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In this article, I examine how Monique Agénor uses oral traditions and supernatural practices in her novel Comme un vol de papang' in order to bequeath Malagasy traditions not only to all the Malagasy people who are still living in the red island, Madagascar, but also to those who are now exiled. In her book, the writer tells the history of Madagascar in the wake of its decolonization and the story of Hermina, a young Malagasy descent woman who was born and lives in the island of Réunion, in the Indian Ocean. Thanks to her divine power, Herminia succeeds in spreading the history of an island that she does not know personally. By the agency of numerous rituals, symbolic visions, and the use of traditional rhetorical discourses borrowed from the Malagasy oral traditions, kabary, Agénor transmits the history of Madagascar and ensures its survival.  相似文献   

This article examines the textiles trades of the west coast of Madagascar through the commercial relations and connections of Nosy Be with East Africa, the Comoro islands, the Mascarenes, India, French and other European imperial and metropolitan interests. It argues that, despite having been overlooked by historians in favour of Madagascar’s east coast economy centred on Tamatave, the island of Nosy Be in the far north-west of the island provides a critical vantage point from which to study the commercial exchange dynamics centred on a variety of textiles in the nineteenth century, a period of marked upheaval in the western Indian Ocean. Despite competition from European and American cloths — involving state perquisites granted to French textiles — Indian and other regional cloth continued to maintain important markets amongst Malagasy consumers into the early twentieth century.  相似文献   

In 1839, six Malagasy Christians arrived in Britain under the auspices of the London Missionary Society. The group had been persecuted in Madagascar for their faith. They were introduced to the British evangelical community as saints and martyrs who were dependent on the missionary society, but their decision to undertake the long journey was shaped by their spiritual beliefs, their desire to develop their education, and their wish to eventually become evangelical missionaries in Madagascar. At public meetings around the country, the Malagasy used a Christian frame of reference to describe their personal stories and their hopes for the future of Christianity in Madagascar. As speaking subjects, not merely objects of spectacle and display, they communicated to British audiences their credibility as fellow Christians, educated individuals, and civilised human beings.  相似文献   

Ecotourism,Poverty and Resources Management in Ranomafana,Madagascar   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

This paper explores how the protection of natural resources is managed in Madagascar in order to understand how and why tourism development is part of the strategy to safeguard these resources. Based on a heterodox political economy approach and using documentary analysis as well as exploratory interviews, this paper focuses on the specific case of Ranomafana National Park showing how the environment, economic growth and poverty alleviation strategies are instrumental to a ‘development framework’ that envisions the rural poor population as a problem as well as a solution with respect to resource depletion. The analysis concluded that tourism is far from being an ‘axis of development’ for the Malagasy economy, and, thus, an insufficient alternative to address the destructive practices described in this paper. The case study shows that ecotourism creates few work opportunities for local people and does not absorb the job seekers who rapidly revert to survival techniques and anarchic use of resources, thereby threatening the integrity of the forest and the long-term survival of ecotourism activities. In this context, the place of tourism in general and of ecotourism, in particular, appears to have been highly exaggerated in Madagascar as the direct economic benefits of tourism at the local level remain minimal.  相似文献   

本文通过对14—17世纪中国明朝官式建筑与约略同时期的朝鲜李朝建筑在大木技术上的比较研究,尤其是对典型建筑中大木作的分析比较后发现,朝鲜李朝建筑与中国明朝官式建筑,特别是山东曲阜地区建筑在木构技术上有许多相似之处。这一方面是由于李朝与明朝在历史上一直有着密切联系和相互交流;另一方面,李朝时期的统治者十分尊崇儒家学说,朝鲜半岛在地理上又与中国山东地区十分接近,海上交流频繁,在建筑领域也有许多共同之处。本文力图通过对两国木结构建筑之大木构架特征及其发展规律的研究,剖析二者的异同及其形成原因,并藉此为比较研究提供新的视角与切入点。  相似文献   

With the virtual disappearance of the centuries‐old Jewish community in Ethiopia through wholescale emigration to Israel, African Jewry is in the process of reconstituting itself into new Jewish movements (NJMs). One of these NJMs is emerging in Madagascar. However, the number of Malagasy adherents to normative (i.e. rabbinic) Judaism is eclipsed by those within the larger society who affirm genealogical descent from ancient Israel – and therefore the mantle of ‘Jew’. They do so while practising Christianity. Thus, the longstanding, sensitive question ‘who is a Jew?’ has migrated from Israel, America and Europe to Africa and Madagascar. This article introduces an array of Malagasy ‘Judaizing’ communities – believers in an Israelite Lost Tribe origin, descendants of a Jewish convert to Islam, Leviticus‐like ‘Aaronites’ – before focusing on Malagasies practising normative Judaism. The new Jews of Madagascar extend the cultural and geographic scope of new religious movements literature to greater Africa and, by extension, to societies in the developing world.  相似文献   

百人会与美国华人社会   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
建立于 1 990年的“美国华裔百人委员会” ,简称“百人会” ,是美国社会非常有影响的一个华人社团 ,该组织的成员大多是在各自领域取得了杰出成就的精英。在这种背景下 ,该组织在过去的 1 3年里积极充当美国华人的代言人 ,架起中美交往的桥梁 ,为提升美国华人的社会地位、促进中美关系的良性发展做出了重大贡献 ,该组织也深受中美两国政府关注。但遗憾的是 ,至今学术界少有人对它进行全面研究。本文从“百人会”成立的背景及其发挥的作用等方面进行分析 ,以填补美国华侨华人研究的这一小空白。  相似文献   

俄罗斯的华人移民——社会问卷调查研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对俄国新、老华人移民的大规模问卷调查,旨在全面认识和了解俄国的华人移民状况及他们对所面临问题的看法。调查主要涉及的内容有移民经历、生活水平、职业和群体的力量、与俄罗斯社会的相互关系、关于俄罗斯的总体印象及未来计划等。  相似文献   

论文根据近年来广东省档案馆陆续公布的档案资料,对“九三0”事件后中国救济安置印尼归难侨工作的具体过程进行了梳理,并对此项工作的重要意义进行了探讨。主要观点有:广东省是难侨的主要安置点;在印尼反华排华及美苏共同推动国际社会反华的背景下,中国政府对印尼归难侨采取的救济安置措施,具有维护中国海外侨民权益和国家外交利益的双重意义;该项工作是“文革”期间最大规模的归难侨救济安置活动,在推动国内归难侨救援机制发展方面,特别是归难侨侨生安置和华侨农场机制发展方面发挥了积极作用。  相似文献   

论文就中美两国对赫蒙人截然不同的族群界定与依据、赫蒙人在美国的生存适应与族群认同的状况进行了研究。对于20世纪中叶沦为难民后,陆续辗转移居美国的老挝赫蒙人,中国学者将其视为少数民族华人,美国官方却将其确定为与华裔、韩裔等少数族裔并列的独立族裔类别。美国赫蒙人虽然在血统的意义上可归属于具有中国血统的人,但其几乎不存在华人归属意识,也极少与中国发生社会联系。许多海外华人或海外具有中国血统的人将会随着时间的推移而逐渐失去华人认同意识,并与中国社会浙行渐远。因此建议依据中国血统、中国传统文化的保持、主观认同为华人、与中国社会的联系等“华人性”的几个维度去理解和定义“海外华人”。  相似文献   

Since the early twentieth century, the practice of slash‐and‐burn agriculture by Betsimisaraka subsistence farmers of eastern Madagascar, and their reluctance to engage in wage labor processes, have been interpreted by French and other Malagasy people as symptoms Betsimisaraka laziness. Colonial officials’ idea of remedying Betsimisaraka laziness justified the imposition of wage work and forest conservation. The paper argues that colonial settlers, by conflating their vision of lazy labor and a victimized landscape, did not apprehend the co‐existence of an alternative work ethic which entailed a different time‐space orientation and social relationship to land. While scholars have analyzed the “laziness” of colonial subjects as a form of subaltern resistance to colonial domination, resistance alone does not account for the fact that under certain conditions Betsimisaraka people have also willingly partaken in wage labor. This article reveals how the labor and land ethics of Betsimisaraka farmers have actively contributed to the social and natural environments of capitalism.  相似文献   

回族作为"最熟悉的陌生人",其关系建构问题近年来日益受到多个学科的关注。论文以"关系经济地理学"强调的情景性、路径依赖和权变性观点为思想来源,构建了回族社区关系建构的理论分析框架。案例研究发现,散杂居回族社区的关系建构是"大尺度分散"和"小尺度集聚"的地缘结构,"族内强关系"和"族外弱关系"的社会关系、基于资源禀赋和地理区位差异的特色经济网络,以及基于地方传统和路径依赖的教缘网络,在交互作用中产生和发展的,该解释框架对中国散杂居地区回族社区转型发展具有重要的理论价值。  相似文献   

This article serves to analyze the role and history of philology within modern Chinese humanities-based scholarship, using the work of Fu Sinian and the establishment of the Institute of History and Philology as a framework with which to observe the changing status of philology as a practice within contemporary Chinese humanities. Despite its critical function within the Western scholarship and cultural development that inspired modern Chinese scholars as well as its centrality to Fu Sinian’s groundbreaking efforts, philology has been all but ignored in recent years, and its purpose has been rendered niche and peripheral. Additionally, the ambiguity that has surrounded the term “philology” itself since its earliest days within the Chinese academic world has only intensified over time, thereby exacerbating the field’s marginalized status. The author’s goal is to call attention to the complexity and importance of philology that has been so critically overlooked in recent times by outlining six distinct yet interrelated categories of philology/philological study, ranging from a basic academic “love of words, text, and learning” to a broad life view. By providing a detailed, segmented glimpse into the otherwise vaguely-defined phenomenon of philology, its vital function as mankind’s sole means of comprehending the past is made clear, and a “return to philology” is advocated in order to preserve those specific academic fields that draw their origins from philology and avoid a collapse of scholarly humanities study as a whole.  相似文献   

时间地理学研究现状与展望   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:9  
概述时间地理学在欧美及日本的应用研究状况,重点论述时间地理学在中国城市地域研究中的应用情况,展望时间地理学可能的应用研究领域。  相似文献   

本文以《回国五十年——建国初期回国旅日华侨留学生文集》一书为中心,结合其他一些相关的文献资料,比较全面系统地分析研究20世纪后期从日本归国的华侨留学生在国内工作与生活的情况,希望能够对中华人民共和国归国华侨历史与日本华侨华人历史的研究工作有所启示。  相似文献   

华侨华人与中国软实力:作用、机制与政策思路   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,国内外诸多学者对中国软实力问题进行了探讨,但至今未见有从华侨华人和侨务工作视角系统探讨中国国家软实力的研究成果。论文着重探讨了华侨华人在中国软实力构建和发展过程中的具体作用、影响机制及面临的挑战。认为其作用主要体现在中华文化的传播、开展民间外交、中国国情和发展模式的宣传介绍以及对中国国家政策和行为的理解、支持和解释等方面,而机制在于通过华侨华人的个人行为和方式、海外华人传媒、华文教育以及华侨华人社团等发挥作用。同时,也要注意到华侨与华人的不同身份对中国软实力的作用和影响。对于如何在新时期开展侨务工作,笔者提出了一些思考和建议。  相似文献   

针对目前在美国的中国公民权益受侵犯案件时常发生的现状,结合对从美国回来的华侨进行的社会调查,从国际法的视角,分析了在美国的中国公民权益受侵犯的主要现象和原因;指出了侵犯在当地的中国公民权益,是对国际法上关于国际人权保护和反种族歧视原则的践踏;并就如何保护在美国的中国公民权益问题提出了自己的看法。  相似文献   

城市企业主义是理解地方政府行为与城市空间变迁的重要政治经济视角,在中国推进经济全球化和住房市场化的背景下,企业化的地方政府,特别是大城市政府,在保障房的建设实践中往往采取偏向性的策略选择。本文着重讨论企业主义视角下大城市政府保障房建设的策略选择及其社会空间后果。研究发现,大城市政府主要通过实施保障房政策的异化和保障房住区的边远化策略,来履行其住房保障职责。然而,这种选择性策略带来的直接的社会空间后果是低收入群体的边缘化,具体表现为外来务工人员等在保障政策上的边缘化,以及保障房居民在社会空间上的边缘化。文章进一步指出,保障房应回归其保障本位,以满足低收入群体的真实需求。  相似文献   

In recent years,with the spread of the internet and the booming auction markets,combined with our new age of so-called "picture-reading," paintings and photographs concerning Qingjustice have overwhelmed our view.Scholars and nonscholars are attracted by them,and believe them to be showing real historical scenes.Pictures seemingly facilitate our grasp of the world more than mere facts do,but they actually demand readers' careful discrimination.The author of the present article has discovered that the initial British construction of a discourse about the cruelty of China's criminal punishments was related to this topic having been exposed by Chinese themselves.The seemingly real images or pictures have an unknown back story,and even contain a serious distortion of the truth.Such imagistic constructions by foreigners in fact directly or indirectly served the establishment and maintenance of foreign extraterritoriality in China.The living images recorded by foreigners' cameras not only constructed Western impressions of China and Chinese people as distant,thus strengthening contemporary Westerners' mental images of Chinese culture,but still urge us Chinese today to interpret the past in the light of such images.An icon of a blood-thirsty Qing legal system constructed through painting and photographic procedures became an objective fact,a collective consciousness that penetrated people's hearts and eventually led to modifications of those Qing laws.The mental construction of an icon influenced actual institutional movement.  相似文献   

This article argues that contemporary independent documentary filmmaking in China has been used as a tool by Chinese citizens to intervene in the public sphere and to provoke social change. I therefore propose to look at the phenomenon of Chinese video activism under the umbrella of alternative media. In particular, I take into consideration the “rhizomatic” media approach, which focuses on the interaction of alternative media with authority, the market and civil society. The case studies I present consist of several documentary projects completed between 2004 and 2010 that opened up spaces of dialogue between filmmakers and local authority, mass media and civil society. The paper claims that documentary films have an impact on audiences, whose members are consequently motivated to engage in discussion and action. I argue that activist video-making in China is reshaping the identity of urban citizens: through filmmaking, urban citizens claim their right to access information and demonstrate their will to participate and intervene in social issues.  相似文献   

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