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清道人传作者菊南山题签董欣宾(C)晚年鬻书偷活期未能玉碎仅瓦全黄冠归里非初意李瑞清既免于死,自此易黄冠为道士,自号“清道人”,以“有清之罪臣”自况,不愿再闻人间事,欲出家从赤松子游,却因家人强留而不得去。十一月,携老弱二十余口,避地江东,寓居上海之“...  相似文献   

敦煌莫高窟学术编年(下)傅振伦中华民国元年(1912年)刘师培据伯希和盗去的写本照相片,写《敦煌新出唐写本提要》一卷公布在《国粹学报》。邓实等辑《古学汇刊》第一集(目录类),由上海国粹学报社排印,中有清季诩灼所撰《敦煌石室经卷中未入藏经论著述目录》一...  相似文献   

清道人传·上篇·作者菊南山标题字董欣宾引言胡小石、张大千的老师清道人(李瑞清)是“首辟两江文化”之功臣。他是教育家、书画家、鉴赏家;又是情痴、孝子、末代孤忠之臣,一生充满传奇性。在南京,他有不可抹煞的功绩,他不但把当时江南最有规模、最早创办的新式学堂...  相似文献   

西安南郊唐墓(M31)发掘简报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
西安南郊M31唐墓2002年4~7月由西安市文物保护考古所发掘。出土的随葬器物以三彩器为主 ,尤其是三彩俑题材丰富 ,造型生动。通体施蓝釉的三彩马、载物卧驼、骑驼奏乐俑及杂技俑等 ,给人以强烈的艺术感受 ,真实地反映了唐代现实生活的不同侧面  相似文献   

张建安 《纵横》2009,(10):43-46
蔡锷,原名艮寅,字松坡。1882年12月18日(清光绪八年十一月初九)生于湖南宝庆(今邵阳市),16岁时就读长沙时务学堂,师事梁启超、谭嗣同、唐才常等人,接受进步思想的熏陶,忧国忧民。1899年考入上海南洋公学,不久由梁启超来信相召,并得唐才常资助前往日本,就读于东京成城学校。  相似文献   

胡玮 《南方文物》2014,(1):203-204
<正>庐山博物馆藏三副李瑞清五言联,均为其功力深厚的精品佳作,传世珍品。第一副:李瑞清楷书五言联蜡笺166厘米×36厘米×2释文:超然得幽鉴;和处挹春风。款识:集砖塔铭字,此为唐石之致精者,然诸法也。莼庵贤弟雅鉴,清道人。钤印:阿呆、清道人、黄龙砚斋。上联中"幽鉴"指隐微的观察。鉴,古代铜镜,引申为照、观察、审查等,如鉴定、鉴于(看到,觉察到)。  相似文献   

1981年 4月洛阳市文物队在龙门东山北麓发掘了唐定远将军安菩与其妻何氏的墓葬(编号 C7M27)①。安菩死于唐麟德元年(公元664年),先窆于京师长安龙首原,其夫人何氏死后,又于景龙三年(公元709年)由后人迁其遗骨干“洛州大葬”,即今之合葬墓。该墓由墓道、墓门、甬道和墓室四部分组成。墓中随葬器物十分丰富,其中尤以三彩器出土数量最多。这些三彩器大中小俱全,大者高达1.1米以上,小者仅有几厘米,分为人物、动物和生活用具三大类。其组合为文吏俑、天王俑、镇墓兽、牵马俑、马、牵驼俑、骆驼、男骑马乐俑、女…  相似文献   

程正江 《纵横》2010,(1):63-64
《纵横》编辑同志: 今年5月,我在网上读到贵刊2008年第10期所载张白怀等人写的《上海方震小学是解放战争时期上海地下党的联络点》,文中涉及我的祖父程一中和姑姑程哲宣(时任方震小学校长)。1947年时,我虽然只有11岁,但他们筹办该校的整个过程都在我家(上海复兴中路496号)进行,我曾跟随家中大人多次到地处闸北的方震小学参观,卜明同志也曾在我家养病……可以说我是当时最年幼的目击者,  相似文献   

"清道人"李瑞清有三位得意门生:一位名叫陈墨西,老同盟会会员,他是台湾著名女作家琼瑶的祖父,另两位是一代绘画宗师张大千与徐悲鸿的书画老师、著名美术教育家吕凤子。慧眼识才破格录取李瑞清,字梅庵,号"梅痴",晚号"清道人"、"玉梅花庵主"。清光绪十九年(1893)于江西考中举人,  相似文献   

(一) 穆藕初(1876~1943年),名湘碉,上海人,民国时期爱国实业家。6岁人塾,光绪十五年(1889年)人棉花行学徒。和当时的许多有志青年一样,穆藕初受国家半殖民地被压迫被欺辱的国情所激励,立志要苦学成才,以与列强一决高下。他自学英文及文化课,于1900年考进上海江海关任办事员。1904年,穆藕初与马相伯等人组织“沪学会”.声援上海各界的反美爱国斗争,从事资产阶级改良活动。  相似文献   

尊史説是龔自珍思想的重要觀念。他的尊史説有前後期的不同,前期表現爲治學合一論,後期則提出了史無所不包與賓賓説。史無所不包是横向的尊史説,而賓賓説則是縱向的尊史説,二者一縱一横,分别説明了史之所以尊的原由。龔自珍的尊史説是對一直以來的史不如經的傳統看法的顛覆,帶有關注社會現實的積極意義與重視文化發展的繼承性理念。  相似文献   

Drawing upon archival material, this article offers an overview and discussion of the manner in which the topic of representative democracy was addressed during conferences of the Mont Pèlerin Society in the period between 1947 and 1998. I contend that the most common critique of democracy amongst MPS members was that democratic politics has the tendency to lead to interventions in the economy, thus distorting or even destroying the market mechanism. Yet most members were simultaneously convinced that democracy is a necessary condition of individual liberty, which meant that democracy, rather than being either a mere nuisance or an irredeemable obstacle that must be rejected wholesale, posed a genuine problem for them. Whilst at MPS conferences a myriad of solutions to the problem of democracy was explored, one such solution was suggested most often and theorized most thoroughly, namely the imposition of constitutional limits on popular power; a proposal that often amounted to an attempt radically to circumscribe citizens’ influence on the legislature. I conclude by reflecting upon the implications of these findings for the scholarly study of neoliberal thought on democracy.  相似文献   

故宫博物院图书馆藏1704号圆明园地盘图是迄今仅见的唯一一张完整记录乾隆朝圆明园盛况的绝世孤本,也是现存圆明园图档中绘制年代最早、使用时间最长、表现内容最丰富、记载变化最全面的国宝级珍贵档案。该图极有可能是清代著名样式雷家族的第三代传人——雷声澂执掌清宫样式房楠木作事务之时,于乾隆四十四年(1779)前后绘制的圆明园本部平面。此后该图一直作为档案图纸使用达半个多世纪之久,几乎囊括了一部全盛时期圆明园的变迁史,是研究圆明园在乾隆、嘉庆、道光三朝发展变化的最权威、最完整的档案记录。  相似文献   

Summary. The development of academic géography in Canada was somewhat similar to that in the United States. At the turn of the century géography was probably stronger in the schools in most provinces than it was in most states, but in both countries it seemed to be mainly an uninspired collection of facts about particular places in the world. There was no leadership from Canadian universities to improve the quality of géography nor to change its content or philosophy. As in the United States, but on a smaller scale, géography was known in a few Canadian universities prior to World War I. Its real beginnings, however, were in the latter part of the 1930s.  相似文献   

For much of the twentieth century, a chasm divided the disciplines of international relations and international law, with relatively little communication and even less mutual comprehension. In particular, this period saw the increasing exclusion of international law from the study of international relations, with key texts removed from reading lists. Perhaps the most obvious and significant reason for this exclusion was the dominance of the realist, and later, neorealist schools of thought in international relations. This phenomenon was certainly most notable in the United States, where the dominance of realism was most extensive. However, in recent decades, a rapprochement between the two disciplines has been attempted, led in the first instance largely by international lawyers. Despite significant efforts at bridging the gap, however, this article argues that a genuine dialogue has yet to emerge. Using insights from debates in and across each discipline about appropriate responses to mass atrocities, this article offers suggestions for creating such a dialogue.  相似文献   

交通近代化过程中人力车与电车的矛盾分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
王印焕 《史学月刊》2003,(4):99-104
作为民国城市的新旧两种交通工具,人力车与电车的矛盾接连不断。在所有的冲突中,人力车夫因生计被剥夺而痛恨电车,电车虽为先进交通工具,却也不得不在触犯众怒的歉疚中小心谨慎。而政府在处理这对矛盾时,也经常陷入对人力车与电车的双重同情之中。总之,人力车与电车的矛盾,是交通近代化过程中新旧两种交通工具的较量,虽然暂时难有赢家,但电车取代人力车,则是历史的必然。人力车与电车冲突的根源,主要在于取缔人力车的同时,如何安置好众多人力车夫的生计。政府处理不好这一问题,将会把自己带人到革命的漩涡之中。  相似文献   

明代北京燃料的使用与采供   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
明代北京使用的燃料,有植物性的柴炭和矿物性的煤两类。明代前期,北京所用燃料主要为柴薪,中叶以后煤的使用日益增加,到明代后期,煤逐渐成为北京的主要燃料。明代内廷所用柴炭,基本上通过强制性的徭役体系获得,而京城官民人等所需柴炭,则须通过市场购买。至于煤的开采和运销, 则主要采用民营方式。  相似文献   

18 8 4年 11月 ,新疆开设行省 ,刘锦棠被清廷任命为新疆巡抚。刘锦棠之所以成为首任新疆巡抚 ,本文认为从客观上说 ,当时清朝统治者已严重依赖于汉族地主阶级 ;从主观上来看 ,是因为刘锦棠率军收复新疆失地 ,立下汗马功劳 ,他又曾参与新疆善后事务 ,而最重要的是 ,刘锦棠当时最了解新疆的实际 ,提出了比较切实可行的新疆建省方案。  相似文献   

The Soviet politicization of international youth during the inter-war and wartime years was identified by British policy-makers as a most serious threat to British imperial power. Asserting the significance of and interplay between colonial youth and imperial ideology in the politics of the cultural Cold War, this article thus examines how the British conceptualized and sought to compete in the Cold War ‘youth race’ between 1945 and 1949. While funding was the most obvious disadvantage, this article argues that Britain’s fatal weakness was its inability to escape the consequences of colonialism, including the tendency to rely on repressive legislation.  相似文献   

清代宾兴礼的直接源头是明代宾兴礼。清代宾兴礼既对明代宾兴礼有所继承,同时据很多地方志的记载,清代宾兴礼逐渐演变为专指送别科举考生参加乡试的典礼。彩楼和月宫桥是清代宾兴礼上最为常见的场景布置,而《加官》、《魁星》等原本是戏剧开演前的舞蹈戏则是宾兴礼上常用的优伶表演剧目。由于清代前期地方科举经费预算被大幅度裁减,各地宾兴礼在缺乏经费的情况下,往往很难如期举行。为此,地方官和乡绅常临时捐资或捐置资产设立基金,以便可以长久举行宾兴礼,这也是清代各地科举考试公益基金大量涌现的重要原因。  相似文献   

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