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The northern reaches of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau(often called Changtang in Tibetan),is a place no human can inhabit.Found between the Kunlun and Gangdise mountain ranges at more than 5,000 meters above sea level,the area is well beyond 600,000 square kilometers,one fourth the total of the entire Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.In terms of administrative divisions.  相似文献   

“我叫扎西,扎西次郎。”他有点笨笨坎坎地说,拿笔在纸上写下“扎西措兰”几个汉字。扎西肉乎乎的脸长着一对深黑的大眼睛。  相似文献   

In the deep autumn in Nyingchi,the leaves covering the mountains become a mix of green and yellow.Rain always comes without any notice,sometimes heavily and other times as a mere drizzle.Then,just as quickly as it comes,it disappears,and great clouds hang upon the mountainside.These clouds often refuse to leave;they plant themselves until the sun and its smile slowly makes its way out.  相似文献   

Along the eastern flank of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is a range of lofty mountains.In a valley marked by the ceaseless flow of the Lancanjiang River is a prehistoric human settlement quietly observing the passage of time.Thousands of years have passed since the site was abandoned,and few know of its existence today.Indeed,it was only rediscovered in the 1970s,almost as if locals had to brush away the crusts on their eyes after a long night's sleep to even see it.Still,the event sent shockwaves throughout the archaeological field,and it is marked in history books as having been one of the most significant finds.  相似文献   

扎西次登.藏族.1945年出生于四川省甘孜藏族自治州理塘县。一级摄影师,1969年毕业于北京电影学院摄影系,曾任中国摄影家协会副主席、西藏自治区摄影家协会主席。现任中国摄影家协会顾问、西藏摄影家协会名誉主席。  相似文献   

The book Lost Horizon,written by British writer James Hilton,widely broadcasted the name of Shangri-la to the world.In his work,Shangri-la is not only a place enriched with snow-capped mountains,valleys,and splendid monasteries,but also one sprinkled with tranquilizing lakes surrounded by deep forests,sweet prairies.  相似文献   

Looking from the high ground in downtown Lhoka,the Yarlung Zangbo River can be seen from afar.The golden sandy land along the river is covered with a large stretch of woods.The leaves are so lush,the river so mighty,and the mountains in the distance so picturesque that any observer would feel as if time had stood still.  相似文献   

我相信人有第六感觉,缘自于将要别离拉萨的那些天。那年夏天,部队批准我转业后,该辞行的领导和朋友都见到了,只是在干里外的吉隆沟边防上度过的那段时光总闪现在心头,脑海里不时出现在那里曾相识的一位藏族姑娘的影子。焦渴着能见上她一面,但时间有限,又千里之遥,交通极不方便,恐怕是难于见面了。怀着一腔烦闷,我天天穿着便装在八廊街烧香拜佛转经的人群中东游西逛。在拿到回内地的机票,就要离开拉萨的前一天中午,我鬼使神差地直奔西  相似文献   

麻麻门巴民族乡位于西藏自治区山南市错那县城南部40公里处,是西藏9个人口较少民族乡之一。全乡总面积82.7平方公里,平均海拔2800米。麻麻村是麻麻乡唯一的行政村,也是乡政府所在地,共106户304人,其中门巴族110人、藏族194人。2018年底,麻麻乡实现全部脱贫,脱贫群众全部实现"两不愁、三保障"目标。2020年,全乡农村经济总收入538.4万元,人均纯收入20342元,主要收入来源为经营性收入、运输、务工和政策性收入。  相似文献   

按照藏族人名的称呼习惯,他们通常被简称为旺加和多吉。因此,被人误称为“旺加多吉”先生,对扎西旺加和次仁多吉两人来说早已见怪不惊。毕竟他俩的名字并列出现在纪录片字幕摄影栏的次数太多,连读起来还真顺口得像一个藏族人的名字。但事实上,两人的名字并列在一起的时间远远超出字幕的范畴。从1975年小学三年级起,这种并列、共存甚至互生的关系。就一路伴随他们从家乡日喀则到拉萨到北京,再一起重踏《郑和下西洋》的航线,《走进非洲》,《极地跨越》,进入到《文明之路》中。用超过和父母、老婆相处的时间在一起,本身就是旺加和多吉——这对中国纪录片摄影界内绝无仅有的藏族“双子星”——的真实写照之一。  相似文献   

An entrepreneur has created a new Tibetan perfume brand in Tibet,and she expects to help more people under critical economic conditions with part of the profit.Unlike many young Tibetans longing for a stable job in the public sector after graduating from college,Lhasa entrepreneur Dawa Drolma is living out her dream.  相似文献   

The Gatod Alley, located atthe junction of the BarkorSouth Street and BarkorWest Street, is one of eight extendedalleys around the Barkor Street. Thisalley is surrounded by clothing stallsand could easily be ignored if onedidn't pay close attention.  相似文献   

<正>仲夏,碧波荡漾之中,我们再见那一个美丽的童话。或许你曾亲历;或许你曾幻想;或许你曾期待。那么如今我们就跟随摄影家的镜头,重温、重拾那一段美好的童年。看一看那丑小鸭如何在天鹅妈妈的亲手教学下,学会在那碧绿的湖面上划出那一个个美丽的水波。  相似文献   

<正>2012年夏天,百余名中国女摄影家来到蓬莱中柏京鲁船业有限公司,将镜头对准生产中的船舶和忙碌中的船厂工人。焊花飞舞,工人们把坚硬的钢板和钢支架融化,造就船的龙骨、甲板、外壳……一艘艘的大船从这里诞生,准备接受江海河流的检验。拍摄之余,女摄影家们也频频向船厂工人们问好,在他们小憩的时候和他们聊天,了解他们的工作、生活情况。尽管当天的气温到达32摄氏度,但工人兄弟们依然在镜头前流露着笑容。这次采风是"中国百名女摄影家走进蓬莱摄影采风暨研修  相似文献   

SoinamZholma,motherofthelatelothPanchenErdeni,receivedanunexpectedphonecallthisspring,whenshewasattendingtheannualNationalPoliticalConsultativeConferenceinBejing.ThecallsaidthatanuniversityteachernamedZhangHongwouldvisither.SoinamZholma,81,couldn'trecalle…  相似文献   

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