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湖滩争夺与省界成型——以皖北青冢湖为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在传统地方史志的记载中,对于一个行政区疆域的记载往往是以"四至八到"的形式来表示的,依照这种粗略的记载,在很多地区根本无法准确的划出政区之间的边界。在各级政区的边界类型中,又属省界的地位比较特殊。对于省界争端的处理往往会面临"属人主义"和"属地主义"两种原则的抉择,而争端的处理过程其实体现了中央政府、省政府、基层政府与普通民众之间的多重复杂、互动的关系。民国时期青冢湖苏皖省界纠纷的处理过程正是体现了上述关系,并且展现了原本模糊的省级政区界限逐渐演变为精确的几何界线的动态过程。  相似文献   

This article examines how indigenous ethnic minorities in Indonesia are being affected by the implementation of decentralization and regional autonomy policies. New legislation transferred responsibility and authority over various issues, including resource extraction and local governance, from the central government to regional authorities at the district level. Members of the growing indigenous rights movement hoped that this decentralization process would allow ethnic minority communities to retain or regain control over natural resources through local‐level politics. Furthermore, some ethnic minorities saw the implementation of decentralization as an opportunity to return to local forms of land tenure and resource management that had been disparaged by the national government for most of the twentieth century. However, these new laws also encourage district level governments to generate income through natural resource exploitation, as they will receive a certain percentage of these revenues. Minority communities could be adversely affected as local governments disregard their land rights in efforts to raise income to cover their new expenses, essentially continuing the practices of previous governments. This article examines the new opportunities, as well as the new threats, posed by decentralization to ethnic minorities throughout Indonesia.  相似文献   

政府空间治理对地方发展具有深刻影响。西方学界在解释国家治理时有三个重要学说:非马克思主义理论、马克思主义理论和福柯学说,但并不能完全解释我国的政府治理结构。中国治理结构包含中央政府和地方政府等多个层次,各层次的行为能力和权力空间有所不同。改革开放以来,中央政府允许地方政府通过调节财税杠杆、土地、劳动力等要素进行地方治理模式创新。同时,地方政府积极争取成为由中央政府批准的特殊经济区,对本地制度环境进行改革和创新,以促进地方产业发展。本文以重庆市为例,结合6次深入调研,探讨政府如何通过财税、土地等多项改革,提升空间治理能力,创造差异化治理环境,以带动地方产业发展的积极响应。  相似文献   

In many developing countries, a rhetorical commitment to decentralization often superficially manifests through the creation of new or smaller administrative units at the sub-national level. In democracies in particular, this raises the question of whether sub-national unit proliferation is intended for winning popular support in elections or addressing the concerns of local citizens. This paper analyzes the motivations for district creation by focusing on Ghana, which is oft-considered one of Africa's more committed countries to decentralization. At the same time, successive governments repeatedly have divided the country into more districts in an espoused effort to more effectively bring services closer to citizens. With an in-depth focus on the most recent increase from 170 to 216 districts between 2008 and 2012, this paper employs national and district census, socioeconomic, and electoral data to examine which districts were split and why. Instead of representing a source of patronage to swing voters or a divide-and-rule strategy in opposition strongholds, the study finds that the incumbent party at the time, the National Democratic Congress (NDC), used re-districting as a tactic of malapportionment and predominantly targeted non-competitive districts where gaining an additional legislative seat in subsequent elections was more likely. Evidence suggests that this pattern is not specific to the NDC and that previous district splitting under the New Patriotic Party (NPP) also focused disproportionately on that party's safe seats. Overall, the paper emphasizes the need for according greater consideration to underlying institutional aspects, particularly electoral rules and executive-legislative relations, when analyzing the motivations for territorial reforms.  相似文献   

吴翊朏  李郇 《人文地理》2014,29(4):52-58
改革开放以来的一系列制度变化对地方政府的政府职能和管治手段提出了新的要求,并由此对城市空间拓展产生了深远影响。以广州市为研究对象,探讨了其近十年城市空间拓展与地方政府管治的关系,发现市级政府以行政区划调整为手段、以战略规划为纲领的管治方式主导了城市生产及流通空间的建设;同时,由于各级政府之间利益协调的原因,地方政府管治过程出现了尺度分异,表现为区级政府与房地产市场共同作用下外围地区空间拓展向北低效蔓延的管治失灵现象。通过对政府管治在城市空间构建过程中的作用和成效的探讨,以期对引起人们对中国城市化进程中地方政府管治和城市空间关系的思考。  相似文献   

拉萨八廓历史文化街区旅游发展居民感知研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
旺姆  吴必虎 《人文地理》2012,27(2):128-133
历史街区是特定地域历史、社会、文化的核心载体,兼具遗产保护、旅游开发价值,在历史街区旅游发展过程中,如何平衡保护与开发是历史地段发展一直面临的挑战。拉萨市八廓街为"中国历史文化名街",代表着藏族历史文化街区的价值与特色,同时也是西藏集宗教、文化、旅游、商业为一体的重要旅游吸引物。本文以八廓街历史文化街区为例,通过实地观察及问卷调查等方式,探讨旅游开发影响与居民感知之间的关系。研究表明,旅游对于地方经济的积极效益已得到普遍肯定,但是旅游对历史街区的具体作用,尤其是对社会文化负面影响的表现是存在分异的,由此也形成了居民态度的差异。  相似文献   

地方政府企业化主导下的城市空间发展与演化研究   总被引:24,自引:4,他引:20  
在经济全球化、市场化、分权化的不断作用下,中国的经济与社会发展正在经历着深刻而全面的转型,其中政府角色与作用的变迁是一个值得关注的重要领域。与西方国家政府进行的"企业化管治"所不同的是,中国地方政府更倾向于将行政资源直接移植到新的城市竞争体系之中,即表现为强烈的"政府企业化"特征。在全球竞争时代,城市空间资源是地方政府通过行政权力可以直接干预、有效组织的重要竞争元素,也是"政府企业化"的重要载体,城市空间的发展因而也表现出政府强烈主导、逐利色彩浓厚的特征。本文将从政府企业化这个角度审视中国当前城市空间发展演化的深刻机制,并且对其相应的衍生效应给予客观的评价。  相似文献   

Municipal boundaries shape the influence of local government on patterns of development and disparities. Based on a largely qualitative assessment of initiatives to change municipal boundaries of Arab localities in Israel between the 1960s and 2001, we aim to demonstrate the tension between geographical‐administrative considerations and political, particularly geopolitical, issues at two levels: Arab claims and central government decisions. We emphasize that municipal boundary conflicts provide broader insights on societal transformations and dilemmas, as well as influencing them. Growing activism of Arabs and trends of political decentralization led not only to class‐based demands, but also to ethno‐national‐based demands. In addition to development needs with an emphasis on equality, claims of Arab municipalities also reflect aspirations to reverse consequences of the 1948 war and to redefine the Jewish essence of the state. A major dilemma among Arabs is whether to emphasize geographic‐administrative justifications or to explicitly take the ethno‐national path. Among central government decision‐makers, an explicitly political discourse has apparently given way to a professional one, which faces dilemmas of incorporating unique political‐cultural attributes of Arabs in professional assessments, and balancing them with concerns of security and state identity. Whereas professional jargon is not value free and can mask political agendas, dialogues based on a professional jargon could lead to solutions in otherwise dead‐end political disputes, although such dialogues could gain momentum only if showing results.  相似文献   

In focusing on regional development and industrialization, this article highlights three main themes: the relevance to developing countries of the new industrial district concept; the apparent continued need to theorize agglomerated industrial growth; and the relevance of agricultural development to local and regional industrial development. It concludes that the new industrial district concept is not relevant to understanding industrialization in the peripheral regions of developing countries and that despite the introduction of decentralization policies, local industrial development will, as before, very largely depend on central government resource allocation, the stability of government and the role played by large and medium scale enterprises, including Multi-National Corporations (MNCs). It is also argued that without special efforts to develop agriculture, local and regional industrial development are less likely to occur.  相似文献   

张京祥  于涛  殷洁 《人文地理》2008,23(3):7-11
面对全球化所营造的激烈竞争环境,1990年代以来西方城市治理发生了重大转型,普遍从福利型政府向企业型政府转向,大力实施了营销型城市增长策略。在国内、国际环境转变的双重压力下,以土地储备为重点的城市经营和以大事件为载体的城市营销正被中国诸多城市政府所积极采用,因而城市治理表现出显著的企业化倾向。在实施营销型城市增长策略的过程中,官商利益联盟共同推进了城市的增长,并各自产生了明显的利益寻租行为。文章基于制度经济学的分析方法,透过城市增长机器理论的视角,剖析了营销型城市增长策略的形成机制和利益格局,并以南京市土地储备和奥体新城建设的案例,揭示了其所导致的经济、社会与空间负效应。文章认为,城市内生竞争力的提高必须摈弃营销型增长策略的功利模式,推进城市政府从单一目标的"增长型政府"向综合目标的"发展型政府"的转变。  相似文献   

Decentralization projects, such as that initiated by the Rawlings government in Ghana at the end of the 1980s, create a political space in which the relations between local political communities and the state are re‐negotiated. In many cases, the devolution of power intensifies special‐interest politics and political mobilization aiming at securing a ‘larger share of the national cake’, that is, more state funds, infrastructure and posts for the locality. To legitimate their claims vis‐à‐vis the state, civic associations (‘hometown’ unions), traditional rulers and other non‐state institutions often invoke some form of ‘natural’ solidarity, and decentralization projects thus become arenas of debate over the boundaries of community and the relationship between ‘local’ and national citizenship. This article analyses one such debate, in the former Lawra District of Ghana's Upper West Region, where the creation of new districts provoked protracted discussions, among the local political elite as well as the peasants and labour migrants, about the connections between land ownership and political authority, the relations between the local ethnic groups (Dagara and Sisala), and the relevance of ethnic versus territorial criteria in defining local citizenship.  相似文献   

中国省直管县市与地方行政区划层级体制的改革研究   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
汪宇明 《人文地理》2004,19(6):71-74
中国行政区划呈现出"中央-省(自治区、直辖市)-自治州(盟)、市-县(旗)、市-乡镇"的多层级状态。调整规模、减少层级、增强活力,是中国地方行政区划体制以及相伴生的政府管理体制进一步改革的长期战略任务和目标。实施省直管县市体制是中国地方行政区划层级体制及政府行政管理体制改革的关键环节,它事关国家的长治久安和地方社会经济的可持续发展,具有长远的战略意义和实践意义。  相似文献   

As the neo‐liberal project has spread across the globe, decentralization has been a key component of it. In South Africa, the neo‐liberal macro‐economic strategy of the African National Congress (ANC) involves support for fiscal and administrative decentralization partly as a way to bring the private sector into basic service delivery and supposedly to make local government more efficient and effective. However, the ANC also sees decentralization as a way to empower the historically disadvantaged black population. Community‐based public–private partnerships have been one of the chief initiatives in this regard. In the metropolitan municipality of Port Elizabeth, small black contracting companies have been hired and trained to dispose of waste, construct roads and build houses. While not free of tensions and problems, this approach to decentralization has fostered a form of democratic development. This article uses examples from the Port Elizabeth experience to test and reflect upon a number of issues which are raised in the literature on decentralization.  相似文献   

转型中国的地方管治:海外学者的观点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
改革开放以来,中国的城市与区域在分权化、全球化和市场化的宏观背景下,经历了剧烈的政治、经济和社会转型,地方管治成为城市地理学研究的热点问题。本文对海外研究中国地方管治的有关文献进行综述,总结了目前主流理论对中国地方管治变革的两种观点-强势的地方政府与低效的地方政府,并做出评述。研究同时也指出深化中国地方管治研究和地方政府间关系研究的新方向。  相似文献   

徐小波  吴必虎 《人文地理》2013,28(6):133-141
生活环境作为居民传统生活方式的形塑产物,是历史街区保护的重要内容。旅游开发为历史街区发展提供了一种现代途径,也干扰历史街区的空间转变。旅游影响对居民生活惯习的介入效应调整旅游历史街区生活环境的存续-发展结构。扬州"双东"历史街区旅游发展对生活环境具有较大影响。居民围绕生活环境质量和旅游支持性形成三类亚群。旅游影响以不同方式介入居民生活环境,应结合具体情况确定生活环境维护导向。传统生活方式与现代发展诉求、生活环境整体转变与街区居民个体利益之间的矛盾是维护"双东"生活环境遭遇的现实困境。  相似文献   

《Political Geography》2002,21(4):449-472
Neoliberal theorists and development practitioners contend that economic liberalization and privatization lead to increased private sector productivity and decentralization accompanied by administrative reforms lead to greater democracy, more efficient public sector investment, and faster local development. Examination of the Bolivian case, which has been promoted as a global model for neoliberal restructuring, presents a different picture. There, economic restructuring and privatization have led to a decline in government revenues and a continuing economic crisis. Privatization of public services has led to rate hikes, which, in turn, have generated massive social protests. Political restructuring through decentralization has as often resulted in the entrenchment of local elites as in increases in truly democratic control of resources and social investments. This economic and political restructuring has also served to territorialize opposition to privatization and neoliberal economic policies and, in some areas, reinforce regional social movements. When examined together, it becomes clear how economic and administrative restructuring has sought to provide transnational firms both access to Bolivian natural resources as well as the social stability necessary in which to operate. As privatization through the Law of Capitalization further opened the country’s borders to global capital, the decentralization program through the Law of Popular Participation served to focus the attention of popular movements from national to local arenas. While foreign investment has increased, the lack of benefits for the majority of the country has led to mounting regional social protests in the face of reduced government spending on social programs and increased prices for basic services.  相似文献   

本文以广州荔枝湾涌历史文化街区为例,运用扎根理论研究荔枝湾涌1940年代以来地方发展变迁与居民地方感的关系,进而挖掘居民地方感变化机制。研究发现:荔枝湾涌居民的地方感主要受生态环境、建筑与配套服务、集体记忆、活动类型、人际关系等因素的影响,其中生态环境起主导性作用;积极地方感主要来源于集体记忆的保留与延续;消极地方感主要来源于破旧的居住环境及落后的配套服务;此外,文章提出内向型地方感和外向型地方感的概念,认为随着城市发展,在地方发展变迁过程中,地方感由内向型地方感转变为内向型和外向型相结合的地方感。两种地方感相互作用,互相调节,更有利于地方稳定、开放、包容地发展。  相似文献   

Uganda has been engaged for a number of years in an ambitious programme of political and financial decentralization involving significantly expanded expenditure and service delivery responsibilities for local governments in what are now forty‐five districts. Fiscal decentralization has involved allocation of block grants from the centre to complement increased local tax revenue‐raising efforts by districts and municipalities. This article is concerned with the financial side of decentralization and in particular with an examination of district government efforts to raise revenue with the tax instruments which have been assigned to them. These are found to be deficient in a number of ways and their tax raising potential not to be commensurate with the responsibilities being devolved. Achievement of the decentralization aims laid down, therefore, must depend either on the identification of new or modified methods of raising revenue locally, or increased commitment to transfer of financial resources from the centre, or both.  相似文献   

清代新疆镇迪道建置沿革和职能特征演变,以及清末新疆建省时期道州县体系替代军府制之下多种行政制度并行体制的演变过程,体现了清政府治新政策的转变和道的职能变化趋势:民政权扩大和向准政区职能演变。本文辨析和阐述以上沿革过程,并对清代新疆道的建置沿革和对地方行政制度的演变、政区的形成,以及为其他边疆地区建置变革提供的示范作用产生的影响,进行了分析。  相似文献   

陶伟  黄荣庆 《人文地理》2006,21(3):10-13
城市游憩商业区的发展是和社会、政治、经济、城市本身的发展紧密联系在一起的。城市游憩商业区系统是一个多种因素共同作用的复合系统,它的空间位置、外在表现形态、功能与组织形式都在动态地演变着。通过对广州历史上游憩商业区的形成、空间结构的变迁以及影响其空间结构变迁的相关因素的研究,探讨城市游憩商业区发展的历史轨迹与一般性规律。  相似文献   

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