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Nancy Fraser 《对极》2010,41(Z1):281-297
Abstract: Who counts as a subject of justice? Not so long ago, it was widely assumed that those “who counted” were simply the citizens of a bounded territorial state. Today, however, as activists target injustices that cut across borders, that “Westphalian” view is contested and the “who” of justice is an object of hot dispute. This new situation calls for a new kind of justice theorizing, whose contours I sketch in this essay. Arguing, first, for a reflexive mode of theorizing, I introduce the concept of “misframing”, which can subject the Westphalian “who” to critical scrutiny. Arguing, second, for the necessity of a substantive normative principle to evaluate competing “who’s”, I introduce the “all‐subjected principle” as superior to three better known alternatives: namely, membership, humanism, and the all‐affected principle.  相似文献   

Abstract. This article deals with the principle of national self-determination, its historical roots, interpretations, dilemmas, contradictions and double standards. An attempt is made to divide the concept into its analytical components and to demonstrate that the words ‘national’, ‘self and ‘determination’ mean different things to different people. Issues – such as goals and means of national selfdetermination, the question of ‘settlers’ and of the ‘critical date’, the irreversibility of ‘determination’, the right of secession and the domino theory of secession, the minimal size of viable states and the collision between the principle of national selfdetermination and other international norms and values – are also discussed. The analysis is based on modern case studies and on the political thought of nationalist ideologues and politicians.  相似文献   


The design and development of the early aircraft carriers has made great demands on the interdisciplinary teams charged with these tasks. Although the same basic principles have always operated, and will continue to do so for all ships of this class, they were difficult to apply first to ships converted to carry aircraft and later to the ships specifically designed for aircraft-carrying purposes. Here these difficulties are reviewed and the compromises described as they relate to the Royal Navy and the United States Navy. Political constraints, as laid down by the Washington Treaty, played only a minor role.  相似文献   

I wonder what the West would think of us if Russia were to urge it to undertake reforms that would cost it half its gross domestic product, lake 10 years off its average life expectancy, and reduce its standard of living by two-thirds while throwing millions of people out of work, causing social anarchy, and displacing millions of specialists from positions in their fields to the very lowest rungs of society…. 1  相似文献   


As with any work of art or industrial product, good design of jewellery is essential if it is to appeal to its owner. In the field of gold jewellery, the World Gold Council is playing a leading role and its efforts are here reviewed by commenting on the taste in British and Continental design of gold jewellery. Consumer preference, whether organic, symbolic or elementary jewellery is preferred, and the growth of the market are here discussed.  相似文献   

Australia's parliaments remain fundamentally white institutions. Since Federation, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have been poorly represented – or not represented at all – in the nation's State, Territory and Commonwealth legislatures. Today there remains an ambivalent assessment of the capacity for parliamentary representation to actually deliver meaningful change for Indigenous peoples. This article examines the complexities involved in Indigenous parliamentary representation, drawing on original interviews with current and past parliamentarians to examine tensions between party identification and indigeneity; between electoral and group-based representation; and between notions of a politics of presence versus the effective representation of a diversity of Indigenous interests. The paper concludes that while parliamentary representation is important in a symbolic sense, without structural transformation it will never be an adequate vehicle for representing Indigenous needs and concerns in the postcolonial state.  相似文献   

Individual instances of state failure and collapse must be placed within a broader appreciation of the evolution of statehood within the international system. The idea that the inhabited area of the globe must be divided between sovereign states is a recent development, and likely to prove a transient one. Largely the product of European colonialism, and turned into a global norm by decolonization, it is threatened both by the inherent difficulties of state maintenance, and by processes inherent in globalization. States are expensive organizations to maintain, not only in economic terms but also in the demands that they make on their citizens and their own employees. Poor and dispersed peoples, and those whose values derive from societies without states, have found these demands especially burdensome. The end of the Cold War and the collapse of the Soviet Union revealed the hollowness of existing models of sovereign states, and challenged the triple narratives on which the project of global statehood has depended: the narratives of security, representation, and wealth and welfare. While individual cases of state failure and collapse may owe much to specific circumstances and the behaviour of particular individuals, they must also be understood within the context of a world in which maintaining states has become increasingly difficult.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Developmentalism, or the theory of linear progress, has taken several forms — evolutionism, modernization theory, development thinking — which correlate with different epochs of western hegemony. The comparative method serves as its underpinnings in theoretically incorporating non-western societies into the developmental paradigm. Developmentalism is universalist and ahistorical, teleological and ethnocentric. A discourse of power, it is presented and taken as a recipe for social change. The present crisis of developmentalism is both a crisis of development in the south and a crisis of modernism in the west. In the west, developmentalism is being challenged by new social movements and, in theoretical terms, by postmodernism; in the south, alternative development strategies test the limits of the developmental paradigm. Non-western concepts of modernization have also been developed. This discussion concludes with two queries, one concerning the passage from the bi-polar world of the Cold War to polycentrism, and one with respect to the deconstruction of the west as a prerequisite to the deconstruction of development. If ‘development’ itself has become a problem, and has sowed the seeds of discontent and ethnic conflict, a corrective to development can only come from other worldviews, other visions.  相似文献   

法国史家布罗代尔在《菲利普二世时代的地中海与地中海世界》一书中阐明了"经济世界"概念的内涵和外延,它们对世界经济体系理论产生了重要影响。美国史家沃勒斯坦则在其"世界经济"理论中重点揭示了世界经济与资本主义的相伴相生关系。本文认为,两位学者的论说在观念上的差异体现在一与多之争,以及看待市场、国家与资本主义的关系等问题的分歧上,同时指出,历史比较研究不仅对于理解世界历史进程有着重要的意义,还有利于深入理解当代全球化中民族经济的作用。  相似文献   

The guest coeditors of this issue set a context in which to view a previously unpublished article of Frank Harary. The Harary article is followed here by contemporary material of Joseph Kerski that addresses similar real‐world issues. The two together, along with the context, serve as a springboard to launch the reader into the rest of the materials in this special issue devoted to graph theory and network science. Los coeditores invitados de esta edición establecen marco contextual para una lectura de un manuscrito inédito de Frank Harary. El artículo de Harary es presentado y complementado con material contemporáneo de Joseph Kerski que aborda problemas similares del mundo real. Los dos juntos y el marco conceptual sirven de base al lector para el resto de los materiales en este número especial, dedicado a la teoría de grafos y la ciencia de la redes. 本专辑的客座合作主编发表了一个评论,回顾Frank Harray先前未发表的论文。Harary的论文和当代Joseph Kerski的论文均关注相似的现实世界问题。将两者内容进行对比,结合原文,可以使读者更深入地了解本专辑中有关图论和网络科学之外的其他内容。  相似文献   

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