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Important pressures still increase the vulnerability of peri‐urban farming despite initiatives to protect agricultural land and activities since the mid‐1960s in several jurisdictions in the USA and Canada. Often, farmland is still removed from agricultural reserves for the ‘good of society’ (for example, creating industrial parks). In 2008, an action research project was initiated to attempt to reduce agricultural vulnerability in several peri‐urban and rural areas near Montreal by emphasising the importance of the appropriation of the value of these farmlands by non‐farm citizens and actors. The action research roles involved accompanying the farmers, facilitating meetings, mobilising non‐farm actors, and informing farmers of possibilities when asked to do so. In this article, one specific project is analysed in Senneville (in the west of Montreal Island). While the project was initiated by the farmers to guarantee their long‐term future, they also sought to involve other, mostly non‐agricultural, actors. In a colloquium, a collective vision for the project was constructed, integrating other functions of farmland such as conservation and leisure activities. Many meetings were organised over a three‐year period and formal presentations were made to the municipality. The project is ongoing, including new farm operations and the reinforcement of local markets for marketing mainly organic produce. The area is now an integral part of an emerging ‘green belt’ of the Montreal agglomeration and is already part of a ‘green coalition’ of both urban and peri‐urban actors (farmers and non‐farmers), and an emerging food system movement which represents a more holistic approach to food production.  相似文献   

Urban growth leads to decreases in area of farmland. In France, considerable attention is paid to this problem, including in frequent public policy debates. In this article, we explore issues associated with agriculture in 24 French periurban municipalities. We compare the treatment of agriculture in municipal policies by analysing urban planning documents and conducting in‐depth interviews with elected representatives. Our study reveals a high level of congruence between these two sources of information, confirming that planning documents are a sound proxy to identify municipalities' agricultural strategies. The study also shows both diverse degrees of municipal commitment to agriculture, which range from ignoring it to strongly supporting it, and diverse issues about agriculture that depend on local context and concerns.  相似文献   


Agriculture in Alaska is beginning to expand. The approach used to facilitate this expansion may serve as an example for other regions where the pressure for development stems from public interest groups. Alaskan agricultural development is tied to the disposal of government-owned land. If agriculture is to develop according to the United States farm production model, then large quantities of agricultural land must be sold to private citizens. Past federal policy in Alaska has not led to this outcome and thus the present-day development efforts spring from state government leadership. This has led to the recent undertaking of three state agricultural projects which have in common low cost land, low cost financing, and planning by people trained in agricultural disciplines. The pivotal aspect of agricultural development efforts in the state of Alaska is the successful transfer of research and technology to private sector farmers. If this can be accomplished, then Alaskan agriculture is likely to flourish.  相似文献   

Economic geography has undergone a number of paradigm shifts since the Von Thunen model was at the peak of its popularity in the 1960s and 1970s. This study examines the cost of moving wheat from farm to ship in South Australia and constructs a transport-cost surface for the season 1991/92. Transport costs still exert a very important influence on farm returns and land values. Governments and other authorities, when making decisions in the name of rationalisation, or microeconomic reform, should examine very carefully the spatial consequences of their actions. In the short-run at least, the farmer's world is very much a normative and partial equilibrium one. At least in respect of a significant Australian agricultural enterprise, normative and partial equilibrium models should not be seen as obsolete.  相似文献   

鲁峰 《人文地理》1999,14(3):75-79
本文用地理学的方法,细致分析和探究了《诗经》中蕴藏的农业地理知识,其中包括农业自然资源条件、自然灾害、土地利用、重农思想、物候与农事活动。主要的粮食作物与经济作物、发达的畜牧业等。古为今用,作者通过对《诗经》中农业地理知识的深刻挖掘,得出了三个有益的启示。可为今日农业生产和农业地理研究提供一些借鉴。  相似文献   

This research explores the ways in which the gender relations of family farming influence the transfer of agricultural information and knowledge resources to farm girls, a rarely studied population. The study is based on a sample of 32 female farmers from southern Ontario, who were interviewed extensively about their experiences growing up on family farms, and about their lives as adult farmers. Their accounts underscore the fact that the gendered division of labour evident on North American farms constrains the information passed on to farm girls (and women) in particular ways. Farm girls do not share fully in the occupational inheritance of agriculture - they are frequently excluded or marginalised from important agricultural resources, including information. This exclusion comes about through the ongoing social processes of agrarian patriarchal culture, operating both inside and outside of the agri-family unit. In particular, the study illustrates how the social construction of agriculture is heavily reinforced by certain types of myth-making, which work to disadvantage farm girls and women.  相似文献   

Women throughout the West are up to three times more likely to be the operator of a farm in sustainable agricultural models than in productivist models. When women assume the role of farmer they transgress traditional gender identities on farms, which dictate that women are ‘farmwives’ and men are ‘farmers’; these gender identities intersect with spaces in the agricultural community to imply appropriate behavior for women as farmwives. This research demonstrates that the sustainable agriculture community provides spaces that promote and are compatible with women's identities as farmers. Feminist analyses of space and agriculture suggest that productivist agricultural models marginalize women from spaces of knowledge, while sustainable agriculture provides spaces of empowerment for women farmers. The fieldwork for this project involved a purposive survey, in‐depth interviews and participant observation with twenty women farmers over an 18‐month period in the sustainable agriculture community of Central Pennsylvania.  相似文献   

富裕佃农:英国现代化的最早领头羊   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
农业是英国资本主义发生的策源地,而不是商业或者手工业,后者要以农业的发展为前提和基础。英国原始积累成功的秘密,在于农民个体的普遍积累,在于大规模的圈地运动以前,英国农民已经经历了长时期、普遍的积累,并在此过程中产生了一批殷实的、又有一定社会地位的富裕佃农。他们一心扩大耕地和牧场,或买卖或转租或垦殖,很早就一直以零敲碎打的方式进行“圈地”;更重要的是,富裕佃农最早创立了工资雇佣生产方式。它有着一套全新的游戏规则,不承认等级,漠视身份,最大限度地追求市场利润,完全不同于庄园经济。富裕农民经济在市场上击败了领地经济,迫使领主不断肢解领地地产,进一步扩大富裕农民经济的规模,资本主义租地农场主阶级逐渐形成。显然,农业资本主义是富裕佃农推动的,领主不过是被佃户逼上商品经济的“贼船”。是约曼——富裕农,还有他们的延伸体乡绅,而不是领主或新贵族,成为英国现代农业的发起人。  相似文献   

In Europe, the idea that coordinating transportation and urban planning is a necessary condition for setting sustainable urban development into motion has spread throughout academic and professional circles. While this concern is not new, the objectives underlying transport and urban planning coordination have deeply changed over the last decades. How have local authorities translated the requirements and objectives of national laws? How have they accounted for the evolution of these global objectives? What factors explain innovation and continuity in the relationship between land use planning and transport policies? In a comparative research between Switzerland and France, we addressed the question of political change by reconstituting the “trajectories” of four urban areas: Geneva and Bern in Switzerland and Strasbourg and Bordeaux in France. We have described the policy paths of these urban areas since the end of the 1960s by focusing on the contents of master plans, the principal technical solutions and projects that have been implemented, and the means of inter-sectorial coordination used. For each case, factors of change or inertia have been identified by focusing on three main variables that are often studied alternatively in public policy analysis: ideas, institutions and interests.  相似文献   

20世纪60年代初,为了克服大跃进给农业生产和发展带来的困难,江苏省积极响应中共中央支援农业的号召,采取了一系列政策和措施支援农业:如降低农业税、提高农业品价格和增加农业投入,下放劳动力,调整工业服务方向,加强传统农具的生产和维修,以及加强支农新产品和代替品的研发和推广等,这些政策和措施的实施为江苏省农业的恢复和发展起到了非常重要的作用。  相似文献   

基于农用地集约利用和市场可达性评价方法,计算了兴化市各乡镇农用地集约利用程度和农产品消费市场可达性并通过统计方法初步分析了两者的关系。结果表明:(1)农用地集约利用程度与农产品消费市场可达性具有明显的空间差异;(2)农用地集约利用程度与农产品消费市场可达性之间的秩相关系数为0.23,在α=0.05的置信水平上相关关系不显著,这说明县域尺度下农业用地集约利用与农产品消费市场可达性之间的空间模式已经突破了传统的"农产品消费市场可达性-农业生产方式-农用地集约利用程度"农业区位论模式。  相似文献   

Land hunger was a pervasive feature of Irish rural society which had not disappeared with the attainment of national independence. Rural agitation for land redistribution was conducted by many small indigenous farmers and it acquired an extraordinary anti-German tone after 1960. This was partially fuelled by a wave of international media speculation about Ireland as a base for Nazis eluding justice, but it was also driven by the notable success of Irish agencies in attracting German investment to Ireland. Consequently, the land question spilled into Irish efforts to attract Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and Ireland's application to join the European Economic Community (EEC). Governments were slow to respond to the demands of the rural radicals: heavy-handedness against foreign landholdings might endanger Ireland's international reputation at the very time that the country was seeking to shake off an anti-progress and insular image. Militant republican involvement in land agitation stirred additional concern. When the Irish Land Commission compulsorily purchased the properties of a handful of West Germans in 1969, the Bundestag of the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) debated the matter. This ostensibly served as the rationale for vandalism, arson, and bomb attacks against foreign-owned farms and properties at a critical point: Northern Ireland was careering out of control and Dublin's priority was to join the EEC. The government defended the right to private property and it could not halt the EEC's liberalisation of agricultural land purchases after 1970: membership of the EEC was the overriding strategic objective. In sum, land ownership had formed part of the bedrock of Irish nationalism since at least the nineteenth century and Irish adaptation to the liberal international economy generated predictable resistance. The linkage between land ownership and national citizenship was not unique to the Irish, as the Danes, the Dutch, and several countries bordering West Germany experienced comparable difficulties in the 1960s and the 1970s.  相似文献   

By focusing on funding methods, this paper considers the way in which medical research eventually led to the science-based medicine that is prevalent in France today. This process seems to have taken place in three stages during the second half of the twentieth century. In the 1940s and 1950s, two major events occurred. The first was the creation of a national health insurance fund in France, which opened up new reasons for, and ways of, funding medical research. The second was the development of antibiotics, which triggered a revival of clinical medicine. In the 1960s and 1970s, a proactive government science policy allowed the life sciences and medical research to come together in the wake of a burgeoning new science: molecular biology. Thus, in 1964, the creation of the National Health and Medical Research Institute (Institut national de la santé et de la recherche médicale or INSERM), destined to "molecularize" medical research, was seen as the fulfillment of the government's ambitious research policy. Today, with medicine irreversibly embedded in scientific and technical rationality, health has become a major issue in modern societies. This paper therefore touches on some of the key features of biomedical research, including the revival of funding systems for clinical research and the development of a system of research grants that was made possible by patient organizations and the creation of new funding agencies.  相似文献   

李庚 《人文地理》2012,26(1):102-106
以西安市长安区、渭南市澄城县、宝鸡市岐山县为考察点,采用问卷调查法和SPSS软件对三县土地流转现状进行实证分析,以查明不同区域土地流转差异情况和造成土地流转差异的影响因素。结果表明,由于经济发展水平不同,三县区土地流转达成比例相差较大,流转规模、流转方式有很大不同,流转价格更是有较大差别,经济发达地区有较强的土地"非粮化"现象,土地流转更接近市场行为。非农收入水平、农户的受教育程度、各类土地流转中介和管理机构的完善程度、农户的社会保障程度等对土地流转有显著影响,且影响方式均为正向,并且对流出率的影响超过对流入率的影响。  相似文献   

During the 1970s it became clear that earlier forecasts of population increase and urban expansion in the Niagara region were too great. There has been a steady decline in the national birth rate since the 1950s and a decline locally in the rate of net in-migration. Moreover, a worsening economic climate, increasing development costs, and greater planning restrictions have led to a decline in the rate of land conversion from rural to urban uses. These changing circumstances afford an opportunity to plan for more compact urban areas and thus protect the area's valuable agricultural land. However, attempts to achieve these ends have been constantly frustrated by a regional and local planning process which has been loath to recognize such a conservationist cause or the need to plan for slower growth. In this report I will review three issues: the changing trends in future urban growth in the Niagara region; the regional plan and the designation of future urban areas; and the problems that have contributed to conflict and delay in approving that plan.  相似文献   

中国都市现代农业产业化发展模式研究——以西安市为例   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
农业产业化是现代农业的重要内涵与农业经济发展的新形式。改革开发以来,我国社会经济尤其是城市化快速发展,都市现代农业产业化发展的条件已经具备。文章在对国内外农业产业化发展模式阐述评析的基础上。结合实地调研资料,分析了西安市农业产业化发展的现状特点,进而遵循劳动地域分工理论与产业经济理论,从发挥资源、区位、交通、市场、科技、组织方式等优势因素出发,构建出符合该市现代农业发展的"龙头企业(公司)+农户"、"农户+主导产业"、"农户+合作经济组织(农业协会)+超市"三种类型的农业产业化发展模式,并探讨了其实施机制。  相似文献   

农业旅游代际特征与盈利模式研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王德刚 《旅游科学》2013,27(1):76-83
农业旅游是农业与旅游业融合发展所形成的新型业态。农业与旅游业融合深度、方式的不同,形成了农业旅游不同的阶段性特征,同时也影响着效益增值的幅度。本文通过对世界农业旅游发展历程的梳理,以主导功能、产业融合深度、盈利模式为依据对其进行了代际划分,总结出农业旅游的发展迄今大致经历了三代演进历程——即观光农业、休闲农业和创意农业,并对其各自的代际特征进行了定性研究。  相似文献   

In the period 1985 to 1996, agricultural conservation policy in the United States underwent a fundamental transition from a focus on policy design elements that emphasized short‐term economic returns for farmers and long‐term productivity to a focus on design elements that emphasized systemic environmental concerns. Although farmers' concerns with the environment were doubtlessly real, this adaptation of design elements allowed the agriculture policy community to gain the support of the environmental community for programs that offered new ways to channel short‐term economic support to farmers. The adaptation of design elements was triggered by the severe economic threat farmers began to experience in the late 1970s. This article investigates the language adaptations that facilitated the changes in agricultural conservation policy by analyzing the five policy‐design elements developed by Ingram and Schneider.  相似文献   

A small proportion of Mainland Chinese refugee flows into British Hong Kong following the 1949 Communist Revolution in the People's Republic of China were vegetable farmers, who by the late 1960s engendered a vegetable revolution in New Territories agricultural space. Heterogeneous actors and their differing modalities of power in the late-colonial government possessed an active managerial role in this vegetable revolution anchored in issues of marketing and land tenure. While post-World War Two developmentalist ontologies help explain government intervention in the post-war agricultural economy, this research focuses primarily on the disciplinary techniques deployed within the governance rationalities of the early Cold War period to cultivate pro-government loyalties among a potentially proletarianized, trans-border refugee farming population perceived by colonial authorities as being susceptible to Communist influence. As ‘experimental space’, marketing innovations were a qualified success, but progress in land reform failed because of the local geopolitical context of colonial rule in the contested space of the New Territories.  相似文献   

现代化后的日本农业:问题与对策   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
20世纪70年代,日本农业顺利完成了由传统到现代的决定性转变。日本农业在完成了现代化任务之后还面临着诸多“后现代”问题,主要表现为农产品自给率下降,农业结构性矛盾突出,农地经营规模难以扩大,农业补贴的财政负担沉重等,为此日本政府在农业立法、体制改革、粮食战略、比较优势和有机农业等方面采取了有效对策。  相似文献   

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