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Nietzsche did not write a completed magnum opus, a ‘Hauptwerk’, but he planned to do so during at least the last 5 years of his active life. I will show that during and after the writing of Also sprach Zarathustra this was his main aim and ambition. The projected work passed through a number of related phases, of which the much discussed and controversial ‘Will to Power’ was merely one. This intention to write a magnum opus has been denied or almost completely ignored by almost all commentators (and even the many writers of Nietzsche biographies). I will bring attention to this intention, discuss why it has been ignored and show that an awareness of it is important for our understanding of the late Nietzsche's thinking and for determining the value and originality of his late notes. It has been a failure of historians of philosophy, intellectual historians and Nietzsche scholars not to have taken this into consideration and account.  相似文献   

Moral reasoning is the most common approach to secession in political philosophy. Just‐cause, choice and liberal‐cultural theories rely on moral conceptions of political authority. This article examines an alternative view through an exploration of moral theories of secession from a realist perspective. Realism has recently seen a revival as a form of normative political philosophy and focuses on political disagreement and legitimacy rather than rights and moral analysis. I claim that realism would reject utopianism and moralism present in theories of secession. Instead of regarding secession as a right, realism would frame secession as a political option. According to this view, this article explores a realist theory of secession that would be based on the priority of politics and disagreement among other concepts. This would be a middle‐ground theory, compatible with liberal values and existing moral theories.  相似文献   


Contrary to the claims that The Brothers Karamazov is a polyphonic novel, in which the author's own views are irrelevant to its interpretation, and that Dostoevsky himself was unable to furnish an adequate defense of Christianity after Book V, the author shows how Zossima's doctrines of active love and responsibility for all are the interpretive keys to the novel. This so-called “unity in diversity” in Bakhtin's literary criticism thereby provide a compelling alternative vision of community from the Grand Inquisitor's.  相似文献   

肯定的原理——论尼采的“命运之爱”   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在尼采思想中,“命运之爱”思想具有特殊意义。尼采把“命运之爱”看作哲学家所能达到的最高状态。他本人曾一再强调:“我衡量人之中伟大的公式是命运之爱。”“命运之爱是我的最内在的本性。”。实际上,他的所有后期思想都是以“命运之爱”为背景展开的,因此从概念上把握“命运之爱”是理解尼采后期思想的关键所在。  相似文献   

Pairing Thus Spoke Zarathustra with On the Genealogy of Morality foregrounds tensions between artistic creation and critical interpretation in Nietzsche's work. From The Birth of Tragedy to his genesis of the concept, Will to Power, Nietzsche describes the real, or “what is,” in terms of a creative, form-giving force. We might therefore read Zarathustra—a linguistically experimental, richly allegorical, self-reflexive, modernist prose poem—as the pre-eminent, artistic mode of philosophical expression, at least for Nietzsche. But Zarathustra is followed by a sober Abhandlung (treatise), which professes a scientific goal of “getting to the bottom of things” by uncovering the contingency, origin, and fabricated nature of supposedly eternal, “given” values. These instantiations of Nietzsche-the-artist and Nietzsche-the-critic suggest art's “double” or contradictory nature—a nature that accents its kinship with philosophy. Zarathustra and the Genealogy, read together, hint that the destruction of idols—or de-constructive, critical interpretation more generally—is not just supplemental to, but a necessary moment within the aesthetic itself.  相似文献   

中央民族大学国家“十五”“211工程”建设项目,法学博士乌小花教授的学术著作《当代世界和平进程中的民族问题》,于2006年5月份由中央民族大学出版社出版。该书以马克思主义民族理论为指导,以探讨当今世界“和平与发展”的时代主题所面临的新情况和新问题为切入点,阐述民族宗教及其相关理论,对当代世界民族问题热点进行分类研究,历史地考察世界民族问题,揭示世界民族问题的本质和不同表现形式,分析当代世界民族问题对世界和平进程的影响,提出解决世界民族问题的见解和主张。该书还针对国际学术界诸如“文明冲突”、“民族主义”等一些热点…  相似文献   

现行的《田野考古工作规程》(试行)是上个世纪80年代初期国家文物局组织专家,在全面分析研究当时考古学的现状、学术发展方向以及学科环境的基础上制定的,1984年5月由中华人民共和国文化部颁布试行。《规程》自颁布以来,得到普遍和认真的执行,对整齐各地田野考古工作的质量,总体提升中国考古学的田野考古水平,发挥了积极和重要的作用。  相似文献   

屋子的墙上歪七扭八地挂着几张一个老男人的画像.马文翰斜睨了几眼画像上的男人,就把墙上的画挨张撕下来,扯碎了.他心里无比地厌恶画上的老男人,那是一个来美国已经二十多年的福建人,如今,福建人已经拥有一家餐馆.马文翰在他那里打工.但是就在昨天,福建人当着那么多客人的面,冲着马文翰吼道:"你真的以为美国的盘子比国内好刷?"然后甩过几十块钱来.鱿鱼就是在这短短的几分钟内炒就的,可马文翰现在也不明白到底是什么原因.画都撕完了,但他重新陷入焦虑之中:明天怎么办呢?  相似文献   

New maps     

Travels of a Naturalist in Northern Europe. By J. A. Harvie‐Brown, F.R.S.E., F.Z.S. With Coloured Plates and other Illustrations and 4 Maps. Two volumes. London : T. Fisher Unwin, 1905. Price £3, 3s.


Promenades Lointaines, Sahara, Niger, Tombouctou, Touareg. Par le Lieutenant H. Paulhiac. Paris : Librairie Plon. Plon‐Nourrit et Cie., Imprimeurs‐Éditeurs. Prix 5 francs.


Geografía de la Provincia de Córdoba. Por Manuel B. Río y Luis Achával, inge‐nieros civiles, etc. Escrita por encargo del Exemo. Gobierno de la Provincia. Publicación Official. Buenos Ayres, 1904.

Panama. Edited by Edward James Cattell. Foreign Commercial Guide. Published by the Philadelphia Commercial Museum, 1905. Pp. 17, with Map.  相似文献   

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