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Saltmen believed aboriginal gods were everywhere. If anyone in a caravan did something bad, offending the local gods, then these would punish the caravan and even bring down disaster upon it. If everyone respected and offered sacrifices to the gods, and followed all the caravan rules, then they the gods would protect them.  相似文献   

When the director woke us early in the morning, twinkling stars filled the sky amid dead silence; the mountains could be seen dimly snaking away to the far horizon. We drove to the Salt Lake. The distance was only a little over 10 km, but the way was blocked by a river and the road was rough. So, we all began to judge the direction and searched for the little path leading to the Salt Lake. Northern Tibet in the early spring was still covered with ice and snow. We continued to walk along the…  相似文献   

By setting out for saline lakes in spring, Tibetan caravans on horseback return to farmlands in autumn to barter salt for agricultural products.  相似文献   

After a gap of four days, we came across the caravan again. We picked an optimal point and took a picture of the marching caravan with the snow-capped mountain as its backdrop. While the caravan was plodding along, Galsang Wangdui was not idle, as he was busy in twisting wool into strings with a 1/3rd of a meter-long stick until they became strong ropes. When we finished photographing the caravan of Galsang Wangdui, we advanced ahead to locate the caravan. Soigya was shuttling among the cara…  相似文献   

After a gap of four days, we came across the caravan again. We picked an optimal point and took a picture of the marching caravan with the snow-capped mountain as its backdrop.  相似文献   

The road became worse by the south part of Namtso;streams of melting snow had eroded the road until it resembled a giant comb.The vehicle alternated between speeding along and a sudden brake that made everyone lurch about as though they were all intoxicated.  相似文献   

When the director woke us early in the morning, twinkling stars filled the sky amid dead silence the mountains could be seen dimly snaking away to the far horizon.  相似文献   

Atotal of 28house founda-tions werefound in theKarub Ruins in Qamdo.They take the shape of acircle,half underground.They are dwelling housesbuilt as early as some 5,000years ago when Tibet wasexperiencing the New StoneAge.  相似文献   

Benba,38,is Director ofthe BorderTrade Bureau of the TibetAutonomous Region.Born andbrought up in Xigaze,he talkedabout booming border trade in Tibet duringmy recent interview.  相似文献   

After resting overnight in Banggo County, we were completely refreshed.We did not go back by the outward route but selected a short cut. Although the distance was shorter, the condition was worse-three small mountains to be crossed. After climbing over the first mountain and going down the slope, we soon arrived at the foot of the second mountain. There was a steep mountain pass before us. The vehicle was climbing and moving slowly upward with the engine laboring. This place was also the lau…  相似文献   

<正>While visiting England,Ireland and France(from April 16th to 28th.2012).the delegation of editors from the Journal China's Tibet sought to survey the publication and circulation of the journal.With full support of Chinese embassies in the three countries,as well as Chinese societies and associations overseas,the delegation interviewed overseas Chinese,including Chinese media,overseas Tibetans and local readers from all walks of life,received their comments and suggestions to improve the quality of the journal.  相似文献   

Editor's Note:
In 2002 a special class was established in Minzu University of China. It recruited non-Tibetan high school graduates from the hinterland. After graduation, the students would work on some basic tasks below county level in Tibet Autonomous Region to serve local economic and social development. Upon graduation, these young men were to be sent to places, which were completely unfamiliar to them. How would they face difficulties in work and life? Could they stick to their tasks?  相似文献   

<正>From May 23rd to June 1st of 2011,the photographic exhibition"Commemorating the Peaceful Liberation of Tibet,Witnessing the 60 Years of Tibet"was held in the...  相似文献   

正To commemorate the 60th anniversary of democratic reform in Tibet, the photo exhibition named"Milestone of Abolishing the Feudal Serfdom-Exhibition for the 60th Anniversary of Democratic Reform in Tibet"was opened on March 29th, 2019at the Tibet Cultural Museum in Beijing.By nearly 400 pictures, 68pieces (sets) of physical objects  相似文献   

Sweden is arguably one of the most gender-equal countries in the world, and the historical development of that equality has been studied in detail. However, less is known about how the idea of gender equality was adopted in different professional spheres. In this article, I focus on this topic by using one profession, journalism, to analyse how gender equality was placed on the trade union agenda and negotiated in Sweden between 1961 and 1989. Drawing on a framing analysis of the discussion of gender equality in the trade union newspaper Journalisten, I argue that the Swedish Union of Journalists and its members took a somewhat moderate position in the struggle for gender equality, which, during the decades in question, was mostly framed as a women’s question. For the most active advocates of gender equality, it was nevertheless a deeply felt issue, and their work can be defined as trade union feminism.  相似文献   

An improved income for a tiny village in a sparsely populated area of Northern Tibet, where about 90 households are living, is the result of taking a collective approach to production over a number of years. The people of the village are living in spacious and comfortable houses where they can access both radio and television programs.  相似文献   

《Southeastern Archaeology》2013,32(2):157-184

The study of glass trade beads has contributed much to our chronological understanding of the colonial period in the Eastern Woodlands of North America. Indeed, this class of artifact has allowed archaeologists to identify and conduct research at important archaeological sites that never appeared in the European historical record. In the Southeast, the best chronological resolution established by current bead chronologies relates either to sixteenth- to mid-seventeenthcentury Spanish-traded bead assemblages or eighteenthcentury French-traded bead assemblages. There is a conspicuous gap, however, in glass bead chronologies associated with the seventeenth- and eighteenth-century English-Indian trade in the Southeast. In this paper, I address this gap by characterizing a large sample of trade beads (n = 35,309) found in individual mortuary assemblages recovered from a number of Southeastern Indian sites. This is the first time a regional synthesis of this scale has been conducted for the English colonial period in the Southeast. In order to begin to refine the bead chronology of this period, I also present the results of a quantitative seriation (using a technique known as correspondence analysis) of the same mortuary assemblages. While the results of this exploratory technique represent a preliminary stage in this process, they nevertheless identify a number of temporal trends that can be used to derive occupation date estimates for sites spanning the English colonial period in the Southeast (ca. 1607–1783).  相似文献   

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