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The journal Archaeometry and its first co‐editor Martin Aitken played key roles in the development of archaeomagnetism. This paper briefly reviews all papers published in Archaeometry, and a few others, dealing with archaeomagnetic secular variation, archaeomagnetic dating, archaeointensity studies and related applications of magnetic studies to archaeology, to indicate some of the major developments over the past 50 years.  相似文献   

Portable gamma ray spectrometry (PGRS) provides a non destructive means to analyst quantitatively large artefacts, such as building stones, for the radioelements K. U and Th. Nine Raman granitoid columns at the Leptis Magna Ruins in Windsor Great Park, London, were measured in situ by PGRS. Corrections for the environmental background contribution to the gamma ray flux measured, and for the shape and size of the columns, are described Comparison of the PGRS data with a radioelement data base for Roman granite sources indicates that most of the columns originated in the Troad area of Turkey. Two columns could not be unambiguously provenanced using PGRS alone because there is insufficient difference between radioelement concentrations in certain sources. However, non‐destructive measurements of magnetic susceptibility, used in conjunction with PGRS data, suggest that these two columns originated in the Kozak Daǧ, also in Turkey.  相似文献   

Y. Li  C. Ma  G. Juleff  Y. Murakami  Z. Zhou  Y. Li 《Archaeometry》2019,61(6):1353-1365
Xuxiebian is an iron‐smelting site located in Pujiang county of Sichuan province, China. Two excavations were carried out in 2007 and 2011, and four bowl‐shaped furnaces were excavated. Ten slag samples from the site were prepared and analysed. The present paper reports the results of metallographic and elemental examination of the specimens. It is concluded that both pig‐iron‐smelting and refining process were applied at the Xuxiebian site, and the bowl‐shaped furnaces are possibly refining furnaces. The function of the site was probably to produce pig iron and refine the pig iron into wrought iron.  相似文献   

U‐series dating was used to determine the growth rate of a feldspar‐to‐clay weathering rind in a mid‐Holocene Cascade–Olcott tradition andesite core, and luminescence dating (last exposure to sunlight) was used to date fine‐grained feldspars scraped from the surfaces of similar buried artefacts from a 14C‐sediment‐dated archaeological site (45KI464) on the wet western slope of the Cascade Mountains of Washington. For U‐series dating, we measured 226Ra excess (226Ra excess =226Ra –230Th) in five stratigraphic depth controlled rind scrapings. 238U, 232Th and 230Th were counted by alpha spectrometry, and 226Ra and 210Pb were counted by gamma spectrometry on each sub‐sample.  相似文献   

I. K. BAILIFF 《Archaeometry》2007,49(4):827-851
Fired clay brick samples, obtained from a group of seven high‐status late‐medieval and post‐medieval buildings in England ranging in age from c. ad 1390 to 1740, were dated by the luminescence method using an optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) technique. The results obtained indicate that, when applied to quartz extracted from brick, the technique is capable of producing dates that are in consistently good agreement with independent dating evidence for the buildings. For six samples taken from a group of four dating ‘control’ buildings the mean difference between the central values of luminescence and assigned ages was 5 ± 10 years (SD, n = 6). The methodology used is appropriate for application to other standing buildings in other temporal and geographic regions, and may be used with confidence where conventional dating methods are less certain. The study also examines the luminescence characteristics of quartz and the characteristics of the lithogenic radionuclides in brick samples and identifies various aspects related to the assessment of experimental uncertainty in testing the reliability of the method.  相似文献   

Iron raw materials provide a privileged source of information for the reconstruction of metallurgical techniques and the circulation of iron products. An interdisciplinary approach, combining archaeological and archaeometrical studies of the exemplars known from the French Iron Age, has been undertaken. This enables a new typological classification to be produced that demonstrates a correlation between morphological and structural properties. Through comparison with chronological data, it is possible to propose a reconstruction of the organization of production according to three main periods, which are characterized by the circulation of different qualities of iron and by diverse levels of artisanal specialization.  相似文献   

Correction factors for magnetic susceptibility measurements on thin (<c. 50 mm thick > artefacts have been determined experimentally for a KT‐5 Exploranium G S. instrument using prepared blocks of Whin Sill dolerite. The cor rection factor is large (> 1.4) for samples less than 10mm thick, and reduces to 1 01 for samples of 50mm thickness. Measurements on thin samples can also be affected by the backing or substrate material on which they are measured. ‘Background’material, for example, soil or plaster, can contribute significantly to recorded measurements on artefacts, particularly for thin artefacts with low susceptibilities  相似文献   

Friedman and Smith's (1960) article introducing an exciting, potentially precise and inexpensive method of dating obsidian artefacts has thus far failed to reach its potential. Numerous efforts to refine, improve and even redevelop the method since that time have similarly failed to achieve the original promise. Only within the last eight years have significant improvements been made, due to both improved analytical techniques and a better understanding of the hydration process. However, most of our mechanistic understanding of the interaction of water with rhyolitic glass is based on experiments performed on melts and glasses at temperatures above their glass transitions, conditions inappropriate for investigation of near‐surface environmental conditions. Unfortunately, studies detailing the temporal evolution of the diffusion profile at low temperatures are rare, and few useful data are available on the low‐temperature diffusive hydration of silicate glasses. This paper presents data on the experimental hydration of obsidian from the Pachuca source (a.k.a. Sierra de las Navajas, Basin of Mexico) at 75°C for times ranging from 3 to 562 days, and compares these results with data for samples obtained from a stratigraphic excavation of the Chalco site in the Basin of Mexico. Samples have been analysed using secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) to provide concentration/depth data. While 75°C is still significantly above the temperatures at which archaeological obsidians hydrate, it is well below the glass transition temperature (approx. 400°C) and thus processes are likely to be similar to those that occur in nature, but fast enough to be observed over a laboratory timescale. The results demonstrate that a simple square‐root‐of‐time model of the evolution of the diffusion profile is not adequate to describe the diffusion process, as measured diffusion profiles exhibit the effects of concentration‐ and time‐dependent, non‐Fickian diffusion. With progressive hydration, characteristic diffusion coefficients first decrease, then increase with time. Surface concentration increases with time, but an intermediate plateau is observed in its time evolution that is consistent with results obtained from the suite of Chalco samples. Both of these effects have been observed during diffusion in glassy polymer systems and are associated with the build‐up and relaxation of self‐stress caused by the influx of diffusing material.  相似文献   

This paper shows the possibilities offered by the combined use of non‐destructive neutron and X‐ray beams in archaeological research on metallic finds. The following five artefacts from Swiss excavations were submitted to investigation, each with dedicated aims: a Roman sword, a Roman dagger, an Iron Age bucket, Iron Age spearheads and a Roman finger ring. The images obtained with both methods—neutrons and X‐rays—are discussed in length in this paper. The investigations took place at the Paul Scherrer Institute and the archaeologists who studied the objects come from the Universities of Lausanne and Zurich.  相似文献   

An intact and sealed storage jar known as Jar‐35 was found in 2004, south of the Qumran settlement. A previous study identified tartrate in the deposit of the jar, indicating the possible past presence of wine ( Buti et al. 2006 ). However, we cannot confirm this finding. Using liquid and gas chromatography with mass spectrometric detection, no trace of tartaric acid or salts thereof could be detected in our samples. We show that the major component of the deposit is gypsum. No other organic compounds were identified with the methods that we have applied. Both radiocarbon dating of charcoal in the deposit and thermoluminescence dating of the ceramic jar show that it dates to the main period of habitation at Qumran (c. 100 bc to ad 70).  相似文献   

Fe K‐XANES spectra of a series of pottery sherds excavated from the archaeological site of Kaman‐Kalehöyük, Turkey, were measured to reveal the firing technique of the pottery. The analysis disclosed relationships among the chemical form of the iron, the firing conditions and the colour of the pottery. The pottery referred to as ‘Grey Ware’ found at this site was classified into two groups according to the chemical form of the iron. Also, it was revealed that the Iron Age pottery referred to as ‘Cream Ware’ was produced first under reducing conditions, and then fired under oxidizing conditions.  相似文献   

The Angkor monuments in Cambodia are mainly constructed of grey to yellowish‐brown sandstones. No differences in the constituent minerals and in the chemical composition of the sandstones have been confirmed among the monuments. However, we have found their magnetic susceptibility a useful parameter by which to distinguish them. The principal monuments of Angkor Wat, Ta Prohm, Preah Khan, Banteay Kdei and Bayon, constructed from the Angkor Wat period to the Bayon period (from the beginning of the 12th century to the beginning of the 13th century ad ), were investigated in detail using a portable magnetic susceptibility meter. We succeeded in dividing the periods of construction into stages. This elucidated the enlargement process of the monuments and correlated their construction stages.  相似文献   

Recent excavations in south‐eastern Wadi ‘Araba in Jordan have revealed the first early Islamic‐period copper‐smelting site known in the eastern side of the valley, which extends south of the Dead Sea to the Gulf of ‘Aqaba. Five test pits were excavated in 2012 at Khirbat al–Mana‘iyya, a prominent copper‐smelting camp in south‐eastern Wadi ‘Araba, Jordan. The results of these excavations demonstrate that the site was primarily active in the seventh–ninth century AD. Its distance from the copper sources of south‐west ‘Araba suggests that its location was chosen based on proximity to wood and water resources, rather than copper ore deposits. The discovery that the site dates to the early Islamic period has implications for previous and future work in south‐east ‘Araba. In particular, it challenges the common—until now—view of the region as virtually devoid of settlement during this period.  相似文献   

Two iron‐age shipwrecks, associated with Phoenician ceramics, were discovered at the Playa de la Isla in Mazarrón, Spain. This preliminary report describes hitherto unknown boatbuilding features of the Mazarrón 1 hull remains. The vessel presents hybrid boatbuilding techniques using both pegged mortise‐and‐tenon plank‐edge fasteners and sewn seams employing longitudinal continuous stitching, and a unique keel scarf. It is an important source of information for the development of shipbuilding in the western Mediterranean during the Iron Age.  相似文献   

Geochemical studies of volcanic glasses (obsidians and perlites) from geological outcrops (N = 80) and archaeological collections (N = 110) were performed in order to determine source provenance in Primorye (Russian Far East), using neutron activation analysis and X‐ray fluorescence spectrometry. Three major sources of archaeological volcanic glass were identified, two relatively local and one more remote. Several minor sources detected in the archaeological assemblage have not been located. This study suggests that long‐distance obsidian exchange between Primorye and adjacent North‐East Asia has existed since c. 10 000 bp .  相似文献   

The application of X‐ray fluorescence to the study of the composition of ancient glasses has been limited by the large amount of material required for samples. In this paper the setting of a reduced sampling XRF method for the analysis of ancient glasses is described. The method involves the preparation of glass beads by melting the sample with lithium tetraborate flux. By means of reference and synthetic samples, the method allows regression curves to be set, covering broad ranges from ppm to high concentrations. By means of a single program, up to 31 elements of interest in the study of ancient glass are analysed. The reproducibility, sensitivity and reliability of the method are discussed. The results demonstrate that 0.2 g of glass is sufficient to obtain accurate and sensitive analyses for most of the elements of interest.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the results of blind tests of two morphological methods of age‐at‐death estimation. These tests were performed on a known age‐at‐death and sex sample taken from a collection of a Thai population. The first technique is based on the age related changes of the pubic symphysis according to the Suchey‐Brooks system, and the other concerns the metamorphosis of the auricular surface of the ilium elaborated by Lovejoy and colleagues. This is the first time that these methods have been tested on skeletal material from Asia. The results indicate that, for both methods, bias and inaccuracy increase with age and true age tends to be underestimated. As a consequence, age‐at‐death assessment based on these two techniques should be avoided on Asian archaeological series or forensic cases. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. This article examines attitudinal differences and similarities among ethnic groups in conflict‐affected societies. Conventional wisdom tells us that societies that have experienced violent struggles in which individuals of different ethnic groups have (been) mobilized against each other are likely to become polarized along ethnic lines. Indeed, both policy‐makers and scholars often assume that such divisions are some of the main challenges that must be overcome to restore peace after war. We comparatively examine this conventional wisdom by mapping dimensions of social distance among 4,000 survey respondents in Bosnia‐Herzegovina and the North Caucasus region of Russia. The surveys were carried out in December 2005. Using multidimensional scaling methods, we do not find patterns of clear attitudinal cleavages among members of different ethnic groups in Bosnia‐Herzegovina. Nor do we find patterns of clear ethnic division in the North Caucasus, although our social distance matrices reveal a difference between Russians and ethnic minority groups.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The ongoing, post‐war construction of Albanian martyrs, memory and the nation in Kosovo has produced iconic tropes of militant resistance, unity and national independence. This critical interpretive account, based on years of the authors' ethnographic and political engagement with Albanians in post‐war Kosovo, focuses on the making of a master narrative that is centred on the ‘sublime sacrifice’ of the insurgent KLA leader Adem Jashari, known as the ‘Legendary Commander’. It also aims to trace voices of discord with this master narrative, testing contestations in terms of the rural–urban, political and gender divides in Kosovo‐Albanian society. It concludes that the narrow international view of Albanians as either ‘victims’ or ‘perpetrators’ has contributed to the consolidation of this powerful narrative, its celebration of Albanian agency in militant resistance and the closing of public debate within Albanian society.  相似文献   

A skeleton of a young Anglo‐Saxon woman aged about 25 years at the time of death is described. The distal femoral articulation was in two distinct parts separated by a deep groove in which the tendon of quadriceps femoris would have lain. The medial condyle of the femur was smaller than normal and there was no patellar surface on the anterior part of the articulation. The woman was of normal stature (1.53 ± 0.04 m) and no other abnormalities were found in the skeleton. It was considered that these findings were consistent with a diagnosis of congenital absence of the patella. This is the earliest recorded case of this condition. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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