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1874年,日本借“牡丹社事件”武装侵台,清政府派沈葆桢负责处理台湾事务.在沈葆桢请求下,李鸿章派部将唐定奎率淮军13营武装保台,挫败了日本的侵略意图,并进行台湾早期“抚番”开发.在台期间,淮军共有2000余名官兵伤亡病故.为祭祀追念这些将士,清政府允准在台湾凤山修建了凤山淮军昭忠祠.  相似文献   

1874年日本侵台事件的应对,可以围绕王朝制度系统的反应,形成一种历史叙事。在这一事件应对叙事中,李鸿章不是直接责任人和主角。但围绕李鸿章的大量史料显示,这一事件发生前,淮军面临裁撤压力,海防体系也空虚无力,李鸿章充分利用日军侵台造成的危机局面,将闲居徐州的淮军精锐调往台湾海防前线,将参与西北平叛的另一支淮军精锐力量撤回沿海布防,成功实现淮军的转型。同时,利用危机,制造舆论,与总理衙门和沿海督抚一道推动以李鸿章为核心的海防体制的形成。这是李鸿章和淮军从内部平叛之战时体制向应对西方的海防体制转型的关键一步。危机利用与权力外移是晚清权力关系变动和体制变化的重要路径,而事件应对和危机利用构成的复合结构是晚清历史的特殊构造,需要将外部视角和内部视角结合来观察和研究。  相似文献   

翁飞 《江淮文史》2005,(1):80-92
随着《台湾首任巡抚刘铭传》在央视一套的热播,淮军名将刘铭传与淮军统帅李鸿章之间的特殊亲密关系,再一次引起了人们的关注。那么,他们两人之间到底是一种什么样的历史渊源呢?  相似文献   

李鸿章自1862年率淮军入沪镇压太平军,旋出任江苏巡抚、署理两江总督,1870年后又充任直隶总督兼北洋通商大臣、主持清廷外交长达20多年,他与外国人的联系相比较于其他地方督抚而言更直接而且持久。因此,聚集在他身边的以备遇事顾问的洋员数目也相对较多。本文试图通过对李鸿章身边洋顾问活动、经历的分析,来探讨洋顾问对李鸿章所产生的影响,以及李鸿章如何处理与这些特殊人员的关系。不揣愚陋,愿以此就正于方家。  相似文献   

胡汉辉 《中华遗产》2006,(2):144-144
1862年春天,李鸿章率领一支8000多人的淮军浩浩荡荡地开进了上海。淮军士兵们腿上穿着“布袋裤”,身上穿着杂色棉袄,头上扎着花布巾,脚上穿着草芒鞋,肩膀上还扛着大抬枪、火绳枪和弓箭。这一队军容奇特的淮军行走在上海滩的大街上,引来市民的争相围  相似文献   

通过对19世纪60年代淮军的产生和发展历史的回顾,追溯保定淮军公所的修建历史及沿革,介绍其建筑布局、建筑功能及建筑特点,论述了这组建筑的历史、文化内涵及对其进行保护修复的必要性。  相似文献   

晚清桐城派代表人物吴汝纶,将自己与李鸿章的关系定位为"不深不浅",实为李鸿章不在幕的幕僚。他既依庇于李鸿章,参与政事,谋求自存与发展,又与其保持距离,在一定程度上保留了传统士大夫文人特立独行的姿态。甲午战争前后,吴汝纶为淮军昭忠祠作记,为程学启、张树声等淮军将领撰写墓志铭,肯定淮军平内御外的功绩及其在军队近代化方面所做的贡献。李鸿章去世前后,世人对其多有毁谤,吴汝纶积极为李鸿章编辑文集,撰写神道碑、事略等,对其一生功绩予以表彰。吴汝纶通过古文创作,树立李鸿章及淮军的正面形象,对人们全面评价李鸿章及淮军具有积极意义。  相似文献   

方英 《安徽史学》2011,(6):95-103
淮军是晚清时期一支重要的武装力量,也是清代军事体制从传统向近代转化过程中承先启后的一种重要组织形式。本文从六个方面简要介绍了淮军的研究状况,指出了既有研究中存在的问题及今后应该关注的方向,并就如何利用好淮军历史文化资源提出了建议。  相似文献   

晚清时期,曾国藩、李鸿章先后创建湘军和淮军,在变动激烈、色彩斑斓的中国近代政局中,湘军和淮军以不同凡响的姿态,深刻影响并推动了中国近代历史发展的进程。由于地缘的关系,曾国藩、李鸿章重用提携了一大批湖湘、庐州的将才士人,涌现出了曾国荃、胡林翼、左宗棠、彭玉麟、刘铭传、刘秉章、丁汝昌等一大批或因镇压农民起义,或因浴血抵御外侮,或因倡导和实践洋务运动而知名的历史人物。他们对清朝的政局产生了很大的影响,并成为一种独特的文化现象。  相似文献   

刘秉璋是清末淮军名将之一,是李鸿章的得力干将。与淮军其他将领不同,他好学尚文,亦武亦文,具有浓厚的读书与学术兴趣。刘秉璋的学术思考,呈现出了鲜明的时代特点:汉、宋兼采,今、古不拘,并接受西学之影响。刘秉璋深受曾国藩青睐,显然与其尚文爱好有关。考察刘秉璋这一个案,亦有助于认识晚清军政集团淮军所特有的精神气质。  相似文献   

在中国近代史上,李秉衡是起过重要作用的一位历史人物,尤其在庚子事变中千里勤王,以至身殁殉国,身后寂寞,而谤亦随之。通过对他一生最后阶段的事迹考订,可祛除既有认知中的迷思成分,厘清他与清朝中央、东南督抚及义和团之间多种关系,也可由其个案观察晚清政治的时代相。李秉衡心怀报效之忱,反对侵略而力主战议,在因应时变的策略上,与李鸿章、张之洞等东南督抚明显拉开距离。忠君爱国确为其思想本质,庇拳仇洋则未必是历史事实。近代中国在与西方相遇后,被迫打开国门,由于新旧两股力量长期拼力撕扯,人心国力的凝聚反而变得不可得。李秉衡的身后是非不仅反映其个人所处的困境,其实也折射了时代的复杂性。  相似文献   

宋德金 《史学集刊》2004,3(4):82-87
忠孝是中国古代伦理的重要内容 ,中国传统文化的组成部分。契丹、女真早期本无忠孝观念。辽金建立后 ,随着社会的发展 ,儒学的传播 ,统治者的倡导 ,民族的融合等 ,忠孝观念逐渐形成和发展起来。忠孝在辽金及后来元人那里 ,超越了民族、地区和国别的畛域 ,人们对外族、邻国、敌国乃至前朝的忠臣孝子同样表现出尊重和崇敬。 1 0 - 1 3世纪 ,忠孝已成为汉、契丹、女真、蒙古等各民族一致认同的伦理道德观念和行为规范 ,从而体现了中国传统文化的历史继承性和强大凝聚力。  相似文献   


This article looks at the history and development of the ways in which the people of Essex and East London have, at all levels, commemorated those who served and died in the First World War. It covers a wide range of material to investigate social and political responses to the War Memorial. It examines personal and communal memorialising and acts of remembrance in the past and present. Next, official and military forms of commemoration are considered, including those of the local councils and the Essex Regiment and other associated groups. The issue of the community in commemoration is examined in depth. It provides evidence from a large number of differing sites. Finally, reflections on the validity of this study, and the broader implications for archaeology and society as a whole are discussed.  相似文献   

This article utilises a case study of the Wilberforce Memorial School for the Blind in York to argue for a more nuanced approach to the history of residential schooling. The early date of the school highlights both the novelty and ambition of its programme. The school's management and the opportunities it offered its pauper and working-class intake contradict the view of the institution as a site of social oppression. Nonetheless considerations of class, gender and funding are seen as dictating and circumscribing the curriculum. The role of the school in educating the wider public concerning the blind and their capabilities is also discussed.  相似文献   

《唐长安佛寺考》是研究唐长安佛教寺院的一篇力作,该文考定唐长安城及其近郊佛教寺院共有200多所,此论在学界颇有影响。然而,该文所列唐长安佛寺中,重复、错讹现象较多。本文利用佛教典籍和历史文献等相关史料,辨析订正其舛误20余则。  相似文献   

为了更好地对纺织品文物进行保护修复,在系统学习布兰迪现代修复理论的基础上,尝试运用意大利的纺织品文物保护方法和技术对承德市外八庙管理处的一件黄绸花袈裟进行保护和修复.历经除尘、清洗、干燥、染色和加固等处理过程,着重介绍用意大利方法对白色丝绸和白色丝线进行染色.经过保护修复后袈裟上的灰尘、污渍等病害基本得到清除,损坏部分得到了加固,针线缝合法保证了修复的可再处理性.  相似文献   

The Hexi Corridor is an important region of irrigated agriculture in an arid area of China. Prior to 1949, a large number of Dragon King Temples played a key role in irrigation activities in the Hexi Corridor. Since the Ming and Qing dynasties, these temples have undergone a three-stage process of evolution. They gradually evolved from sites of sacrifice and prayers for rain to become the sole embodiment of the regional hydraulic order. Beginning in the late nineteenth century, the symbolic role of the Dragon King Temples declined, and they degenerated into crucial spaces for violent contests over control of water resources in times of hydraulic crises. Finally, Dragon King Temples faded from the sociopolitical scene after the founding of the People’s Republic of China. The unique natural environment of the Hexi Corridor reduced local people’s awe of the Dragon King, yet the social environment compelled them to identify with the state. In the Ming and Qing dynasties, the state maintained its presence in local irrigation activities by introducing and promoting the cult of the Dragon King and the building of temples, which were revered as symbols of state power. With the decline of the state in modern times, local society’s worship of the Dragon King also dwindled. After the Communist regime began to exert all-around control of irrigation, Dragon King Temples were quickly replaced by the government at the grassroots level, and the cult finally disappeared as modern state power expanded.  相似文献   


This article sheds light on the entanglements of difficult heritage and digital media through an ethnographic analysis of digital photography and social media practices at the Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe in Berlin. After a discussion of the project ‘Yolocaust’, through which an artist publicly shamed the ‘selfie culture’ at the memorial, the article argues that the sweeping condemnation of digital self-representations in the context of Holocaust remembrance remains simplistic. Instead, many visitors explore and enact potential emotional relationships to the pasts that sites of difficult heritage represent through digital self-representations. This observation raises critical questions about the role of digital media in current transformations of touristic memory cultures.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to study the development of the Jewish‐Zionist national idea as expressed in the national narrative as it appeared in Israel’s mainstream press during the years 1967–97, against the background of five critical events in the Israeli collective experience as well as in the wake of the Holocaust Memorial Days. This development is studied as a case of the immanent tension between nationalism’s universalistic message and its particularistic application. The Jewish‐Zionist narrative in Israel is found to be ‘shifting’ from its particularistic towards its more universalistic pole. This development is discussed as a transition from a ‘purely national’ to a ‘post‐national’ narrative, and is positioned in its local and global contexts.  相似文献   


The Rolt Memorial Lecture for 1994 takes as its theme rural engineering works, with several of which Tom Rolt was himself involved. The article considers the location and sites of these works: their labour force: and the range of their products. It concludes with several case studies of engineering works in Hampshire and Dorset.  相似文献   

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