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古代唐卡是我国藏族文化遗产中的璀璨瑰宝。但是,由于唐卡制作不留创作年代和作者姓名,因此古代唐卡的断代分期成了收藏者最为棘手的问题。包头博物馆馆藏有118幅唐卡,为了准确地给这批唐卡分期断代,包头博物馆专业人员在查阅大量唐卡资料的基础上,根据这批唐卡的来源、藏传佛教与蒙古地区发生关系的时代,以及唐卡自身绘画特征的变化等特征进行分析,最后确定了每幅唐卡的作画年代。包头博物馆现藏的这批唐卡,是1978年由包头文物管理处从废品收购站抢救收购的。“文革”期间,这批珍贵唐卡被“红卫兵”破“四旧”从包头及附近的寺庙抄走后,堆…  相似文献   

查拉路甫石窟寺开凿于松赞干布时期,是早到西藏吐蕃王朝早期的石窟.有“吐蕃第一窟”之美誉。窟内古老的石刻造像,具有较高的历史和艺术价值。它不仅为西藏众多的摩崖造像、泥塑像、壁画,唐卡等提供了断代依据.而且极大丰富了我国石窟艺术,是全面认识我国石窟艺术面貌的重要材料。  相似文献   

文萱 《收藏家》2011,(6):82-82
“莲生妙相——青海唐卡艺术精品展”于5月10日至7月11日在北京恭王府展出,向参观者展现青海热贡唐卡独特的藏文化艺术风格。本次展览集聚了45位唐卡艺术大师的112幅作品,包括手绘唐卡(红唐、黑唐、金唐、彩唐)、堆绣唐卡、刺绣唐卡、掐丝唐卡、剪纸唐卡、珍珠唐卡等多种艺术形式,展品构图精炼,造型生动,线条细腻,色彩丰富,风格华丽。除作品展示外,  相似文献   

介绍两幅明清唐卡   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
唐卡为藏语,意即用彩缎织物装裱的卷轴画,具有鲜明的民族特色、浓郁的宗教色彩和独特的艺术风格。唐卡的质地是多种多样的,多数是在布面、纸面和绢面上进行彩绘,也有刺绣、织锦、缂丝和贴花的织物唐卡。绘画唐卡多为西藏的作品,织物唐卡则大部分在内地制作。这里介绍两幅明、清时代内地制作的织物唐卡。  相似文献   

邹海鹰  王磊义 《内蒙古文物考古》2006,(1):100-102,图版六
唐卡是藏传佛教特有的一种绘画作品,具有浓郁的民族和宗教色彩,留传至今已有一千多年的历史。这种原以藏族画工为主体的绘画艺术,在明代之后伴随着藏传佛教传入,随着寺院的建立和兴起,为蒙古族接受和学习,同时也更加丰富了唐卡艺术的内涵。蒙古语称唐卡为“布斯吉如格”。当时蒙古族画工或僧人也为寺院绘制壁画、唐卡,但这些绘画由于没有题记和不署作者之名,所以很难区分是哪个民族所绘。五当召是内蒙古地区最大的藏传佛教寺院,各殿堂现存唐卡466幅。时代多为清代,也有部分为民国时期所绘。这些唐卡有西藏高僧赠送本召活佛的精美之作,有青海…  相似文献   

2014年4月16日“娘本唐卡艺术展”在中国国家博物馆展出。娘本先生是国家级非物质文化遗产项目“热贡艺术”的代表性传承人,此次其展出他A9658~唐卡作品和绘制唐卡使用的矿物质颜料及工具,并纳入藏传佛教的知识和唐卡技艺的田野调查,立体生动地展现了这门古老技艺的神秘与魅力。  相似文献   

<正>"中国唐卡系列丛书"是文物出版社首次大范围、系统性推出的展示、研究唐卡的最新成果作品集。《中国唐卡》精选了藏区六大画派的代表性唐卡,其中大部分是画派创始人的亲笔画及画派所属寺庙的镇寺之宝。《匝嘎利》共收匝嘎利3000余幅,风格多样。《噶玛噶孜画派唐卡》收录了10余位噶举派高僧、上师的300余幅作品,系统展示了该派经典唐卡。《新概念唐卡》收录唐卡170余幅,作者用装饰性、象征性的符号、法器等来表达深奥的佛学内涵,突破了传统唐卡的思维定式,画风自由开  相似文献   

藏品介绍 这是一套12张“莲花生大士圣迹”,清朝早期作品,已具有明显的汉藏绘画技法融合的特征,其中汉族青碧山水的构图,画法已经与传统的唐卡技法完美地融合在了一起。这套匝尕反映了清朝早期汉藏文化之间往来的密切。藏族传统文化中,莲花生大师被认为是观世音菩萨的化身,  相似文献   

<正>有清一代,由于历任统治者对藏传佛教的崇奉和汉藏两地交流的日趋频繁,使藏传佛教在北京地区得到大力弘扬,西藏地区独有的绘画艺术形式——唐卡艺术也随之在京城蓬勃开展。这些在北京地区绘制的唐卡作品除了部分由内务府造办处所制作的御制唐卡作品外,绝大多数来自于北京地区的藏传佛教寺院及寺院周边画坊。其艺术风格具有鲜明的北京地方特色,被后世众多专家学者冠以"北京风格"的称呼。北京风格唐卡艺术属于西藏勉萨艺术风格的范畴,其艺术规范来自于清代宫廷风格唐卡艺术,与宫廷风格唐卡艺  相似文献   

<正>唐卡唐卡也叫唐嘎、唐喀,系藏文音译,指用彩缎装裱后悬挂供奉的宗教卷轴画。唐卡是藏族文化中一种独具特色的绘画艺术形式,题材内容涉及藏族的历史、政治、文化和社会生活等诸多领域,传世唐卡大都是藏传佛教和本教作品。该唐卡采用传统的盘金绣工艺。盘金绣汉族刺绣传统针法,主要运用于苏绣。条纹绣的一种。是平金绣的简化,作装饰绣品,起美化与调  相似文献   

The reconstruction of the history of a building represents a difficult task, as written information is not usually available or incomplete. Some building materials (e.g., bricks, wood) have been classically used for absolute dating while on others has been considered unreliable (e.g., stone). However, developments and tests performed in the last 20 years have shown important advances on the use of such methods, increasing the possibilities of successful reconstruction of building chronologies, although most of these advances are still scarcely known by the community involved in the site management (e.g., archaeologists, architects). Both, radiocarbon and luminescence dating have been the most successful techniques but others, such as archaeomagnetism, can also be used. Even, some important events such as fires could be dated. The purpose of this work is to provide an overview of the last achievements of absolute dating techniques available in building materials.  相似文献   

A comparative study is made of the thermoluminescence (TL) of terracottas of the Renaissance era and some known limitations of such ware dating to the middle of the last century. The data shows that conclusions on authenticity of an unknown work can be reliably obtained using this scientific method. Also examples are presented of accurate dating of genuine terracottas despite a lack of knowledge about the environmental circumstances of each piece's archaeological past.  相似文献   

F. C. Lukis 《考古杂志》2013,170(1):222-232
Bishop's Waltham Palace, one of the most important residences of the bishopric of Winchester, was transformed by two of the most powerful of its later medieval bishops, Wykeham and Beaufort (1367–1447). The exceptional quality of the bishopric records enables us to trace the chronology of the progress of work with considerable accuracy and requires revision of the conventional dating of the buildings. The records also provide a great deal of information about the craftsmen and architects involved and about the building materials and their sources. Beaufort's new lodgings range still possesses much of the original timber framing of its eastern chambers, and this together with its accurate dating has warranted separate treatment.

Note on dating The accounting year ran from Michaelmas to Michaelmas (29 September), and I have dated work by the year in which this closed. Most of the building season would therefore be recorded in the account for the same calendar year, but any late autumn work would be found in the following year's account.  相似文献   

Bone collagen is a well-characterized and generally robust protein that plays a key role in both radiometric dating and stable isotopic reconstruction of paleodiet. To be useful for such purposes, however, analyzed collagen must be relatively taphonomically unaltered. To date, little research has been conducted to document the taphonomic fate of bone collagen from archaeological sites in the tropics. In the present work, a large (n = 298) dataset of archaeological bone samples from sites on the island of Puerto Rico is examined by means of radiometric, chemical, and elemental analyses. The ultimate conclusion of this work is that while collagen loss may be accelerated in the tropics versus that seen in samples from higher latitudes, what collagen remains is typically sufficiently well-preserved and taphonomically unaltered as to make radiocarbon dating and/or stable isotopic analysis worthwhile.  相似文献   

The present study aims to identify the timing of the Huashan Grottoes' excavations using the lichenometric dating method. A total of 96 maximum inscribed circle diameters of Rhizocarpon geographicum growing on the ancient architectures and the walls of entrances are measured in the Huashan Grottoes area of southern Anhui, East China. The results show that the period of the grottoes' excavation is estimated to be 450–335 yr BP, or the middle and late Ming Dynasty (1552–1667 AD). The lichenometric dating results are also validated by a lithologic comparison of the grottoes and the surrounding ancient architectures, as well as by the studies on the historical documents and the fragments of ancient porcelain in the grottoes. Furthermore, we infer that the excavation of the inner grottoes might have lasted till the Qing Dynasty (1636–1912 AD), because the lichens chosen for dating are mainly at the grottoes' entrances. The wider significance of this work is that it demonstrates, for the first time, lichenometric dating can be applied in the historical studies on the ancient architectures in East China with a relatively warm and humid climate.  相似文献   

Reviews of Books     

The absolute chronology of the agricultural soil from organic matter has always been difficult to measure due to several reasons. In our work on the Prehispanic agriculture in the Calchaqui Valley – Argentina, however, an absolute chronology is necessary to distinguish the Inca prevalence of the previous agricultural structure. Instead of looking for a new dating methodology, we have used the 14C method trying to eliminate the error sources typical of soils. Thus, we have dated new types of agricultural structures, with the assumption that they would have worked as archaeological “seals”. In the present paper we show that the dating of the beginning of the use of the Prehispanic agricultural systems has been successful.  相似文献   

In 1998 a wreck in the Stockholm archipelago of the Baltic Sea came to the attention of the maritime archaeological community. It seemed to have cog-like characteristics, although opinions about its building tradition were initially divided. Subsequent survey and dating analysis not only established that this was a medieval, cog-like vessel but that it is relatively early. Its find spot, however, is consistent with medieval trading enterprise. This paper summarizes the results of the work to date and raises questions for future research.  相似文献   

夏商周断代工程与夏商考古学文化研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨育彬 《华夏考古》2002,(2):101-106
学习和了解自己的历史是每个国家的共同追求。中华文明是人类历史上少有的独立起源的古代文明之一 ,绵延流传 ,从未中断 ,世所罕见。无论是战乱、暴政或外族入侵及水旱灾疫 ,都未能阻止中华文明的持续发展和进步。历史的长河培育了伟大的民族精神 ,造就了民族的伦理道德 ,形成了强大的民族凝聚力。数千年来 ,我们的祖国虽然经过多次分裂 ,继之而来的是又一次的大统一。但中国历史还缺少夏商周以前和夏商周大部分的确切年代 ,我国古书记载的上古确切年代 ,只能依照司马迁的《史记·十二诸侯年表》追溯到西周共和元年即公元前 84 1年 ,再往上…  相似文献   

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