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正Incense Production,a Living Fossil of the Culture of Ancient Tibetan Crafts With the heavy ears of highland barley waving in the field and the cool,pure air filled with the fragrance of incense,this village renowned for its incense production emerged in the middle of a valley.The village is called Thonda,the river the Thonchu,and it is located in Thonpa Township,Nyemo County,within Tibet Autonomous Region.Thonda Village is known as the hometown of Thonmi Sambhota,an  相似文献   

Black yak-hair tents used to be ubiquitous on the QinghaiTibet Plateau and were once considered the most important symbol of Tibetan pastoralism.They dotted the grasslands beautifully,especially in summer,standing out in verdant valleys and on hillside slopes.  相似文献   

The first appointment I had with Penpa Pendok was at Jokhang Temple Square.Though we had never met,I could still tell that the lady dressed in brown Tibetan clothes and with a stylish handbag had to be my interviewee of the day.I gathered this by the way she walked,full of confidence and energy,just like her voice when we talked over the phone.  相似文献   

西藏中部的尼木和直贡等地生产的藏香经过最后两到三天的晾晒程序便可以包装出售了,它汲取山水的灵性,收藏了全世界最纯净的阳光,蕴含着雪域高原最单纯的芬芳,无声地向世人诉说着藏族人民传之千年的虔诚信仰。  相似文献   

从汽车抛锚在藏北草原的那一刻,以至五十多年后到今天我回忆起来,始终认为那个夜晚是我人生中最黑暗也最郁闷的一夜.当然也是我温馨地享受藏汉民族深情厚爱的一夜.如果用伸手不见五指来形容那晚的漆黑和阴森,显然太轻描淡写了.我和助手昝义成共同的感觉是,我们掉进了深不见底的深井里,成为随时都可能漂走或沉没的浮在水面的木桶.嵌进骨髓里的可怕孤独把我们逼到黑暗的深处,绝望的境地.  相似文献   

Every winter,tourists to Tibet make sure to allow time in their itineraries to observe the flocks of black-necked cranes in Lhundrup County,Lhasa City.Often,blacknecked cranes fly from the prairie of Nagqu to the valley of Lhasa River during the winter months and then fly away once spring comes.Their annual appearance thus adds significant charm to an already mesmerizing snow-covered highland.  相似文献   

The book Lost Horizon,written by British writer James Hilton,widely broadcasted the name of Shangri-la to the world.In his work,Shangri-la is not only a place enriched with snow-capped mountains,valleys,and splendid monasteries,but also one sprinkled with tranquilizing lakes surrounded by deep forests,sweet prairies.  相似文献   

Shalu Monastery is one of the most famous Tibetan Buddhist monasteries and is seated in Gyatso Shong Township of Shigatse Municipality in the Tibet Autonomous Region.The monastery is rich in murals that total over a thousand square meters in wall space,putting on display a fine example of Tibetan Buddhist mural art from the Yuan dynasty.  相似文献   

In the late 1990 s,I participated in several trips conducted by the Northern Tibet No Man's Land Scientific Expedition Team as the team reporter.The northern part of the Tibet Autonomous Region is known as Changtang in Tibetan,which means open spaces in the north.State-sponsored scientific expeditions have been conducted there since the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949.  相似文献   

With the Tibet Autonomous Region's increasing efforts and initiatives to protect wildlife in recent years,the Tibetan antelope population in Tibet has increased from around 50,000 in the 1990s to over 200,000 today.The number of Tibetan wild donkeys has increased from around 50,000 to around 90,000.The number of black-necked cranes has increased from less than 3,000 to around 8,000.The number of wild yaks has increased to around 10,000.Populations of snow leopards,rock sheep and other wild animals have also seen a marked recovery.  相似文献   

LotsofpeopleinLhasaarediscussingstocksthesedays.Thishappensnotonlyathome.butalsointeahouses.Indeed,theflourishingstockmarkethasgiventheremotecitymorevigorandvitality.Recently,IpaidavisittoDengCanandWangQiyun-leadingoffcialswiththeLhasaSecuritiesOfficeoftheTibetTrustandlnvestmentCorp.Bothwerebusyreceivingphonecalls,whichofteninterruptedtheinterview.WeenteredthestockmarketnerwusIy,saidDeng,whoisthedeputygeneraImanageroftheLhasaoffce.LhasaisthrbehindothercitiesinChinainterlllsofopel1ne…  相似文献   

去年八月正值拉萨的旅游旺季,我与韩新刚一起在八廓街的深巷中闲逛,期间我们信处走进一家经营藏式家具的店铺,当中的几件“老”家具引起了这个在阿里地区从事了二十几年文化艺术工作的画家的兴趣。  相似文献   

在新中国历史发展的不同阶段上,毛泽东、陈云和邓小平对计划和市场的理论与实践进行了不断的探索和创新,20世纪50年代末60年代初毛泽东关于社会主义商品生产的理论,70年代末和80年代初陈云关于社会主义计划经济与市场调节相结合的理论,70年代末至90年代初邓小平关于社会主义也可以搞市场经济的理论,都极大地丰富和发展了马克思主义,展现了我国从社会主义商品生产到社会主义计划经济和市场调节相结合再到社会主义市场经济的理论发展轨迹。  相似文献   

到目前为止,河北地区已公开发表的完整汉代熏炉共有34件,根据形制特征可分为普通型熏炉和博山炉两类,具体又可分为若干型式。根据熏炉的时代及类型学分析结果,河北地区出土汉代熏炉的发展可分为西汉早期、西汉中期、西汉晚期至东汉早期、东汉中晚期四个阶段。其中,西汉早期已出现陶质普通型熏炉;西汉中期以后,铜质博山炉蓬勃发展,陶质普通型熏炉趋于衰落;西汉晚期到东汉,陶质熏炉卷土重来,在数量上远超铜质熏炉。这一发展趋势与统治阶层的需求、熏香习俗的发展、社会信仰的变化等有密切关联。此外,河北地区的汉代熏炉还呈现出集中出土于中南部地区的特点,这与地区间自然环境及考古工作开展程度的差异有一定的关系。  相似文献   

本认为西突厥分裂为附唐与附蕃的两大政权系统乃是噶尔家族专国吐蕃、同唐朝激烈争夺西域的历史产物,这些政权的盛衰嬗递虽不像唐朝所册的西突厥可汗那样脉络清楚,但也同样断续相承,基本上与噶尔家族的兴亡相始终,构成唐、蕃西域角逐的重要内容。  相似文献   

国红 《收藏家》2009,(7):45-47
1995年发掘的永州鹞子岭2号墓,出土了许多精美的器物,《考古》2004年第1期发表了该墓的发掘报告,其中一件铜熏炉经过修复之后,特别引人注目。这是西汉末期泉陵侯刘庆之妻的随葬之物(图1)。  相似文献   

从可可西里到羌塘高原,是一个巨大的野生动物王国。栖息着30多种青藏高原特有的珍稀动物。其中以藏羚的家族最为繁茂。二十余年前,是藏羚的鼎盛期,这里曾生存着十万只以上的藏羚。它们在蓝天白云之下,在无垠的荒原上自由地觅食,生生不息。藏羚,俗称藏羚羊,属中型牛科动物。体形高大健美,皮毛色泽淡雅,一双大眼明亮温柔。雄羚有一对长约60厘米的角,两角长得一模一样,质地坚实如铁,似两把有环棱的黑色宝剑。侧面看时,两角合为一角,因此,自古藏羚又名“独角兽”。最为奇特的是鼻翼根部和腋窝生有囊状物,也叫风袋。藏羚奔跑时,风袋能鼓起,使藏羚…  相似文献   

上世纪50年代及其以前,川水地区春耕播种结束后,农民们将耕牛寄托给南北二山脑山地区的藏族乡亲放牧.放牧的工钱一般是每头牛每年2升约30斤左右粮食。待夏秋收开始时,经过三个月左右时间放牧,牛已膘肥体壮,便由牛主人赶回家秋翻。其余老牛、小牛,在农历八月十五前由放牧人统一赶回分送各牛主,顺便收取放牧工钱(粮食)。  相似文献   

宋元时期,随着藏区农牧业、手工业的发展及藏区对外贸易的发展,藏区内部已经出现比较成熟完善的民族市场,个别地区的商业集市繁荣,商品种类相当丰富,在市场的分布、从商人员等方面都极具特色。  相似文献   

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