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龙潭旧石器遗址地处云南省鹤庆县财丰河流域,2019—2020年发掘,遗址文化层为土状堆积的红褐色砂质黏土层。本次发掘在文化层内出土石制品3487件,属小石片石器传统,以石英正长斑岩为主要原料。遗址出土的石核包括有普通锤击石核、盘状石核、窄长片疤石核、似-细石核和砸击石核等类型,以剥片强度较高的普通锤击石核为主。遗址出土的石片包括有普通锤击石片、长石片、盘状石核石片和三角形石片,以剥片活动中晚期阶段的小型石片为主。遗址出土的工具包括有普通刮削器、陡刃刮削器、锯齿刃器、凹缺器和钻具等,以陡刃刮削器最具特色。遗址新发现的石制品材料总体表现出多样化、进步性的石核剥片技术,稳定成熟的工具加工技术,以及类型丰富的工具组合等技术特点。目前推测遗址的功能为短期活动的石器制作场,时代可能处于晚更新世中晚期阶段。  相似文献   

岩风洞遗址位于湖北省建始县业州镇罗家坝村7组,洞口海拔高度为694米,地理坐标为东经109°42′21.5″,北纬30°31′51.7″。在岩风洞遗址中发现了25件石制品,其岩性以灰岩为主,占总数的64%,变质岩的标本较少;石制品包括砾石、石锤、碎片(块)、石片、刮削器和锯齿状器等类型;石制工具以石片或碎片为素材者居多,以砾石或石核为素材加工的工具只有1件;石器类型以刮削器为主;目前没有发现石核;石片多为剥片或者加工石器初级阶段的类型。其文化面貌和该县高坪巨猿洞"建始人遗址"的面貌相接近,均以石片石器为主,以刮削器为多,其时代应为旧石器时代晚期。  相似文献   

2011年7月至2012年12月在丹江口库区开展的调查和试掘共获得燧石制品3540件,涉及35个遗址和地点。燧石石料普遍较好,偶见热处理现象;石制品包括石核、石片、石叶、细石叶等;石器类型较为丰富,常见刮削器、锯齿刃器、凹缺器、锥钻、石镞等,尤以刮削器和锯齿刃器居多;石器体型以小型和中型为多,但也存在大型工具。初步的类型和技术分析显示,这批石制品至少存在石片石器技术、石叶石器技术和砾石石器技术三种技术风格。石叶遗存的发现为研究中国石叶技术的特点及发展提供了重要材料。  相似文献   

2011年,黑龙江省文物考古研究所发现了伊春铁力市小龙山遗址。该遗址位于小兴安岭南麓呼兰河畔的小龙山上。在地表和黄褐色黏土层中共获得石制品105件,包括石核、细石核、石片、石锤、砍砸器、锛形器、尖刃器和刮削器等。原料以火山喷出岩为主,其中流纹岩数量最多。根据地层堆积年代和石器工业面貌判断为旧石器时代晚期。  相似文献   

吉林集安头道南台子南遗址和北屯孤山遗址发现于2007年,均位于集安市西北部。头道南台子南遗址发现石制品47件,包括石核、石片、石锤、石斧、刮削器等。孤山遗址发现石制品29件,包括石核、石斧、石刀、石锤、刮削器、尖状器等。原料均以凝灰岩为主,还有角岩、石英、砂岩、板岩等。石制品的原生层位全部被破坏,皆为采集。石制品在继承集安地区石制品传统基础上又有所突破。根据石制品特点分析,遗址的年代应为旧石器时代晚期至新石器时代。  相似文献   

1998年5月,吉林大学考古系的部分师生和镇赉县文物管理所的同志对该遗址进行复查时,发现石制品111件。经整理研究,将石制品划分为细石器和非细石器两类。发现的石制品中有石片、细石叶、细石叶石核、刮削器、石镞、雕刻器、舌形器和磨制石器等,是新石器时代早期的典型细石器工业,为新、旧石器时代的过渡研究提供了一批宝贵的实物资料。  相似文献   

吉林辉南邵家店发现的旧石器   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吉林省辉南县邵家店旧石器地点发现于2003年8月,次年6月又对其进行了复查.该地点位于辉发河流域邵家店村东北的山坡上.两次调查共获得石制品57件,包括石核、石片、使用石片、刮削器、琢背刀和尖状器等.原料以黑曜岩和石英为主.石制品的原生层位全部破坏,皆山坡上采集.石制品具有中国北方主工业鲜明的特点,属于中国东北中部的小石器为主体的工业类型.根据石器类型分析,遗址的年代可能属于更新世晚期,即旧石器时代的晚期.  相似文献   

赵清坡  马欢欢 《华夏考古》2022,(1):3-12+42+2
灵井许昌人遗址位于河南省许昌市建安区灵井镇西侧,2017年发掘9平方米,共出土遗物3894件,其中有三维坐标的石制品1308件。石制品原料以脉石英为主,剥片方法以锤击法为主,类型包括石核、石片、石器、断块、碎屑。石器类型组合丰富,有刮削器、尖状器、锯齿刃器等,加工方式以正向为主,同时存在压制技术。石制品属原地埋藏,年代范围为95ka和125ka。遗址性质为古人在泉水形成的小型湖泊周围获取猎物、制作石器和骨器进而分割肉食和加工兽皮的工作场所。  相似文献   

小平安旧石器地点于2005年4月发现,5月又对其进行了复查。该地点位于天津蓟县的河流阶地内,在其土黄色黏土质粉砂和地表发现石制品31件,包括石核、石片和工具;原料以石英砂岩为主。古人类选择地点附近的阶地底部河卵石为原料进行剥片和加工石器;硬锤锤击法为剥片的主要技术;石制品总体以小型和微型居多;石器主要以石片为毛坯,刮削器是主要类型;石器多由古人类在石片的一侧采用锤击法正向加工而成。石制品特点显示中国北方石片工业的文化面貌。地貌与地层对比则显示遗址的时代大致属于晚更新世晚期,即旧石器时代晚期。  相似文献   

周家坡旧石器时代晚期遗址位于湖北省十堰市郧县安阳镇小细峪村1组,埋藏于汉水支流龙门河右岸第Ⅱ级阶地上。其石制品有以下一些特点:石制品的岩性大类中以沉积岩为多,岩性小类以硅质灰岩为主,其次为脉石英,其它岩性较少;素材以河床中磨圆度较高的河卵石为主,石器的素材以砾石(石核)为主,且占绝对优势,以石片为素材的石器处于忽略不计的地位;石制品的剥片和加工方式均为硬锤锤击法,没有发现砸击法等其它方法的产品;剥片时对石核的台面不进行预先修理,石核利用率不高;石器类型以砍砸器为主,其次为刮削器,手斧只有1件;石器的加工方式以单向加工的为多,双向加工的石器不多。  相似文献   

Analysis of DNA residues on stone tools provides a direct method of determining what the tools were used on. However, little is known about the taphonomy of DNA on tools. The discovery of present-day, stone-tool using hide workers in Ethiopia therefore provides a unique opportunity to study the survival and authenticity of DNA residues on stone tools. We collected stone scrapers from contexts ranging from excavated to confirmed use, as well as unused scrapers to test for the presence of DNA residues. We amplified segments of the mitochondrial genome with PCR to determine which animal species a tool was used on. We were able to recover authentic DNA from scrapers of known use and from a subset of excavated scrapers. We did, however, also obtain DNA unrelated to the use of the tools. Thus, caution must be used when interpreting results of DNA analysis of stone tools.  相似文献   

Summary. This paper presents some preliminary observations based on the microwear analysis of 173 artefacts from the mesolithic site of Star Carr, near Scarborough, Yorkshire. One hundred discrete and utilized edges were identified by the presence of various microwear traces on 79 of the artefacts belonging to the following general types: scrapers, edge-damaged or marginally retouched blades and flakes, bilaterally backed blades (awls), burins, backed blades, axe resharpening flakes, denticulated or truncated blades and flakes, microliths, and cores. The microwear traces identified on the tools indicates that they were used in a variety of ways in the processing of hide, bone, wood, antler and meat. A comparison of wear-traces and tool shape has shown that there are morphological differences between scrapers used on hide and those used on bone, and also, that edge-damaged or marginally retouched blades were selected for use on the basis of their cross-sectional configuration.  相似文献   

The Author describes a lithic assemblage attributable to the Early Palaeolithic, discovered in the winter of 1984–85 near Saiwan in central-eastern Oman. The chert assemblage, characterized by large-sized artefacts with plain, sloping, striking platform, various types of hand-axes, side scrapers and cores, is probably to be attributed to a late phase of the Acheulian Culture.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of the scanning electron microscopy of a series of experimental tools designed to investigate the role of abrasive agents and humidity in microwear polish formation. The tools—35 end scrapers—were divided into four groups and used to work dry hide. It was found that both humidity and abrasive agents are two basic variables in the development of the microwear polish.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of a microscopic analysis conducted on supposedly retouched glass fragments that were likely used as tools. The pieces were recovered in a series of excavations performed at the historical site of Fortlet Miñana (1860–1869), a military settlement used during the war against the Indians on the southern border of Buenos Aires province, Argentina. The use of glass as raw material in archaeological sites of the historic period has frequently been reported in the Pampas and Patagonian regions. In this paper we present a review of ethnohistoric and ethnographic sources concerning the use of glass side scrapers, end scrapers, and arrowheads by aboriginal groups throughout the world. In order to perform the analysis, the glass fragments from Fortlet Miñana were compared to a series of experimental pieces on which traces of deliberate use on two kinds of raw material, wood and hide, were identified. The experimental approach and the microscopic analysis demonstrate that the retouched glass fragments recovered at Fortlet Miñana were not used as tools. Therefore, we conclude that microscopic analysis is of significant use to all researchers working with materials of this kind.  相似文献   

山西吉县柿子滩遗址第九地点发掘简报   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
该地点出土的石器以锤击法打片、压剥法第二步加工和小型石片石器为主,刮削器、尖状器、砍砸器石器组合和细石叶压剥技术等代表了北方细石器文化的特征。出土的石磨盘、石磨棒、颜料块和研磨石等为研究旧石器时代晚期文化向新石器时代早期文化的过渡和华北地区原始农业的起源提供了资料。  相似文献   

湖北省十堰市的丹江口水库位于汉水上游,地处鄂西北、豫西南交界处的秦岭、大巴山与江汉平原的过渡地带,属丘陵盆地型水库。正常蓄水位为157m,淹没区面积800多平方公里。南  相似文献   

From Yemen to the Arabian/Persian Gulf the coastal societies of Arabia developed an industry utilising bivalve shells (Veneridae). From the Neolithic to the Iron Age these shells were transformed into knives or scrapers, the latter sometimes having a characteristic notch. The majority of these tools are manufactured from the left valve, probably selected by right-handed people. The shell tools are very standardised and did not replace stone tools; they were probably intended for specific and complementary uses. In Arabia this industry constitutes a specific element of the material culture of the Ichthyophagi .  相似文献   

The lithic sample from TH.68 in Southern Oman is characterised by a set of techno-typological features: (a) the variety of blank production strategies employed to produce flakes, blades and bladelets; (b) the level of standardisation of tools, including backed bladelets, end scrapers, burins on truncation, unifacial and bifacial plano-convex points, etc.; and (c) a previously unknown technique that produced specific flakes presenting uniform morphological traits and high incidence of retouch. Here a comprehensive account of the lithic production systems employed by prehistoric human bands and the formal retouched tools that they made is provided.  相似文献   

The hypothesis that the principal varieties of Middle Paleolithic scrapers reflect varying degrees of resharpening and rejuvenation, rather than discrete emic types, has generated considerably controversy over the past decade. While there have been certain misunderstandings surrounding the proposed models of scraper reduction, this controversy also reflects different approaches taken by prehistorians in interpreting lithic artifacts. Placing the notion of scraper reduction in the context of lithic processes generally known as the Frison Effect, this article presents the background and intellectual context of this interpretation and attempts to clarify the models themselves and their test implications. It also reviews and summarizes data generated by several independent tests of the hypothesis and presents new data bearing on this question.  相似文献   

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