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斯塔夫里阿诺斯的《全球通史——1500年以后的世界》是一部在国际历史学界享有盛誉的世界通史著作。本文从中外传统的世界通史编纂的局限性入手,以全球史观为出发点,从该书的编纂体例、结构、研究方法、主要观点等方面进行了评述,指出了用全球史现编撰世界通史所独具的特色,同时也扼要阐述了该书固有的局限性。  相似文献   

世界历史上的文明交往   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文明是世界历史研究中的重要单位。特别是在当今经济全球化时代,各文明间的多层次交往频繁进行,既有对话、合作,也有差异、分歧。由此角度看,世界历史进程就是不同文明互动交往的过程。有鉴于此,我们邀请四位学界同仁,分别从理论与实证研究角度,探讨世界历史上的文明交往。这不仅有利于深化对文明本身及文明交往的认识,而且有助于促进对当代世界史编纂理论和方法的了解。  相似文献   

上海文明书局1903年版载振《英轺日记》曾风行一时,民国以后却不断有人怀疑载振的作者身份,认为该书由随行参赞唐文治代编,近年来该书更被划归唐文治一人名下。其实《英轺日记》是使团成员集体编纂成书,载振身为出使大臣可以领衔署名,而唐文治并未大量参与该书的资料搜辑和后期编纂,难以指其为实际作者。唐门弟子、学界中人纷起为唐文治追讨《英轺日记》著作权,也有悖唐氏本意。  相似文献   

韩章训研究员继《普通方志学》(方志出版社 1999年版 )、《方志学基础教程》(天马图书有限公司 2 0 0 1年版 )之后 ,又有一部新著《方志编纂学基础教程》由方志出版社于2 0 0 3年 6月出版。该书运用现代哲学的生产理论 ,在理论与实践的结合上对方志编纂学进行了一次新的整合 ,使方志编纂学实现了从传统形态到现代形态的转化。该书按照基本知识、基本理论和基本方法相统一原则进行谋篇 ,全面涵盖和系统阐述了从地情信息到方志文本或方志编纂实践到方志编纂理论的全过程《方志编纂学基础教程》出版  相似文献   

本文对Ouhalla的《转换生成语法导论:从原则参数达最简方案》(第二版)进行了介绍和评述,本文分三部分,第一部分引言,第二部分为该书的简介,第三部分对该书进行了评述,本文认为该书是一本实用价值极高的转换生成语法入门书,对专家来说也不失为一本研究转换生成语法的好书。  相似文献   

1736年至1766年在伦敦陆续出版的《普遍史》是近代英国首部集体编纂的世界史。该书初版分为古代和现代两大部分,分别有22卷和44卷,共计66卷。民族国家化、世俗化以及全球视野是该书的三大基本特征。该书不仅当时即在欧洲引起了较大反响,被称为《英吉利普遍史》,而且还产生了较为深远的历史影响。"剑桥三史"最初的书名也是《普遍史》,而且在发起提议、规划设计、编纂出版等环节,均与该书相近。最近有学者指出了向普遍史回归的史学发展趋势,因此该书仍值得我们关注。  相似文献   

台北"国防部"史政局出版的《抗日战史》,是中国第一套由官方编纂,全面记述抗战期间国军各会战与战役的战史丛书。该书从编纂到正式出版前后将近30年,编纂机构、人员、初稿的保存几经变迁,初稿、成稿之间差异颇大。出版以后,该书成为军方及史学界论述抗日战争、研究战争经过的主要参考书,但在使用时还应注意其所引资料的正误及缺漏。  相似文献   

《通商约章类纂》是1886年编纂而成的晚清约章成案集。该书的编纂过程颇费周折,在流传过程中又出现了不同的版本和书名,编纂者也有不同的说法。考诸史实,该书的编纂和刊印是多人合作努力的结果。1886年以后出现的多个版本都来自天津官书局版的《通商约章类纂》。该书在体例和内容上体现了自身的特点。它不仅有助于晚清时期办理外交,而且对晚清、民国时期编纂约章集和学术研究都产生了重要影响。  相似文献   

中英双语版《成都概览》被世界著名未来学家约翰·奈斯比特先生誉为“给成都和世界人民献上的一份厚礼”。该书由成都市地方志办公室负责编纂,一年一本。其定位为“世界了解成都的权威资料,方志服务公众的快捷媒介”。  相似文献   

上海市志办方志编辑部主任、研究员姚金祥,上海市志办编纂处处长、副研究员何惠明合著《简明方志编纂学》一书,于1994年12月由南海出版公司出版。该书设31章,40万字。该书在吸收方志学界已有研究成果的基础上,结合自己10多年的修志经验,对新  相似文献   

Abstract: Re‐reading the economic landscape of the western world as a largely non‐capitalist landscape composed of economic plurality, this paper demonstrates how economic relations in contemporary western society are often embedded in non‐commodified practices such as mutual aid, reciprocity, co‐operation and inclusion. By highlighting how the long‐overlooked lived practices in the contemporary world of production, consumption and exchange are heavily grounded in the very types and essences of non‐capitalist economic relations that have long been proposed by anarchistic visions of employment and organization, this paper displays that such visions are far from utopian: they are embedded firmly in the present. Through focusing on the pervasive nature of heterodox economic spaces in the UK in particular, some ideas about how to develop an anarchist future of work and organization will be proposed. The outcome is to begin to engage in the demonstrative construction of a future based on mutualism and autonomous modes of organization and representation.  相似文献   

In almost four decades Jack Goody has published a score of books seeking to explain the divergence of Africa from the Eurasian continent, and latterly to refute historical claims of western superiority to Asia. Since the millennium, he has sought to clarify his own vision of modern capitalism at a time when western hegemony is coming under pressure from globalization. Yet this achievement has not received the recognition from anthropologists that it deserves. This article, in reviewing six books published during the last decade, makes a case for reassessing Goody's project from the mid-1970s until now. It singles out two books for special attention, The Theft of History and his latest volume, Metals, Culture and Capitalism. A consistent theme of his recent work is to juxtapose his own account of the history of western capitalism with those of Marx, Weber and other writers in the classical tradition of social theory. Jack Goody remains to this day an anthropologist whose sensibility was formed by long-term ethnographic fieldwork. But he knew that, if he aspired to throw light on the human predicament as a whole, he would have to become a world historian too.  相似文献   

This article argues that flawed western strategies for 'small wars', those fought in the non—European world, have been informed by illusions concerning the cultural, military and political superiority of the West. With 9/11, such wars ceased to be small. The main threat to the western powers no longer emanates from other states organized along lines similar to their own, but from a transnational network enterprise that has its origins in the global South and the Islamic world. Nonetheless, old imperial and orientalist constructions continue to inform western and particularly US perceptions of the war on terror. 'Knowing thy enemy' and 'knowing thyself', Sun Tzu's formula for victory, requires abandoning flattering accounts of western identity and learning to empathize with those we call terrorists.  相似文献   

康有为是中国近代史上提倡向西方学习的文化先驱,是最早明确提出建立博物馆的有识之士,是积极倡导建立博物馆的领袖人物。康有为对近代博物馆的认知和宣传,以其1898年逃亡海外为界,分为两个时期。第一个时期,他通过大量阅读西书,知道了近代博物馆及其功能;第二个时期,他流亡海外,仍向国人介绍众多亲历的博物馆,并提出建立博物馆的理论和建议。  相似文献   

Despite intense and interdisciplinary interest in the transition from antiquity to the middle ages, work on women and gender generally remains marginal to the dominant paradigms for understanding political and social change in the period from c. 300 to c. 800 ce . This article critiques these interpretations from a gendered perspective and also reviews recent work on women and gender in late antiquity, Byzantium and the early medieval Europe. By outlining similarities and contrasts between women's lives in early medieval western and Byzantine cultures, it emphasises the diversity of women's experience. Suggestions about how to envisage a fully gendered history of this period conclude with a call for radically new approaches to the study of the transformation of the Roman world.  相似文献   

冷战结束后,为维持"一超"霸权地位,美国的国际安全理论与实践发生了巨大的变化。在理论上,"终结主义范式"理论、"文明冲突范式"理论和"霸权稳定范式"理论在美国政府的决策上占据了主导地位。这些理论鼓吹大国之间和"民主"国家之间的冲突已经结束,现在的冲突,是异质文化与西方文化的"文明冲突"。为了国际安全,需要改造异质文化,消除"暴政",推行"民主"。为此,美国可以"先发制人",对"威胁"其国际安全的国家或其他行为体进行军事打击,以"结束世界上的暴政"。这些理论导致了美国的对外干涉、战争和冲突。这充分证明,在冷战结束后,不仅非传统安全因素威胁着国际安全,美国霸权主义更威胁着国际安全,需要充分揭露和批判。  相似文献   

文章从国际尺度和国家尺度对近代中国的经济格局进行考察,认为1800年前中国是世界经济中心之一,近代中国则成为欧美制成品的销售地和原材料的来源地,中国由此转变为世界经济的边缘。这种世界经济格局又影响中国内部的经济格局,原来南北经济差距转变为东西差距,东部沿海成为中国经济的中心区,西部则成为中国经济的边缘。  相似文献   

Out of a concern with the often implicit western‐centricity of theories of nationalism which are currently dominant, the article proposes to shift the focus of analysis onto the working of human agency in our understanding of nations and nationalism. Drawing from insights from the history of ideas, it argues that, contrary to the modernist account, the rise of nationalism of Japan can be traced back to the rise of Kokugaku in the eighteenth century when westernisation/modernisation had not yet reached Japan. Kokugaku scholars were engaged with intense collective self‐reflection and proposed answers to the question who the Japanese were and what Japan should be without adopting the formula of national imagination generated in the West. The article suggests that a focus on human agency has the potential to free inquires into non‐western parts of the world from the deeply embedded western‐centricity of conventional social theories, thus enriching our understanding of the world.  相似文献   

19世纪中叶的中日近代世界秩序体认   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
19世纪中叶前后,以西力东侵为背景,中日两国的精英分子对剧烈变动的世界作出了不同的回应。在日本,以洋学家和开明政治家为主体的“开放力量”,初步意识到人类文明“一体化”格局,其国际视野不断扩大。确立了近代外交观念。而同时期的中国官僚士大夫则沉浸于传统世界秩序观之中,难以形成系统的开放思想。直到两次鸦片战争后,方才出现明确的对外开放观念。这说明在对近代世界秩序体认的问题上,两国存在着较大的时间差。  相似文献   

A broad selection of Roman lead‐glazed pottery dating from the first century ad through the fifth century ad was studied to establish locations of workshops and to address their technology of production. The ceramic bodies were analysed by ICP–AES. In addition, lead isotope analysis was undertaken on a selection of glazes. These findings suggested that there were several regions responsible for the production of lead‐glazed ceramics in the western Roman world, including central Gaul, Italy and, probably, Serbia and Romania. Using the body compositions as a starting point, the glazing techniques employed by each of the potential workshops were examined using electron probe microanalysis. It was determined that there were two primary methods of glazing. The first method used lead oxide by itself applied to non‐calcareous clay bodies, and the second method used a lead oxide‐plus‐quartz mixture applied to calcareous clay bodies. Based on these data for clay composition and glazing method, transfer of technology from the Hellenistic east to the western Roman world was proposed. Likewise, the inheritance of lead‐glazing technology into late antiquity was established by making comparisons to lead‐glazed ceramics dating to the seventh to ninth centuries from Italy, the Byzantine world and Tang Dynasty China.  相似文献   

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