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天清气爽,澄亮的苍穹高远辽阔。海风悠然自得地推操海浪,不慌不忙去摇坚实的堤岸。我们沿着堤岸边的环岛公路,乘车驶向澳门半岛东南角,去寻访澳门古迹中年岁最长的妈祖阁。澳门币上就有“妈祖阁”图案海浪叠着海浪,无始无终而无怨无悔。海浪应该簇拥在妈相阁的石阶前面。妈相阁原本就建造在紧挨海的岩礁上,它的石阶以前就是码头,船靠岸就可以拾阶直进庙里去。岁月是个魔术师,硬是日积月累用海里的浪沙堆在妈祖阁的石阶下,推出了几百米远。现在的妈祖阁在原地一点也没移动,石阶前却是一条宽敞敞的柏油马路,还有一个公共巴士的终点…  相似文献   

英国利物浦蓝色外套美术馆近日遭遇火灾。该馆两月前刚完成了大规模的翻修工程。美术馆是利物浦最古老的建筑,是世界遗产地”海上商业城市利物浦”的一部分,2004年列入《世界遗产名录》。火灾导致的损失程度还需评估。”海上商业城市利物浦”历史中心的六个地区和港区见证了十八十九世纪世界主要贸易中心之一的利物浦的兴衰。  相似文献   

本文主要对中国最古老的长城,山东境内齐长城所产生的历史背景、建筑形式、走向和防御功能等进行了比较全面的论述.指出齐长城的修建,是山东古代劳动人民勤劳智慧和力量的结晶,中华民族的骄傲,因而成为山东古老文明的象征.  相似文献   

在中国人数以千计的姓氏当中,最古老的是具有将近5000年历史的“姬”姓。姬姓的族人,可以说是黄帝的嫡系后裔。  相似文献   

十筋  Sofia 《旅游纵览》2011,(12):11-12
<正>洛伊克巴德是阿尔卑斯最重要的温泉休养地,从罗马时代起就因温泉而闻名,人们会利用温泉帮士兵治疗伤口。直到今天,这个温泉小镇依然保持着淳朴的面貌,像纯净的山泉水。洛伊克巴德温泉的历史瑞士境内拥有250个富含阿尔卑斯矿物质的温泉,可谓是名副其实的温泉胜地。洛伊克巴德是瑞士最大的温泉疗养地,位于塔米纳山  相似文献   

邓聪 《文物》1999,(11)
一澳门半岛的早行者现代人类对自己的过去与未来,有着强烈的求知欲。因此,考古学与未来学同样是21世纪最令人神往的学科。一个地区人类文化历史起源的探索,往往是有相当吸引力的。1999年3月公布澳门最新的面积,为21.45平方公里。澳门尽管很小,同样无法避开本地人文历史肇始的重大问题。这篇短文试图讨论澳门半岛范围内现知最古老的文化。有关最早期澳门半岛人类活动的情况,如果从文献史料入手,我们可以举出两个例子。第一:如据17世纪冒险家平托(F.Mendes Piuto)在1614年出版《远游记》  相似文献   

<正> 在美国,最古老的博物馆是座落在南卡罗来纳州查尔斯顿市的查尔斯顿博物馆。 查尔斯顿博物馆自1773年建成开馆以来,已有216年的历史。这个博物馆不仅向人们展示了美国南部州——南卡罗来纳州的历史,而且还展示了美国东南部的自然史。 在博物馆的自然史展厅,观众置身于一个绘有南卡罗来纳州的野花和动物图案的围墙中。其它的展厅则是查尔斯顿地区人们从早期时代到现代生活的再现。有一个展厅陈列的是美州土著印第安人曾经使用过的一  相似文献   

《人类学学报》陆续刊载了几位学者对华北旧石器晚期遗址时代、性质及分布上的争议(安志敏1983,尤玉柱1984,王建1986)。其中尤其对年代测定较早的细石器遗址如下川、柴寺争论颇大。一些学者认为,细石器代表一种进步的石器技术,主要见于中石器和新石器时代。从迄今所知的世界早期几何形细石器出现的年代来看,这一技术诞生之早远远超出了以前的想象。虽然几何形细石器与细石叶  相似文献   

马六甲的名头甚多,它是马来西亚最早的华埠,是明朝郑和下西洋时船队的停靠补给基地,是闻名遐迩的世界文化遗产名城,这些炫目的头衔对这座古老之城来说,福兮祸兮?  相似文献   

<正>提起柬埔寨,许多人首先想到的就是吴哥,似乎它就是柬埔寨的代名词。这个像谜一样的国家,虽然饱经岁月沧桑的洗礼,却有着让人无法抵挡的动人魅力,从古至今不曾改变。吴哥拥有一片富饶美丽的沃土:东南亚最长的湄公河从这里蜿蜒流过;千姿百态的热带原始丛林令人目不暇接;而著名的吴哥古迹,则使地少人稀的国家闻名于世。它是柬埔寨的灵魂,是历史留给后人的奇迹。去探访世界遗  相似文献   

The following essay is divided into three parts. In the first part, evidences are presented to show that, as a result of modern etymological researches, the traditional interpretation of as “what a man becomes after his death” can no longer be accepted as representing the primitive meaning of this character. In the second part, further evidences, both documentary and palaeographic, are adduced to show that was very probably the name given to some simian or anthropoid animal; and that its current significations of ghost, sprite, devil, etc. are but later modifications of this primitive notion. In the last part, the author makes a tentative classification of characters and terms which are the graphic, semantic or phonetic cognates of in the light of the above conclusions.  相似文献   

A. Henry Rhind 《考古杂志》2013,170(1):154-163
Studies of early Anglo-Saxon social identity have been largely based on information obtained from the skeletal remains and grave assemblages from inhumation burials. As a result, the social identity of populations that practiced the alternative mortuary rite, namely cremation, is often overlooked. This paper will provide new evidence for the social identity of cremation practicing groups based on a comprehensive study of the Elsham and Cleatham cemeteries, both located in North Lincolnshire. The demographic attributes of the burial populations will be scrutinized alongside their associated grave furnishings. In addition, the spatial distribution of burials will be assessed as a means of establishing whether certain social groups were segregated at these cemeteries. Based on the results presented in this paper, it is clear that the often binary differences in grave provisions afforded to men and women in the inhumation rite play only minor roles in the manifestation of social identity among cremating groups in eastern England. Instead, stages in the lifecycle, kin associations and perhaps even ideological beliefs seem to have been emphasized by the treatment of the cremated dead.  相似文献   

Recent interpretations of the British Neolithic either consider the shared beliefs of this period or the short-term engagement of individuals with their material surroundings. This paper argues that, while both approaches provide exciting agenda, they fail to address the marked regional differences which exist within the range of monuments, and indeed have actually shifted Neolithic studies away from a consideration of such variability. A comparison of the monuments from North Yorkshire with similar evidence elsewhere in lowland England illustrates the value of an approach which concentrates on long-term trends in the continuity or transformation of social structures. It is proposed that the absence of causewayed enclosures and the early development of single-grave burials demonstrate a distinct social trajectory which continued with the construction of the later henges. The monuments are therefore seen to reflect long-term continuities in the social history of North Yorkshire.  相似文献   

核心价值概述 嵩山位于河南省郑州市所辖登封地区内,登封“天地之中”历史建筑群遗产区面积825公顷,缓冲区面积14940公顷,历经汉、魏、唐、宋、元、明、清,绵延不绝,“天地之中”历史建筑群构成了一部中国中原地区上下2000年形象直观的建筑史,是中国先民独特宇宙观和审美观的真实体现.该组建筑群包括周公测景台和观星台、嵩岳寺塔、太室阙和中岳庙、少室阙、启母阙、嵩阳书院、会善寺、少林寺建筑群(常住院、塔林和初祖庵)等8处11项历史建筑.  相似文献   

赵阳 《旅游纵览》2017,(1):52-59
在很多人的印象中,这是一个冰雪的王国,恶寒凛冽的气候赋予了这里的人们以强悍冷酷的民族气质,甚至在我们的历史课本上,这个国家似乎只和专政、冷血、独裁紧紧相连.其实,她拥有世界版图上最大的国土面积,拥有美丽而漫长的冬夜,拥有天鹅湖上唯美的舞步,拥有太多伟大的文学作品,让无数人心生向往.  相似文献   

THE PLEASANCE AT Kenilworth Castle was a ‘vividarium’, or pleasure garden, constructed by Henry V in the early 15th century. Despite academic recognition and the survival of well-preserved earthwork remains, the Pleasance has never previously been subjected to a programme of detailed archaeological survey and investigation. This article discusses the results of a new analytical earthwork survey undertaken by staff from English Heritage in 2012. It considers the contribution that these new findings make to wider debates on medieval designed landscapes, with a particular focus on mobility and its role in unlocking the meaning and symbolism embedded in elite landscapes.  相似文献   

历史上俄罗斯多次出现"回归欧洲"还是"融入亚洲"的讨论和选择,但独特的地缘政治和经济环境决定了俄罗斯必须在欧亚之间起到有效的链接作用,欧亚经济一体化的进程也离不开俄罗斯的积极作为。俄罗斯在积极与欧洲发展合作的同时也要在亚洲扮演重要的角色。中俄边疆区域合作是中俄关系发展的主要组成部分,为使中俄关系保持持续和稳定的发展,就必须排除"中国威胁论"论调的干扰。  相似文献   

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