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康有为《突厥游记》稿刊本的差异及其成因   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
戴东阳 《近代史研究》2000,20(2):223-236
康有为《突厥游记》的稿本和刊本是同一题目下的两个本。刊本已将反映稿本主旨的政教风俗部分彻底改写。这种改写,体现了康有为政治思想从清末到民初的变化,即由清末认同并试图仿效青年土耳其党人实行立宪。到转而否定以至诋毁之,并将兴趣点转向土耳其历史的另一层面即政教合一问题。康氏因政治形势变化的需要而改变其对外国历史的褒贬取舍,这在他生前刊发的其他游记中,也并不少见。  相似文献   

在百日维新的紧张日子里,康有为为积极推行变法主张,多次上疏,并日夜编纂有关新政的书籍,进呈给光绪皇帝。据康氏《自编年谱》及其奏折中的记载,他进呈的著作约有十几种。但在戊戌政变之际,这些著作有些被抄没,有的已散佚。目前尚存的《波兰分灭记》和《列国政要比较表》两书,原藏故宫昭仁殿,故宫博物院成立后,  相似文献   

从《不忍》杂志看康有为民初的政治主张   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
从《不忍》杂志看康有为民初的政治主张冯祖贻《不忍》杂志是康有为在辛亥革命后自己创办、自任主编、专登康氏一人著述的杂志①。康有为为什么要办《不忍》杂志?他在第一册《(不忍)杂志序》里说得很清楚:躬际中国之危机,于是不忍之心磅薄而相袭,触处而怒发,不能自...  相似文献   

(一) 上海古籍出版社根据国务院批准的《古籍整理出版规划(1982-1990)》而决定出版《康有为全集》,这是一件极有意义的事。康有为著作等身,据其弟子张伯祯编的《万木草堂丛书目录》,计有经、史、子、集部著作137种,这还不包括大量的函电、杂著和《目录》编成以后数年的著述。这些著作在康有为生前乃至解放前只刊印了很少部分,且已不易找到了。新中国成立后,康氏著作的出版渐受重视。50年代出版了中国史学会主编的《戊戌变法》资料丛刊四卷,收有康有为的“戊戌奏稿”、“未刊稿”、书牍等40余件,为研究康有为思想和戊戌变法史的基本史料,但现在我们知道,其中所谓“戊戌奏稿”29件大部分是他  相似文献   

《大同书》是康有为的一部“秘不示人”的代表作,以致它的成书过程众说纷纭,无一定论。笔者曾在《〈大同书〉手稿南北合璧及著书年代》(《复旦学报》1985年第2期)一文中,对《大同书》的著作年代有所略述,但其成书年代仍难以确定。最近,在查检康氏家属捐献的康有为遗物中,在一张康有为摄于印度的  相似文献   

叶卡特林娜二世以开明专制君主称于史,莫定她这一历史地位的献,就是致法典编篡委员会的《指导书》。《指导书》是叶卡特林娜二世开明专制的政治宣言书和精神境界的本,也是18世纪自由主义政治理论实践性的登峰造极之作。它反映了叶卡特林娜二世具有比较明显的启蒙思想意识,是她实行开明专制统治的指导性件。  相似文献   

康有为的《日本变政考》一书,是研究康氏变法思想的珍贵资料,它对光绪帝的倾心变法,实具有决定性的影响。可是,由于此书在康氏生前未曾公开出版,它一直默默地深藏北京故宫昭仁殿达八十年之久,在解放后出版的有关戊戌变法的专著中,均有录  相似文献   

康有为《戊戌奏稿》作伪,康著《我史》(即《康南海自编年谱》)和梁启超著《戊戌政变记》多有夸张,然而,从今存《杰士上书汇录》和康有为、梁启超的多部著作进呈本,仍能清晰地看到康有为与光绪帝之间的思想交流。光绪帝采用了康有为的建策,5次保全康有为,并在百日维新的后期,准备设立懋勤殿以安置康有为。康有为仍是戊戌变法的主要推动者之一。  相似文献   

论及戊戌变法,康有为的维新变法思想占有重要地位,但一些大学历史教材受篇幅所限,对康氏的维新变法思想讲解尚不够全面、深入。笔者讲授这一问题时,在全面系统的总括其七次上书的内容和《新学伪经考》、《孔子改制考》的基础上,指导学生总体评价康有为维新变法思想的成败得失。  相似文献   

梁启超,1873年出生于广东省新会县茶坑村,1895年他作为维新派的主要人物与康有为一起在北京组织和发动了震动朝野的“公车上书”,提出“拒和”、“迁都”、“变法”的政治要求。接着在与封建顽固派的论战中,他作为中国资产阶级维新派喉舌《时务报》的挑大梁者,更是充分发挥了以文字鼓动天下,以文章推动变法的宣传才能。百日维新期间,他又与康有为一起利用在总理衙门专折奏事,  相似文献   


Being a tourist is not a passive attitude. It is the result of a conscious decision essentially based on how individuals build what they perceive as unknown and how they decide to get to know it. In other words, tourists deliberately create a distance with the destination which allows them to enjoy the tourist experience as something exceptional. This paper is part of ongoing research and focuses on the subjective construction of the otherness, since this process determines what is left to be discovered. First, a theoretical overview will introduce the concepts of usual environment, proximity and tourist. Then, we will focus on guided tours as a mechanism of mediation between individuals and places. Finally, we will move on to the case of Barcelona's walking tours and the local participants’ experience as a way to adopt a tourist's approach. Preliminary results show, first, four categories of experience of proximate guided tours: educational, expert, recreational and tourist. Then, they focus on the proximity tourist experience using Urry and Larsen's notion of the ‘tourist gaze’ and Tuan's theory on the tourist and the resident's points of view. According to these theories, participants’ motivations and their individual frame of reference define a tourist's point of view. Based on that, results show that proximity tourists and traditional tourists share curiosity as motivation but do not have the same points of reference. In spite of that, the feeling of proximity with the destination does not constitute a barrier to become a tourist. It is the conscious adoption of the tourist's role which makes the individual gaze upon the visited areas like a tourist, regardless of the proximity with the environment. This approach of proximity tourism constitutes a way to enhance familiar places and develop tourism in an environmentally concerned context where proximate destinations are being promoted.  相似文献   

The contributions made by Ken Bullough (1927–1994) to space physics and conflict research are briefly summarised. This brief obituary and review of his scientific contributions is supplemented by a complete list of his publications.  相似文献   

The customary absence of anthropological perspectives in reports and policy recommendations on climate change and diversity loss is again confirmed in the current IPCC report and the recent UN report on biodiversity. This is a severe shortcoming since there is widespread agreement that goals are rarely met in these domains. Anthropology can offer a holistic perspective and local solutions which would make a difference. Policymakers are attracted to figures and universal recipes, but they need prose and diversity.  相似文献   

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