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TASHILHUNGPOMONASTERY:CeremonyUnveilsTheGold-CharacterBoardHUSZIOnMay28,1996,aceremonywasheldintheDorgyaCourtyardoftheTashilh?..  相似文献   

XAODAINMONASTERY¥//TheXaodainMonastery,locatedinNagquTown,northernTibet,nowhasfiveLivingBuddhas,and18ofitslamashavewonGeshi,a...  相似文献   

My First Visit to Rtse Drugdgon Monastery I first heard about Bon religion through a friend ten years ago.Having heard from him how people refer to Bon religion as an“evil religion“and sometimes a“black religion“,I became quite terrified.In fact,Bon religion was actually the original Tibetan religion. Piously I prayed:“If one day I visit Tibet,please do not let me encounter Bon religion!“  相似文献   

<正>On hearing Reting Monastery,people always like to mention the uncountable big cypresses there.  相似文献   

正Not far from the ferry dock close to the Samye Monastery,there is a countryside road leading directly to the Dranang County.The road has been laid with asphalt and connects Lhasa to Lhokar.At the very beginning of the road,however,there is a sign,where"To the Drathang Monastery"is written.Obviously,the monastery is much more famous than the county.Ten  相似文献   

HistoriansbelieveTibetbecameapartofChinainthemid-13thcenturyduringtheYuanDynasty(1271-1368).TheSagyaMonasteryprovidesiron-cladproofinthisregard.MovingwestwardfromXigazeonereachesSagyaCounty,tuckedawayinhighmoun-tains.Haditnotbeenforthemagnifi-centSagyaMon…  相似文献   

SAGYAMONASTERY:Sorcerer'sDanceinWinterandSummerZHANGYINGBeginningwiththefirstdayofthe12thmonthofthenbetancalendar,Tibetansinw...  相似文献   

<正>Senior monk Dusuni Khyenpa from the Kagyu School of Tibetan Buddhism founded the Tsurpu Monastery in 1187;so today it is over 800 years old.  相似文献   

各位领导、各位来宾、同志们、朋友们、土族同胞们:在这人杰地灵的北川大地上,20余万土族儿女迎来了自己喜庆的日子,由青海土族研究会主办,大通回族土族自治县人民政府承办的青海省第九届土族安召纳顿节庆祝活动在舞蹈纹饰彩陶盆的故乡、河湟文明的发祥地  相似文献   

“首届土族文化论坛暨第八届在京土族安召纳顿节”2008年12月21日上午在中央民族大学文华楼西一楼学术报告厅举行。本次首届土族文化论坛由在京土族联谊会组委会主办,由中央民族大学民族学与社会学学院和三川发展促进会协办。本次论坛暨在京土族安召纳顿节得到了国家民族事务委员会办公厅、北京市民族联谊会的大力支持和经费资助,也得到了中央民族大学校办、研究生院、  相似文献   

<正>It’s dawn and the mountain valley in south Tibet is silent.There is only the smoke spiraling up from the kitchen chimneys of Tibetan households to greet the ...  相似文献   

Following in the wake of the repair of some halls at Tar Monastery in the 1992-1995 period, with the help of a State Council allocation to the tune of 37 million Yuan, the monastery will see the repair of its Gold Tile Hall with another 14 million Yuan from the State Council. The repair project has started, and it is expected to be completed before the end of the year. In the 12th year of the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) Emperor Hong Wu, a Lotus Gathering Pagoda was built in the place where…  相似文献   

<正>The fame of the Samye Monastery is unique in the history of Tibetan Buddhism.This monastery, dedicated to the Three Precious Ones(Buddha,Dharma and Sangha),w...  相似文献   

On Feb.24,2013,an annual Butter Lantern Festival was held in the Labrang Monastery in Xiahe County of Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture,Gansu Province on the Chinese Lantern Festival.Each Chinese Lantern Festival,the monks would place the butter lanterns made of the Tibetan specialty of yak butter in the square before the sutra hall of the Labrang Monastery as a means to pray for good fortune and harvest.  相似文献   

一阿米夏琼的春天草尖上滚动的春天,苏醒在隆务河两岸静穆的佛塔之颠吐蕃人走过的草地上鲜花盛开深奥的轮回的教义在春天里蔓延我的眸如晨星的兄弟将春天的树枝做成炭笔燃烧的火焰似六月般灼热珊瑚和松石调出最美丽的色泽佛陀的慈悲如同阳光普照神奇的光芒还在几百年前照亮过英俊的吐谷浑王子的忧伤歌谣和傩舞承载了历史的遗韵鹰笛吹响的悲凄浸染了兄弟的画布就这样怀着午夜的泪水奔向度母、奔向金刚、奔向心中的香巴拉阿米夏琼神光熠熠煨桑抚热了村庄苍凉的胸朴素的寺院绽放出花朵的美丽蘸了灵气的炭笔从此自由,从此舒展它走动在经堂的墙壁…  相似文献   

本以《广元县志》为剖析对象,分析了该志的错漏之处,并以志书实际情况为例,将之归为26类,以期志界同仁在续志时引起注意。  相似文献   

Tupholme Abbey, founded by c. 1166, was constructed of limestone masonry, some of which was reoriented at several times through its history. The limestone progressively acquired a ‘soft’, time-dependent magnetization in the earth's magnetic field—viscous remanent mag-netization (VRM)—that acts like a clock. Although VRM is normally disregarded by geologists because of its ephemeral nature, this remanence is acquired and persists over time-scales that are useful to archaeologists. Successive VRMs were initiated, at different ages of stabilization of the masonry, thus yielding a chronometric curve that allows us to determine, at least relatively, when masonry was installed.  相似文献   

Wheel Ceremony     
Edward Peacock 《Folklore》2013,124(3):283-284
This article addresses the way in which collective ideas of cultural identity in song are appropriated and customised at the local level. More specifically, it examines how the cultural construction of Scottishness in popular song was deployed and mediated in my Scottish/Australian family's song repertoire. [1] ?[1] The substance of this article draws from a recent Ph.D. study of my own migrant family's Scottish song traditions in Australia. It thus considers how song performance served as a vehicle for the formation of family and cultural meaning.  相似文献   

萧放 《民俗研究》2008,(4):266-270
有人说过:“时间带着口音发言。”时间具有民族性与地方性。在人文时间中有日常时间与特殊时间,节日属于特殊的人文时间,也是具有特定文化内涵、适应社会节奏的标志时间。中国地域辽阔,历史悠久,民族众多,有着丰厚的节日民俗文化遗产,节日民俗五彩斑斓。随着近代以来社会政治环境的变化,  相似文献   

高占伟  叶涛 《民俗研究》2010,95(3):60-65
民俗作为传承文化有其自身发展的规律,尊重民俗首先必须尊重其内在规律。本文以年节和清明为例,追溯传统节日在中国近代所经历的曲折历程,探求传统节日自身发展的特点,强调在当代社会转型的背景下尊重传统的重要性。  相似文献   

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