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於飞 《风景名胜》2013,(9):76-82
登上极尽奢华的"极致号",一路向南,开始南太平洋的梦幻仙境之旅,近距离聆听"海上绿洲"发出的呼吸声,将神秘的三大峡湾尽收眼底,走进梦境中的悉尼歌剧院,重温维多利亚时代的奢华与壮丽,并与沿海边的世外桃源来一次亲密对话。  相似文献   

苏瓦始建于1880年,是斐济的首都,全国最大工业城市和主要港口,面积约20平方公里,人口约7.7万人。苏瓦三面环水,一面靠山,市中心靠海。市内主要是低层的热带建筑,和谐而美丽。街道两旁高大的椰子树、面包果树、芒果树在海风的轻拂下迎风摇曳,扶疏成荫。块块草坪,犹如碧毯,住宅四周鲜花争妍,整个城市犹如富有热带风光的公园。  相似文献   

楠珊 《成都文物》2003,(3):63-64
从入海口,沿着碧波粼粼的泰晤士河逆流而上,航行约90公里,便来到了我向往已久的英国首都——伦敦。  相似文献   

费晟  毕以迪 《历史研究》2020,(1):191-208
环境史学界习惯将近代南太平洋地区生态与文化的变化解释为创造"新欧洲"的结果,其主要叙事线索为西方殖民主义与本土经验的互动。然而,从18世纪末至20世纪初,中国与南太平洋地区也建立并维持了紧密联系。在以海上贸易为基础的交通网络建立后,华人移民劳工和其后兴起的华人资本都积极参与并推动了南太平洋地区农牧矿复合生态的形成。近代华人对南太平洋地区生态及文化的影响经历了由海及陆、由间接到直接、由劳动密集到资本密集的扩大过程。这不仅彰显了中国因素在近代全球生态重塑中的重要影响,更启示学界应该深入发掘中国在全球化尤其是太平洋地区一体化进程中的历史能动性。  相似文献   

第27届奥运会举办城市澳大利亚悉尼奥运记忆2000年第27届奥运会:本届奥运会是一届体现理解与融合的的盛会,被誉为"有史以来最好的一届奥运会。"2000年新千年的第一届奥运会在澳大利亚的悉尼举行。来自全球200个代表团的11000名运动员,经过16天的奋斗在28个大项、300个小项中向人类的极限发起挑战。我国代表团  相似文献   

对于任何一个音乐爱好者来说。到了纽约,卡内基音乐厅(Carnegie hall)是一个不应被忽略的去处。从中央公园南侧的大门出来,就是第57街和第五大道的交汇外,卡内基音乐厅就坐落在这里。  相似文献   

11月29日清晨,悉尼歌剧院设计者、丹麦建筑师约恩·乌松(Jrn Utzon)在哥本哈根家中安然辞世,享年90岁。2003年,85岁高龄的乌松摘得建筑桂冠普利兹克奖时,靠的是他30年前的作品悉尼歌剧院。评委会主席罗特·希尔蒂说:"乌松创作了20世纪伟大的标志性建筑,一个举世闻名的美丽形  相似文献   

岩石市场千帆之都的最初起点 按照城市建造的历史来说,悉尼并不是一座古城.即使是从1770年库克船长第一次到达这里算起,悉尼的年龄也不过200多岁而已.但这200多年的岁月若是冠在一座市场头上,就古老到足够吸引所有人了.事实上真的是这样,要不是岩石市场所在的古老街道和教堂如它的名字一样由岩石铸成,它一定经不起如此荣光却承载历史的称号——这里几乎就是整个澳大利亚的文明起点.曾经欧洲人在这里放逐犯人的时候,他们也用砂岩铸造了澳大利亚最早的港口并取名岩石区.  相似文献   

正2014年1月9日到26日,南半球的悉尼又将迎来一年一度的艺术节,众多一流的戏剧、舞蹈、音乐、视觉艺术、电影以及其它艺术将为这个海港城市带来活力。悉尼艺术节是众所周知的全世界最盛大的夏季艺术节之一,是全世界伟大艺术家们的理想秀场。如果你真的热爱艺术,悉尼艺术节绝对不会令你失望。  相似文献   

珊阑 《旅游纵览》2016,(5):94-99
正瑙鲁(Nauru)是位于南太平洋密克罗尼西亚群岛的一个岛国,国土面积21.3平方公里,是世界上最小的岛国,也是世界上第三小的国家,人口约9200人,瑙鲁人在这个岛上生活的历史已经有千年之久了。瑙鲁的旅游景点不多,安尼巴惹湾和布阿达湖最为著名。安尼巴惹湾位于瑙鲁岛东部的安尼巴惹区,是瑙鲁的一个大海湾,这里的海滩有瑙鲁最好的沙滩,日平均  相似文献   

Vanuatu is fertile ground for linguists. Six recent grammars of languages from that country's rich heritage document Austronesian linguistic structures. They also disclose current institutional support for grammar writing for documentary and comparative purposes, as well as local community and national interests that shape grammar production. These grammars, and the now increasingly digitalized and archived data upon which they draw, are models for what is likely to be a final burst of salvage linguistics in the 21st century as many of the world's smaller, unwritten vernaculars lose speakers to other encroaching languages, both local and global.  相似文献   

The Africanisation of the South Pacific   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  


Seagoing at 1 mya to Flores, and sea gaps of >50 km crossed by 47 kya to Sahul, are evidence of earlier maritime migration in the western Pacific than anywhere else. Current opinion attributes the latter to the influence of anatomically modern human cultural complexity on seagoing technology and practice, together with the impetus of serial resource depression. It is argued here that seagoing was unusually advantaged in the western Pacific by a fortuitous conjunction of the warmest seas with a ready availability of large-diameter bamboo that occurred as natural rafts, and which could also be constructed into rafts large enough to transport viable colonizing groups from island to island across Wallacea to Sahul. The geography of Wallacea allowed migration solely by drifting, and exploratory landscape learning might have produced landfalls on Sahul sooner than is implied by subsistence forcing of mobility. Seagoing by drifting raft was much harder from Sahul to the east because of the virtual absence of large-diameter bamboo and longer distance to fewer or small islands; colonization occurred much later.  相似文献   

There is a growing consensus that HIV/AIDS is a ‘time bomb’ ticking in the South Pacific. This may, in fact, be the case. However, there are at least two major problems with this approach. First, analysis of the implications of the epidemic is based on supposedly concrete links between the epidemic and social, economic and political outcomes. Many of these apparent links have not been established (because the data is not available for the South Pacific). As such, much of the method for analysing the ramifications of the epidemic is borrowed from elsewhere, notably Africa, and the strength of these links is beginning to unravel. Second, research on the vectors of the epidemic that informs this consensus is only as good as the data that it relies on. There are major testing and surveillance gaps in the South Pacific that mean projections are often based on patchy and incomplete data. This can dramatically skew priorities. Reflecting on these problems is important because of the clear ramifications they pose for the development of good public policy in, and toward, the South Pacific.  相似文献   

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