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Ngaco was born into an ordinary herder's family in Chengzhang Village, Yajiang County, Garze Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province, in 1969. When he reached the age of five, his father packed his satchel and sent him to a school where he eventually served as a teacher. The minute he sat down in his classroom, the boy showed strong interest in study. He became so good that he could tell stories to fellow villagers within two years.As the school was only in a position  相似文献   

On the morning of May 16th in the Village of Jarlama, in the Township Village of Achok in the County of Hongyuan, our interview team finally found Professor Tang Cheng and his team members. They are experts on veterinary medicine from the School of Life Sciences and Technology in theSouthwest University for Nationalities. Threes days before, Professor Tang Cheng received a call from the prairie to Chengdu Campus and was told that a group of yak calves had diarrhea. As soon as he put down the phone, Professor Tang began to organize his students, packed experimental equipment for them, and drove for the highland. Before we arrived at Hongyuan, they had been working on the plateau for two days.  相似文献   

<正>Ngabo Ngawang Jigme was one of the most outstanding contributors to the cause of democratic reform in Tibet.On hearing the news of his passing,Sonam Gelek, deputy,director of the Committee on Ethnic and Religious Affairs of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference of the Tibet Autonomous Region,felt at his wit's end.His voice trembled as he said:"We Tibetans have lost our most excellent son.This is a major loss to our undertakings as well as a loss to the cause of ethnic affairs.I couldn't control my sadness."  相似文献   

<正>Namei Village is situated at the northern part of the famous attraction located in Tibet known as Lake Namtso,and it is4,800 meters above sea-level.Yumtan Sangpo,a 23-year-old young man came here to work in the village for over haIf a year.On the day of the interview,Yumtan put on his special blue down jacket and commented that this was a formal activity.He usually kept on his Tibetan robe every day and  相似文献   

Kongsa Yedog, originally named Yexei Dorje, was born into a common farming family in Gyangze County of the Xigaze area in 1916. In his teens, he was taken into the Tashilhungpo Monastery by his monk uncle to study Tibetan language and sutras, studying together with several older male apprentices under an old lama. One year later, Yexei Dorje passed the examinations to become a real Zhaba of the monastery. One morning, the atmosphere in Tashilhungpo Monastery was hushed, and the curious Y…  相似文献   

<正>Farmers and herdsmen,after a busy year bringing in the harvest, turn their attention to domestic issues such as maintenance and the rebuilding and redecoration of their houses...in other words,they just want to make their homes comfortable as they prepare to face winter. To blacksmith Sonam Wangdu,this is his busiest season.Almost everyday he leaves home at sunrise and returns at dusk. White clouds wander across the sky while the trees are rustling in the breeze. They seem to be chatting with Sonam Wangdu,sharing his happiness in the substantial changes in the status of blacksmiths since the peaceful liberation of Tibet.In any case,his is a special trade in Tibet.  相似文献   

Body Rainbow     
Chapter Four The next morning, Phubu was awoken up by a group of monkeys fighting over peas and barley in the field. It was broad daylight. The long calls of the so-called "slow birds" came from afar. Phubu looked over to the bed to check on Phnmo and saw her sitting cross-legged and chanting sutras. Phumo saw him get up, so she got off the bed, took out a handful of dried apricots, opened the door, and threw them to the monkeys who, instead of running away when they saw her, came up to her chattering. Fearing that they would climb up and steal things, Phubu drew them away. The morning sun rose from the mountains by the Nujiang River in the east. After a good night's sleep, Phumo felt much better and had a nice breakfast. After the sun had reached the whole valley, they set out. Phubu carefully dowsed the fire in the stove and cleaned the Tsampa crumbs off the stove. He made sure everything was in order before leaving after fastening the door to prevent those cunning monkeys from entering and making a mess there. Having finished this, Phubu then put the ladder away in the barn on the ground floor to shield it from sun and rain, put the bags on his back and ran after Phumo. Other than a short fur jacket, Phubu was dressed in modern Chinese-style clothes that were more convenient for walking, but Phumo did not want to give up her a cumbersome long dress. Phubu was determined to make her put on the pants he prepared for her once they reach the paved road, otherwise when they start prostrating, she would most likely trip over her long dress, and bave a nasty fall. Phubu soon caught up with Phumo. She walked rather briskly through the forest with a stick picked up from by the road. They breathed in deeply the fresh air of the forest in the morning.., and gained strength from it. Phumo said, "Now I'm feeling much better. I want to start prostrating." Phubu objected, "Wait a minute. Haven't we already agreed on it? We don't prostrate on Dosenla Mountain. The mountaintop is covered with snow now. It is hard to find a spot to spend the night up there. We'd better get to the township today." Phumo thought for a while, and agreed. They crossed the forest and climbed up to an alpine meadow. On a gentle slope facing the sun, lots of marmots were standing straight, basking in the sunshine. When the two of them got close, the marmots quickly jumped back into their burrows. Phumo and Phubu carefully avoided the holes on the snow-covered ground, and reached the mountaintop. Dosenla Mountain has a long ridge. The peak in the east is called Dosen and the one sitting five kilometres to the west is Doshong. Once they were on Dosen, a strong west wind blew straight at them. Phumo staggered, Phubu held her, and they rested in the sheltered side by the Mani stones on the peak. Phubu took out his thermos, a gift from a Chinese friend of his in Lhasa. He poured hot tea into the cap, and they enjoyed the heart-warming drink. Phumo took out the prayer banners from their luggage and was about to hang them with other prayer banners on the peak. Phubu stopped her, "We'll be passing by many mountains. If you start hanging them now, we won't have enough for later." "I'll leave them at the right places. There's no such thing as 'not enough'." Phumo replied. Phubu had no choice but to help Phumo hang the banners in the strong wind. "Let's not hang the wind-horse banners here, at least wait until we get to Doshong."Phubu said. "OK."Phumo strode forth. The small path from Dosen to Doshong winds along the high mountain ridge. If looked at from afar, Phumo and Phubu were like two moving exclamation marks. Then some ellipsis points appeared behind them. Those were the three sons of Gar Phuntsok of Sengo Village. They went up the mountain to collect logs, and were now coming back down. They were going to build new houses in the winter. "A hard trip, isn't it?" said Sonam, Gar Phuntsok's eldest son, when he caught up with them. Phubu didn't react, so Phumo answered in haste, "No problem" Not knowing what else to say, she asked, "Carrying logs" "Yep," Sonam said, "Patri and his company have gone for over two months. What kept you so long" Sonam and his brothers had been working at their county seat; they did not know what was going on in the village. "We just finished the farm work at home." Phumo replied. Sonata and his brothers were famous for their good looks in the village. They got that from their beautiful mother. Sonam used to be Phumo's childhood sweetheart, a fact the narrow-minded Phubu had never let go. The Sonam brothers were all married and had children now, but rumour had it that they were getting a divorce, because their wife was a tough woman who ran a tight ship  相似文献   

Editor‘s Note: Dorje Zhaxi in Garze Prefecture, Sichuan Province,used to be the living Buddha of the Zuqen Monastery, number two monastery of the Nyingma Sect. But he didn‘t reside in the monastery,instead spending his time in the Tagong Grassland helping his welfare school and Buddhist institutes. People call him “Living Buddha Dorje Zhaxi”.  相似文献   

In 1966,Ngawang Dorje served successively as a military lieutenant,party secretary of the district,subprefect and vice director of the People's Congress of the county.He is adept in agricultural production.Having formally retired,he was again reemployed by the county government to work in the agricultural development office of the county until finally retiring today.At present,he is living in his house located at Gyantse County in a comfortable and relaxed old age.  相似文献   

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