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张源 《旅游纵览》2011,(8):34-38
这个位于泰国、缅甸和老挝三国边境地区的三角形地带,曾因盛产鸦片而闻名于世。同时也是东南亚原始森林保护得最好的地方,被称为"中国的后花园"。它的范围包括缅甸北部的掸邦、克钦邦,泰国的清莱府、清迈府北部,老挝的琅南塔省、丰沙里、乌多姆塞省,及琅勃拉邦省西部,共有大小村镇3000多个,总面积为19.4万平方公里。  相似文献   

翔子 《世界》2012,(11):176-181
秋季的阿尔山地区魅力十足:大兴安岭森林、呼伦贝尔草原、古老的火山地貌、清澈的天池群,这里有西藏一样醉人的蓝天,九寨一样晶莹的溪流。避开拥挤的黄金周,6个人3辆车,我们独享自然的美景奇观。  相似文献   

<正>来到奥地利首都维也纳,不去金色大厅听一场音乐会似乎有些说不过去,因为它的名气实在太大。所谓"金色大厅"(德语:Gro·er Saal),全称为维也纳音乐协会金色大厅,它并非一座独立的建筑,是音乐之友协会大楼的中间部分。大厅里金碧辉煌的装饰和无与伦比的音响效果,通过每年全球电视直播的维也纳新年音乐会展现在世人面前,使得  相似文献   

1988年,商业改革的大潮席卷中华大地。下岗女工陈忠丽为求索人生价值,筹资3000元,带领6名同胞办起了仅有28平方米的店堂,8张餐桌的三喜酒家。洒家面向工资阶层,精制家常饭菜,善待八方来客,惠顾回头食客,赢得了街坊好评,天天宾客满座,喜悦满堂。红红火火的小酒家,由此成为金鹰大酒楼创业史上一块坚固的基石。  相似文献   

游侠 《旅游纵览》2016,(10):18-25
正金秋的阿拉斯加,梦幻而多变。无论是迪纳利、基奈峡湾还是兰格尔—圣伊莱亚斯国家公园,你都可以登高望远,眺望巍峨的雪山、蜿蜒的冰河和雄壮的峡谷。一夜间,你会忽然发现漫山遍野的矮灌木和野莓变成了红色,像燎原之火燃烧了整个山谷。夏末秋初的第一场雪后,白色、金色与红色让楚加奇和阿拉斯加山脉变得更加婀娜多姿。  相似文献   

李明璞 《旅游纵览》2014,(11):60-63
<正>金丝猴又称仰鼻猴,是我国与大熊猫齐名的国宝级动物。它毛色艳丽,形态独特,动作优雅,性情温和,深受人们的喜爱。川金丝猴是金丝猴中最早被人发现的一种,人们被小猴子身上金灿灿的皮毛所吸引,就取了"金丝猴"这个名字。  相似文献   

《Acta Archaeologica》2012,83(1):276-278

<正>"My colleague said to me,'Why not get divorced?He is bound to be disabled,'but I did not do it.I could not do it with a Tibetan conscience,"Tsering Sonam,the 75-year-old Ama,said lightly as she recalled thescene from 44 years ago.This is a story about this old Tibetan woman and her Chinese husband,Zhang Huaxiang.Hand in hand,they have lived together for 50years.Tsering Sonam's husband only  相似文献   

正Not far from the ferry dock close to the Samye Monastery,there is a countryside road leading directly to the Dranang County.The road has been laid with asphalt and connects Lhasa to Lhokar.At the very beginning of the road,however,there is a sign,where"To the Drathang Monastery"is written.Obviously,the monastery is much more famous than the county.Ten  相似文献   

天天 《旅游纵览》2009,(5):36-36
<正>题记:旧金山(San Francisco),除了因为华人的大量聚居和历史渊源等原因为游人熟知,它的地标建筑——金门大桥也是世界闻名。有时间,一定要到那里游玩,守在它的身边看看日起日落,留下一段美好的旅途记忆。  相似文献   

阿辉  赓熙伟  琪鹏 《旅游纵览》2009,(10):10-15
今年10月1日是新中国60周年华诞,北京游成为最热的旅游线路之一。据了解,不少旅游者表示希望十一的8天休假能去北京,来一次"国庆北京阅兵游"。  相似文献   

<正>Golden and silver wares produced during the Tubo period were one of the most radiant categories of ancient Tibetan arts.The famous American scholar Edward Hertzel Schafer provides a related appraisal in his book The Golden Peaches of Samarkand,in which he comments that among those  相似文献   

Over the past few decades many urban leaders have searched for an appropriate policy response to tackle urban decay. Various kinds of flagship projects emerged in many cities as the products of a property‐led approach to the regeneration strategies adopted by local governments in North American and European cities. It was expected that the creation of high‐profile milieux would launch chain reactions which would eventually lead to the regeneration of declining neighbourhoods. The focus of this study lies in the anatomy of physical transformation in an inner city neighbourhood within the context of post‐socialist transition. In particular, the paper discusses the flagship role of the Golden Angel commercial centre in the physical upgrading of the Smíchov district in Prague. The case study contributes to the understanding of complex circumstances and mechanisms of revitalization in the post‐socialist inner city. The empirical material is based on field observations, expert opinions and existing documents. The paper shows that a high‐profile project can be one of the driving forces in physical revitalization through the provision of symbolic power, credibility and appeal to a declining neighbourhood. At the same time, it is emphasize that physical transformation is a multi‐conditional and context‐related process rather than an automatic and straightforward outcome of flagship developments. Successful revitalization depends on a favourable constellation of various factors. On the local level, the key factors include the development potential of the location, the attitude of the local authorities and the commitment of all involved actors.  相似文献   

长江三峡"巫山-奉节-巫溪"金三角旅游发展研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
李庆 《人文地理》2003,18(4):19-22
长江三峡库区内的巫山-奉节-巫溪三县,由于位置、资源、经济、社会等条件的一致性,客观上形成了一个独立的、大山大峡旅游资源为特征的“金三角”经济发展区域。本从评价“金三角”旅游业发展的现实基础为切入点,结合金三角旅游业发展面临的机遇和挑战,对“金三角”旅游业发展进行初步探讨。  相似文献   

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