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Two economic geographers analyze the unprecedented growth of China’s information and communication technology (ICT) industry over the past decade (2000–2010)—an industry increasingly important as a new engine powering exports and providing infrastructure and services critical to sustaining economic growth. Using agglomeration and inequality indices including the Herfindahl and the Gini, the authors show that the geographic concentration of ICT activities has decreased over time, in tandem with a decline in their regional inequality; however, a new ICT development index (IDI) designed for this study reveals a significant and persistent gap in ICT development between the country’s advancing and lagging provinces. The paper also explores a range of factors contributing to “leapfrog” ICT growth in some provinces, as well as the challenges likely to be faced by the industry in the future. Journal of Economic Literature, Classification Numbers: L630, L960, O180, O330. 2 figures, 4 tables, 85 references, 1 appendix.  相似文献   

Regional Inequality of Industrial Output in China, 1952 to 1990   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
This paper examines regional inequality of industrial output in China from 1952 to 1990. This study reveals that regional inequality was widespread when socialist China was established in 1949. It was reduced in the 1950s as a result of the efforts to develop the interior through the implementation of the First Five Year Plan (1953–57). After that, regional inequality persisted for one-and-a-half decades due mainly to the poor economic returns of the defence-oriented "Third Front" programme, decentralization, the reorientation of development policies, and the incidence of disruptive political events. Since the launch of economic reforms in 1978, interregional inequality among the eastern, central and western regions has gradually increased. However, interprovincial inequality decreased. The relative decline of the traditionally rich provinces (three municipalities and the northeastern industrial bases) has contributed to the decline of interprovincial inequality. Meanwhile, favourable state policy, local initiatives and foreign investment and trade have stimulated the growth of the coastal provinces of Jiangsu, Guangdong, Shandong, Zhejiang and Fujian, leading to more rapid coastal development and the increase of interregional inequality. The emerging new map of regional development is important to the understanding of regional inequality in post-Mao China.  相似文献   

According to economic theory, regional migration is a primary mechanism through which regional wage convergence is predicted to occur. However, this does not necessarily imply that regional migration has an equalizing effect on regional inequality. Despite considerable literatures on regional migration and regional wage inequality, little attention has focused on the relationship between the two. This paper investigates one of the primary mechanisms through which migration affects individual region's wage distributions. It adopts a semiparametric procedure to examine how the regional wage distributions in Great Britain have changed as a result of migration using British Household Panel Survey data for 1991–2007.  相似文献   

本文基于城市视角编制了旅游景气指数,并从理论上建立了包括先行指数、一致指数、滞后指数的旅游景气指数体系。本文以北京为例,运用月度数据编制了2007年-2012年入境旅游景气先行指数和一致指数,分析了在此期间北京入境旅游市场的波动情况及成因,揭示了先行指数和一致指数之间存在的时滞关系,以期为政府管理机构和旅游企业准确判断城市旅游业的发展并预测未来的动向、制定相关政策提供一定的依据。  相似文献   

江西省区域经济发展空间差异研究   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
俞勇军  陆玉麒 《人文地理》2004,19(3):41-45,30
区域差异历来是政府关注的重要问题,也是区域发展理论研究的主要课题。江西省受周边强经济中心的影响,经济区位边缘化趋势明显。近年来江西省突破原来农业大省的发展思路,致力引进发达地区和国外的技术和资金,工业化水平明显提高。目前江西省内部地区差异较1990年明显扩大,而且表现出各地区相对波动较大的特征。本文采用偏离一份额模型,对江西1990-2001年间11年来的发展状况分两个阶段进行分析,探讨江西省区域经济发展差异的空间结构特征,将江西划分为4种发展类型。江西省各地区区位条件的变化是其经济发展空间差异的驱动因素。  相似文献   

亢振峰 《人文地理》2004,19(2):39-42,96
西部各省提出的要"大力发展高新科技产业","实现跨越式发展",很大程度上还是一厢情愿。因此,西部地区在新世纪的工业化战略选择上必须立足于西部各省区比较优势的客观现实,最大限度地利用劳动力成本低廉的优势、资源性产品丰富的优势,实现资本积累的稳步提高;同时西部也要充分利用几十年建设形成的经济基础,在局部地区、重点领域发挥后发优势,实现突破,逐步缩小与中东部地区的差距。西部新世纪的工业化战略应包含这些不同水平的发展内容,复合式工业化战略就是体现这种特色的一个战略选择。  相似文献   

20世纪90年代以来,中国政府的宏观经济政策经历了三次较大的调整。即:1993-1996年政府实行了适度从紧的财政、货币政策,降低高通胀率,使国民经济顺利实现第一次“软着陆”;1998-2002年财政货币政策由适度从紧转向积极有限度扩张,扩大内需,降低高失业率,使国民经济顺利实现第二次“软着陆”;2003年下半年至今政府采取稳健的财政货币政策,加强宏观调控,抑制部分行业投资增长过快,减缓物价上涨压力,对保持经济平稳较快发展而避免大起大落起到了显著的作用。  相似文献   

In this article, I use panel data methods to investigate possible factors influencing recent trends in income inequality across Canadian provinces. The ratio of the income share of the highest-to-lowest quintiles and the Gini coefficient of total income are used as measures of inequality. Both point to rising levels of inequality from 1981 to 1999, especially during the 1990s, and the estimation results suggest that several factors have had significant effects on such an increase. In particular, an increase in international trade, technological change, educational heterogeneity, and the unemployment rate are found to contribute to greater inequality. Deindustrialization and declining government transfer payments to persons are also factors explaining the rise in inequality. In contrast, an increase in the female labour force participation rate appears to have dampened inequality. There is also some evidence of a negative association between de-unionization and inequality while no significant association is found between inequality and other demographic shifts, such as immigration and the share of the population over the age of 65.  相似文献   

在田野调查访谈的基础上,本文以美国旧金山湾区的中国东北新移民为研究实例,对社会资本和非制度性的社会资源配置在当代中国的跨国移民活动中所扮演的具体角色进行考察和分析。本文认为,近年来迅速崛起的东北新移民已开始成为当代中国国际移民潮的主要成员之一。近10多年来东北地区之所以会出现大规模移民海外的现象,其中既有古典经济学移民理论所提出的经济层面的原因,也有中国社会内部制度变迁的深层因素。而非制度性社会资源配置机制中的强、弱两种关系网,尤其是海外新移民社会中的弱关系网络,则对当代东北人的跨境迁徙活动及其在海外移居社会寻找工作等方面做出了莫大的贡献。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the location choice of foreign direct investment (FDI) in Turkey over the period 1996–2003. Using FDI data at the provincial level and negative binomial model, the empirical evidence confirms that agglomeration economies and information costs are the most important determinants of FDI location in Turkey. Specifically, both foreign and domestic agglomerations and in particular urbanization economies strongly affect the location decision of foreign investors. The results also suggest that foreign investors are attracted to provinces with fast growing market, more educated labour force, high density of road network, greater public investment, milder climate, larger area and better quality of life. On the other hand, the empirical findings show that wage, productivity, labour availability, unionization, sea and air transportation, free zones and instability have no significant impacts on the location decision.  相似文献   

This article weighs the demographic evidence for either assimilation or separation among Hong Kong residents who were born in British Colonial Hong Kong or Mainland China. Using successive waves of Hong Kong census data from 1991 to 2011, we show the effects of nativity on four indicators of social distance and differentiation: residential segregation, linguistic assimilation, wage inequality and educational opportunity. On the one hand, there is some evidence of assimilation in terms of residential location and home language. On the other hand, in terms of wage inequality and access to postsecondary education, our findings suggest that Hong Kong's population could become more divided depending upon birthplace.  相似文献   

Brett Christophers 《对极》2018,50(1):101-121
This article examines the relevance of generational relations to emerging patterns of inequality in advanced capitalist societies, with a particular focus on inequalities related to housing wealth. At its heart is a critique of the increasingly prevalent argument that generational difference is a crucial axis of inequality today. It argues that while contemporary capitalist societies are certainly characterized by marked inequalities between generations and that the latter are manifested inter alia in housing ownership, understanding such inequalities principally in generational terms is problematic because they reflect deeper, more fundamental, structural inequalities and should therefore be conceptualized as such. The article suggests that the principal significance of generational relations to contemporary inequality dynamics actually concerns economic transfers rather than differences between generations. Within‐family transfers of wealth, especially housing‐related wealth, from older generations to younger ones tend to reproduce pronounced, structurally generated existing patterns of intra‐generational inequality.  相似文献   

《Textile history》2013,44(1):86-93

Richard Biernacki's article in a recent issue of this journal (33:2, 2002) has suggested that up until the First World War the textile industries in Britain were in a primitive state, using machinery which was crudely engineered and thus unpredictable in operation. This response argues that this view is incorrect through examination of wage lists in the Lancashire cotton industry. While it is true that the industry depended on tacit knowledge in certain areas, its machinery met contemporary engineering standards and could be set accurately to produce the yarn and cloth required. The wage lists depended on this accuracy.  相似文献   

We use a large panel dataset covering the period 1988–2010 to estimate county specific own‐wage elasticity of labor demand in the U.S. for four highly aggregated industries: construction, finance/insurance/real‐estate/service, manufacturing, and retail trade. Our estimation of a random parameter panel data model yields significant evidence of spatial variations in wage elasticity of labor demand. We relate the spatial variation in elasticity to differences in county characteristics like industry specialization, industry competition, levels of natural amenity and urbanization. Using a regression discontinuity approach we also find that probusiness states have higher labor demand elasticity.  相似文献   

Although the female labor force participation rate of women has been steadily rising in the United States, there is substantial variation across cities. Previous cross‐county studies find that gender inequality in employment reduces economic efficiency hindering growth. This result is examined in a regional context, across metropolitan areas in the United States. Throughout multiple model formulations including instrumental variables approaches, higher initial female labor force participation rates are positively related to subsequent wage growth in metropolitan areas between 1980 and 2010. Specifically, every 10 percent increase in female labor force participation rates is associated with an increase in real wages of nearly 5 percent.  相似文献   

基于2005-2012年京津冀各城市工资及其它社会经济数据,探讨了市场潜能、产业集聚、人力资本、制度改革等因素对城市间各行业工资差异的影响。结果表明:①市场潜能对各行业工资水平的增长均有一定的促进作用。②除消费性服务业外,各类产业集聚对地区平均工资水平的提高均有一定的促进作用,但制造业集聚带来的拥挤效应也已开始体现;生产性服务业集聚能够带动公共性服务业工资的提升,而公共性服务业缺乏对生产性服务业的反哺;产业集聚对消费性服务业工资缺乏带动作用。③在控制变量方面,交通基础设施对工资水平的带动作用逐渐弱化;科技投入、人力资本对服务业工资水平的带动作用较高,而对制造业影响较弱;市场经济体制改革对工资水平的带动作用仍未体现;政府市场干预能力的提高仅带动了公共性服务业工资的提升,而外向度的提升则仅对公共性服务业缺乏带动作用。  相似文献   

This article examines the parallel phenomena of narrowing wage differentials among major groups of workers and widening wage inequality in general in Mexico during the 1980s and 1990s. In trying to understand this paradox, it finds that a human-capital model cannot explain wage determination in the 1990s. Although employees with higher skills and education have enjoyed increasingly higher relative returns to their human capital, much of the variance in wages is not attributable to differences in human capital or rates of return. Discriminatory wage policies have combined with policies of trade liberalization to markedly widen the wage gap between lower-paid and higher-paid workers.  相似文献   

1933年全国共有制造工厂4372家,分布在27个省区的391个县市,总体上呈现东部沿海制造工厂“连片发展”、中西部省区接受东部产业转移而形成的制造工厂“散点分布”的态势。这与东部和中西部的资源禀赋、交通条件、进入国际国内市场的深度和广度不同密切相关。与欧洲工业化先行国不同,20世纪前30年中国东部制造业的“连片发展”和中西部制造业的“散点分布”,不仅有赖于国际市场与国际贸易的引领和促进,更离不开国内超大市场的有力支撑,特别是后者,在一定程度上成为国内制造业应对20世纪30年代全球经济危机的“避风港”。不过,缺乏统一强大的国家政权推动的中国工业化进程,仍然面临国内超大市场启动乏力、东中西部空间隔阂、区域间的产业竞争激烈、农矿资源与资金人才市场配置不当等问题。  相似文献   

本文首先计算了近代中国农村收入的宏观基尼系数;之后通过作为农村最高收入阶层的城居地主和最低收入阶层的雇农,具体分析近代中国农村收入分配差距及其变动趋势;最后通过恩格尔系数比较了近代农家不同收入群体的消费水平差异,以印证对农村收入差距状况的估计。三种方法的结论均表明,近代中国农村各阶层间的收入分配差距并没有高到悬殊的程度,也没有出现恶化的趋势,农村不同收入阶层间的恩格尔系数差距也不很大。  相似文献   

A multi-regional framework is developed in order to analyze net migration over time to all 10 Canadian provinces within an integrated system of equations. "An extended gravity model is the basis for the equation specification and the use of constrained econometric estimation techniques allows for the provincial interdependence of the migration decision while at the same time ensuring that an important system-wide requirement is respected." The model is estimated using official Canadian data for the 1960s and 1970s. "The results suggest the predominance of the push factor for interprovincial migration for most provinces, although net migration to the Atlantic provinces is also shown to be subject to pull forces from the rest of the country." The effects of wage rate variables, unemployment, and political disturbances in Quebec on inter-provincial migration are noted.  相似文献   

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