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Editor‘s Note: The year 2002 marks the 100th anniversary of the Tibetan battle against British invaders in Gyangze. Celebrations remind the writers of people sent to fight British invaders during the Opium War of 1840-1842,who would never return to where they were born and brought.  相似文献   

一、论 文(一 )总 论Kirby,William C.:“The People's Republic of China as History”,Sino-American Relations,Winter,1999柯伟林 :中华人民共和国史Holmes,Oliver Wendell,Sr.:“China:A Poem”,Sino- American Relations,Autumn,1999霍姆斯 ,奥利维尔 W.:中国 :一首诗L in,Xiao Qing:“Historicizing Subjective Reality:Rewriting History in EarlyRepublican China”,Modern China,Vol.2 5,No.1林晓清 (音 ) :赋予历史真实性 :重写民国早期历史(二 )政 治Chen,Chien- jen:“Modern Chinese Values Rooted in …  相似文献   

After the Opium War in 1840, China was more and more semi-colonized. Around the turn of the 20th century, the national strength of the Qing Empire was quickly weakening. As a result, the Qing Court exercised a weaker rule over Tibet, and its political relationship with Tibet was consequently affected. On the problems of how to resist foreign invasions and how to handle Tibet's internal affairs, the Qing Court and  相似文献   

The Increase in the Number of Regular Markets in North China in the Late Qing Period and An Interpretation of Its Significance; The Hankou-Daye-Pingxiang Company's Steel Sales and China' s Modem Steel Market (1908-1927) ;The Chinese Communist Party's Policy of Rent and Interest Reduction during the Resistance War against Japan, and Changes of Land Ownership. A Case Study of Junan County in the Shandong Base Area; The Impact of the Russo-Japanese War on Sino-Korean Relations;  相似文献   

正1.The background of the Tibetan Trade Mission headed by Tsepon Shakabpa The Cold War began after World War II.The United States interfered in China’s domestic affairs by helping Chiang Kai-shek to launch a civil war.Originally the United States government expected that the Kuomintang(KMT)regime could wipe  相似文献   

Rankin, Mary Backus: "Public opinion" and political power: Qingyi in late nineteenth century China. The Journal of Asian Studies 1982 Vol. 41 No. 3 p. 453-484“舆论”与政权:十九世纪中国的清议 兰金Chan, F. Cilbert: From anti-Manchuism to anti-imperialism: Sun Yat-sen's interpretations of Chinese Nationalism. Canada-Review of Studies in  相似文献   

In the late 1960s,with many American intellectuals frustrated by the Vietnam War,plus the opening of U.S.World War Ⅱ records,the history of the spoiled relations between China and the U.S.were,again,combed through by historians.The "Stilwell Incident," as known by the Chinese (especially in Taiwan),together with the experience of the "China hands," were often the core of historical inquiry.In 1970,Barbara Tuchman published her renowned work:Stilwell and the American Experience in China,1911-1945;and soon her interpretation became prevailing.Over the years,the perception of Stilwell and the China hands,as presented by Tuchman,regarding the conflict between "vinegar Joe" Stilwell and the Nationalist leader Chiang Kai-shek,as well as the fall of the Generalissimo had been accepted as an accurate representation of China's war time history.  相似文献   

This article presents a rare inside view of a unique project currently underway in China to study and preserve the memory of possibly the single most seminal event in Chinese modern history, the War of Resistance against Japan (1937-45). The article introduces a multi-faceted program to preserve the wartime cultural heritage; the work is ongoing in the thriving western metropolis of Chongqing, once China's bomb-torn wartime capital and international Allied command center. It describes how, seven decades after World War II, scholars, cultural workers, government experts, and artists in China are joining hands in an unprecedented, all-encompassing project to record, restore, and recount the extraordinary legacy of China's War of Resistance in its local, as well as national and global contexts.  相似文献   

分部文文论西一、J急论、通史‘F euerwerker,Albert:AsPects of the trans笼t;on from Qing to RePub]ican Cbina。一RePubliean cbina 1955 Vol.10 No.2 p.l一21从满清向民国转变的若千方面费维恺Gardella,Robert:Tbe maritime history of late ImPerial China:observa- t ion,on current concerns and recent research.一Late ImPerial china 1985 Vol.6 No。ZP。48一66中华帝国晚期海疆史加德拉‘Deal,David M.之“Tlie questio位of Nationalities”in twentieth century Cbina。一Jnur几al of Ethnie Studies Vol。12 1…  相似文献   

西文部分论文一、总论、专题Farquhar,Mary;Berry,Chris:“Speaking Bitterness:His-tory,Media and Nation in Twentieth Century China”,Historiography East and West,Vol.2,No.1讲述苦难:20世纪中国的历史、媒体和民族Lindong,Qu:“Historical Studies in China:The Legacy ofthe Twentieth Century and Prospects for the Twenty-firstCentury”,Chinese Studies in History,Vol.38,中国的历史研究:20世纪的遗产与21世纪的展望Xin,Liu:“Remember to Forget:Critique of a Critical CaseStudy”,Historiography Eas…  相似文献   

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