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During World War I, the U.S. War Department contracted with 157 universities to form the National Army Training Detachments whose mission was to train college-age draftees in 66 critical army trades (subsequently the Student Army Training Corps). This program is an overlooked part of First World War history and has received little to no archaeological inquiry. This paper investigates the New Hampshire College camp. Working between documentary and archaeological materials, this paper explores how the interrelated duties of educational institutions, businesses, government, and individuals merged with an American wartime imagined community here but also how in their lived experiences of the camp, people materialized the complications of balancing citizenship, difference, duty, and nation. The social lives of the lower-rank men who inhabited these camps, the composite communities formed at them, and the impact of the government’s assertion of control over institutions of higher education all carry material ramifications that deserve further investigation.  相似文献   

《War & society》2013,32(2):59-70

‘War subjects the young to ultimate tests, it also furnishes standards for judging the lives of the old.’

Felix Frankfurter's memorial to Bettman, March 1945  相似文献   

茹莹 《民族译丛》2005,(4):21-29
一战给东欧地区的民族关系以巨大的冲击,而凡尔赛体系作出的战后安排使该地区的民族关系进一步复杂化.在这一背景下,从稳定战后欧洲秩序的角度出发,主要的战胜国建立了一个在国际联盟保证之下的少数民族保护体系,它是人类历史上第一次以国际组织监督与调节的形式处理和解决民族冲突的尝试.  相似文献   

1889年至1947年间,加拿大基督教新教长老宗在卫辉一带借医传教。根据不同时期政局、民情状况及传教士自身特点,他们先后经历了用药品"裹挟"其福音的谨慎发展阶段,边行医边传教、"疗灵"与"疗身"互为手段、互为目的、交叉渗透的"黄金"发展阶段,以及行医与传教貌离神合的深入推进阶段。"疗灵"与"疗身"始终既存冲突又相互渗透。  相似文献   

As a nascent air force, the Australian Flying Corps (AFC) relied largely upon other services for medical evaluation of its personnel. In 1918, however, the AFC experimented with a dedicated medical board to gauge the suitability of recruits and convalescents as aircrew. This article examines the formation of the AFC’s Medical Board, which was paired with another innovation: laboratory research. Conducted by the board’s head, Charles Kellaway, animal studies into anoxaemia were intended to provide a means of determining suitability of aviators for high-altitude flight. In matching data derived from cats with front-line service conditions, Kellaway sought to enshrine a particular type of ‘steady’ man to conquer the novel realm of airspace.  相似文献   

In 1865, the colonies of eastern British North America created a joint commission to investigate the possibility of reciprocal trade agreements with other parts of the Western hemisphere. In early 1866, the commissioners visited the West Indies and the Empire of Brazil, where they met officials and business leaders. No actual tariff agreements resulted from the commissioners’ travels, the main concrete result of the 1866 trade mission being the establishment of a direct steamship service between Canada and the West Indies. The study of contemporary discussions of the trade mission deepens our understanding of the history of relations between the British West Indies and British North America in the aftermath of emancipation and the end of the ‘Old Colonial System’. Moreover, these discussions reveal different elements of an emerging Canadian identity. Discourse of Britishness influenced the 1866 trade mission, but so did a sense of affinity linking Canada to the other monarchical territories in the Western hemisphere, such as the Empire of Brazil. For their part, some contemporaries in the West Indies welcomed the Canadian trade initiative because they wished for a counterweight to the growing influence of the United States in the region. The article also presents new information about British policy towards Latin America, particularly Mexico and Brazil, as well as British commercial diplomacy more generally. The article is based on materials in archives in the United Kingdom and Canada as well as a range of printed primary sources.  相似文献   

Debates about the British Empire continue to rage, especially those concerned with its impact on domestic affairs during the Victorian and Edwardian periods. The degree to which empire mattered to average Britons at home has tended to generate polarised responses from historians. Some have sought to downplay its overall significance, whereas others have been prone to argue that its effects on society were widespread. The present article speaks into this debate by examining one notable British organisation — the Salvation Army — which came into being in the second half of the nineteenth century. While a number of scholars have addressed the imperialist implications of Army work in the colonies, much less work has been done to scrutinise the empire's influence on Salvationists within Britain itself. Looking at three characteristics frequently associated with imperialist ideology — militarism, racial othering, and devotion to the monarchy — this article contends that the Salvation Army's relationship to the British Empire was remarkably dynamic and complex during the timeframe under review. Demonstrating that Salvationist thinking and practice could both help and hinder the aims of imperialism, it points to the need for more balanced and nuanced approaches to the study of the empire in the metropole.  相似文献   

申红星 《史学月刊》2008,5(3):112-119
明代屯田于今河南境内的宁山卫,分为东、西两屯,驻扎于新乡县、辉县、获嘉县、滑县、浚县五地.其职责以屯田为主,操练、戍防为辅.由明代至清初,宁山卫经历了从设置到废止的演变过程.而隶属于宁山卫军户的获嘉冯氏宗族,在获嘉冯氏族谱编撰、卫所军户同原籍军户的关系、冯氏在地方上的发展以及冯氏与外界的联姻状况等方面均有一定特点.通过对冯氏宗族的考察,可以在一定程度上展现卫所军户宗族之全貌,加深对卫所军户的认识.  相似文献   

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