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中国新亚欧大陆桥经济带的城市战略定位   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
新亚欧大陆桥经济带是驱动21世纪中国经济增长的主要轴线之一。本文运用城市定位理论,从城市群体与城市个体两个层面,探讨了中国新亚欧大陆桥经济带的城市战略定位和主要城市的发展方向,并就加快这一经济带城市发展提出了相应对策。  相似文献   

刘少才 《丝绸之路》2009,(11):70-72
亚欧大陆桥西桥头堡 鹿特丹是世界第一大港,荷兰的第二大城市,被誉为新亚欧大陆桥西桥头堡城市。我曾多次出入这个港口城市,至今不能忘怀的就是当地人那句谚语:当上帝创造世界时,把荷兰给忘了,因此荷兰人不得不自己创造出一个荷兰来。如果不身临其境,很难理解这句谚语的真实意义。  相似文献   

图们江地区开发与建设大陆桥的走行路线研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建设一条新亚欧大陆桥与图们江地区开发是互为因果的两项工程。对国际物流的分析是建设大陆桥的根据之一。本文从物流分析入手探讨建设大陆桥的必要性,随后又对照已有大陆桥情况提出对新大陆桥走行路线的认识。  相似文献   

新亚欧大陆桥的开通,将大大促进亚欧地区经济联系与分工协作,使我国沿桥区域内部结构发生根本性变化,形成“双向开放”的、具有强大内聚力和辐射力的陆桥经济带,为侯马经济实现超前发展提供了历史性机遇。  相似文献   

新亚欧大陆桥东起江苏连云港、山东日照等沿海港口城市,西至荷兰鹿特丹、比利时安特卫普等欧洲口岸,全长10.9万公里。大陆桥在中国境内全长约4313公里,贯穿江苏、山东、安  相似文献   

全华 《人文地理》1993,8(2):41-46
本文讨论了图们江地区开发前景及其对吉林省经济发展可能产生的影响,阐述了吉林省东西向条形地区经济发展现状及制约因素,提出吉林省应利用图们江地区开发开放和新亚欧大陆桥建设的契机组建东西向开发开放走廊带,使该走廊带成为吉林省经济发展的核心轴线,从而促进吉林省经济的振兴。  相似文献   

新亚欧大陆桥与蒙古经济发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高莎丽  刘力 《人文地理》1993,8(2):54-59
本文通过对蒙古目前经济发展现状及其存在问题的分析,阐述了作为一个内陆大国,要发展现代经济,必须有铁路直通国际市场,而修建以图们江为支撑点的新亚欧大陆桥,横穿其腹地,能使其获得通往太平洋一条最便捷的通道,根本改善其社会经济发展的条件。  相似文献   

丝绸之路国际学术研讨会与丝绸之路河西段考察是首届中国丝绸之路节的重要活动内容。研讨会于1992年9月8—9日在兰州大学逸夫科学馆举行。这项活动是在首届中国丝绸之路节组委会领导下,由中国东方文化协会丝绸之路工作委员会、兰州大学等单位主办的。研讨会主要围绕丝绸之路与新亚欧大陆桥这一  相似文献   

山东省日照市是时下千百个蓬勃欲起的中国城市之一。通向市区的路是宽广的八车道马路,只是眼下的车流还不算多。但港口却是热火朝天的,有大批铁矿石源源运来,中央也把这个船运终端指定为“新亚欧大陆桥的东方桥头堡”。一面大大的广告牌号召这里的人们“创文明城市,做文明市民”。  相似文献   

艾丁 《郑和研究》2007,(3):61-61
在第三个航海日之际,南京静海寺纪念馆与下关区阅江楼街道联合举办了夏令营,我刊编委仲跻荣应约作了题为《纪念郑和,增强海洋意识》的讲座.讲座从领土观念、海洋资源与海上通道三个方面谈了海洋观念的重要性,同时又告诉同学们我国地处新亚欧大陆桥的东端,我省连云市为大陆桥的起点,其经济与国际战略意义十分重大.参加这次讲座的有师生约70人.[第一段]  相似文献   


The Janus-faced character of nineteenth-century Europe presents unique challenges to historians. Concurrent to spiralling industrial growth, working-class revolts, transatlantic migration and imperialism, the stark social and economic upheaval of the period has virtually belied the solidarity achieved on the Continent. In recent years, however, a number of superlative scholarly studies have excavated and illuminated the intellectual, legal and technological revolutions that ushered in an era of promise and potential unity. In this article, the author examines the degree of interdependence and interconnectedness across the Continent and the world by melding extant scholarship, introducing primary-source research, and offering new perspectives on the relationship of the increasingly globalized world and the European efforts to harness its potential by attempting to create lasting norms for peace and prosperity through international law and the benchmark concept of ‘humanity’.  相似文献   

Based on a theoretical approach of diaspora theory and the use of ethnographical comparative analysis, it is argued that the early settlement of South Norway probably brought about diasporic conditions. Archaeological and natural science records are applied to discuss the migrations of mobile hunter-gatherers with a shamanistic reindeer culture from the Continent, after deglaciation of the Weichselian ice cap. This paper discusses the diasporic people's identity, their survival as a group, their adaptation to the new environment and the development of an independent reindeer culture characterized by relics and meeting places, after the break in the regular contact between people in the area of origin and South Norway.  相似文献   

The continental career of Columbanus has long attracted the attention of scholars because of his achievement as a writer, monastic founder and reformer, and political actor. His Epistulae are one of the most important pieces of evidence in understanding his attitudes and purposes during his twenty‐year sojourn on the Continent, and they emphasize the importance of his ecclesiastical and secular relationships. However, the Epistulae have seldom been analysed independently and together, as their study has often been focused on single letters or specific aspects of the collection. This paper looks at the Epistulae in a more general way, to point out what they tell us about Columbanus's theological and ecclesiastical positions, and the connections he established on the Continent.  相似文献   

Gordon Brotherston. Image of the New World: The American Continent Portrayed in Native Texts. Translations prepared in collaboration with Ed Dorn, with 118 documentary texts and illustrations. London: Thames and Hudson, 1979. 324 pp.  相似文献   

《Geographical Research》1986,24(1):171-173
Book reviewed in this article: Geology and Man Coastal Oeomorphology in Australia Parkes, D. (ed.) Northern Australia: The Arenas of Life and Ecosystems on Haifa Continent  相似文献   

中国出土的蚀花肉红石髓珠研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蚀花肉红石髓珠起源于公元前三千纪的印度河文明,该类饰物及其制造技术在欧亚大陆传播。中国出土蚀花肉红石髓珠可分四型,通过将它们与国外的材料比对,可探究它们的不同来源及传播途径。中国出土的玻璃仿制品及蚀花肉红石髓珠对中国蜻蜓眼式玻璃珠的制造产生了影响。  相似文献   

The present article examines the chronology of the various types of halberd in Europe with particular attention to those from the Iberian Peninsula. An older substrate of halberds is identified which originates in Ireland and Great Britain. From there the design of the Breaghwy type was distributed to the Continent, where the idea and the design were soon imitated in the form of the Rouans, Carrapatas and Variant 6 Continental types. The success of the idea of the halberd is explained by its high prestige character.  相似文献   

This article examines three aspects of Augustine of Canterbury's Libellus responsionum. Through recent scholarship it provides a summary of the Libellus 's textual context. It also clarifies the very contentious issue of just how familiar the Libellus was to missionaries, not only those preaching in England but also on the Continent, and specifically Augustine of Canterbury and Boniface. Finally, in light of the pastoral and textual circumstances, it explores the largely neglected question of just how the Libellus may (or may not) have illuminated the various literary features and strata of Augustinian and Bonifatian biography.  相似文献   

The paper addresses the impact of the Rhine Crisis of 1840 on Italian countries and explains the role they played in the European State System when the Continent seemed to be on the eve of a general war. As the paper attempts to prove, the crisis seriously alarmed the ruling classes as well as the general public and revealed the internal problems of the Italian countries as well as their deep distrust towards the egotistic and self-serving policies of the Great Powers. The paper therefore introduces the history of Italy during late 1840 within the wider context of European diplomatic history and serves as a probe into the history of the European State System during the Pre-March period in general.  相似文献   


This article examines the relationship between the colour blue and the virtue of loyalty during the later Middle Ages. While it may not have been a colour with powerful symbolic resonances earlier in the medieval epoch, blue came to be regarded as increasingly prestigious as the period progressed. References to its association with loyalty and its concomitant virtues appear on the Continent and found their way to England. After briefly outlining the significance of blue in the medieval period, the paper examines this connection between colour and virtue in literature, heraldic treatises and works of art, arguing that it became generally accepted, although not all agreed on the association.  相似文献   

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