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Engendered and feminist archaeologies in historical archaeology have developed in complementary ways to those in nonhistorical archaeologies but with distinct methodological issues and sources of data. This article discusses the development of engendered and feminist archaeologies that use textual sources, the continuing themes that characterize this body of work, and the state of the field today. The article concludes with a discussion of future directions for practitioners to pursue.  相似文献   

The anti-tuberculosis campaign of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries was an unprecedented display of medical authority and public health purview. With accumulating evidence that the disease disproportionately struck the poor, tuberculosis by the early decades of the century was perceived epidemiologically as embedded in individual practices including hygiene and domestic order. Tuberculosis was in a sense a trope for national degeneration, and as such it became the vehicle for a self-conscious thrust towards national renewal and moral regeneration. This paper uses a feminist Foucauldian framework in its analysis of the anti-tuberculosis campaign. In the case of San Francisco, efforts to combat tuberculosis centred in part on women in their roles as wives and mothers. Women were the gatekeepers of health because they were responsible for keeping the home clean and bacillus free. Not only did this focus become a medical legitimization of women's domestic duties, but it also became a discourse of citizenship. Whether explicitly or implicitly, physicians concentrated their attention on white middle class women in their messages of health maintenance. Within sanatoria, a primary agenda of tuberculosis treatment was the inculcation of middle class behaviour into the working class patients. The anti-tuberculosis campaign was thus a part of the early-twentieth-century project of nationhood where citizenship was largely calculated through the lens of class and race.  相似文献   

Miles Richardson, ed. The Human Mirror: Material and Spatial Images of Man. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1974. xxiv + 366 pp. Illustrations, maps, figures, tables, and chapter references. $15.00.  相似文献   

论史料   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
雷戈 《史学月刊》2003,(8):11-18
史料是一种语言,对史料性质的分析本质上是一种“元分析”。只有在史料系统内部,史料才具有客观性。史料的客观性是一种语言的客观性。历史研究的客观性就是运用史料的规范性,即语言游戏的规则性。史料与历史的关系是一种假关系。史料不能直接产生理论,但可以充分限制理论;史料虽不能肯定什么理论是好的,但可以肯定什么理论是不好的。  相似文献   

Raw material selection is an essential facet of technological decision making. This analysis moves beyond more typical lithic studies, investigating links between raw material selection and practical tool function by integrating data from materials science and ethnohistory with an analysis of bone and antler tools. A case study of skeletal technologies from the Alaskan subarctic offers a fresh perspective on technological strategies, especially the selection of highly durable (fracture resistant) skeletal materials to create reliable tools for use in high-risk foraging contexts.  相似文献   

本刊公布的两件杜重远先生之史料:一为1927年8月撰拟的《泣告东省父老兄弟姊妹书》,号召辽宁省商工拒日,控诉日本政府对华侵略政策及侵略行为;二为其1931年7月致辽宁省政府主席臧式毅函,告之其赴沪宣传、开发东北各项事业情形,均未被《杜重远集》收录。  相似文献   

方志是资料性著述 ,这是近年来关于方志本质的一种通行说法。在这一概念引导下 ,不少人认为方志的本质特征就是资料性。方志是否是资料 ,或者是否是资料性著述 ,资料性是否是方志的本质特征 ,目前似乎还有讨论的必要。因为 :第一 ,方志是资料还是著述 ,关系到方志体裁、内容及学术规范等一系列问题的确定 ;第二 ,这关系到方志在社会科学中的定位 ;第三 ,这种定位是否准确又关系到方志及方志学在新的历史条件下的发展方向。本文不赞成方志是资料或资料性著述 ,而认为志书是建立在丰富资料基础上的著述。  相似文献   

Two fields of knowledge have been of special importance for the emergence of culture-led urban planning in Norwegian cities: one concerns the understanding of the potential of culture as an economic driving force in urban regeneration, while the other focuses on the emergence of the concept of the “creative class” and has drawn attention to the importance of competence and creativity in urban development. Despite clear connections between the two fields, it may appear that false connections have been made in regeneration strategies in a number of cities. Based on analyses of the culture-led urban strategy of Kristiansand, a small Norwegian city, these knowledge fields are discussed and it is claimed that there seems to be a fallacy in how they are treated in the culture-led urban strategy. The fallacy concerns the way that creativity is equated with culture and further how theories about the emergence of the creative class are equated with a culture industry approach to urban planning. Questions are raised about the potential of culture industry strategies and it is argued that the potential for growth in small cities may not be as great as the public debate and research conducted in large metropolises might suggest.  相似文献   

经济型饭店的发展战略   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
目前,饭店业面临新的机遇与挑战,本从战略角度对经济型饭店的发展作探讨。  相似文献   

In this paper we analyse the degree of achievement of the Regional Innovation Strategy goals. This is an European Union Commission policy oriented toward the promotion of regional Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) policy design through the involvement of regional stakeholders. We analyse two categories of objectives: those dealing with process participation and those dealing with behavioural change. Our results show that the overall achievement of the goals is meaningful: the former have been achieved in a larger extent than the latter ones. However, other aspects such as multidisciplinary, and the establishment of a monitoring and evaluation system have not been so fruitful.  相似文献   

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