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东堂 《文物》1956,(10)
鲁迅先生对学术的爱好是多方面的,他在研究中国文化艺术方面,从文字声韵到戏曲小说,从秦汉石刻到近代木刻信笺,在各个方面,都有很大的成绩。这里只是简短的介绍一下他对历史文物的研究。鲁迅先生很早就重视用古代的器物结合历史文献进行科学研究。他在北京教育部工作的时期,公  相似文献   

《中国小说史略》是中国小说史研究的开山之作,奠定了这一领域研究的基本体系,其作者鲁迅也因此成为中国20世纪初期影响最为巨大、深远的学者之一。《史略》中,鲁迅对中国古代小说作品的评价和见解客观精当,全书编排形式较为有序,对小说产生源流的考察十分全面;同时也以严谨的学术态度和独辟蹊径的研究方法为其后学者进行中国小说研究提供了范例。  相似文献   

向志柱 《文献》2007,(2):100
<游翰稗编>现存明万历刻本,藏国家图书馆,作者署名梁溪无名生.袁行霈、侯忠义<中国古代文言小说书目>①题佚名氏撰;宁稼雨<中国文言小说总目提要>⑦、石昌渝主编<中国古代小说总目(文言卷)>③、朱一玄等<中国古代小说总目提要>④、陈国军<明代志怪传奇小说研究>⑤、秦川<中国古代文言小说总集研究>⑥等俱依刻本题梁溪无名生.但此名实可考.  相似文献   

龚留柱 《史学月刊》2005,(10):87-96
朱绍侯先生是我国当代著名的历史学家,半个世纪来笔耕不辍,在中国古代史的诸多领域都取得了突出的学术成就。在对他的访谈中,内容涉及到了其治学经历、主要学术成果、学术风格及他长期形成的史学观和方法论等诸多方面。最后,朱先生还对当前学术研究的环境和风气提出了自己的评判,并对21世纪的中国古代史研究做出了乐观的展望。  相似文献   

作为海外华人研究领域的重要奠基人和开拓者,王赓武教授的治学方法对其研究以及该学科的发展有着不可忽略的影响。本文以此为出发点,结合王教授的成长经历与学术训练,探讨他由治中国古代史入手,转而侧重研究中国—南洋关系史以及东南亚华人史的时代背景及其学术含义。本文认为,坚实的中、西学术训练为他的学术生涯的成长奠定了基础,并成为他转入海外华人这一新兴领域的桥梁;而战后东南亚激剧的时代变迁则促进王教授的双重学术视野的形成与发展。这一双重性表现在两个方面:中国与东南亚的交互相映作为研究的切入点;自我与社会的双重关怀以及参与者和观察者的双重身份作为学术研究的参照系。  相似文献   

第一期在历史研究所建所五十周年庆祝大会暨中国社会科学院历史学论坛上的讲话建国以来中国古代史的研究———“中国社会科学院历史学论坛”综述2003年蒙元史研究综述“中西文明交融与兴衰国际学术会议”简述20世纪80年代以来中国古代史研究———以宋至清中期为中心第二期中国历代蝗灾与治蝗研究述评辽金元捺钵研究评述2004年“中外关系史百年学术回顾与展望”国际学术研讨会简报傅斯年与中国文化国际学术研讨会综述二十世纪中国古代史研究回顾(上)———从上古到隋唐房兆楹先生和他的学术研究第三期2003年中国历史地理研究综述百余年来黎…  相似文献   

侯外庐先生治史的特点 ,是把研究社会的一般构成视为研究历史的先决条件 ,亦即基础条件。他关于中国思想史的研究 ,都是建立在对中国古代社会和中国封建社会研究的基础上 ,他是把社会史研究与思想史研究熔为一炉的有代表性的史学家。侯外庐先生的治史道路 ,是推动马克思主义史学中国化的道路 ,他在这方面的自觉性和杰出贡献 ,也使他成为有代表性的、杰出的史学家。继承侯外庐先生的学术遗产 ,推进有中国民族特色的马克思主义史学建设 ,是 2 1世纪中国史学发展的正确道路。  相似文献   

张政烺是我国现当代著名的史学家。他在中国古代史、古文字学等众多学术领域均有重要创获。他的考证文章,尤其是在古文字方面所做的考释与训诂,看似研究一些具体的小问题,实则能够以小见大,寓含着探索中国古代社会历史面貌的用意。新中国成立后,他自觉接受唯物史观,自觉地将理论指导、历史考证与社会发展进程相结合,从而推动其历史研究达到新的境界。张氏毕生治学精益求精,不断探索学术的未知领域,始终把创新作为学术研究的灵魂与目标,而对后学的提携则不遗余力。他的学术业绩与治史精神,是留给后人的一笔宝贵遗产。  相似文献   

历史学的传承与启新--冯尔康先生访谈录   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
冯尔康先生的治学,既承继了中国史学的优秀传统,又在新时期史坛中,大力推动并开展了社会史学的研究,为近20来中国史学界极富开创性的学者之一。他在清代政治史、社会经济史、史料学和中国古代社会结构史,尤其是社会史研究领域,均做出了较大的学术贡献。他在理论创新和具体研究中所形成的开拓性、包容性、前瞻性的治学特点,尤具学术魅力,启人新知。  相似文献   

中国古代小说的文献研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
程毅中 《文献》2004,(2):194-205
中国古代小说的研究,首先离不开文献的整理.因此近百年来的古代小说研究,文献学研究的成果占了很大比重.我在这里根据自己的了解和摸索,试作一些介绍和分析. 一、关于小说的目录 古代小说的概念非常宽泛,历来史志书目所著录小说的范围广狭各不相同.如郑樵所说,小说常与传记、杂家、杂史、故事相混.古人所谓的小说,我们今天很难给它定性.  相似文献   

The opening reference to masturbation in Jonathan Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels (1726) provides evidence of not only an embedded cultural commentary on the masturbatory tendencies of modernity but also specific contempt for the novel as a masturbatory literary form. The same point is made elsewhere in Swift’s poetry and his parody of the erotic scene of female masturbation that continued to be a staple of amatory fiction. Yet the same body of writing reveals Swift’s recognition that he too was guilty of producing literary fuel for masturbation, as were the Ancients themselves whose works continued to invite a sexualized response from readers. As such, Swift reveals an ironic point of agreement with female authors of amatory fiction such as Delarivier Manley and Eliza Haywood, who represent instances of the poetry of the Ancients being put precisely to this use, providing tacit excuse for their own erotically charged writing. In his later notorious diagnosis of Swift as a chronic masturbator literary physician Thomas Beddoes is arguably responding at least in part to Swift’s own sense of entrapment within masturbatory modernity.  相似文献   

《Central Europe》2013,11(2):159-173

In the years following the end of the First World War, cocaine achieved unprecedented popularity in Europe, a development reflected in the number of novels dealing with cocaine use by writers from across the Continent. One such is Max Pulver’s Himmelpfortgasse, first published in 1927, which tells of a Munich-based intellectual torn between his respectable bourgeois existence and his cocaine-fuelled passion for a young Viennese painter. After a brief interlude in Berlin, the protagonist follows his new love to Vienna, but their relationship soon deteriorates. The plot of the novel is unremarkable, but its depiction of three separate cocaine-using cliques, each based in a different city and each with a distinct social position and political orientation, vividly illustrates the extent to which recreational use of cocaine spread across geographical, socio-economic, and ideological divides in the period in question. Moreover, the narrator’s essayistic reflections on the function, effects, and social practice of cocaine use allow for productive cross-reading with contemporary toxicological sources. Pulver’s novel also occupies a curious position in literary history. As well as being one of several European cocaine novels of the inter-war period, it shows substantial thematic and stylistic links to the treatment of cocaine in the writings of Expressionist poet Gottfried Benn dating to the previous decade. Himmelpfortgasse’s Expressionist elements add to its distinctiveness, but have probably also contributed to the novel’s relative lack of commercial and critical success.  相似文献   

美国著名作家欧文.威斯特的成名作《弗吉尼亚人—平原骑手》与19世纪末20世纪初美国的社会和文化主题挂钩,表达了镀金时代的美国梦精神,反映了西部牧业开发中东西部矛盾与冲突的走向,展现了怀俄明牧牛业的社会、经济及政治发展状况,不仅是一部影响深远的牛仔小说,而且具有较高的史学价值。同时,受时代和作者阶级立场的局限,《弗吉尼亚人—平原骑手》偏袒大牧场主,带有取悦统治阶级的阶级倾向性,小说中塑造的牛仔形象对西部小说的程式化产生了重要影响。  相似文献   

My thesis insists on the theme of evil implicit in Sand's title to her pastoral novel, La Mare au diable (1846). The question of evil as death (le mal métaphysique) stands out in her preface, opens her novel, and defines the challenge faced by the hero in social prejudice (le mal social) and in the heroic journey to overcome internalized obstacles such as fear (le mal psychologique) in order to transform his values. The interplay between good and evil culminating in “the devil's pond” intuits Jung's theory of the convergence of good and evil and the necessity of the latter in the maturation process. The victory of the hero, Germain, is also that of Sand who rises above the ideological partisanship of her opening chapters to bring to life inspirational values open to all.  相似文献   

本文以新近出版的《小说旁证》为范例,对孙楷第先生校勘古代小说的成就和方法进行总结,指出他既继承了古籍校勘的一般原则和规范,又根据古代小说的具体情况加以灵活变通和创新,态度审慎,方式得当,探索出一套符合古代小说实际、卓为有效的校勘方法,对古代小说的校勘整理具有典范意义。  相似文献   

Adrián Curiel Rivera is a Mexican novelist, short-story writer and academic. In addition to his novels Vikingos (2012), A bocajarro (2008) and Bogavante (2000), and the collections of stories Día franco (2016) and Madrid al través (2003), he has published two substantial volumes of critical essays, Los piratas del Caribe en la novelística hispanoamericana del siglo XIX (2010) and Novela española y boom hispanoamericano (2006). In 2013 he published Blanco Trópico, an excoriating and often hilarious fictional account of life in the Mexican Academy in the wake of sweeping neoliberal reforms in the university sector, the nature and consequences of which will be all too familiar to many European and US academics. The book caused something of a storm in his native Mexico. In the following interview, which took place in the summer of 2016, he discusses the genesis of and reactions to the novel, but also touches on a broad range of social and literary issues which the book raises: globalization, publishing, the Mexican literary canon and its sacred cows, as well as the place of the campus novel and science fiction in the current Latin American literary landscape.  相似文献   


Over the last fifteen years Karel Schoeman, Afrikaans author of well-esteemed novels, described the history of the Cape Colony during the years of the Dutch East India Company (VOC) in an ongoing series of historical studies, narratives, non-fiction, biographies and monographs. This article is an attempt to evaluate Schoeman's contribution to South African historiography: his approach and presentation, the subjects emphasised and interpretations given, and the scholarly quality and significance of his work. Characteristic of Schoeman is his ability to capture the character of the past enabling the reader to really understand it. The past is a country, far away, difficult to enter but there is a road to understanding: Verstehen, a mind open to historical sensation, listening to the voices from the past, seeing the past in its heritage. In his historical novels, Schoeman adapts history to the fictional world he creates. In his historiography, popularising scholarly knowledge with literary skills, Schoeman remains critical of many traditional stories and portraits a new, non-fiction Cape – a refreshment station for the maritime VOC empire situated halfway between Europe and Asia on African soil; a struggling colony of people of various backgrounds, poor people without history mostly; a colony full of problems, contrasts and contradictions, but also a surprising society, multiracial, multicultural, open, and full of possibilities.  相似文献   


This essay examines Jane Austen’s Mansfield Park in the light of classical understandings of political theology. It does so by placing the novel in its Anglican and Erastian contexts as well as by showing that it belongs to a lineage of English prose fiction, whose famous names are Samuel Richardson and Henry Fielding, which also had theopolitical interests.  相似文献   

本文将吉本芭娜娜神秘小说分为三种主要类型,认为《月影》是对日本古代神话传说的发想;《哀愁的预感》是对悬疑小说的一种再创造;《甘露》则是集中展示神秘精神的文本。同时认为,神秘介质与吉本芭娜娜的小说风格之间之所以呈现出上述关系,与作家幼年时代的特殊经历,当代日本社会宗教热的走向与影响不无关系。  相似文献   

明末清初西湖小说与西湖诗词有着共同的文化背景与地域色彩,西湖诗词能够自然贴切地融入小说叙事,创造出诗情画意的优美意境,提高了西湖小说的艺术品位,调节小说叙事的节奏,使其情节生动曲折又符合情理逻辑,还丰富了人物的思想感情与心理活动。  相似文献   

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