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1944年1月21日,澳大利亚与新西兰签订了《澳新协定》。这是西南太平洋地区两个重要的英联邦国家之间签订的有关区域安全与社会发展的合作协定。该协定的签订有着复杂的历史成因。太平洋战争爆发后,盟国建立的对日作战磋商与合作机构以及盟国召开的一系列战略会议对澳方利益的忽视迫使澳大利亚做出反应;英国无力保障太平洋地区英联邦国家的安全,为澳新两国承担这一地区的防御既提供了动力,又创造了条件;澳新在西南太平洋地区存在的特殊利益必然要限制美国对这一地区的影响;而在澳大利亚看来,与新西兰的合作是保障西南太平洋区域安全以及促进该地区经济和社会发展的关键所在。在这些因素作用下,澳新两国把盟国的磋商机制发展成为以协定的形式来体现的双边合作机制。  相似文献   

Emin Pasha: his Life and Work. Compiled from his Letters, Journals, Scientific Notes, and from Official Documents, by Georg Schweitzer. With an Introduction by E. W. Felkin, M.D., F.B.S.E. With Portraits, Facsimiles, and Map. Translated from the German. Two vols., demy 8vo. Pp. 330 and Introduction, and 312 and Index. Price 32s.

Through Asia. By Sven Hedin. London : Methuen and Co., 1898. Two vols. Pp. 1278. Price 36s. net.

Pioneering in Formosa. Recollections of Adventures among Mandarins, Wreckers and Head‐hunting Savages. By W. A. Pickering, C.M.G. London: Hurst and Blackett, 1898. Pp. xvi + 283. Price 6s.

Wanderings in Burma. By George W. Bird (Educational Department, Burma). With Illustrations and Maps. Bournemouth : F. J. Bright and Son, 1897. Pp. iv + 410. Price 21s. net.

History of Australia. By G. W. Rusden. Second Edition. In 3 vols. Melbourne and London : Melville, Mullen, and Slade, 1897. Pp. 625, 688, and 521+xcii.

Th. Thoroddsen. Geschichte der Isländischen Geographie. Vorstellungen von Island und seiner Natur und Untersuchungen darüber in alter und neuer Zeit. Autorisierte Uebersetzung von August Gebhardt. Zweiter Band : Die islandische Geographie vom Beginne des 17. bis zur Mitte des 18. Jahrhunderts. Leipzig: B. G. Teubner, 1898. Pp. xvi + 383. Price 12 M.

Die Beste der Germanen am Schwaraen Meere. Eine Ethnologische Untersuchung von Dr. Richard Loewe. Halle : Max Niemayer, 1896. Pp. 269. Price M. 8.

Die Weltervorhersage. Eine gemeinverständliche praktische Anleitung zur Wettervorhersage auf Grundlage der Zeitungs‐Wetterkarten und Zeitungs‐Wetterberichte für alle Berufsarten. Im Auftrage der Direction der Deutschen Seewarte bearbeitet von Prof. Dr. W. J. van Bebber, Abtheilungsvorstand der Deutschen Seewarte. Mit zahlreichen Beispielen und 125 Abbildungen. Second Edition. Stuttgart: 1898. Pp. 215 and Index.

Grundzüge der Pflanzengeographie. Von F. Höck. Breslau : F. Hirt, 1897. Pp. 188. 50 Figs. 2 Maps.

Perigrinazioni Anthropologiche e Fisiche. Del Dott. Tito Vignoli. Studio Comparative) tra le Forme Organiche Naturali e le Forme Geometriche Pure. Del Prof. G. V. Schiaparelli. Milano: Ulrico Hoepli, 1898. Pp. 307. Price, L5.

Russian Hosts and English Guests in Central Asia. By J. T. Woolrych Perowne. London : The Scientific Press, Ltd., 1898.  相似文献   

The Waitangi Tribunal has been initiating major changes in New Zealand in the relationships of Maori and Pakeha. It has helped to revitalise the Treaty of Waitangi to redress Maori grievances over land, fisheries and many other matters. The paper outlines the jurisdiction, composition and procedures of the Tribunal and discusses the Treaty briefly. The Treaty and Maori rights have been given little recognition in legislation until recently and consequently little recognition by the Courts. A major decision of the Appeal Court in 1987 in relation to land held by State‐owned enterprises is discussed, leading to a consideration of the partnership principle fundamental to the Treaty. Because the Tribunal is not exclusively concerned with judicial questions but has a political role as well, its relations with government and administration have to be considered in some detail. Notwithstanding criticism of it and the belief of some that it should have more power, the Tribunal is a major instrument of reform in New Zealand.  相似文献   

通过文献考证和实地调查,发现《中国历史地图集·清时期》“云南”图中,永昌、顺宁、景东府级界线和蒗蕖土州(舍)、南甸宣抚司治地等绘制有误,需作修正。  相似文献   

This paper explores the transformation of antinuclear opinion in New Zealand into a more durable and structured political orientation. Antinuclear opinion first gripped a large portion of the New Zealand public after that nation's government banned the entry of United States nuclear warships in 1984. At that time, the public rallied behind the government's action. This consolidation effect, however, showed signs of being impermanent by 1986; antinuclear opinion appeared to be on the wane. Surprisingly, by 1989 this sentiment had finned into a more structured attitude, regardless of the fact that the government responsible for the nuclear ships ban had become very unpopular. The youthful cast to antinuclearism in New Zealand suggests that this orientation is in the process of becoming a fixture of that country's political culture. Political socialisation experiences best explain the continuation and growth of this orientation. The database used in this study comes from a series of national surveys—the most pertinent of which are polls conducted in 1985 and 1989.  相似文献   

《中国历史地图集》第7册《元·明时期》元朝前期图以至元十七年行政区划为准绘制,图上所标开成府、荆南路有误,应分别为开成路和江陵路。  相似文献   

Pole, M., December, 2008. The record of Araucariaceae macrofossils in New Zealand. Alcheringa 32, 405–426. ISSN 0311-5518.

The Araucariaceae have a long record in New Zealand, extending back to the Jurassic at least, and Araucaria extends back to at least the Late Cretaceous. This paper reviews the macrofossil record of the family and presents new information based largely on the leaf cuticle record. Agathis, which is the only genus of the family currently growing in New Zealand, has no record before the Cenozoic. All specimens previously identified from pre-Cenozoic strata clearly belong to other taxa or do not show characteristic features of the genus. Araucariaceae macrofossils are virtually ubiquitous in the Cretaceous assemblages of New Zealand but are conspicuous by their absence or rarity in Palaeocene deposits. Their demise may be an expression of events at the Cretaceous–Palaeogene boundary.  相似文献   

<正>了解新西兰是从一本英文小册子开始的,册子的开头这样写道:新西兰(又译纽西兰)是国土面积比英国略大,比日本略小的国家,人口439万。经过两周的申请,我终于拿到了入境签证,踏上了驾临新西兰的神奇而难忘旅程。  相似文献   

沈旻 《旅游纵览》2014,(6):64-69
<正>了解新西兰是从一本英文小册子开始的,册子的开头这样写道:新西兰(又译纽西兰)是国土面积比英国略大,比日本略小的国家,人口439万。经过两周的申请,我终于拿到了入境签证,踏上了驾临新西兰的神奇而难忘旅程。  相似文献   

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