如果想快捷地、简略地了解关岛城市风貌,大黄鸭水陆两栖巴士是最棒的选择.正如巴士广播解说的那样,这趟耗时一个半小时的北部城市环游,是一场针对关岛的"宝藏"发现之旅. 巴士从豪华酒店和超大免税店集中的杜梦湾沙堡出发,那里距离关岛最有名的景点恋人岬不远.据说很久以前有一位当地查莫洛少女,被父母要求嫁给西班牙军官,而此时她已与一位同族的查莫洛战士相爱,无力抵抗世俗压迫的恋人相约到达海湾的悬崖边,将长发系在一起相拥跃入咆哮的大海.从此这块海崖便成了爱情和查莫洛人不屈于外族征服的象征,无数的连心锁和恋人名牌,为关岛成为世界上少数能为非本地居民提供合法婚姻注册的美国地区助力.  相似文献   

要搞清关岛在太平洋中所处的地理位置并不困难,尽管目前许多人对此并非概念清晰.一贯惜字如金的房龙先生在《房龙地理》中以准确的寥寥数语描述了关岛:"(阿加尼亚的)关岛是你可能时而有所耳闻的一个岛屿,位于日本和新几内亚中间,是美国的一个重要的海底电缆站."  相似文献   

正2016年5月28日至6月3日,"太平洋地区文化、艺术与可持续发展论坛"在关岛举行,本次论坛是第12届关岛太平洋艺术节中一项重要的主题会议活动,由南太平洋委员会、太平洋艺术节组委会、关岛总督府主办。包括瑙鲁内政部长、斐济博物馆馆长等太平洋地区主管文化事务的政府官员、文化机构负责人、专家学者、非政府组织及艺术家共30  相似文献   

郜城镇位于颍河三源相会之处,距登封和白沙各三十里。附近都是比较平坦的河谷地带,颇多古文化遗址。我们在由白沙来郜城镇途中,就常发现汉代花纹的砖瓦,或是沟边上露出半个破残的汉墓来。  相似文献   

<正>大洋洲西北部的马里亚纳群岛上居住着一个土著民族,他们被叫做查莫罗人,其中,关岛查莫罗人被世人所熟知。这是一个神秘的民族,经过历史长河几千年的激荡,查莫罗人的文化越发显得光彩夺目,吸引着人们去探索发现。但实际上,纯种的查莫罗人已所剩无几。在查莫罗人的"全家福"中不难发现,查莫罗人个个膀大腰圆,在  相似文献   

<正>大洋洲西北部的马里亚纳群岛上居住着一个土著民族,他们被叫做查莫罗人,其中,关岛查莫罗人被世人所熟知。这是一个神秘的民族,经过历史长河几千年的激荡,查莫罗人的文化越发显得光彩夺目,吸引着人们去探索发现。但实际上,纯种的查莫罗人已所剩无几。在查莫罗人的"全家福"中不难发现,查莫罗人个个膀大腰圆,在  相似文献   

Port cities in the Mediterranean and elsewhere are increasingly seeking to encourage tourism-related development, and the cruise industry is a significant potential source of revenue for such cities. Consequently, there is competition between port cities for infrastructure that allows increased cruise tourism, and many cities have encouraged the development of new cruise passenger terminal facilities. While such schemes have clear economic benefits, there are associated problems that may become evident only in the medium- or long-term. The case of the Valletta Waterfront Project illustrates a range of resulting issues and tensions, and indicates the need to more sensitively evaluate cruise tourism-related development proposals.  相似文献   

Universities have resources for urban dynamics that are difficult to provide by other means. For this reason, these organizations are crucial actors in urban regeneration. This article sets out a conceptual framework for the analysis of the role played by higher education institutions in urban renewal initiatives. It is based on an integrated analysis of the uses of the university both as promoters of business innovation and in terms of their civic and social outcomes. Urban regeneration of cities in decline is used as a “strategic research site” to understand universities’ potential. The discussion is organized around four types of contributions: physical infrastructure, human resources, economic development and civic engagement. The debate enlightens the options for integrating universities' capabilities as an asset for urban regeneration and sets out implications for the institutionalization of practices and decision-making in this field.  相似文献   

The peripheral location of Northern Ireland as an Objective 1 region in the EU and consequences in terms of competitiveness and economic disadvantage are discussed. The need for high levels of public expenditure to at least partly offset these effects is argued; this is particularly apparent in the mechanisms which have been adopted to promote urban regeneration. The dominance of central government in the planning and development process is highlighted together with recent policy initiatives that place increasing emphasis upon partnerships as a delivery mechanism. The paper examines various forms of partnership arrangements highlighting how structures and actors differ depending upon local circumstances and objectives.  相似文献   

Recent growth in the cruise tourism industry has been accompanied by the development of new cruise passenger terminals in many port cities, in part to assist aims for spatial planning and urban regeneration. Such terminals can bring specific benefits but also problems, though application of spatial planning and related policy can help to maximize benefits and ameliorate or mitigate problems. The cases of cruise terminal developments in Amsterdam and Rotterdam in the Netherlands are illustrative in this context, and offer lessons for spatial planning and regeneration involving cruise tourism elsewhere.  相似文献   

《Political Theology》2013,14(2):238-244

This is an account of some of the theological questions raised by the government-sponsored, community-led regeneration of an urban housing estate. The process of regeneration exposes deep assumptions in all parties involved: it reveals significant, and sometimes contradictory, notions of human flourishing; and it evokes rival perceptions of the cause and character of constraints on human well-being. This survey concentrates on the theological notions of generation and degeneration, or creation and fall, because it is these perceptions of how things were intended to be and in what respects they have gone wrong that tend to shape consequent assumptions about the need, goal and methods of regeneration.  相似文献   


The restoration of areas contaminated by industrial or mining activities has been a major issue in environmental research in many European countries since the 1980s, and it also constitutes a major area of research at the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research — UFZ. Within this research environment, a consortium consisting of natural and social scientists has developed an EU-funded research project aimed at providing problem- oriented, tailored approaches and technologies for the revitalization of contaminated areas. The approach taken by the project is one that seeks to integrate scientific and non-scientific knowledge. In this paper we show how the idea of joint knowledge production between scientists and non-scientists is pursued in the context of the project. We explore how the rather fuzzy presentation of the transdisciplinary approach in the project proposal opens the door to interpretation and appropriation by scientists and practitioners alike. We describe a number of ad hoc solutions that were deployed to overcome specific dissonances during the collaborative production of knowledge (e.g. substituting common group learning for the single-handed elaboration of concepts by one project partner, or substituting the consultation of external experts for the mere gathering of information). Finally, we show how the interdisciplinary research environment at UFZ enhances the ability of the project team to resolve dissonances, improves collaboration between partners, and increases the innovative potential of project outputs.  相似文献   

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